Exemple #1
 def _set_fields(self, form):        
     setattr(form, 'brand_name', TextField('Brand Name (lowercase)'))
     setattr(form, 'brand_name_case', TextField('Brand Name (proper case)'))
     setattr(form, 'css_file', TextField('CSS File'))
     setattr(form, 'index_file', TextField('Index File'))
     setattr(form, 'categories_json', TextAreaField('Categories (JSON string)',  
     setattr(form, 'specialties_display', BooleanField('Display Specialties'))
     setattr(form, 'specialties_json', TextAreaField('Specialties (JSON string)',  
     setattr(form, 'associations_json', TextAreaField('Associations (JSON string)',  
     setattr(form, 'certifications_display', BooleanField('Display Certifications'))
     setattr(form, 'certifications_json', TextAreaField('Certifications (JSON string)',  
Exemple #2
class JobForm (Form):
    Form for creating new Job
    name = StringField ('name', validators=[DataRequired ()])
    script = TextAreaField ('script', validators=[DataRequired ()])

    def validate (self):
        result = super (Form, self).validate ()
        if not result:
            return result

        if db.jobs.search_one ({ 'name': self.name.data }) is not None:
            self.username.errors.append ('Job with this name already exists')
            return False

        # create job instance and default script instance
        job = JobManagementApplication.create (user_id=current_user.user.id, name=self.name.data)
        script = ScriptManagementApplication.create (job_id=job.id, commandsNew=self.script.data)

        # add default instance id to jobs scripts list
        job.add_script (script)

        # add script and job to db
        db.scripts.add (script)
        db.jobs.add (job)

        #commit changes
        transaction.commit ()

        return True
Exemple #3
class MailtoolForm(Form):
    recipients = HiddenField()
    subject = StringField("Subject", render_kw={"placeholder": "Enter the email subject"})
    replyto = StringField(
        "Reply-To", render_kw={"placeholder": "Enter an alternative reply-to address (optional)"})
    dryrun = BooleanField("Dry-run")
    body = TextAreaField("Body", render_kw=_taf)
Exemple #4
class PluginSettingsForm(PaymentPluginSettingsFormBase):
    details = TextAreaField(_('Payment details'), [])

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(PluginSettingsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.details.description = DETAILS_DESC + '\n' + render_placeholder_info(
            'manual-payment-details', regform=None, registration=None)
Exemple #5
class AdminSettingsForm(IndicoForm):
    currencies = MultipleItemsField(
        _('Currencies'), [DataRequired()],
        fields=(('code', _('Code')), ('name', _('Name'))),
        _("List of currencies that can be selected for an event. When deleting "
          "a currency, existing events will keep using it. The currency code "
          "must be a valid <a href='{0}'>ISO-4217</a> code such "
          "as 'EUR' or 'CHF'.").format(CURRENCY_CODE_LINK))
    currency = SelectField(
        _('Currency'), [DataRequired()],
            'The default currency for new events. If you add a new currency, you need to '
            'save the settings first for it to show up here.'))
    conditions = TextAreaField(_('Conditions'), description=CONDITIONS_DESC)
    checkout_session_timeout = IntegerField(
        'Checkout session timeout',
        validators=[DataRequired(), NumberRange(min=0)],

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AdminSettingsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _set_currencies(self):
        currencies = [(c['code'], '{0[code]} ({0[name]})'.format(c))
                      for c in settings.get('currencies')]
        self.currency.choices = sorted(currencies, key=lambda x: x[1].lower())

    def validate_currency(self, field):
        if field.data not in {c['code'] for c in self.currencies.data}:
            raise ValidationError('Please select a different currency.')
Exemple #6
class EventSettingsForm(PaymentEventSettingsFormBase):
    details = TextAreaField(_('Payment details'), [UsedIf(lambda form, _: form.enabled.data), DataRequired()])

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(EventSettingsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.details.description = DETAILS_DESC + '\n' + render_placeholder_info('manual-payment-details',
                                                                                 regform=None, registration=None)
Exemple #7
class VCRoomForm(VCRoomFormBase, ZoomAdvancedFormMixin):
    """Contains all information concerning a Zoom booking"""

    advanced_fields = {'show_autojoin', 'show_phone_numbers'
                       } | VCRoomFormBase.advanced_fields
    skip_fields = advanced_fields | VCRoomFormBase.conditional_fields

    description = TextAreaField(_('Description'), [DataRequired()],
                                description=_('The description of the room'))

