def routes(self): 'returns a list of routes' agency = url = '{0}/routes-for-agency/{1}.json' \ .format(self.url, self._decode_id(agency.get_id())) resp = self.session.get(url, params=self.params) routes = [] for route in resp.json()['data']['list']: short_name = route['shortName'] long_name = route['longName'] name = '' if short_name and long_name.find(short_name) == -1: name = short_name + " - " name += long_name if long_name else route['description'] color = route['color'] if route['color'] else None id = self._encode_id(Route.create_id(, route['id'])) routes.append( Route(id=id, agency=agency, sign=short_name, name=name, type=route_types[int(route['type'])], color=color)) routes.sort(key=route_key) for i, route in enumerate(routes): route.order = i return routes
def _stop_arrivals(self, stop): params = {'command': 'predictions', 'a':, 'stopId': stop.code} resp = requests.get(self.url, params=params) arrivals = [] for predictions in parse(resp.content)['body']['predictions']: route_id = Route.create_id(, predictions['@routeTag']) if 'direction' not in predictions: continue directions = predictions['direction'] if isinstance(directions, OrderedDict): directions = [directions] for direction in directions: predictions = direction['prediction'] if isinstance(predictions, OrderedDict): predictions = [predictions] for prediction in predictions: dir_id = Direction.create_id(route_id, prediction['@dirTag']) departure = prediction['@isDeparture'] == 'true' arrivals.append(Arrival(stop=stop, away=int(prediction['@seconds']), direction_id=dir_id)) arrivals.sort(key=attrgetter('away')) return arrivals
def routes(self): agency = # use external id params = {'command': 'routeList', 'a': agency.get_id()} resp = self.session.get(self.url, params=params) routes = [] for i, route in enumerate(parse(resp.content)['body']['route']): tag = route['@tag'] id = Route.create_id(, tag) # TODO: type, url, color (may require pre-walk etc.) routes.append(Route(id=id, agency=agency, name=route['@title'], sign=tag, order=i)) return routes
def routes(self): 'returns a list of routes' agency = url = '{0}/routes-for-agency/{1}.json' \ .format(self.url, self._decode_id(agency.get_id())) resp = self.session.get(url, params=self.params) routes = [] for route in resp.json()['data']['list']: short_name = route['shortName'] long_name = route['longName'] name = '' if short_name and long_name.find(short_name) == -1: name = short_name + " - " name += long_name if long_name else route['description'] color = route['color'] if route['color'] else None id = self._encode_id(Route.create_id(, route['id'])) routes.append(Route(id=id, agency=agency, sign=short_name, name=name, type=route_types[int(route['type'])], color=color)) routes.sort(key=route_key) for i, route in enumerate(routes): route.order = i return routes
def _stop_arrivals(self, stop): url = '' # shares api keys with onebus params = dict(self.params) params['MonitoringRef'] = stop.get_id().split('_')[1] arrivals = [] resp = requests.get(url, params=params) data = resp.json()['Siri']['ServiceDelivery'] data = data['StopMonitoringDelivery'][0] for visit in data['MonitoredStopVisit']: visit = visit['MonitoredVehicleJourney'] did = Direction.create_id(Route.create_id(, visit['LineRef']), visit['DirectionRef']) visit = visit['MonitoredCall'] away = visit['Extensions']['Distances']['DistanceFromCall'] arrivals.append(Arrival(stop=stop, away=int(away), unit=arrival_units[1], direction_id=did)) return arrivals
def _stop_arrivals(self, stop): url = '' # shares api keys with onebus params = dict(self.params) params['MonitoringRef'] = stop.get_id().split('_')[1] arrivals = [] resp = requests.get(url, params=params) data = resp.json()['Siri']['ServiceDelivery'] data = data['StopMonitoringDelivery'][0] for visit in data['MonitoredStopVisit']: visit = visit['MonitoredVehicleJourney'] did = Direction.create_id( Route.create_id(, visit['LineRef']), visit['DirectionRef']) visit = visit['MonitoredCall'] away = visit['Extensions']['Distances']['DistanceFromCall'] arrivals.append( Arrival(stop=stop, away=int(away), unit=arrival_units[1], direction_id=did)) return arrivals
