def loadMessages(self, msgFileName): lines = isAMessage = False message = "" lineNumber = 0 for eachLine in lines: lineNumber += 1 if eachLine.strip() == "" or eachLine.strip()[0] == '#': continue elif eachLine.strip().startswith(INSTRUCTION_START): if isAMessage: d = PBI.PyBusyInfo("Your message in file ======> " + msgFileName + " is missing message end " '</message>' " /n") wx.Yield() time.sleep(3) del d quit() isAMessage = True msgPojo = messagePojo() id_ = self.getIdFromString(eachLine) if id_.isdigit() and len(id_) == 6: msgPojo.setID(id_) else: d = PBI.PyBusyInfo("Your message in file ======> " + msgFileName + " <======= lineNumber= " + lineNumber + " given id " + id_ + " is not a valid id/n") wx.Yield() time.sleep(3) del d quit() if self.MsgStartIndex > 0 and not INSTRUCTION_END in eachLine: message += eachLine[self.MsgStartIndex:] elif isAMessage and not INSTRUCTION_START in eachLine and not INSTRUCTION_END in eachLine: message += eachLine + "\n" if isAMessage and INSTRUCTION_END in eachLine: if self.MsgStartIndex > 0: if (eachLine.strip().startswith(INSTRUCTION_START)): message += eachLine[(self.MsgStartIndex):eachLine. index(INSTRUCTION_END)] + "\n" elif len(eachLine[:eachLine.index(INSTRUCTION_END)].strip( )) > 0: message += eachLine[:eachLine.index(INSTRUCTION_END )] + "\n" isAMessage = False msgPojo.setMsg(message) self.messageList.append(msgPojo) message = "" return self.messageList
def ApercuFactures(self, dictComptes={}): # Récupération des paramètres d'affichage dlg = DLG_Apercu_facture.Dialog(self, provisoire=True) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dictOptions = dlg.GetParametres() dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return False # Fabrication du PDF dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo( _(u"Création de l'aperçu au format PDF..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Veuillez patienter..."), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() try: UTILS_Impression_facture.Impression( dictComptes, dictOptions, IDmodele=dictOptions["IDmodele"]) del dlgAttente except Exception, err: del dlgAttente traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _(u"Désolé, le problème suivant a été rencontré dans la création de l'aperçu des factures : \n\n%s" ) % err, _(u"Erreur"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return False
def SaisieLot(self): import DLG_Saisie_lot_ouvertures dlg = DLG_Saisie_lot_ouvertures.Dialog(self, afficheElements=False) if self.clipboard != None: dlg.SetDate(self.clipboard) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: mode = dlg.GetMode() date = dlg.GetDate() date_debut, date_fin = dlg.GetPeriode() jours_scolaires, jours_vacances = dlg.GetJours() feries = dlg.GetFeries() try: dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo( _(u"Veuillez patienter durant l'opération..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Patientez..."), icon=wx.Bitmap( Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() self.TraitementLot(mode, date, date_debut, date_fin, jours_scolaires, jours_vacances, feries) del dlgAttente except Exception, err: del dlgAttente traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) dlg2 = wx.MessageDialog( self, _(u"Désolé, le problème suivant a été rencontré dans le traitement par lot des ouvertures : \n\n%s" ) % err, _(u"Erreur"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg2.ShowModal() dlg2.Destroy()
def MAJpage(self, indexRubrique=None, indexPage=None): """ Met à jour le contenu d'une page """ dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo(_(u"Actualisation des données..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Patientez"), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() codeRubrique = None codePage = None indexR = 0 # Recherche de la rubrique for dictRubrique in self.listeObjets : if dictRubrique["visible"] == True : if indexR == indexRubrique : codeRubrique = dictRubrique["code"] ctrl_notebook = dictRubrique["ctrl_notebook"] # Recherche de la page indexP = 0 for dictPage in dictRubrique["pages"] : if dictPage["visible"] == True : if indexP == indexPage : codePage = dictPage["code"] ctrl_html = dictPage["ctrl_html"] indexP += 1 indexR += 1 if codeRubrique == None or codePage == None : return None # MAJ du contrôles HTML self.baseHTML.MAJ(page=codePage) pageHTML = self.baseHTML.GetHTML(page=codePage) ctrl_html.SetPage(pageHTML) del dlgAttente
