Exemple #1
        def GetHitTestColor(self, xy):
            Get the hit test colour

            :param `xy`: the position to get the hit test colour for
            if self._ForegroundHTBitmap:
                pdata = wx.AlphaPixelData(self._ForegroundHTBitmap)
                pdata = wx.AlphaPixelData(self._HTBitmap)
            if not pdata:
                raise RuntimeError("Trouble Accessing Hit Test bitmap")
            pacc = pdata.GetPixels()
            pacc.MoveTo(pdata, xy[0], xy[1])
            return pacc.Get()[:3]
Exemple #2
 def process_pick_points(self, x, y):
     context = wx.ClientDC(self)
     w, h = self.GetClientSize()
     if wx.VERSION[0] > 3:
         bitmap = wx.Bitmap(w, h, -1)
         # https://discuss.wxpython.org/t/wx-bitmap-x-y-and-wx-bitmap-create-x-y-vs-wx-emptybitmap-x-y/29463
         bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(w, h, -1)
     memory = wx.MemoryDC(bitmap)
     memory.Blit(0, 0, w, h, context, 0, 0)
     if (wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__'):
         pixelData = wx.AlphaPixelData(bitmap)
         pixelAccessor = pixelData.GetPixels()
         pixelAccessor.MoveTo(pixelData, x, y)
         c = pixelAccessor.Get()
         c = memory.GetPixel(x, y)
     bg = self.GetBackgroundColour()
     self._clicked = None
     min_dist = sys.maxsize
     closest_hkl = None
     for k, (x2, y2) in enumerate(self._points_2d):
         dist = sqrt((x2 - x)**2 + (y2 - y)**2)
         if (dist <= (self._radii_2d[k] + 2)):
             self._clicked = k
     hkl = d_min = value = None
     if (self._clicked is not None):
Exemple #3
def MakeBitmap(red, green, blue, alpha=128):
    # Create the bitmap that we will stuff pixel values into using
    # the raw bitmap access classes.
    bmp = wx.Bitmap(16, 16, 32)

    # Create an object that facilitates access to the bitmap's
    # pixel buffer
    pixelData = wx.AlphaPixelData(bmp)
    if not pixelData:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to gain raw access to bitmap data.")

    # We have two ways to access each pixel, first we'll use an
    # iterator to set every pixel to the colour and alpha values
    # passed in.
    for pixel in pixelData:
        pixel.Set(red, green, blue, alpha)

    # Next we'll use the pixel accessor to set the border pixels
    # to be fully opaque
    pixels = pixelData.GetPixels()
    for x in six.moves.range(16):
        pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, x, 0)
        pixels.Set(red, green, blue, wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE)
        pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, x, 16 - 1)
        pixels.Set(red, green, blue, wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE)
    for y in six.moves.range(16):
        pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, 0, y)
        pixels.Set(red, green, blue, wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE)
        pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, 16 - 1, y)
        pixels.Set(red, green, blue, wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE)

    return bmp
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        wx.Panel.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)


        # maskless image
        self.bmp1 = getTest2Bitmap()

        # give this one a mask
        self.bmp2 = getTest2Bitmap()

        # now make one in which the opaque pixels from #2 are made
        # partially transparent
        bmp = getTest2Bitmap()
        img = bmp.ConvertToImage()
        self.bmp3 = img.ConvertToBitmap()
        pixelData = wx.AlphaPixelData(self.bmp3)
        if not pixelData:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to gain raw access to bitmap data.")
        for pixel in pixelData:
            red, green, blue, alpha = pixel.Get()
            if alpha == 255:
                pixel.Set(red, green, blue, 128)
 def MakeMask(self, bitmap, alpha=32):
     pixelData = wx.AlphaPixelData(bitmap)
     pixels = pixelData.GetPixels()
     for y in range(28):
         pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, 0, y)
         for x in range(28):
             pixels.Set(255, 0, 0, alpha)
     return bitmap
Exemple #6
    def OnInit(self):
        #frame = TestFrame()

        #Start, Stop, Step = (0, 200, 10)
        Start, Stop, Step = (0, 200, 20)
        Depth = 24

        B = wx.EmptyBitmap(Size[0], Size[1], depth=24)
        #B = wx.EmptyBitmap(Size[0], Size[1])
        print "Bitmap depth is:", B.GetDepth()
        #raise Exception("stopping")
        dc = wx.MemoryDC()

        del dc

        i = 0
        j = 0
        for r in range(Start, Stop, Step):
            for g in range(Start, Stop, Step):
                for b in range(Start, Stop, Step):
                    i += 1
                    if i >= Size[0]:
                        i = 0
                        j += 1
                    if j >= Size[1]:
                        raise Exception("Too many color tests for bitmap size")
                    inColor = (r, g, b)
                    print "Drawing:", inColor, "To pixel:", (i, j)

                    dc = wx.MemoryDC(B)
                    dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Color(*inColor), 4))
                    dc.DrawPoint(i, j)
                    del dc

                    print "Bitmap depth is:", B.GetDepth()
                    pdata = wx.AlphaPixelData(B)
                    pacc = pdata.GetPixels()
                    pacc.MoveTo(pdata, i, j)
                    outColor = pacc.Get()[:3]

                    print "Got", outColor
                    if inColor != outColor:
                        print "Error!!, inColor = %s, outColor = %s at pixel: %s" % (
                            inColor, outColor, (i, j))

        B.SaveFile("junk.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)

        return True
Exemple #7
    def MakeBitmap(self, red, green, blue, alpha=128):
        # Create the bitmap that we will stuff pixel values into using
        # the raw bitmap access classes.
        bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(DIM, DIM, 32)

        # Create an object that facilitates access to the bitmap's
        # pixel buffer
        pixelData = wx.AlphaPixelData(bmp)
        if not pixelData:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to gain raw access to bitmap data.")

