Exemple #1
def remove_asynchronous_hash_request(host, username, password, request_id):
    """Performs a removeAsynchronousHashRequest operation on the given host and returns
    a hasherWsAsynchronousResult record with these fields:
    - requestId (string)
    - requestTime (long)
    - blockFileDataHandler (base64Binary)
    - blockFileName (string)
    - bytesHashed (long)
    - elapsedTime (long)
    - errorMessage (string)
    - filesHashed (int)
    - hashResult (base64Binary)
    - recordFileDataHandler (base64Binary)
    - recordFileName (string)
    - startTime (long)
    - status (string)

    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    :param request_id: a request id (string)
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return client.service.removeAsynchronousHashRequest(requestId=request_id)
Exemple #2
def _hash_asynchronously(host, username, password, hasher_params):
    """Performs a hashAsynchronously operation on the given host with the given hasher parameters and returns
    a hasherWsAsynchronousResult record with these fields:
    - requestId (string)
    - requestTime (long)
    - blockFileDataHandler (base64Binary)
    - blockFileName (string)
    - bytesHashed (long)
    - elapsedTime (long)
    - errorMessage (string)
    - filesHashed (int)
    - hashResult (base64Binary)
    - recordFileDataHandler (base64Binary)
    - recordFileName (string)
    - startTime (long)
    - status (string)

    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    :param hasher_params: hasherWsParams
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return client.service.hashAsynchronously(hasherParams=hasher_params)
Exemple #3
def get_all_asynchronous_hash_results(host, username, password):
    """Performs a getAllAsynchronousHashResults operation on the givne host and returns
    an array of hasherWsAsynchronousResult with these fields:
    - requestId (string)
    - requestTime (long)
    - blockFileDataHandler (base64Binary)
    - blockFileName (string)
    - bytesHashed (long)
    - elapsedTime (long)
    - errorMessage (string)
    - filesHashed (int)
    - hashResult (base64Binary)
    - recordFileDataHandler (base64Binary)
    - recordFileName (string)
    - startTime (long)
    - status (string)

    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return client.service.getAllAsynchronousHashResults()
def is_daemon_ready(host, username, password):
    '''Performs an isDaemonReady operation on the given host and returns True or
    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return client.service.isDaemonReady()
def get_au_status(host, username, password, auid):
    '''Performs a getAuStatus operation on the given host for the given AUID, and
    returns a record with these fields (or None if zeep.exceptions.Fault with
    'No Archival Unit with provided identifier' is raised):
    - accessType (string)
    - availableFromPublisher (boolean)
    - contentSize (numeric)
    - crawlPool (string)
    - crawlProxy (string)
    - crawlWindow (string)
    - creationTime (numeric)
    - currentlyCrawling (boolean)
    - currentlyPolling (boolean)
    - diskUsage (numeric)
    - journalTitle (string)
    - lastCompletedCrawl (numeric)
    - lastCompletedPoll (numeric)
    - lastCrawl (numeric)
    - lastCrawlResult (string)
    - lastCompletedDeepCrawl (numeric)
    - lastDeepCrawl (numeric)
    - lastDeepCrawlResult (string)
    - lastCompletedDeepCrawlDepth (numeric)
    - lastPoll (numeric)
    - lastPollResult (string)
    - lastMetadataIndex (numeric)
    - pluginName (string)
    - provider (string)
    - publisher (string)
    - publishingPlatform (string)
    - recentPollAgreement (floating point)
    - repository (string)
    - status (string)
    - subscriptionStatus (string)
    - substanceState (string)
    - volume (string) (the AU name)
    - year (string)
    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    :param auid: an auid to hash (string)
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
        ret = client.service.getAuStatus(auId=auid)
        return zeep.helpers.serialize_object(ret)
    except zeep.exceptions.Fault as e:
        if e.message == 'No Archival Unit with provided identifier':
            return None
def query_crawls(host, username, password, select, where=None):
    '''Performs a queryCrawls operation on the given host, using the given field
    names to build a SELECT clause, optionally using the given string to build a
    WHERE clause, and returns a list of records with these fields (populated or
    not depending on the SELECT clause):
    - auId (string)
    - auName (string)
    - bytesFetchedCount (long)
    - crawlKey (string)
    - crawlStatus (string)
    - crawlType (string)
    - duration (long)
    - linkDepth (int)
    - mimeTypeCount (int)
    - mimeTypes (list of strings)
    - offSiteUrlsExcludedCount (int)
    - pagesExcluded (list of strings)
    - pagesExcludedCount (int)
    - pagesFetched (list of strings)
    - pagesFetchedCount (int)
    - pagesNotModified (list of strings)
    - pagesNotModifiedCount (int)
    - pagesParsed (list of strings)
    - pagesParsedCount (int)
    - pagesPending (list of strings)
    - pagesPendingCount (int)
    - pagesWithErrors, a list of records with these fields:
        - message (string)
        - severity (string)
        - url (string)
    - pagesWithErrorsCount (int)
    - refetchDepth (int)
    - sources (list of strings)
    - startTime (long)
    - startingUrls (list of strings)
    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    :param select: if a list of strings, the field names to
        be used in the SELECT clause; if a string, the single field name to be used in
        the SELECT clause (string or list of strings)
    :param where : optional statement for the WHERE clause (string, default: None)
    - ValueError if select is not of the right type
    query = construct_query(select, where)
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    ret = client.service.queryCrawls(crawlQuery=query)
    return zeep.helpers.serialize_object(ret)
def get_auids(host, username, password):
    '''Performs a getAuIds operation on the given host, which really produces a
    sequence of all AUIDs with the AU names, and returns a list of records with
    these fields:
    - id (string)
    - name (string)
    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    ret = client.service.getAuIds()
    return zeep.helpers.serialize_object(ret)
def get_au_urls(host, username, password, auid, prefix=None):
    '''Performs a getAuUrls operation on the given host for the given AUID and
    returns a list of URLs (strings) in the AU. If the optional prefix argument is
    given, limits the results to URLs with that prefix (including the URL itself).