def GetTracks(self): # Récupération des données dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo( _(u"Recherche des prestations à facturer en cours..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Veuillez patienter..."), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() try: facturation = UTILS_Facturation.Facturation() self.dictComptes = facturation.GetDonnees( liste_activites=self.dictParametres["listeActivites"], date_debut=self.dictParametres["date_debut"], date_fin=self.dictParametres["date_fin"], date_edition=self.dictParametres["date_emission"], date_echeance=self.dictParametres["date_echeance"], prestations=self.dictParametres["prestations"], ) del dlgAttente except Exception, err: del dlgAttente traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _(u"Désolé, le problème suivant a été rencontré dans la recherche de factures : \n\n%s" ) % err, _(u"Erreur"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return False
def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title='%s - %s' % (const.APP_NAME, const.APP_VERSION)) g.load_global_data(self) self.init_splitter_windows() # 需要在frame对象初始化之后,show之前,执行 self.create_menu_bar( ) # 需要在self.init_splitter_windows()之后调用,因为其中引用到了生成的子窗口 self._toolbar = self.create_tool_bar() self._status_bar = self.CreateStatusBar() self._status_bar.SetFieldsCount(4) self._status_bar.SetStatusWidths([-2, -1, -1, -2]) self.show_status_info(show_map=True, show_edit_status=True) self.SetIcon(app_icons.zhangjiashan.GetIcon()) self.SetMinSize((800, 600)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MAXIMIZE, self.on_maximize, self) # 需要放在self.Maximize()之前调用,才能正确获取width和height的值 self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_close, self) self.Maximize() # 必须在frame内其他窗口都布置妥当,wx.EVT_MAXIMIZE事件绑定之后再调用执行 self.Show(True) # 需要在splitter窗口初始化之后再执行 # self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.on_resize, self) # frame的EVT_SIZE事件需要推迟到现在才能绑定 # EVT_SIZE绑定后,全屏会显示不全;目前wx4中解绑定失败,所以暂时注解掉... busy = PBI.PyBusyInfo('数据加载中,请稍候...', parent=None, title='正在启动>>>') g.map_canvas.init_after_frame_shown() # 需要在frame对象初始化并show之后再执行 g.init_data_and_add_to_tree() del busy
def OnCalculate(self, event): = pbi.PyBusyInfo("Calculating...", self) self.calc.Enable(False) num = int(self.ntxt.Value) t = FibonacciCalc(num, self.OnComplete) t.start()
def CreationPDFunique(repertoireCible=""): dictPieces = {} dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo(_(u"Génération des attestations fiscales à l'unité au format PDF..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Veuillez patienter..."), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() try : index = 0 for IDcompte_payeur, dictAttestation in dictDonnees.iteritems() : nomTitulaires = self.Supprime_accent(dictAttestation["{FAMILLE_NOM}"]) nomFichier = u"%s" % nomTitulaires cheminFichier = u"%s/%s.pdf" % (repertoireCible, nomFichier) dictComptesTemp = {IDcompte_payeur : dictAttestation} self.EcritStatusbar(_(u"Edition de l'attestation fiscale %d/%d : %s") % (index, len(dictAttestation), nomFichier)) UTILS_Impression_attestation_fiscale.Impression(dictComptesTemp, dictOptions, IDmodele=dictOptions["IDmodele"], ouverture=False, nomFichier=cheminFichier) dictPieces[IDcompte_payeur] = cheminFichier index += 1 self.EcritStatusbar("") del dlgAttente return dictPieces except Exception, err: del dlgAttente traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _(u"Désolé, le problème suivant a été rencontré dans l'édition des attestations fiscales : \n\n%s") % err, _(u"Erreur"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return False
def VerifieEtat(self, identifiant="", code=""): """ Vérifie la validité du code en ligne """ dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo( _(u"Vérification du code en cours..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Veuillez patienter"), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() try: url = "" % ( identifiant, code) h = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=5) html = h.close() except Exception, err: self.AfficheEtatValidite( texte= u"Vérification impossible. Vérifiez votre connexion internet !", image="attention") del dlgAttente print "pb dans verification code enregistrement." traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return False
