def _get_rgb(self): # RGB image same as is displayed in .render() img = torch.ones_like(self.envs).short() * 255 # Convert to BHWC axes for easier indexing here img = img.permute((0, 2, 3, 1)) body_locations = (body(self.envs) > EPS).squeeze(1) img[body_locations, :] = self.body_colour head_locations = (head(self.envs) > EPS).squeeze(1) img[head_locations, :] = self.head_colour food_locations = (food(self.envs) > EPS).squeeze(1) img[food_locations, :] = self.food_colour img[:, :1, :, :] = self.edge_colour img[:, :, :1, :] = self.edge_colour img[:, -1:, :, :] = self.edge_colour img[:, :, -1:, :] = self.edge_colour # Convert back to BCHW axes img = img.permute((0, 3, 1, 2)) return img
def _get_rgb(self): # RGB image same as is displayed in .render() img = torch.ones((self.num_envs, 3, self.size, self.size)).to( self.device).short() * 255 # Convert to BHWC axes for easier indexing here img = img.permute((0, 2, 3, 1)) body_locations = ((self._bodies > EPS).squeeze(1).sum(dim=1) > EPS).byte() img[body_locations, :] = self.body_colour head_locations = ((self._heads > EPS).squeeze(1).sum(dim=1) > EPS).byte() img[head_locations, :] = self.head_colour food_locations = (food(self.envs) > EPS).squeeze(1) img[food_locations, :] = self.food_colour img[:, :1, :, :] = self.edge_colour img[:, :, :1, :] = self.edge_colour img[:, -1:, :, :] = self.edge_colour img[:, :, -1:, :] = self.edge_colour # Convert back to BCHW axes img = img.permute((0, 3, 1, 2)) return img
def test_eat_food(self): env = SingleSnake(num_envs=1, size=size, manual_setup=True) env.envs = get_test_env(size, 'up').to(DEFAULT_DEVICE) actions = torch.Tensor([0, 3, 3, 0, 0]).unsqueeze(1).long().to(DEFAULT_DEVICE) initial_size = body(env.envs).max() for i, a in enumerate(actions): if visualise: plot_envs(env.envs) observations, reward, done, info = env.step(a) if torch.any(done): # The given actions shouldn't cause a death assert False final_size = body(env.envs).max() self.assertGreater(final_size, initial_size) # Food is created again after being eaten num_food = food(env.envs).sum() print(num_food, 1) self.assertEqual(num_food, 1) # Check overall consistency env_consistency(env.envs) if visualise: plot_envs(env.envs)
def test_hit_self(self): env = SingleSnake(num_envs=1, size=size, manual_setup=True) env.envs = get_test_env(size, 'up').to(DEFAULT_DEVICE) actions = torch.Tensor([0, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0]).unsqueeze(1).long().to(DEFAULT_DEVICE) hit_self = False for i, a in enumerate(actions): if visualise: plot_envs(env.envs) observations, reward, done, info = env.step(a) if torch.any(done): hit_self = True break self.assertTrue(hit_self) # Food is created agin after being eaten num_food = food(env.envs).sum() self.assertEqual(num_food, 1) if visualise: plot_envs(env.envs)
def _get_rgb(self): # RGB image same as is displayed in .render() img = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 3, self.size, self.size)).short().to( self.device).requires_grad_(False) * 255 # Convert to BHWC axes for easier indexing here img = img.permute((0, 2, 3, 1)) head_locations = (head(self.envs) > EPS).squeeze(1) img[head_locations, :] = self.head_colour food_locations = (food(self.envs) > EPS).squeeze(1) img[food_locations, :] = self.food_colour img[:, :1, :, :] = self.edge_colour img[:, :, :1, :] = self.edge_colour img[:, -1:, :, :] = self.edge_colour img[:, :, -1:, :] = self.edge_colour # Convert back to BCHW axes img = img.permute((0, 3, 1, 2)) return img
def step( self, actions: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict, dict]: if len(actions) != self.num_snakes: raise RuntimeError('Must have a Tensor of actions for each snake') for agent, act in actions.items(): if act.dtype not in (torch.short,, torch.long): raise TypeError( 'actions Tensor must be an integer type i.e. ' '{torch.ShortTensor, torch.IntTensor, torch.LongTensor}') if act.shape[0] != self.num_envs: raise RuntimeError( 'Must have the same number of actions as environments.') rewards = OrderedDict([(f'agent_{i}', torch.zeros( (self.num_envs, )).float().to(self.device).requires_grad_(False)) for i in range(self.num_snakes)]) dones = OrderedDict([(f'agent_{i}', torch.zeros( (self.num_envs, )).float().to( self.device).byte().requires_grad_(False)) for i in range(self.num_snakes)]) info = dict() snake_sizes = dict() for i, (agent, act) in enumerate(actions.items()): body_channel = self.body_channels[i] snake_sizes[agent] = self.envs[:, body_channel:body_channel + 1, :].view(self.num_envs, -1).max(dim=1)[0] # Check orientations and move head positions