    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    :param auid: an auid to hash (string)
    :param prefix: a URL prefix (string, default: None)
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    ret = client.service.getAuUrls(auId=auid, url=prefix)
    return ret
Exemple #9
def add_aus_by_id_list(host, username, password, auids):
  Performs an addAusByIdList operation (which adds all given AUs on a single
  host, by AUID), and returns a list of records with these fields:
  - id (string): the AUID
  - isSuccess (boolean): a success flag
  - message (string): an error message
  - name (string): the AU name

  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - username (string): a username for the host
  - password (string): a password for the host
  - auids (list of strings): a list of AUIDs
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return client.service.addAusByIdList(auIds=auids)
Exemple #10
def deactivate_au_by_id(host, username, password, auid):
  Performs a deactivateAuById operation (which deactivates a single AU on a
  single host, by AUID), and returns a record with these fields:
  - id (string): the AUID
  - isSuccess (boolean): a success flag
  - message (string): an error message
  - name (string): the AU name

  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - username (string): a username for the host
  - password (string): a password for the host
  - auid (string): an AUID
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return client.service.deactivateAuById(auId=auid)
Exemple #11
def create_export_files(host, username, password, auid, options):
    '''Performs a createExportFiles operation on the given host for the given AUID, and
  returns a record with the files.
    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    :param auid: an auid to hash (string)
  - ret (dict):
      'auId': '<auid>',
      'dataHandlerWrappers': [
          'dataHandler' (base64Binary): zipped AU
          'name' (string): '<prefix>-<timestamp>-<5 digit id>.zip',
          'size' (long): size of dataHandler in bytes
    req = {
        'auid': auid,
        'compress': options.compress,
        'excludeDirNodes': options.exclude_dir,
        'filePrefix': options.output_prefix,
        'fileType': options.file_type,
        'maxSize': options.max_size,
        'maxVersions': options.max_vers,
        'xlateFilenames': options.translate
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
        ret = client.service.createExportFiles(req)
        return zeep.helpers.serialize_object(ret)
    except zeep.exceptions.Fault as e:
        if e.message == 'No Archival Unit with provided identifier':
            return None
def get_platform_configuration(host, username, password):
    '''Performs a getPlatformConfiguration operation on the given host and returns
    a record with these fields:
    - adminEmail (string)
    - buildHost (string)
    - buildTimestamp (numeric)
    - currentTime (numeric)
    - currentWorkingDirectory (string)
    - daemonVersion, a record with these fields:
        - buildVersion (numeric)
        - fullVersion (string)
        - majorVersion (numeric)
        - minorVersion (numeric)
    - disks (list of strings)
    - groups (list of strings)
    - hostName (string)
    - ipAddress (string)
    - javaVersion, a record with these fields:
        - runtimeName (string)
        - runtimeVersion (string)
        - specificationVersion (string)
        - version (string)
    - mailRelay (string)
    - platform, a record with these fields:
        - name (string)
        - suffix (string)
        - version (string)
    - project (string)
    - properties (list of strings)
    - uptime (numeric)
    - v3Identity (string)
    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return zeep.helpers.serialize_object(
def query_tdb_titles_by_auid(host, username, password, auid, select="*"):
    '''Performs a queryTdbTitles operation on the given host for the given auid,
    and returns an list of records with these fields (populated or
    not depending on the SELECT clause):
    - EIssn (string)
    - id (string)
    - issn (string)
    - issnL (string)
    - issns (string)
    - name (string)
    - printIssn (string)
    - proprietaryId (string)
    - proprietaryIds (string)
    - publicationType (string)
    - tdbPublisher (tns:tdbPublisherWsResult)
    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    :param auid: an auid to hash (string)
    :param select: if a list of strings, the field names to
        be used in the SELECT clause; if a string, the single field name to be used in
        the SELECT clause (string or list of strings)
    - ValueError if auid or select is not of the right type
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    query = construct_query(select)
        # first we get the publisher given the auid and filter the query