def OnTest(self, event): ''' ''' order, prd, iccid = utf8toascii( self.order.GetValue().strip()), self.prd.GetValue(), utf8toascii( self.iccid.GetValue().strip()).upper() if not os.path.isfile(prd): self.showmsg('不正确的prd数据文件', prd) return try: OrdernoValidator().test({'ORDERNO': order}, self.logger) except Exception as e: self.showmsg('不正确的订单号', order) return try: if len(iccid) == 19: iccid1 = swap(iccid + 'F') elif len(iccid) == 20: iccid1 = swap(iccid) ICCIDValidator().test({'ICCID': iccid1}, self.logger) except Exception as e: self.showmsg('输入的ICCID格式不正确', iccid) return try: script = api_util.gettestscript(order) except Exception as e: self.error(traceback.format_exc(e)) self.showmsg('获取检测脚本失败', order) return try: module = api_util.importmodule(script, order) except Exception as e: self.error(traceback.format_exc(e)) self.showmsg('检测脚本无效', order) return message = u("测试中,请勿拔卡!") busy = PBI.PyBusyInfo(message, parent=None, title=u("测试中")) wx.Yield() try: passedno, warningno, errorno = api_util.testorder( module, order, prd, iccid1, self.printer) except Exception as e: self.error(traceback.format_exc(e)) del busy self.showmsg('检测过程不正常结束。测试不通过!', order) return del busy if errorno == 0: if warningno == 0: self.showmsg('检测通过', order, style='') else: self.showmsg('检测通过。但发现 %d 个警告。' % warningno, order) else: self.showmsg('检测不通过:发现 %d 个错误、%d 个警告。' % (errorno, warningno), order)
def OnClickRestartNow(self, event): d = PBI.PyBusyInfo( "Please wait! The Music player you requested is being downloaded ...", title="XMusic Downloader") wx.Yield() time.sleep(5) del d wx.MessageBox((globalVar.dialogPojo_).getMessage(), "Info", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) hasDialog = False RESPONSECODE.previousResponse = RESPONSECODE.currentResponse RESPONSECODE.previousResponseCode = RESPONSECODE.currentResponseCode RESPONSECODE.currentResponse = RESPONSECODE.DIALOG_YES RESPONSECODE.currentResponseCode = RESPONSECODE.RESPONSE[ RESPONSECODE.currentResponse] globalTracker.RESPONSECODE.responseLogBuffer += RESPONSECODE.currentResponse + "\t" + RESPONSECODE.currentResponseCode + "\t" + RESPONSECODE.previousResponse + "\t" + RESPONSECODE.previousResponseCode + "\t" + self.startTime + "\t" + ( time.strftime( "%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) + "\t" + CONSTANTS.date_today + "\n" RESPONSECODE.SNo += 1 globalTracker.utils.write( globalTracker.propertyVar.responseLog, str(RESPONSECODE.SNo) + "\t" + globalTracker.RESPONSECODE.responseLogBuffer) self.Destroy()
def E4072(): """ Suppression des prestations sans consommations associées """ print "Lancement de la procedure E4072..." DB = GestionDB.DB() # Récupération des prestations req = """SELECT IDprestation, label FROM prestations;""" DB.ExecuterReq(req) listePrestations = DB.ResultatReq() # Récupération des consommations req = """SELECT IDconso, IDprestation FROM consommations;""" DB.ExecuterReq(req) listeConsommations = DB.ResultatReq() DB.Close() # Analyse dictPrestations = {} for IDconso, IDprestation in listeConsommations : if dictPrestations.has_key(IDprestation) == False : dictPrestations[IDprestation] = [] dictPrestations[IDprestation].append(IDconso) dictResultats = {} for IDprestation, label in listePrestations : if dictPrestations.has_key(IDprestation) == False : if dictResultats.has_key(label) == False : dictResultats[label] = [] dictResultats[label].append(IDprestation) listeDonnees = [] for label, listePrestationsTemp in dictResultats.iteritems() : texte = _(u"%s (%d prestations)") % (label, len(listePrestationsTemp)) listeDonnees.append((texte, label, listePrestationsTemp)) listeDonnees.sort() listeLabels = [] for texte, label, listePrestationsTemp in listeDonnees : listeLabels.append(texte) message = _(u"Cochez les prestations sans consommations associées que vous souhaitez supprimer.\n(Pensez à sauvegarder votre fichier avant d'effectuer cette procédure !)") dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, message, _(u"Suppression des prestations sans consommations associées"), listeLabels) dlg.SetSize((450, 500)) dlg.CenterOnScreen() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: import wx.lib.agw.pybusyinfo as PBI message = _(u"Veuillez patienter durant la procédure...") dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo(message, parent=None, title=_(u"Procédure"), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() selections = dlg.GetSelections() DB = GestionDB.DB() for index in selections : texte, label, listePrestationsTemp = listeDonnees[index] for IDprestation in listePrestationsTemp : DB.ReqDEL("prestations", "IDprestation", IDprestation) DB.Close() del dlgAttente dlg.Destroy() print "Fin de la procedure E4072."