of all snakes for i, (agent, act) in enumerate(actions.items()): # The sub-environment of just one agent head_channel = self.head_channels[i] body_channel = self.body_channels[i] _env = self.envs[:, [0, head_channel, body_channel], :, :] orientations = determine_orientations(_env) # Check if this snake is trying to move backwards and change # it's direction/action to just continue forward # The test for this is if their orientation number {0, 1, 2, 3} # is the same as their action mask = orientations == act act.add_((mask * 2).long()).fmod_(4) # Create head position deltas head_deltas = F.conv2d(head(_env),, padding=1) # Select the head position delta corresponding to the correct action actions_onehot = torch.Tensor(self.num_envs, 4).float().to(self.device) actions_onehot.zero_() actions_onehot.scatter_(1, act.unsqueeze(-1), 1) head_deltas = torch.einsum( 'bchw,bc->bhw', [head_deltas, actions_onehot]).unsqueeze(1) # Move head position by applying delta self.envs[:, head_channel:head_channel + 1, :, :].add_(head_deltas).round_() # Decay bodies of all snakes that haven't eaten food food_consumption = dict() for i, (agent, act) in enumerate(actions.items()): head_channel = self.head_channels[i] body_channel = self.body_channels[i] _env = self.envs[:, [0, head_channel, body_channel], :, :] head_food_overlap = (head(_env) * food(_env)).view( self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1) food_consumption[agent] = head_food_overlap # Decay the body sizes by 1, hence moving the body, apply ReLu to keep above 0 # Only do this for environments which haven't just eaten food body_decay_env_indices = ~head_food_overlap.byte() self.envs[body_decay_env_indices, body_channel:body_channel + 1, :, :] -= 1 self.envs[body_decay_env_indices, body_channel:body_channel + 1, :, :] = \ self.envs[body_decay_env_indices, body_channel:body_channel + 1, :, :].relu() for i, (agent, act) in enumerate(actions.items()): # Check if any snakes have collided with themselves or any other snakes head_channel = self.head_channels[i] body_channel = self.body_channels[i] _env = self.envs[:, [0, head_channel, body_channel], :, :] # Collision with body of any snake body_collision = (head(_env) * self._bodies).view( self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1) > EPS # Collision with head of other snake other_snakes = torch.ones(self.num_snakes).byte().to(self.device) other_snakes[i] = 0 other_heads = self._heads[:, other_snakes, :, :] head_collision = (head(_env) * other_heads).view( self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1) > EPS snake_collision = body_collision | head_collision info.update({f'self_collision_{i}': snake_collision}) dones[agent] = dones[agent] | snake_collision # Create a new head position in the body channel # Make this head +1 greater if the snake has just eaten food self.envs[:, body_channel:body_channel + 1, :, :] += \ head(_env) * ( snake_sizes[agent][:, None, None, None].expand((self.num_envs, 1, self.size, self.size)) + food_consumption[agent][:, None, None, None].expand((self.num_envs, 1, self.size, self.size)) ) for i, (agent, act) in enumerate(actions.items()): # Remove food and give reward # `food_removal` is 0 except where a snake head is at the same location as food where it is -1 head_channel = self.head_channels[i] body_channel = self.body_channels[i] _env = self.envs[:, [0, head_channel, body_channel], :, :] food_removal = head(_env) * food(_env) * -1 rewards[agent].sub_( food_removal.view(self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1).float()) self.envs[:, FOOD_CHANNEL:FOOD_CHANNEL + 1, :, :] += food_removal # Add new food if necessary. food_addition_env_indices = (food(self.envs).view( self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1) < EPS) if food_addition_env_indices.sum().item() > 0: add_food_envs = self.envs[food_addition_env_indices, :, :, :] food_addition = self._get_food_addition(add_food_envs) self.envs[food_addition_env_indices, FOOD_CHANNEL:FOOD_CHANNEL + 1, :, :] += food_addition for i, (agent, act) in enumerate(actions.items()): # Check for boundary, Done by performing a convolution with no padding # If the head is at the edge then it will be cut off and the sum of the head # channel will be 0 head_channel = self.head_channels[i] body_channel = self.body_channels[i] _env = self.envs[:, [0, head_channel, body_channel], :, :] edge_collision = F.conv2d( head(_env),, ).view(self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1) < EPS dones[agent] = dones[agent] | edge_collision info.update({f'edge_collision_{i}': edge_collision}) for