    #owner_user = PrincipalField(_('Owner'), [DataRequired()], description=_('The owner of the room'))
    #owner_user = HiddenField(default=session.user)
    #moderation_pin = IndicoPasswordField(_('Moderation PIN'), PIN_VALIDATORS, toggle=True,
    #                                     description=_('Used to moderate the VC Room. Only digits allowed.'))
    #room_pin = IndicoPasswordField(_('Room PIN'), PIN_VALIDATORS, toggle=True,
    #                               description=_('Used to protect the access to the VC Room (leave blank for open '
    #                                             'access). Only digits allowed.'))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        defaults = kwargs['obj']
        if defaults.owner_user is None and defaults.owner is not None:
            defaults.owner_user = retrieve_principal(defaults.owner)
        super(VCRoomForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    #def owner(self):
    #    return self.owner_user.data.default

    def validate_owner_user(self, field):
        if not field.data:
            raise ValidationError(_("Unable to find this user in Indico."))
Exemple #8
class ArtForm(FlaskForm):
    artist = StringField('Artist', validators=[DataRequired()])
    title = StringField('Title', validators=[DataRequired()])
    description = TextAreaField('Description', filters=[lambda x: x or None])
    source = StringField('Source', validators=[DataRequired()])
    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
    delete = SubmitField('Delete')
Exemple #9
class PostForm(FlaskForm):
    title = StringField('Title', validators=[DataRequired()])
    body = TextAreaField('Body', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(max=1500)])
    happiness_level = SelectField('Happiness Level',
                                  choices=[(3, 'I can\'t stop smiling'),
                                           (2, 'Really happy'), (1, 'Happy')])
    submit = SubmitField('Post')
class textForm(FlaskForm):

    text = TextAreaField('Enter Text',
    submit = SubmitField('Predict')
Exemple #11
class NewBookingConfirmForm(NewBookingPeriodForm):
    booked_for_user = PrincipalField(_(u'User'), [DataRequired()],
    contact_email = StringField(
        [InputRequired(), IndicoEmail(multi=True)])
    contact_phone = StringField(_(u'Telephone'))
    booking_reason = TextAreaField(_(u'Reason'), [DataRequired()])
    uses_vc = BooleanField(_(u'I will use videoconference equipment'))
    used_equipment = IndicoQuerySelectMultipleCheckboxField(
        _(u'VC equipment'), get_label=lambda x: x.name)
    needs_vc_assistance = BooleanField(
        _(u'Request assistance for the startup of the videoconference session. '
          u'This support is usually performed remotely.'))
    needs_assistance = BooleanField(
        _(u'Request personal assistance for meeting startup'))
    submit_book = SubmitField(_(u'Create booking'))
    submit_prebook = SubmitField(_(u'Create pre-booking'))

    def validate_used_equipment(self, field):
        if field.data and not self.uses_vc.data:
            raise ValidationError(_(u'Videoconference equipment is not used.'))
        elif not field.data and self.uses_vc.data:
            raise ValidationError(
                _(u'You need to select some Videoconference equipment'))

    def validate_needs_vc_assistance(self, field):
        if field.data and not self.uses_vc.data:
            raise ValidationError(_(u'Videoconference equipment is not used.'))
Exemple #12
class FormNoticia(FlaskForm):
    id = HiddenField(validators=[Optional()])
    categoria = SelectField(
            ("Geral", "Geral"),
            ("Segurança", "Segurança"),
            ("Saúde", "Saúde"),
            ("Economia", "Economia"),

    titulo = StringField(
            DataRequired(message="Informe título da notícia."),
            Length(5, 150, message="Deve ter pelo menos 5 caracteres."),

    conteudo = TextAreaField("Conteúdo")

    destaque = SelectField(
        "Destacar na página inicial?",
        choices=[("sim", "Sim"), ("nao", "Não")],