def Massage(self, Msg ): #busy = PBI.PyBusyInfo(Msg, parent=None, title="Really Busy", # icon=images.Smiles.GetBitmap()) busy = PBI.PyBusyInfo(Msg, parent=None, title=u"در حال پردازش") wx.Yield() for indx in xrange(5): wx.MilliSleep(1000) del busy
def showmsg(get_msg,get_title): app = wx.App(redirect=False) #msg = get_msg #title = get_title d = PBI.PyBusyInfo(get_msg,title=get_title) time.sleep(3) d= None #d.showmsg() return d
def update_config_file(ftp_config_base_dir=u"工艺工作文件夹/工艺资料/AutoTest-Config", local_setting_file="./setting/config.xml"): #更新提示信息 wx.GetApp().Yield() config_file = None msg, ret_status = '', True busy = PBI.PyBusyInfo(u'正在更新配置', None, u'更新') basedir = ftp_config_base_dir rootElement = etree.Element('root') ftp = ftputil.FTPHost("", "szgy-chenjie", "szgy-chenjie") ftp.chdir(basedir.encode("gbk")) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in ftp.walk("."): try: dirpath_seg = dirpath.split("/") dirpath_seg_len = len(dirpath_seg) if dirpath_seg_len == 2 and 'config.xml' in filenames: config_file = posixpath.join(dirpath, 'config.xml') config_file_handle =, encoding="utf-8") tree = etree.parse(config_file_handle, Config.parser_without_comments) comment = etree.Comment(dirpath_seg[-1]) rootElement.append(comment) for item in tree.xpath('./li'): if len(item) == 0: xml_path = item.get('xml', '') item.attrib['xml'] = xml_path[:2] + dirpath_seg[ -1] + '/' + xml_path[2:] etree.SubElement(rootElement, item.tag, item.attrib) else: for subitem in item: xml_path = subitem.get('xml', '') subitem.attrib['xml'] = xml_path[:2] + dirpath_seg[ -1] + '/' + xml_path[2:] rootElement.append(item) except Exception as e: msg += '文件:{} 错误:{}\n'.format(config_file, e.message) ret_status = False continue if ret_status: with open( local_setting_file, mode="w", ) as f: f.write( etree.tostring(rootElement, xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True, encoding="utf-8")) ftp.upload(local_setting_file, "./config.xml") ftp.close() del busy return msg, ret_status
def InitModel(self): dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo( _(u"Recherche des prestations en cours..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Patientez"), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() self.donnees = self.GetTracks() del dlgAttente
def test_lib_agw_pybusyinfoCtor(self): message = 'Please wait...' busy = PBI.PyBusyInfo(message, parent=self.frame, title='Really Busy') wx.Yield() self.assertTrue(busy._infoFrame.IsShown()) for indx in range(5): wx.MilliSleep(10) del busy
def on_press(self, event): value = self.my_csv.GetPath() if not value: wx.MessageDialog(self, message="You didn't enter anything!").ShowModal() else: # Loading menu... self.Close() busy = pybusyinfo.PyBusyInfo(message="Loading csv, please wait...") ukb = ukbiobank.ukbio(ukb_csv=value) busy.Show(show=False) MenuFrame(self, ukb)
def OnFileSave(self, event): RESPONSECODE.previousResponse=RESPONSECODE.currentResponse RESPONSECODE.previousResponseCode=RESPONSECODE.currentResponseCode RESPONSECODE.currentResponse=RESPONSECODE.MP3_SAVE RESPONSECODE.currentResponseCode=RESPONSECODE.RESPONSE[RESPONSECODE.currentResponse] # print "Save downloaded" d = PBI.PyBusyInfo("Downloaded file saved", title="") wx.Yield() time.sleep(2) del d self.Destroy()
def __init__(self, parent, ukb): super().