i, (agent, act) in enumerate(actions.items()): # Remove any snakes that are dead # self._bodies (num_envs, num_snakes, size, size) self._bodies[dones[agent], i, 0, 0] = 0 self._heads[dones[agent], i, 0, 0] = 0 # TODO: # Keep track of which snakes are already dead not just which have died # in the current step # Apply rounding to stop numerical errors accumulating self.envs.round_() # Environment is finished if all snake are dead dones['__all__'] = torch.ones((self.num_envs, )).float().to( self.device).byte().requires_grad_(False) for agent, act in actions.items(): dones['__all__'] = dones['__all__'] & dones[agent] self.done = dones['__all__'] return dict(), rewards, dones, info
def step(self, actions: torch.Tensor) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, dict): if actions.dtype not in (torch.short,, torch.long): raise TypeError('actions Tensor must be an integer type i.e. ' '{torch.ShortTensor, torch.IntTensor, torch.LongTensor}') if actions.shape[0] != self.num_envs: raise RuntimeError('Must have the same number of actions as environments.') reward = torch.zeros((self.num_envs,)).float().to(self.device).requires_grad_(False) done = torch.zeros((self.num_envs,)).byte().to(self.device).byte().requires_grad_(False) info = dict() t0 = time() snake_sizes = self.envs[:, BODY_CHANNEL:BODY_CHANNEL + 1, :].view(self.num_envs, -1).max(dim=1)[0] orientations = determine_orientations(self.envs) if self.verbose > 0: print(f'\nOrientations: {time()-t0}s') t0 = time() # Check if any snakes are trying to move backwards and change # their direction/action to just continue forward # The test for this is if their orientation number {0, 1, 2, 3} # is the same as their action mask = orientations == actions actions.add_((mask * 2).long()).fmod_(4) # Create head position deltas head_deltas = F.conv2d(head(self.envs),, padding=1) # Select the head position delta corresponding to the correct action actions_onehot = torch.FloatTensor(self.num_envs, 4).to(self.device) actions_onehot.zero_() actions_onehot.scatter_(1, actions.unsqueeze(-1), 1) head_deltas = torch.einsum('bchw,bc->bhw', [head_deltas, actions_onehot]).unsqueeze(1) # Move head position by applying delta self.envs[:, HEAD_CHANNEL:HEAD_CHANNEL + 1, :, :].add_(head_deltas).round_() if self.verbose: print(f'Head movement: {time() - t0}s') ################ # Apply update # ################ t0 = time() head_food_overlap = (head(self.envs) * food(self.envs)).view(self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1) # Decay the body sizes by 1, hence moving the body, apply ReLu to keep above 0 # Only do this for environments which haven't just eaten food body_decay_env_indices = ~head_food_overlap.byte() self.envs[body_decay_env_indices, BODY_CHANNEL:BODY_CHANNEL + 1, :, :] -= 1 self.envs[body_decay_env_indices, BODY_CHANNEL:BODY_CHANNEL + 1, :, :] = \ self.envs[body_decay_env_indices, BODY_CHANNEL:BODY_CHANNEL + 1, :, :].relu() # Check for hitting self self_collision = (head(self.envs) * body(self.envs)).view(self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1) > EPS info.update({'self_collision': self_collision}) done = done | self_collision # Create a new head position in the body channel # Make this head +1 greater if the snake has just eaten food self.envs[:, BODY_CHANNEL:BODY_CHANNEL + 1, :, :] += \ head(self.envs) * ( snake_sizes[:, None, None, None].expand((self.num_envs, 1, self.size, self.size)) + head_food_overlap[:, None, None, None].expand((self.num_envs, 1, self.size, self.size)) ) if self.verbose: print(f'Body movement: {time()-t0}') t0 = time() # Remove food and give reward # `food_removal` is 0 except where a snake head is at the same location as food where it is -1 food_removal = head(self.envs) * food(self.envs) * -1 reward.sub_(food_removal.view(self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1).float()) self.envs[:, FOOD_CHANNEL:FOOD_CHANNEL + 1, :, :] += food_removal if self.verbose: print(f'Food removal: {time() - t0}s') # Add new food if necessary. if food_removal.sum() < 0: t0 = time() food_addition_env_indices = (food_removal * -1).view(self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1).byte() add_food_envs = self.envs[food_addition_env_indices, :, :, :] food_addition = self._get_food_addition(add_food_envs) self.envs[food_addition_env_indices, FOOD_CHANNEL:FOOD_CHANNEL+1, :, :] += food_addition if self.verbose: print(f'Food addition ({food_addition_env_indices.sum().item()} envs): {time() - t0}s') t0 = time() # Check for boundary, Done by performing a convolution with no padding # If the head is at the edge then it will be cut off and the sum of the head # channel will be 0 edge_collision = F.conv2d( head(self.envs),, ).view(self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1) < EPS done = done | edge_collision info.update({'edge_collision': edge_collision}) if self.verbose: print(f'Edge collision ({edge_collision.sum().item()} envs): {time() - t0}s') # Apply rounding to stop numerical errors accumulating self.envs.round_() self.done = done return self._observe(self.observation_mode), reward.unsqueeze(-1), done.unsqueeze(-1), info