def routes(self): params = {'Action': 'RouteList'} resp = self.session.get(self.url, params=params) data = parse(resp.content)['ActionRouteList']['RouteList']['Route'] routes = {} stops = {} for route in data: line = route['Line'] id = Route.create_id(, line['@LineId']) if id not in routes: # TODO route_type from line['ModeType']['@ModeTypeIdx'] routes[id] = (line['@SortOrder'], Route(id=id,, name=line['@LineName'], sign=line['@LineId'])) return [r[1] for r in sorted(routes.values(), key=itemgetter(0))]
def retrieve(self, request, region, agency, pk): try: route = Route.objects.select_related('agency', 'agency__region') \ .prefetch_related('directions', 'directions__stops') \ .get(pk=Route.create_id(Agency.create_id(region, agency), pk)) except Route.DoesNotExist: raise Http404('No Route matches the given query.') stops = [] for direction in route.directions.all(): stops.extend(direction.stops.all()) self.object = Adapter(route, stops=stops) serializer = self.get_serializer(self.object) return Response(
def routes(self): routes = [] agency = aid = agency.get_id() for route in self._routes(join('data', # if there's no agency_id, we'll assume they're all a part of # the single agency we're processing, hopefully that's correct if 'agency_id' in route and route['agency_id'] != aid: continue id = Route.create_id(, route['route_id']) routes.append( Route(agency=agency, id=id, sign=route['route_short_name'], name=route['route_long_name'], type=route_types[int(route['route_type'])], color=route.get('route_color', None))) routes.sort(key=route_key) for i, route in enumerate(routes): route.order = i return routes
def routes(self): agency = # use external id params = {"command": "routeList", "a": agency.get_id()} resp = self.session.get(self.url, params=params) routes = [] for i, route in enumerate(parse(resp.content)["body"]["route"]): tag = route["@tag"] id = Route.create_id(, tag) # TODO: type, url, color (may require pre-walk etc.) routes.append(Route(id=id, agency=agency, name=route["@title"], sign=tag, order=i)) return routes
def retrieve(self, request, region, agency, route, pk): try: stop = Stop.objects.select_related('agency', 'agency__region') \ .get(pk=Stop.create_id(Agency.create_id(region, agency), pk)) except Stop.DoesNotExist: raise Http404('No Route matches the given query.') agency = route = get_object_or_404(Route, pk=Route.create_id(, route)) arrivals = get_provider(, route) self.object = StopAdapter(stop, arrivals=arrivals, route=route) serializer = self.get_serializer(self.object) return Response(
def routes(self): agency = url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.url, 'route.aspx') params = dict(self.params) params['cmd'] = 'routes' resp = self.session.get(url, params=params) # preserve BART's order routes = OrderedDict() for route in parse(resp.content)['root']['routes']['route']: color = route['color'] if color not in routes: id = Route.create_id(, route['abbr']) routes[color] = Route(id=id, agency=agency, name=route['name'], sign=route['abbr'], type=route_types[1], color=route['color'], order=len(routes)) return list(routes.values())
def routes(self): routes = [] agency = aid = agency.get_id() for route in self._routes(join('data', # if there's no agency_id, we'll assume they're all a part of # the single agency we're processing, hopefully that's correct if 'agency_id' in route and route['agency_id'] != aid: continue id = Route.create_id(, route['route_id']) routes.append(Route(agency=agency, id=id, sign=route['route_short_name'], name=route['route_long_name'], type=route_types[int(route['route_type'])], color=route.get('route_color', None))) routes.sort(key=route_key) for i, route in enumerate(routes): route.order = i return routes
def _stop_arrivals(self, stop): params = {"command": "predictions", "a":, "stopId": stop.code} resp = requests.get(self.url, params=params) arrivals = [] for predictions in parse(resp.content)["body"]["predictions"]: route_id = Route.create_id(, predictions["@routeTag"]) if "direction" not in predictions: continue directions = predictions["direction"] if isinstance(directions, OrderedDict): directions = [directions] for direction in directions: predictions = direction["prediction"] if isinstance(predictions, OrderedDict): predictions = [predictions] for prediction in predictions: dir_id = Direction.create_id(route_id, prediction["@dirTag"]) departure = prediction["@isDeparture"] == "true" arrivals.append(Arrival(stop=stop, away=int(prediction["@seconds"]), direction_id=dir_id)) arrivals.sort(key=attrgetter("away")) return arrivals