__init__(parent=parent, title="Output CSV", size=wx.DefaultSize) with wx.FileDialog( self, "Save output as csv", wildcard="csv files (*.csv)|*.csv", style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, ) as fileDialog: if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return # the user changed their mind # Getting filepath pathname = fileDialog.GetPath() # Getting selections s = ukb.SELECTIONS if s is None: wx.MessageDialog(self, message="No selections were made.").ShowModal() return else: busy = pybusyinfo.PyBusyInfo(message="Saving csv, please wait...") # Adding fields to dataframe if "include_variables" in s and len(s["include_variables"]) > 0: df = ukbiobank.utils.utils.addFields( ukbio=ukb, fields=s["include_variables"] ) # Filtering dataframe according to 'include_illness' selections if "include_illnesses" in s and len(s["include_illnesses_coded"]) > 0: df = ukbiobank.filtering.filtering.filterByField( ukbio=ukb, df=df, fields_to_include=s["include_illnesses_coded"] ) try: # Saving df.to_csv(pathname, index=False) except IOError: wx.LogError("Cannot save current data in file '%s'." % pathname) busy.Show(show=False) wx.MessageBox( "CSV saved to: {0}".format(pathname), "Info", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION, )
def A5200(): """ Arrondi de toutes les prestations et ventilations de la base de données !!! """ import wx.lib.agw.pybusyinfo as PBI from UTILS_Decimal import FloatToDecimal as FloatToDecimal DB = GestionDB.DB() dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo(_( u"Veuillez patienter durant la procédure... Celle-ci peut nécessiter quelques minutes..." ), parent=None, title=_(u"Veuillez patienter..."), icon=wx.Bitmap( Chemins.GetStaticPath( "Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() # Récupère les prestations req = """SELECT IDprestation, montant FROM prestations;""" DB.ExecuterReq(req) listePrestations = DB.ResultatReq() # Récupère la ventilation req = """SELECT IDventilation, montant FROM ventilation;""" DB.ExecuterReq(req) listeVentilations = DB.ResultatReq() # Modification des arrondis total = len(listePrestations) + len(listeVentilations) index = 0 for IDprestation, montant in listePrestations: EcritStatusbar( _(u"Correction des arrondis... Merci de patienter... -> %d %% effectués" ) % (index * 100 / total)) DB.ReqMAJ("prestations", [ ("montant", FloatToDecimal(montant, plusProche=True)), ], "IDprestation", IDprestation) index += 1 for IDventilation, montant in listeVentilations: EcritStatusbar( _(u"Correction des arrondis... Merci de patienter... - > %d %% effectués" ) % (index * 100 / total)) DB.ReqMAJ("ventilation", [ ("montant", FloatToDecimal(montant, plusProche=True)), ], "IDventilation", IDventilation) index += 1 DB.Close() EcritStatusbar(u"") del dlgAttente
def AnalysePhoto(self, nom_fichier=None): if nom_fichier == None : self.ctrl_listview.MAJ() img = wx.EmptyImage(TAILLE_IMAGE_ORIGINALE[0], TAILLE_IMAGE_ORIGINALE[1]) img.SetRGBRect((0, 0, TAILLE_IMAGE_ORIGINALE[0], TAILLE_IMAGE_ORIGINALE[1]), 0, 0, 0) self.AfficheImageOriginale(img.ConvertToBitmap()) return False self.label_infos.SetLabel(_(u"Analyse de l'image en cours...")) self.Layout() dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo(_(u"Analyse de l'image en cours..."), parent=self, title=_(u"Veuillez patienter..."), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Divers/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")) img = cv2.imread(nom_fichier.encode("iso-8859-15")) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) height, width = frame.shape[:2] bmp = wx.BitmapFromBuffer(width, height, frame) ## print "Photo originale =", bmp, bmp.GetSize() listePhotos = [] faces = cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: bmpVisage = bmp.GetSubBitmap((x, y, w, h)) # Ajuste taille de l'image imgVisage = wx.ImageFromBitmap(bmpVisage) imgVisage.Rescale(width=TAILLE_IMAGE[0], height=TAILLE_IMAGE[1], quality=wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH) bmpVisage = imgVisage.ConvertToBitmap() # Ajoute la photo à la liste listePhotos.append(bmpVisage) # Tracé du cadre rouge cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255,0,0), 2) # Envoie les visages au ListView self.ctrl_listview.MAJ(listePhotos) # Envoie l'image originale vers le staticbitmap bmp = wx.BitmapFromBuffer(width, height, frame) self.AfficheImageOriginale(bmp) # MAJ Label_infos texte = _(u"Noethys a détecté %d visages.\n\nDouble-cliquez sur les lignes\nde la liste pour les associer\nà des individus.") % len(listePhotos) self.label_infos.SetLabel(texte) self.Layout() del dlgAttente