    thumb = FileField("Imagem de capa da notícia", validators=[Optional()])
Exemple #13
class AdminSettingsForm(IndicoForm):
    currencies = MultipleItemsField(
        _('Currencies'), [DataRequired()],
            'id': 'code',
            'caption': _('Code')
        }, {
            'id': 'name',
            'caption': _('Name')
        _('List of currencies that can be selected for an event. When deleting '
          'a currency, existing events will keep using it. The currency code '
          "must be a valid <a href='{0}'>ISO-4217</a> code such "
          "as 'EUR' or 'CHF'.").format(CURRENCY_CODE_LINK))
    currency = SelectField(
        _('Currency'), [DataRequired()],
            'The default currency for new events. If you add a new currency, you need to '
            'save the settings first for it to show up here.'))
    conditions = TextAreaField(_('Conditions'), description=CONDITIONS_DESC)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _set_currencies(self):
        currencies = [(c['code'], '{0[code]} ({0[name]})'.format(c))
                      for c in payment_settings.get('currencies')]
        self.currency.choices = sorted(currencies, key=lambda x: x[1].lower())

    def validate_currency(self, field):
        if field.data not in {c['code'] for c in self.currencies.data}:
            raise ValidationError('Please select a different currency.')
class UploadForm(FlaskForm):
    description = TextAreaField('Description', validators=[InputRequired()])
    photo = FileField('Photo',
                          FileAllowed(['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'], 'Images only!')
Exemple #15
class ContactForm(FlaskForm):
    email = StringField('Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()])
    subject = StringField('Subject',
                                      Length(min=2, max=20)])
    content = TextAreaField('Text')
    submit = SubmitField('Send')
Exemple #16
class NewBookingConfirmForm(NewBookingPeriodForm):
    room_usage = RadioField(
        choices=[('current_user', _("I'll be using the room myself")),
                 ('other_user', _("I'm booking the room for someone else"))])
    booked_for_user = PrincipalField(
        _('User'), [HiddenUnless('room_usage', 'other_user'),
    booking_reason = TextAreaField(_('Reason'), [DataRequired()])
    uses_vc = BooleanField(_('I will use videoconference equipment'))
    used_equipment = IndicoQuerySelectMultipleCheckboxField(
        _('VC equipment'), get_label=lambda x: x.name)
    needs_vc_assistance = BooleanField(
        _('Request assistance for the startup of the videoconference session. '
          'This support is usually performed remotely.'))
    needs_assistance = BooleanField(
        _('Request personal assistance for meeting startup'))
    submit_book = SubmitField(_('Create booking'))
    submit_prebook = SubmitField(_('Create pre-booking'))

    def validate_used_equipment(self, field):
        if field.data and not self.uses_vc.data:
            raise ValidationError(_('Videoconference equipment is not used.'))
        elif not field.data and self.uses_vc.data:
            raise ValidationError(
                _('Please select the type of videoconference that you will use.'

