def updatewftasks(self): """ Handles the addition of new WF tasks """ print("") print("Checking WF scheme status DB") mydb = MyConnectionBase() mydb.setResource(resourceName="STATUS") ok = mydb.openConnection() if not ok: print("ERROR: Could not open resource %s" % 'STATUS') return defpath = self.__ci.get('SITE_WF_XML_PATH') for taskid, fname in self.__wftasks: fpath = os.path.join(defpath, fname) if not os.path.exists(fpath): # print("Skipping %s as does not exist" % fname) continue myq = MyDbQuery(dbcon=mydb._dbCon) query = "select wf_class_id from wf_class_dict where wf_class_id='{}'".format(taskid) rows = myq.selectRows(queryString=query) if len(rows) == 0: print("About to install WF schema %s with name %s" % (taskid, fname)) cmd = 'python -m wwpdb.apps.wf_engine.wf_engine_utils.tasks.WFTaskRequestExec --verbose --load_wf_def_file={}'.format(fname) self.__exec(cmd) mydb.closeConnection()
def updatedb(self): mydb = MyConnectionBase() mydb.setResource(resourceName="STATUS") ok = mydb.openConnection() if not ok: print("ERROR: Could not open status db") return myq = MyDbQuery(dbcon=mydb._dbCon) query = "select count(ordinal) from taxonomy " rows = myq.selectRows(queryString=query) count = rows[0][0] mydb.closeConnection() if count >= self.__taxdbsize and count < self.__maxsize: print("Taxdb at least as big as expected") return if self.__useftp: command = "python -m wwpdb.apps.deposit.depui.taxonomy.loadTaxonomyFromFTP --write_sql" else: taxfile = self.__cI.get("TAXONOMY_FILE_NAME") if not taxfile: print("Could not find site-config TAXONOMY_FILE_NAME -- cannot load taxonomy") return command = "python -m wwpdb.apps.deposit.depui.taxonomy.loadData --input_csv {}".format(taxfile) self.__exec(command)
def _notexists(self, dbconn, table, colname): """Checks if colname exists in table. Returns True if does not exist""" myq = MyDbQuery(dbcon=dbconn) query = "show columns from `{}` LIKE '{}'".format(table, colname) rows = myq.selectRows(queryString=query) if len(rows) == 0: return True return False
def _nottableexists(self, dbconn, table): """Checks if table does not exist. Returns True if does not exist""" myq = MyDbQuery(dbcon=dbconn) query = "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = '{}' AND TABLE_SCHEMA in (SELECT DATABASE())".format(table) rows = myq.selectRows(queryString=query) if len(rows) != 1: return True val = rows[0][0] if val == 0: return True return False
def _colwidth(self, dbconn, table, colname, width): """Returns True if colname is not width characters""" myq = MyDbQuery(dbcon=dbconn) query = "select character_maximum_length from information_schema.columns where table_schema=Database() and table_name='{}' and column_name='{}'".format(table,colname); rows = myq.selectRows(queryString=query) if len(rows) == 0: print("ERROR {}.{} does not exist!!!!!!!".format(table,colname)) return False size = rows[0][0] if size != width: return True return False
def __testDirectiveWithHistoryQuery(self, qdL, domD): """Test case - selection everything for a simple condition -""" startTime = time.time() self.__lfh.write( "\nStarting MyQueryDirectivesTest __testDirectiveWithHistoryQuery at %s\n" % time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) try: self.__databaseName = "da_internal" sd = DaInternalSchemaDef(verbose=self.__verbose, log=self.__lfh) mqd = MyQueryDirectives(schemaDefObj=sd, verbose=self.__verbose, log=self.__lfh) sqlS =, domD=domD, appendValueConditonsToSelect=True) if self.__verbose: self.__lfh.write( "\n\n+testDirectiveWithHistoryQuery SQL\n %s\n\n" % sqlS) self.__lfh.flush() myQ = MyDbQuery(dbcon=self.__dbCon, verbose=self.__verbose, log=self.__lfh) rowList = myQ.selectRows(queryString=sqlS) if self.__verbose: self.__lfh.write( "\n+testDirectiveWithHistoryQuery mysql server returns row length %d\n" % len(rowList)) self.__lfh.flush() for ii, row in enumerate(rowList[:30]): self.__lfh.write(" %6d %r\n" % (ii, row)) self.close() except: # noqa: E722 pylint: disable=bare-except traceback.print_exc(file=self.__lfh) endTime = time.time() self.__lfh.write( "\nCompleted MyQueryDirectivesTest __testDirectiveWithHistoryQuery at %s (%d seconds)\n" % (time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), endTime - startTime))
def _select(self, tableId, **kwargs): """Construct a selection query for input table and optional constraints provided as keyword value pairs in the input arguments. Return a list of dictionaries of these query details including all table attributes. """ startTime = time.time() if self.__debug: logger.debug("Starting _select at %s", time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) rdList = [] try: iOpened = False if self.__dbCon is None: self._open() iOpened = True # tableDefObj = self.__sd.getTable(tableId) myQ = MyDbQuery(dbcon=self.__dbCon, verbose=self.__verbose, log=self.__lfh) sqlGen = MyDbQuerySqlGen(schemaDefObj=self.__sd, verbose=self.__verbose, log=self.__lfh) sqlGen.setDatabase(databaseName=self.__databaseName) sqlConstraint = MyDbConditionSqlGen(schemaDefObj=self.__sd, verbose=self.__verbose, log=self.__lfh) # atMapL = self._getAttributeParameterMap(tableId=tableId) for kwArg, kwVal in kwargs.items(): # pylint: disable=unused-variable for atId, kwId in atMapL: if kwId == kwArg: if tableDefObj.isAttributeStringType(atId): cTup = ((tableId, atId), "EQ", (kwargs[kwId], "CHAR")) else: cTup = ((tableId, atId), "EQ", (kwargs[kwId], "OTHER")) sqlConstraint.addValueCondition( cTup[0], cTup[1], cTup[2]) break # # Add optional constraints OR ordering by primary key attributes if len(sqlConstraint.get()) > 0: sqlGen.setCondition(sqlConstraint) else: for atId in tableDefObj.getPrimaryKeyAttributeIdList(): sqlGen.addOrderByAttributeId(attributeTuple=(tableId, atId)) atIdList = self.__sd.getAttributeIdList(tableId) for atId in atIdList: sqlGen.addSelectAttributeId(attributeTuple=(tableId, atId)) # sqlS = sqlGen.getSql() if self.__debug: logger.debug("_select selection sql: %s", sqlS) rowList = myQ.selectRows(queryString=sqlS) sqlGen.clear() # # return the result set as a list of dictionaries # for iRow, row in enumerate(rowList): rD = {} for colVal, atId in zip(row, atIdList): rD[atId] = colVal if self.__debug: logger.debug("_select result set row %d dictionary %r", iRow, rD.items()) rdList.append(rD) if iOpened: self._close() except Exception as e: status = " operation error " + str(e) logger.error("_select %s", status) if self.__verbose: logger.eception("_select failed") if self.__debug: endTime = time.time() logger.debug("Completed _select at %s (%.3f seconds)", time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), endTime - startTime) return rdList