def MAJ(self): listeActivites = self.GetParent().page1.GetActivites() self.ctrl_options.ctrl_signataire.MAJ(listeActivites) dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo(_(u"Recherche des données..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Veuillez patienter..."), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() try : listePrestations = self.GetParent().page1.GetPrestations() self.ctrl_attestations.MAJ(listePrestations) del dlgAttente except Exception, err : print err del dlgAttente
def sendEvent(self,eventPacket): message = "Contacting Server..." busyMsg = PBI.PyBusyInfo(message, parent=None, title=" ") wx.Yield() packet = [x.upper() for x in eventPacket] packetStr = ' '.join(packet) try: client = socket.create_connection((serverAddress, 6969)) client.send(packetStr) reply=(client.recv(1024)).split() #I might need to close the client for other machines to work? except Exception, msg: del busyMsg wx.CallAfter(self.parent.socketClosed,wx.EVT_CLOSE,msg)
def AfficherApercu(self, event=None): if len(self.Selection()) == 0: dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _(u"Vous n'avez sélectionné aucune facture dans la liste !"), _(u"Erreur de saisie"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return track = self.Selection()[0] IDfamille = track.IDfamille IDcompte_payeur = track.IDcompte_payeur # Récupération des données dictCompte = self.dictComptes[IDcompte_payeur] # Récupération des paramètres d'affichage dlg = DLG_Apercu_facture.Dialog(self, provisoire=True) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dictOptions = dlg.GetParametres() dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return False # Fabrication du PDF dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo( _(u"Création de l'aperçu au format PDF..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Veuillez patienter..."), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() try: UTILS_Impression_facture.Impression( {IDcompte_payeur: dictCompte}, dictOptions, IDmodele=dictOptions["IDmodele"]) del dlgAttente except Exception, err: del dlgAttente traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _(u"Désolé, le problème suivant a été rencontré dans la création de l'aperçu de la facture : \n\n%s" ) % err, _(u"Erreur"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return False
def CreationPDFunique(repertoireCible=""): dictPieces = {} dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo(_( u"Génération des lettres de rappel à l'unité au format PDF..." ), parent=None, title=_(u"Veuillez patienter..."), icon=wx.Bitmap( Chemins.GetStaticPath( "Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() try: index = 0 for IDrappel, dictRappel in dictRappels.iteritems(): if dictRappel["select"] == True: num_rappel = dictRappel["num_rappel"] nomTitulaires = self.Supprime_accent( dictRappel["nomSansCivilite"]) nomFichier = _(u"Lettre de rappel %d - %s") % ( num_rappel, nomTitulaires) cheminFichier = u"%s/%s.pdf" % (repertoireCible, nomFichier) dictComptesTemp = {IDrappel: dictRappel} self.EcritStatusbar( _(u"Edition de la lettre de rappel %d/%d : %s") % (index, len(dictRappel), nomFichier)) UTILS_Impression_rappel.Impression( dictComptesTemp, dictOptions, IDmodele=dictOptions["IDmodele"], ouverture=False, nomFichier=cheminFichier) dictPieces[IDrappel] = cheminFichier index += 1 self.EcritStatusbar("") del dlgAttente return dictPieces except Exception, err: del dlgAttente traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) dlg = wx.MessageDialog( None, _(u"Désolé, le problème suivant a été rencontré dans l'édition des lettres de rappel : \n\n%s" ) % err, _(u"Erreur"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return False
