Exemple #1
def main():

    #geojson_file = '../bounding_box_referenced_2.geojson'
    #geojson_file = '../harvey_test_second.geojson'
    geojson_file = '../bboxes_tomnod_2class_v1.geojson'
    coords, chips, classes, uids = wv.get_labels_w_uid_nondamaged(geojson_file)
    print('number of chips is :', chips.shape)
    test_tif = '20170902_10400100324DAE00_3210111_jpeg_compressed_09_05.tif'
    if test_tif in chips.tolist():
        print('test tif exists!!!!!')

    #print('chips, ', chips.tolist())
    #path = '/home/ubuntu/anyan/harvey_data/harvey_test_second/'
    #save_path =  '/home/ubuntu/anyan/harvey_data/inspect_black_in_test/'
    path = '../harvey_vis_result_toydata/'
    save_path = '../harvey_vis_result_toydata_bboxes/'

    #aug.draw_bboxes_withindex(arr,coords_chip, uids_chip)
    draw_bbox_on_tiff(path, coords, chips, classes, uids, save_path)
Exemple #2
    num_class2_bbox = 0
    num_class1_chip = 0  # number of chips contain class 1
    num_class2_chip = 0
    num_class1_aug_bbox = 0  # number of augmentated bbox
    num_class2_aug_bbox = 0
    num_class1_aug_chip = 0
    num_class2_aug_chip = 0
    num_shifted_chips = 0  # number of chips added by shift
    max_chips_per_res = 100000
    train_writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter("harvey_train_%s.record" %
    #test_writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter("harvey_test_%s.record" % args.suffix)

    #coords,chips,classes = wv.get_labels(args.json_filepath)
    coords, chips, classes, uids = wv.get_labels_w_uid_nondamaged(

    # debug
    sample_percent = args.sample_percent
    # a list of classes to be augment. Set to set to be empty if no augmentation
    # is wanted
    if AUGMENT == True:

        class_to_aug = set([1])
        class_to_aug = set([])
    num_aug_per_class = {}  # class_id: # of augmentation generated
    for class_id in class_to_aug:
        num_aug_per_class[class_id] = 0