    def validate_needs_vc_assistance(self, field):
        if field.data and not self.uses_vc.data:
            raise ValidationError(_('Videoconference equipment is not used.'))
Exemple #17
class RoomForm(IndicoForm):
    name = StringField(_(u'Name'))
    site = StringField(_(u'Site'))
    building = StringField(_(u'Building'), [DataRequired()])
    floor = StringField(_(u'Floor'), [DataRequired()])
    number = StringField(_(u'Number'), [DataRequired()])
    longitude = FloatField(_(u'Longitude'), [Optional()])
    latitude = FloatField(_(u'Latitude'), [Optional()])
    is_active = BooleanField(_(u'Active'), default=True)
    is_reservable = BooleanField(_(u'Public'), default=True)
    reservations_need_confirmation = BooleanField(_(u'Confirmations'))
    notification_for_assistance = BooleanField(_(u'Assistance'))
    notification_before_days = IntegerField(_(u'Send booking reminders X days before (single/daily)'),
                                            [Optional(), NumberRange(min=1, max=30)])
    notification_before_days_weekly = IntegerField(_(u'Send booking reminders X days before (weekly)'),
                                                   [Optional(), NumberRange(min=1, max=30)])
    notification_before_days_monthly = IntegerField(_(u'Send booking reminders X days before (monthly)'),
                                                    [Optional(), NumberRange(min=1, max=30)])
    notifications_enabled = BooleanField(_(u'Reminders enabled'), default=True)
    booking_limit_days = IntegerField(_(u'Maximum length of booking (days)'), [Optional(), NumberRange(min=1)])
    owner = PrincipalField(_(u'Owner'), [DataRequired()], allow_external=True)
    key_location = StringField(_(u'Where is key?'))
    telephone = StringField(_(u'Telephone'))
    capacity = IntegerField(_(u'Capacity'), [Optional(), NumberRange(min=1)], default=20)
    division = StringField(_(u'Department'))
    surface_area = IntegerField(_(u'Surface area'), [Optional(), NumberRange(min=0)])
    max_advance_days = IntegerField(_(u'Maximum advance time for bookings'), [Optional(), NumberRange(min=1)])
    comments = TextAreaField(_(u'Comments'))
    delete_photos = BooleanField(_(u'Delete photos'))
    large_photo = FileField(_(u'Large photo'))
    available_equipment = IndicoQuerySelectMultipleCheckboxField(_(u'Equipment'), get_label=_get_equipment_label,
    # attribute_* - set at runtime
    bookable_hours = FieldList(FormField(_TimePair), min_entries=1)
    nonbookable_periods = FieldList(FormField(_DateTimePair), min_entries=1)
Exemple #18
class NewPostForm(Form):
    id = HiddenField()
    title = TextField('Title', validators=[Length(min=3, max=500)])
    text = TextAreaField('Text', validators=[Required(), ])
    url = URLField('URL')
    image_url = URLField('Image URL')
    publish_date = DateTimeField("Publish at date", default=datetime.datetime.now())
Exemple #19
class UserDetailsForm(SyncedInputsMixin, IndicoForm):
    title = IndicoEnumSelectField(_('Title'), enum=UserTitle)
    first_name = StringField(_('First name'), [used_if_not_synced, DataRequired()], widget=SyncedInputWidget())
    last_name = StringField(_('Family name'), [used_if_not_synced, DataRequired()], widget=SyncedInputWidget())
    affiliation = StringField(_('Affiliation'), widget=SyncedInputWidget())
    address = TextAreaField(_('Address'), widget=SyncedInputWidget(textarea=True))
    phone = StringField(_('Phone number'), widget=SyncedInputWidget())
Exemple #20
class VCRoomForm(VCRoomFormBase, VidyoAdvancedFormMixin):
    """Contains all information concerning a Vidyo booking"""

    advanced_fields = {'show_pin', 'show_autojoin', 'show_phone_numbers'} | VCRoomFormBase.advanced_fields
    skip_fields = advanced_fields | VCRoomFormBase.conditional_fields

    description = TextAreaField(_('Description'), [DataRequired()], description=_('The description of the room'))
    owner_user = PrincipalField(_('Owner'), [DataRequired()], description=_('The owner of the room'))
    moderation_pin = IndicoPasswordField(_('Moderation PIN'), PIN_VALIDATORS, toggle=True,
                                         description=_('Used to moderate the VC Room. Only digits allowed.'))
    room_pin = IndicoPasswordField(_('Room PIN'), PIN_VALIDATORS, toggle=True,
                                   description=_('Used to protect the access to the VC Room (leave blank for open '
                                                 'access). Only digits allowed.'))
    auto_mute = BooleanField(_('Auto mute'),
                             widget=SwitchWidget(_('On'), _('Off')),
                             description=_('The VidyoDesktop clients will join the VC room muted by default '
                                           '(audio and video)'))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        defaults = kwargs['obj']
        if defaults.owner_user is None and defaults.owner is not None:
            defaults.owner_user = retrieve_principal(defaults.owner)
        super(VCRoomForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def owner(self):
        return self.owner_user.data.as_principal

    def validate_owner_user(self, field):
        if not field.data:
            raise ValidationError(_("Unable to find this user in Indico."))
        if not next(iter_user_identities(field.data), None):
            raise ValidationError(_("This user does not have a suitable account to use Vidyo."))
Exemple #21
class MessageForm(Form):
    digest = TextField(
        "Pyzor digest*",
        validators=[length(40, 40, "Invalid Digest"),
    message = FileField('Raw message*')
    name = TextField('Name')
    email = EmailField('Email')
    comment = TextAreaField('Other details')
    recaptcha = RecaptchaField()
    submit = SubmitField()

    def __init___(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MessageForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.msg = None
        self.raw_message = None
        self.logger = app.logger