def Imprimer(self, event=None): ID = event.GetId() listeCodes = self.ctrl_impression.GetCoches() # Imprimer tout dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo(_(u"Création du rapport..."), parent=None, title=_(u"Patientez"), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() if ID == 10 : html = self.baseHTML.GetHTML(mode="impression", selectionsCodes=listeCodes) # Imprimer la rubrique affichée if ID == 20 : indexRubrique = self.ctrl_labelbook.GetSelection() codeRubrique = self.RechercherElement(indexRubrique=indexRubrique)[0] html = self.baseHTML.GetHTML(mode="impression", rubrique=codeRubrique, selectionsCodes=listeCodes) # Imprimer la page affichée if ID == 30 : codeRubrique, codePage = self.RecherchePageAffichee() html = self.baseHTML.GetHTML(mode="impression", rubrique=codeRubrique, page=codePage, selectionsCodes=listeCodes) if len(listeCodes) == 0 or len(html) <= 50 : dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _(u"Vous n'avez sélectionné aucune information à imprimer !"), _(u"Erreur"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return del dlgAttente # Impression printout = HtmlPrintout(html) printout2 = HtmlPrintout(html) preview = wx.PrintPreview(printout, printout2) ## from Utils import UTILS_Printer ## preview_window = UTILS_Printer.PreviewFrame(preview, None, _(u"Aperçu avant impression")) ## preview_window.Initialize() ## preview_window.MakeModal(False) ## preview_window.Show(True) preview.SetZoom(100) frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() preview_window = wx.PreviewFrame(preview, None, _(u"Aperçu avant impression")) preview_window.Initialize() preview_window.MakeModal(False) preview_window.SetPosition(frame.GetPosition()) preview_window.SetSize(frame.GetSize()) preview_window.Show(True)
def checkECOMode(self, event): print "on check eco" gear = self.get_gear(self.speed, self.rpm) print str(gear) if gear < 5 and self.rpm < RECOMMENDED_RPM: message = "Please increase gear" pngup = wx.Bitmap(u"./icons/Actions-arrow-up-icon.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) d = PBI.PyBusyInfo(message, parent=None, title="ECO Mode on", icon=pngup) wx.Yield() wx.MilliSleep(1500) del d
def nuevo_proyecto(self, panel_principal, idioma=None): '''Método para crear un proyecto nuevo''' # Información sobre la tarea. mensaje = t(u"Creando nuevo proyecto", idioma) busy = PBI.PyBusyInfo(mensaje, parent=None, title=t(u"Un momento...", idioma)) wx.Yield() # Limpiar configuración de proyecto. panel_principal.panel_conf_vipera.limpiar_widget() # Limpiar módulos. panel_principal.lista_modulos = list() panel_principal.limpiar_widget_modulo() panel_principal.m_choice_modulos.SetItems([]) # Limpiar packages. panel_principal.panel_packages.limpiar_widget() # Limpiar editor. panel_principal.panel_editor.set_codigo('', 1) # Limpiamos memoria. del busy
def RechercheDonnees(self): self.listeResultats = [] EcritStatusbar( _(u"Recherche d'anomalies en cours... Veuillez patientez...")) try: dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo( _(u"Recherche d'anomalies en cours..."), parent=self.parent, title=_(u"Merci de patienter"), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() except: dlgAttente = None # Init DB self.DB = GestionDB.DB() # Recherches self.InscriptionsSansIndividus() self.CotisationsSansIndividus() self.CotisationsSansFamilles() self.PrestationsSansFamilles() self.VentilationsSansPrestations() self.VentilationsSansReglements() self.IndividusIncomplets() self.FamillesIncompletes() self.InscriptionsIncompletes() self.ConsommationsIncompletes() self.FacturesErronees() self.ConsommationsErronees() self.LiensTronques() self.RattachementsTronques() self.LiensErrones() self.VentilationExcessive() # Fermeture DB self.DB.Close() del dlgAttente EcritStatusbar("")