Exemple #1
def checkSTC(stc, before, after):

    # change cursor to "|"
    text = stc.GetText()
    if after == text:
        print "Matched:\n*** stc ***\n%s\n***\n%s\n***" % (text, after)
        return True
    print "Not matched:\n*** stc ***: repr=%s\n%s\n***\n*** should be ***: repr=%s\n%s\n***" % (
        repr(text), text, repr(after), after)
    return False
Exemple #2
def pyparseit():
    inside triple quotes
    stc = getSTC(stcclass=PythonMode, lexer="Python")

    tests = splittests(test_cases)
    for test in tests:
        prepareSTC(stc, test[0])

        indent = stc.findIndent(stc.GetCurrentLine())
        indentstr = stc.GetIndentString(indent)
        dprint("indent = '%s'" % indentstr)
        print stc.GetText()
        print indentstr + "^"
Exemple #3
    def GenDoc(self):
        """Generates the document body of the LaTeX document
        @returns: the main body of the reference document marked up with latex

        tex = list()
        tmp = u''
        start = parse_pos = 0
        last_pos = self._stc.GetLineEndPosition(self._stc.GetLineCount())

        # Define the default style
        self.RegisterStyleCmd('default_style', \

        # Get Document start point info
        last_id = self._stc.GetStyleAt(parse_pos)
        tmp = self.TransformText(
            self._stc.GetTextRange(parse_pos, parse_pos + 1))
        tag = self._stc.FindTagById(last_id)
        if tag != wx.EmptyString:
            self.RegisterStyleCmd(tag, self._stc.GetItemByName(tag))

        # Optimizations
        stc = self._stc
        GetStyleAt = stc.GetStyleAt
        GetTextRange = stc.GetTextRange
        TransformText = self.TransformText

        # Build LaTeX
        for parse_pos in xrange(last_pos + 1):
            curr_id = GetStyleAt(parse_pos)
            if parse_pos > 1:
                # This is the performance bottleneck, changeing the text
                # collection to when the style changes is much faster as
                # it only needs to be done once per style section instead
                # of once per character. Doing that however causes problems
                # with the style and resulting document formatting.
                tmp = TransformText(GetTextRange((parse_pos - 1), parse_pos))

            if curr_id == 0 and GetStyleAt(parse_pos + 1) == last_id:
                curr_id = last_id

            # If style region has changed close section
            if curr_id != last_id or tmp[-1] == "\n":
                tmp_tex = TransformText(GetTextRange(start, parse_pos))
                #                 tmp_tex = u"".join(tmp)
                if tag == "operator_style" or \
                   (tag == "default_style" and \
                    tmp_tex.isspace() and len(tmp_tex) <= 2):
                    if "\\\\\n" in tmp_tex:
                        tmp_tex = tmp_tex.replace("\\\\\n", "")
                        tmp2 = "\\%s{%s}\\\\\n"
                        tmp2 = "\\%s{%s}"

                    cmd = self.CreateCmdName(tag)
                    if cmd in [None, wx.EmptyString]:
                        cmd = "defaultstyle"
                    tex.append(tmp2 % (cmd, tmp_tex))

                last_id = curr_id
                tag = stc.FindTagById(last_id)
                if tag not in [None, wx.EmptyString]:
                    self.RegisterStyleCmd(tag, stc.GetItemByName(tag))
                tmp = list()
                start = parse_pos

        # Case for unstyled documents
        if tex == wx.EmptyString:
        return "\\begin{document}\n%s\n\\end{document}" % "".join(tex)
Exemple #4
    def GenerateBody(self):
        """Generates the body of the html from the stc's content. To do
        this it does a character by character parse of the stc to determine
        style regions and generate css and and styled spans of html in order
        to generate an 'exact' html reqresentation of the stc's window.
        @return: the body section of the html generated from the text control

        html = list()
        parse_pos = 0
        style_start = 0
        style_end = 0
        last_pos = self.stc.GetLineEndPosition(self.stc.GetLineCount()) + 1

        # Get Document start point info
        last_id = self.stc.GetStyleAt(parse_pos)
        tag = self.stc.FindTagById(last_id)
        if tag != wx.EmptyString:
            s_item = StyleItem()
            self.css[tag] = CssItem(tag.split('_')[0], s_item)

        # Optimizations
        stc = self.stc
        GetStyleAt = stc.GetStyleAt

        # Build Html
        while parse_pos < last_pos:
            parse_pos += 1
            curr_id = GetStyleAt(parse_pos)
            style_end = parse_pos
            # If style region has changed close section
            if curr_id == 0 and GetStyleAt(parse_pos + 1) == last_id:
                curr_id = last_id

            if curr_id != last_id or parse_pos == last_pos:
                tmp = stc.GetTextRange(style_start, style_end)
                tmp = self.TransformText(tmp)
                if tmp.isspace() or tag in ["default_style", "operator_style"]:
                    tmp2 = "<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>"
                    html.append(tmp2 % (tag.split('_')[0], tmp))

                last_id = curr_id
                style_start = style_end
                tag = stc.FindTagById(last_id)
                if tag not in self.css:
                    s_item = StyleItem()
                    self.css[tag] = CssItem(tag.split('_')[0], s_item)

        # Case for unstyled documents
        if len(html) == 0:
            s_item = StyleItem()
            self.css['default_style'] = CssItem('default', s_item)

        return "<body class=\"default\">\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n</body>" % \