Exemple #1
    def read(self, request, reference):
        purchase = None
            token = request.GET.get('token')
            payer_id = request.GET.get('PayerID', '')

            db = get_database_connection()

            # Uses an atomic operation to get and set the _lock value in the purchase
            # document
            pre_value = db.wstore_purchase.find_and_modify(
                query={'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
                update={'$set': {'_lock': True}}

            # If the value of _lock before setting it to true was true, means
            # that the time out function has acquired it previously so the
            # view ends
            if '_lock' in pre_value and pre_value['_lock']:
                raise Exception('')

            purchase = Purchase.objects.get(ref=reference)

            # Check that the request user is authorized to end the payment
            if request.user.userprofile.current_organization != purchase.owner_organization:
                raise Exception()

            # If the purchase state value is different from pending means that
            # the timeout function has completely ended before acquire the resource
            # so _lock is set to false and the view ends
            if purchase.state != 'pending':
                    query={'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
                    update={'$set': {'_lock': False}}
                raise Exception('')

            pending_info = purchase.contract.pending_payment

            # Get the payment client
            # Load payment client
            cln_str = settings.PAYMENT_CLIENT
            client_class = cln_str.split('.')[-1]
            client_package = cln_str.partition('.' + client_class)[0]

            payment_client = getattr(__import__(client_package, globals(), locals(), [client_class], -1), client_class)

            # build the payment client
            client = payment_client(purchase)
            client.end_redirection_payment(token, payer_id)

            charging_engine = ChargingEngine(purchase)
            accounting = None
            if 'accounting' in pending_info:
                accounting = pending_info['accounting']

            charging_engine.end_charging(pending_info['price'], pending_info['concept'], pending_info['related_model'], accounting)
            # Rollback the purchase if existing
            if purchase is not None:

            context = {
                'title': 'Payment Canceled',
                'message': 'Your payment has been canceled. An error occurs or the timeout has finished, if you want to acquire the offering purchase it again in WStore.'
            return render(request, 'err_msg.html', context)

        # Check if is the first payment
        if len(purchase.contract.charges) == 1:

            if purchase.organization_owned:
                org = purchase.owner_organization
                # Add the offering to the user profile
                user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=purchase.customer)


        # _lock is set to false
            query={'_id': reference},
            update={'$set': {'_lock': False}}

        # Return the confirmation web page
        context = {
            'title': 'Payment Confirmed',
            'message': 'Your payment has been received. To download the resources and the invoice go to the offering details page.'
        return render(request, 'err_msg.html', context)
    def create(self, request):

        order = None
        concept = None
        self.ordering_client = OrderingClient()
            # Extract payment information
            data = json.loads(request.body)

            if 'reference' not in data or 'paymentId' not in data or 'payerId' not in data:
                raise ValueError('Missing required field. It must contain reference, paymentId, and payerId')

            reference = data['reference']
            token = data['paymentId']
            payer_id = data['payerId']

            if not Order.objects.filter(pk=reference):
                raise ValueError('The provided reference does not identify a valid order')

            db = get_database_connection()

            # Uses an atomic operation to get and set the _lock value in the purchase
            # document
            pre_value = db.wstore_order.find_one_and_update(
                {'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
                {'$set': {'_lock': True}}

            # If the value of _lock before setting it to true was true, means
            # that the time out function has acquired it previously so the
            # view ends
            if not pre_value or '_lock' in pre_value and pre_value['_lock']:
                raise PaymentError('The timeout set to process the payment has finished')

            order = Order.objects.get(pk=reference)
            raw_order = self.ordering_client.get_order(order.order_id)
            pending_info = order.pending_payment
            concept = pending_info.concept

            # If the order state value is different from pending means that
            # the timeout function has completely ended before acquiring the resource
            # so _lock is set to false and the view ends
            if pre_value['state'] != 'pending':
                    {'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
                    {'$set': {'_lock': False}}
                raise PaymentError('The timeout set to process the payment has finished')

            # Check that the request user is authorized to end the payment
            if request.user.userprofile.current_organization != order.owner_organization or request.user != order.customer:
                raise PaymentError('You are not authorized to execute the payment')

            transactions = pending_info.transactions

            # Get the payment client
            # Load payment client
            cln_str = settings.PAYMENT_CLIENT
            client_package, client_class = cln_str.rsplit('.', 1)

            payment_client = getattr(importlib.import_module(client_package), client_class)

            # build the payment client
            client = payment_client(order)
            order.sales_ids = client.end_redirection_payment(token, payer_id)

            charging_engine = ChargingEngine(order)
            charging_engine.end_charging(transactions, pending_info.free_contracts, concept)

        except Exception as e:

            # Rollback the purchase if existing
            if order is not None and raw_order is not None:
                if concept == 'initial':
                    # Set the order to failed in the ordering API
                    # Set all items as Failed, mark the whole order as failed
                    self.ordering_client.update_items_state(raw_order, 'Failed')
                    order.state = 'paid'
                    order.pending_payment = None

            expl = ' due to an unexpected error'
            err_code = 500
            if isinstance(e, PaymentError) or isinstance(e, ValueError):
                expl = ': ' + unicode(e)
                err_code = 403

            msg = 'The payment has been canceled' + expl
            return build_response(request, err_code, msg)

        # Change states of TMForum resources (orderItems, products, etc)
        # depending on the concept of the payment

        states_processors = {
            'initial': self._set_initial_states,
            'recurring': self._set_renovation_states,
            'usage': self._set_renovation_states
        # Include the free contracts as transactions in order to activate them
        ext_transactions = deepcopy(transactions)
        ext_transactions.extend([{'item': contract.item_id} for contract in pending_info.free_contracts])

        states_processors[concept](ext_transactions, raw_order, order)