        # We have two ways to access each pixel, first we'll use an
        # iterator to set every pixel to the colour and alpha values
        # passed in.
        for pixel in pixelData:
            pixel.Set(red, green, blue, alpha)

        # This block of code is another way to do the same as above,
        # but with the accessor interface instead of the Python
        # iterator.  It is a bit faster than the above because it
        # avoids the iterator/generator magic, but it is not nearly as
        # 'clean' looking ;-)
        #pixels = pixelData.GetPixels()
        #for y in xrange(DIM):
        #    for x in xrange(DIM):
        #        pixels.Set(red, green, blue, alpha)
        #        pixels.nextPixel()
        #    pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, 0, y)

        # Next we'll use the pixel accessor to set the border pixels
        # to be fully opaque
        pixels = pixelData.GetPixels()
        for x in xrange(DIM):
            pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, x, 0)
            pixels.Set(red, green, blue, wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE)
            pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, x, DIM-1)
            pixels.Set(red, green, blue, wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE)
        for y in xrange(DIM):
            pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, 0, y)
            pixels.Set(red, green, blue, wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE)
            pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, DIM-1, y)
            pixels.Set(red, green, blue, wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE)
        return bmp
Exemple #8
    def getData(self, file_format):
        ''' Returns the picture of this surface as a string with file_format.
            where file format can be something like 'png', 'jpg' or 'raw' or any
            other kind of supported image format.
        if file_format == 'raw':
            # bit faster than the raw2 method because we use array.array.
            #  Should probably use a numpy array instead.
            noPixels = self.bitmap.Size[0] * self.bitmap.Size[1]
            if self.hasAlpha:
                result = array.array('c', '\0' * 4 * noPixels)
                self.bitmap.CopyToBuffer(result, wx.BitmapBufferFormat_RGBA)
                #self.bitmap.CopyToBuffer( result, wx.BitmapBufferFormat_ARGB32 )
                return result.tostring()
                result = array.array('c', '\0' * 3 * noPixels)
                self.bitmap.CopyToBuffer(result, wx.BitmapBufferFormat_RGB)
                return result.tostring()
        elif file_format == 'raw2':
            # very slow, because we iterate over each pixel
            result = ''
            for it in wx.AlphaPixelData(self.bitmap):
                pixel = it.Get()
                result += chr(pixel[0]) + chr(pixel[1]) + chr(pixel[2])
                if self.bitmap.HasAlpha():
                    result += chr(pixel[3])
            return result

            img = self.bitmap.ConvertToImage()

            import cStringIO
            outputStream = cStringIO.StringIO()
            if file_format == 'jpg':
                file_format = 'jpeg'
                           ConstantTable.getEnum('bitmap_type', file_format))
            data = outputStream.getvalue()

            return data
Exemple #9
    def test_rawbmp1(self):
        DIM = 100
        red = 10
        green = 20
        blue = 30
        alpha = 128

        bmp = wx.Bitmap(DIM, DIM, 32)
        pixelData = wx.AlphaPixelData(bmp)

        # Test using the __iter__ generator
        for pixel in pixelData:
            pixel.Set(red, green, blue, alpha)

        # This block of code is another way to do the same as above
        pixels = pixelData.GetPixels()
        for y in range(DIM):
            pixels.MoveTo(pixelData, 0, y)
            for x in range(DIM):
                pixels.Set(red, green, blue, alpha)
Exemple #10
    def OnLeftClick(self, evt):
        if self.shoot is not None: self.shoot.Play(wx.SOUND_ASYNC)
        dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
        pos = evt.GetPosition()
        dc.DrawCircle(pos.x, pos.y, 3)
        self.time = time.time()
        self.click += 1
        points = 0
        if (pos.x > self.x and pos.x < self.x + self.w and pos.y > self.y
                and pos.y < self.y + self.h):
            pixelData = wx.AlphaPixelData(self.bitmap_mask)
            pixelAccessor = pixelData.GetPixels()
            pixelAccessor.MoveTo(pixelData, pos.x - self.x, pos.y - self.y)
            r, g, b, a = pixelAccessor.Get()
            points = int(round(r / 24.0))

        self.score += points
            (pos.x / float(self.Width), pos.y / float(self.Height), points))
        self.win.frame.SetTitle('Diana %s disparos - %s puntos' %
                                (self.click, self.score))
Exemple #11
    def test_pixel(self, args):    
        _ = wx.App()  # Need to create an App instance before doing anything
        x = (int)(args[0])
        y = (int)(args[1])

        x = (int)(x * 2.6)
        y = (int)(y * 2.6)
        screen = wx.ScreenDC()
        screen_size = screen.GetSize()
        scren_size_x = screen_size[1] / 2
        scren_size_y = screen_size[0] / 2

        bmp = self.get_bmp()
        apd = wx.AlphaPixelData(bmp, wx.Rect(0, 0, scren_size_x, scren_size_y))
        pixels = apd.GetPixels()

        pixels.MoveTo(apd, x, y)
        pixel = pixels.Get()

        print(f"pixel ({x},{y}): {pixel}")

        bmp.SaveFile('screenshot.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)