    def validate(self):
        if not Form.validate(self):
            return False
        self.raw_message = flask.request.files["message"].stream.read()
            digest = pyzor.digest.DataDigester(
            if digest != self.digest.data:
                self.add_error("digest", "Digest does not match message.")
                return False
            client = pyzor.client.Client(timeout=20)
                response = client.check(digest)
            except pyzor.TimeoutError as e:
                self.add_error("message", "Temporary error please try again.")
                self.logger.warn("Timeout: %s", e)
                return False
            except pyzor.CommError as e:
                self.add_error("message", "Temporary error please try again.")
                self.logger.warn("Error: %s", e)
                return False
            if not response.is_ok():
                self.add_error("message", "Temporary error please try again.")
                self.logger.warn("Invalid response from server: %s", response)
                return False
            if int(response["Count"]) == 0:
                self.add_error("message", "Message not reported as spam.")
                return False
            if int(response["WL-Count"]) != 0:
                self.add_error("message", "Message is already whitelisted.")
                return False
        except AssertionError:
            self.add_error("message", "Invalid message.")
            return False
        return True

    def add_error(self, field, message):
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            self.errors[field] = [message]
Exemple #22
class SceneForm(FlaskForm):
    """Edit the scene list for a play. Requires a list of scene numbers to be passed in when form is instantiated."""

    # id = IntegerField("ID", render_kw={"readonly": True})
    act = IntegerField("Act", validators=[DataRequired(), Length(1, 3)])
    scene = IntegerField("Scene", validators=[DataRequired(), Length(1, 3)])
    title = StringField("Title", validators=[Length(1, 100)])
    description = TextAreaField("Description", validators=[Length(1, 1000)])
    quote = TextAreaField("Quote", validators=[Length(1, 1000)])
    image = FileField("Image",
                          FileAllowed(["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "gif"],
                                      "Images files only.")
                      render_kw={"class": "form-control"})
    image_url = StringField("Image URL")
    submit = SubmitField("Submit")
Exemple #23
class GuessForm(RoundForm):
    name = SelectField(choices=[GUESSER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER],
    guess_field = TextAreaField('Pair each recommender with their rec number',
                                render_kw={"rows": 3},
    submit_guess = SubmitField('Guess')
class JarrettReport(FlaskForm):
    weeks = get_weeks
    title = StringField('Title', validators=[DataRequired()])
    week = SelectField('Week',
    report = TextAreaField('Report', validators=[DataRequired()])
    submit = SubmitField('Create Report')
class requestCourseForm(FlaskForm):
    title = StringField('Title of your request', validators=[
                        DataRequired('Data required')])
    course_id = StringField('Assignment Id', validators=[
                                DataRequired('Data required')])
    details = TextAreaField('Details')
    attachments = MultipleFileField('Attachments')
    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
Exemple #26
class AdminEmailForm(FlaskForm):
    username = StringField('Username',
                           validators=[DataRequired('field is required.')])
    subject = StringField('Subject',
                          validators=[DataRequired('field is required.')])
    message = TextAreaField('Message',
                            validators=[DataRequired('field is required.')])
    submit = SubmitField('Send Message')
Exemple #27
class RecipeForm(FlaskForm):
    """Form for creating a new recipe"""
    name = StringField('Name', validators=[Length(min=3, max=80)])

    description = TextAreaField(
        'Description', validators=[DataRequired(),
                                   Length(min=1, max=300)])

    instructions = TextAreaField(
        'Instructions', validators=[DataRequired(),
                                    Length(min=3, max=600)])

    ingredients = TextAreaField(
        'Ingredients', validators=[DataRequired(),
                                   Length(min=3, max=600)])

    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
Exemple #28
class EditReviewForm(FlaskForm):
    review_title = StringField("Review Title *",
                               render_kw={"maxlength": "140"})
    review_content = TextAreaField("Review Content",
                                   render_kw={"rows": "8"})
    submit_review = SubmitField("Save")
Exemple #29
class RegistrationForm(FlaskForm):

    username = create_uname_field()
    password = create_password_field()
    fullname = StringField('Fullname', validators=[DataRequired()])
    email = StringField('Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()])
    location = StringField('Location', validators=[DataRequired()])
    biography = TextAreaField(label="Biography", validators=[DataRequired()])
    photo = create_photo_field()
Exemple #30
class ContactForm(FlaskForm):
    name = StringField("name",
                                   Length(min=2, max=12)])
    email = StringField("email", validators=[DataRequired(), Email()])

    message = TextAreaField("message",
    submit = SubmitField("SUBMIT")