        # _lock is set to false
            {'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
            {'$set': {'_lock': False}}

        return build_response(request, 200, 'Ok')
Exemple #3
    def create(self, request):

        order = None
        concept = None
        self.ordering_client = OrderingClient()
            # Extract payment information
            data = json.loads(request.body)

            if 'reference' not in data or 'paymentId' not in data or 'payerId' not in data:
                raise ValueError('Missing required field. It must contain reference, paymentId, and payerId')

            reference = data['reference']
            token = data['paymentId']
            payer_id = data['payerId']

            if not Order.objects.filter(pk=reference):
                raise ValueError('The provided reference does not identify a valid order')

            db = get_database_connection()

            # Uses an atomic operation to get and set the _lock value in the purchase
            # document
            pre_value = db.wstore_order.find_one_and_update(
                {'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
                {'$set': {'_lock': True}}

            # If the value of _lock before setting it to true was true, means
            # that the time out function has acquired it previously so the
            # view ends
            if not pre_value or '_lock' in pre_value and pre_value['_lock']:
                raise PaymentError('The timeout set to process the payment has finished')

            order = Order.objects.get(pk=reference)
            raw_order = self.ordering_client.get_order(order.order_id)
            pending_info = order.pending_payment
            concept = pending_info['concept']

            # If the order state value is different from pending means that
            # the timeout function has completely ended before acquiring the resource
            # so _lock is set to false and the view ends
            if pre_value['state'] != 'pending':
                    {'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
                    {'$set': {'_lock': False}}
                raise PaymentError('The timeout set to process the payment has finished')

            # Check that the request user is authorized to end the payment
            if request.user.userprofile.current_organization != order.owner_organization:
                raise PaymentError('You are not authorized to execute the payment')

            transactions = pending_info['transactions']

            # Get the payment client
            # Load payment client
            cln_str = settings.PAYMENT_CLIENT
            client_package, client_class = cln_str.rsplit('.', 1)

            payment_client = getattr(importlib.import_module(client_package), client_class)

            # build the payment client
            client = payment_client(order)
            order.sales_ids = client.end_redirection_payment(token, payer_id)

            charging_engine = ChargingEngine(order)
            charging_engine.end_charging(transactions, concept)

        except Exception as e:

            # Rollback the purchase if existing
            if order is not None and raw_order is not None:
                if concept == 'initial':
                    # Set the order to failed in the ordering API
                    # Set all items as Failed, mark the whole order as failed
                    self.ordering_client.update_items_state(raw_order, 'Failed')
                    order.state = 'paid'
                    order.pending_payment = {}

            expl = ' due to an unexpected error'
            err_code = 500
            if isinstance(e, PaymentError) or isinstance(e, ValueError):
                expl = ': ' + unicode(e)
                err_code = 403

            msg = 'The payment has been canceled' + expl
            return build_response(request, err_code, msg)

        # Change states of TMForum resources (orderItems, products, etc)
        # depending on the concept of the payment

        states_processors = {
            'initial': self._set_initial_states,
            'renovation': self._set_renovation_states,
            'use': self._set_renovation_states
        states_processors[concept](transactions, raw_order, order)

        # _lock is set to false
            {'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
            {'$set': {'_lock': False}}

        return build_response(request, 200, 'Ok')
Exemple #4
    def read(self, request, reference):
        purchase = None
            token = request.GET.get('token')
            payer_id = request.GET.get('PayerID', '')

            db = get_database_connection()

            # Uses an atomic operation to get and set the _lock value in the purchase
            # document
            pre_value = db.wstore_purchase.find_and_modify(
                query={'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
                update={'$set': {
                    '_lock': True

            # If the value of _lock before setting it to true was true, means
            # that the time out function has acquired it previously so the
            # view ends
            if '_lock' in pre_value and pre_value['_lock']:
                raise Exception('')

            purchase = Purchase.objects.get(ref=reference)

            # Check that the request user is authorized to end the payment
            if request.user.userprofile.current_organization != purchase.owner_organization:
                raise Exception()

            # If the purchase state value is different from pending means that
            # the timeout function has completely ended before acquire the resource
            # so _lock is set to false and the view ends
            if purchase.state != 'pending':
                    query={'_id': ObjectId(reference)},
                    update={'$set': {
                        '_lock': False
                raise Exception('')

            pending_info = purchase.contract.pending_payment

            # Get the payment client
            # Load payment client
            cln_str = settings.PAYMENT_CLIENT
            client_class = cln_str.split('.')[-1]
            client_package = cln_str.partition('.' + client_class)[0]

            payment_client = getattr(
                __import__(client_package, globals(), locals(), [client_class],
                           -1), client_class)

            # build the payment client
            client = payment_client(purchase)
            client.end_redirection_payment(token, payer_id)

            charging_engine = ChargingEngine(purchase)
            accounting = None
            if 'accounting' in pending_info:
                accounting = pending_info['accounting']

            # Rollback the purchase if existing
            if purchase is not None:

            context = {
                'Payment Canceled',
                'Your payment has been canceled. An error occurs or the timeout has finished, if you want to acquire the offering purchase it again in WStore.'
            return render(request, 'err_msg.html', context)

        # Check if is the first payment
        if len(purchase.contract.charges) == 1:

            if purchase.organization_owned:
                org = purchase.owner_organization
                # Add the offering to the user profile
                user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=purchase.customer)


        # _lock is set to false
        db.wstore_purchase.find_and_modify(query={'_id': reference},
                                           update={'$set': {
                                               '_lock': False

        # Return the confirmation web page
        context = {
            'Payment Confirmed',
            'Your payment has been received. To download the resources and the invoice go to the offering details page.'
        return render(request, 'err_msg.html', context)