def test_eat_food(self): env = get_test_env() # Add food env.envs[0, 0, 9, 7] = 1 all_actions = { 'agent_0': torch.Tensor([1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 3]).unsqueeze(1).long().to(DEFAULT_DEVICE), 'agent_1': torch.Tensor([0, 1, 3, 2, 1, 0]).unsqueeze(1).long().to(DEFAULT_DEVICE), } print() if print_envs: print(env._bodies) if render_envs: env.render() sleep(render_sleep) for i in range(6): actions = { agent: agent_actions[i] for agent, agent_actions in all_actions.items() } observations, rewards, dones, info = env.step(actions) env.check_consistency() if print_envs: print('=' * 10) print(env._bodies) print('DONES:') print(dones) print() # Check reward given when expected if i == 0: self.assertEqual(rewards['agent_1'].item(), 1) if render_envs: env.render() sleep(render_sleep) if any(done for agent, done in dones.items()): # These actions shouldn't cause any deaths assert False # Check snake sizes. Expect agent_1: 4, agent_2: 5 snake_sizes = env._bodies.view(1, 2, -1).max(dim=2)[0] self.assertTrue( torch.equal(snake_sizes, torch.Tensor([[4, 5]]).to(DEFAULT_DEVICE))) # Check food has been removed self.assertEqual(env.envs[0, 0, 9, 7].item(), 0) # Check new food has been created self.assertEqual(food(env.envs).sum().item(), 1)
def step( self, actions: torch.Tensor ) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, dict): if actions.dtype not in (torch.short,, torch.long): raise TypeError( 'actions Tensor must be an integer type i.e. ' '{torch.ShortTensor, torch.IntTensor, torch.LongTensor}') if actions.shape[0] != self.num_envs: raise RuntimeError( 'Must have the same number of actions as environments.') reward = torch.zeros( (self.num_envs, )).float().to(self.device).requires_grad_(False) done = torch.zeros( (self.num_envs, )).byte().to(self.device).requires_grad_(False) info = dict() t0 = time() # Create head position deltas head_deltas = F.conv2d(head(self.envs),, padding=1) # Select the head position delta corresponding to the correct action actions_onehot = torch.FloatTensor(self.num_envs, 4).to(self.device) actions_onehot.zero_() actions_onehot.scatter_(1, actions.unsqueeze(-1), 1) head_deltas = torch.einsum('bchw,bc->bhw', [head_deltas, actions_onehot]).unsqueeze(1) # Move head position by applying delta self.envs[:, HEAD_CHANNEL:HEAD_CHANNEL + 1, :, :].add_(head_deltas).round_() if self.verbose: print(f'Head movement: {time() - t0}s') ################ # Apply update # ################ t0 = time() # Remove food and give reward # `food_removal` is 0 except where a snake head is at the same location as food where it is -1 food_removal = head(self.envs) * food(self.envs) * -1 reward.sub_(food_removal.view(self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1).float()) self.envs[:, FOOD_CHANNEL:FOOD_CHANNEL + 1, :, :] += food_removal if self.verbose: print(f'Food removal: {time() - t0}s') # Add new food if necessary. if food_removal.sum() < 0: t0 = time() food_addition_env_indices = (food_removal * -1).view( self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1).byte() add_food_envs = self.envs[food_addition_env_indices, :, :, :] food_addition = self._get_food_addition(add_food_envs) self.envs[food_addition_env_indices, FOOD_CHANNEL:FOOD_CHANNEL + 1, :, :] += food_addition if self.verbose: print( f'Food addition ({food_addition_env_indices.sum().item()} envs): {time() - t0}s' ) t0 = time() # Check for boundary, Done by performing a convolution with no padding # If the head is at the edge then it will be cut off and the sum of the head # channel will be 0 edge_collision = F.conv2d( head(self.envs),, ).view(self.num_envs, -1).sum(dim=-1) < EPS done = done | edge_collision info.update({'edge_collision': edge_collision}) if self.verbose: print( f'Edge collision ({edge_collision.sum().item()} envs): {time() - t0}s' ) # Apply rounding to stop numerical errors accumulating self.envs.round_() self.done = done return self._observe(self.observation_mode), reward.unsqueeze( -1), done.unsqueeze(-1), info