        au_journal = client.service.getAuStatus(auId=auid)['journalTitle']
        query += " WHERE name={}".format(repr(au_journal))
        ret = client.service.queryTdbTitles(tdbTitleQuery=query)
        return zeep.helpers.serialize_object(ret)
    except zeep.exceptions.Fault as e:
        if e.message == 'No Archival Unit with provided identifier':
            return None
def query_aus(host, username, password, select, where=None):
    '''Performs a queryAus operation on the given host, using the given field
    names to build a SELECT clause, optionally using the given string to build a
    WHERE clause, and returns a list of records with these fields (populated or
    not depending on the SELECT clause):
    - accessType (string)
    - articleUrls (list of strings)
    - auConfiguration, a record with these fields:
        - defParams, a list of records with these fields:
            - key (string)
            - value (string)
        - nonDefParams, a list of records with these fields:
            - key (string)
            - value (string)
    - auId (string)
    - availableFromPublisher (boolean)
    - contentSize (numeric)
    - crawlPool (string)
    - crawlProxy (string)
    - crawlWindow (string)
    - creationTime (numeric)
    - currentlyCrawling (boolean)
    - currentlyPolling (boolean)
    - diskUsage (numeric)
    - highestPollAgreement (numeric)
    - isBulkContent (boolean)
    - journalTitle (string)
    - lastCompletedCrawl (numeric)
    - lastCompletedPoll (numeric)
    - lastCrawl (numeric)
    - lastCrawlResult (string)
    - lastCompletedDeepCrawl (numeric)
    - lastDeepCrawl (numeric)
    - lastDeepCrawlResult (string)
    - lastCompletedDeepCrawlDepth (numeric)
    - lastPoll (numeric)
    - lastPollResult (string)
    - lastMetadataIndex (numeric)
    - name (string)
    - newContentCrawlUrls (list of strings)
    - peerAgreements, a list of records with these fields:
        - agreements, a record with these fields:
            - entry, a list of records with these fields:
                - key, a string among:
                    - "POR"
                    - "POP"
                    - "SYMMETRIC_POR"
                    - "SYMMETRIC_POP"
                    - "POR_HINT"
                    - "POP_HINT"
                    - "SYMMETRIC_POR_HINT"
                    - "SYMMETRIC_POP_HINT"
                    - "W_POR"
                    - "W_POP"
                    - "W_SYMMETRIC_POR"
                    - "W_SYMMETRIC_POP"
                    - "W_POR_HINT"
                    - "W_POP_HINT"
                    - "W_SYMMETRIC_POR_HINT"
                    - "W_SYMMETRIC_POP_HINT"
                - value, a record with these fields:
                    - HighestPercentAgreement (floating point)
                    - HighestPercentAgreementTimestamp (numeric)
                    - PercentAgreement (floating point)
                    - PercentAgreementTimestamp (numeric)
        - peerId (string)
    - pluginName (string)
    - publishingPlatform (string)
    - recentPollAgreement (numeric)
    - repositoryPath (string)
    - subscriptionStatus (string)
    - substanceState (string)
    - tdbProvider (string)
    - tdbPublisher (string)
    - tdbYear (string)
    - urlStems (list of strings)
    - urls, a list of records with these fields:
        - currentVersionSize (numeric)
        - url (string)
        - versionCount (numeric)
    - volume (string)
    :param host: a host:port pair (string)
    :param username: a username for the host (string)
    :param password: a password for the host (string)
    :param select: if a list of strings, the field names to
        be used in the SELECT clause; if a string, the single field name to be used in
        the SELECT clause (string or list of strings)
    :param where : optional statement for the WHERE clause (string, default: None)
    - ValueError if select is not of the right type
    query = construct_query(select, where)
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    ret = client.service.queryAus(auQuery=query)
    return zeep.helpers.serialize_object(ret)
def request_crawl_by_id(host, username, password, auid, priority, force):
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return zeep.helpers.serialize_object(
        client.service.requestCrawlById(auId=auid, priority=priority, force=force))
def request_crawl_by_id_list(host, username, password, auids, priority, force):
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return client.service.requestCrawlByIdList(auIds=auids, priority=priority, force=force)
def request_deep_crawl_by_id_list(host, username, password, auids, refetch_depth, priority, force):
    client = make_client(host, username, password, _service)
    return client.service.requestDeepCrawlByIdList(
        auIds=auids, refetchDepth=refetch_depth, priority=priority, force=force)