'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', # demo string 'Tip of the Day', # wx built in translation 'Warning', # wx built in translation ] [ wxID_LANGUAGESELECTPANEL, wxID_LANGUAGESELECTPANELENGLISHBASECH, wxID_LANGUAGESELECTPANELLANGCTRLCONTAINER, wxID_LANGUAGESELECTPANELLANGFILTERRB, wxID_LANGUAGESELECTPANELSTATICLINE1, wxID_LANGUAGESELECTPANELSTATICTEXT1, wxID_LANGUAGESELECTPANELSTATICTEXT2, wxID_LANGUAGESELECTPANELSTATICTEXT3, wxID_LANGUAGESELECTPANELTRANSLATEDST, ] = wx.NewIdRef(9) class LanguageSelectPanel(wx.Panel): def _init_coll_boxSizer3_Items(self, parent): # generated method, don't edit parent.Add(self.langCtrlContainer, 1, flag=wx.GROW, border=0) parent.Add(wx.Size(8, 8), flag=0, border=0) parent.Add(self.langFilterRB, 0, flag=0, border=0) def _init_coll_flexGridSizer1_Growables(self, parent): # generated method, don't edit parent.AddGrowableRow(1) parent.AddGrowableCol(0)
def SelectProp(self, evt): """ """ row, col = evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol() table = self.GetTable() typ = table.dataTypes[row][1] prop = self.GetCellValue(row, 0) if prop == 'fill' or re.findall( "[.]*color[.]*", prop, flags=re.IGNORECASE): val = self.GetCellValue(row, 1) dlg = wx.ColourDialog(self.parent) dlg.GetColourData().SetChooseFull(True) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = dlg.GetColourData() val = str([RGBToHEX(data.GetColour().Get())]) self.SetCellValue(row, 1, val) else: dlg.Destroy() return False dlg.Destroy() self.AcceptProp(row, col) elif prop == 'font': val = eval(self.GetCellValue(row, 1)) default_font = wx.Font(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], False, val[4]) data = wx.FontData() if sys.platform == 'win32': data.EnableEffects(True) data.SetAllowSymbols(False) data.SetInitialFont(default_font) data.SetRange(10, 30) dlg = wx.FontDialog(self.parent, data) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = dlg.GetFontData() font = data.GetChosenFont() color = data.GetColour() val = [ font.GetPointSize(), font.GetFamily(), font.GetStyle(), font.GetWeight(), font.GetFaceName() ] self.SetCellValue(row, 1, str(val)) else: dlg.Destroy() return False dlg.Destroy() self.AcceptProp(row, col) elif prop == 'label': d = LabelGUI.LabelDialog(self.parent, self.parent.model) d.ShowModal() self.SetCellValue(row, 1, str(self.parent.model.label)) self.AcceptProp(row, col) elif prop == 'image_path': dlg = ib.ImageDialog(self, os.path.join(HOME_PATH)) dlg.Centre() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: val = os.path.normpath(dlg.GetFile()) if val != self.GetCellValue(row, 1): self.SetCellValue(row, 1, val) self.canvas.UpdateShapes([self.parent.model]) else: dlg.Destroy() return False dlg.Destroy() self.AcceptProp(row, col) elif 'filename' in str(prop).lower(): wcd = _('Data files All files (*)|*') val = self.GetCellValue(row, 1) default_dir = os.path.dirname(val) if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(val)) else HOME_PATH dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message=_("Select file ..."), defaultDir=default_dir, defaultFile="", wildcard=wcd, style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: val = os.path.normpath(dlg.GetPath()) if val != self.GetCellValue(row, 1): self.SetCellValue(row, 1, val) self.canvas.UpdateShapes([self.parent.model]) else: dlg.Destroy() return False dlg.Destroy() self.AcceptProp(row, col) elif prop == 'python_path': model = self.parent.model ### for .amd or .cmd if model.model_path != '': wcd = _( 'Atomic DEVSimPy model (*.amd)|*.amd|Coupled DEVSimPy model (*.cmd)|*.cmd|All files (*)|*' ) else: wcd = _('Python files (*.py)|*.py|All files (*)|*') default_dir = os.path.dirname(model.python_path) if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(model.python_path)) else DOMAIN_PATH dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message=_("Select file ..."), defaultDir=default_dir, defaultFile="", wildcard=wcd, style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: new_python_path = os.path.normpath(dlg.GetPath()) ### if the user would like to load a compressed python file, he just give the name of compressed file that contain the python file if zipfile.is_zipfile(new_python_path): zf = zipfile.ZipFile(new_python_path, 'r') new_python_path = os.path.join(new_python_path, [ f for f in zf.namelist() if f.endswith('.py') and f != 'plugins.py' ][0]) ### update model path model.model_path = os.path.dirname(new_python_path) self.SetCellValue(row, 1, new_python_path) # behavioral args update (because depends of the new class coming from new python file) new_cls = Components.GetClass(new_python_path) if inspect.isclass(new_cls): ### update attributes (behavioral ang graphic) old_args = model.args model.args = Components.GetArgs(new_cls) model.SetAttributes(Attributable.GRAPHICAL_ATTR) ### copy of the same args value for k, v in old_args.items(): if k in model.args: model.args[k] = v ### TODO: when ScopeGUI and DiskGUI will be amd models, delete this line) ### delete xlabel and ylabel attributes if exist model.RemoveAttribute('xlabel') model.RemoveAttribute('ylabel') ### Update of DEVSimPy model from new python behavioral file (ContainerBlock is not considered because he did not behavioral) if new_cls.__name__ in ('To_Disk', 'MessagesCollector'): model.__class__ = Container.DiskGUI elif new_cls.__name__ == 'QuickScope': model.__class__ = Container.ScopeGUI model.AddAttribute("xlabel") model.AddAttribute("ylabel") elif True in [ 'DomainStructure' in str(a) for a in new_cls.__bases__ ]: model.__class__ = Container.ContainerBlock else: model.__class__ = Container.CodeBlock ### if we change the python file from zipfile we compresse the new python file and we update the python_path value if zipfile.is_zipfile(model.model_path): zf = ZipManager.Zip(model.model_path) zf.Update([new_python_path]) ### update flag and color if bad filename if model.bad_filename_path_flag: model.bad_filename_path_flag = False else: Container.MsgBoxError(evt, self, new_cls) dlg.Destroy() return False else: dlg.Destroy() return False dlg.Destroy() self.AcceptProp(row, col) elif typ == "list": frame = ListEditor(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _('List editor'), values=self.GetCellValue(row, 1)) if frame.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: self.SetCellValue(row, 1, frame.GetValueAsString()) else: frame.Destroy() self.AcceptProp(row, col) elif typ == 'dict': frame = DictionaryEditor(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _('List editor'), values=self.GetCellValue(row, 1)) if frame.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: self.SetCellValue(row, 1, frame.GetValueAsString()) else: frame.Destroy() self.AcceptProp(row, col) elif 'choice' in typ: self.AcceptProp(row, col) else: pass ### all properties grid update (because the python classe has been changed) ### here, because OnAcceptProp should be executed before if prop == 'python_path': ### Update table from new model table.UpdateRowBehavioralData(model) self.SetTable(table, False) self.ForceRefresh() self.AutoSizeColumns() # code updating if isinstance(model, Achievable): new_code = CodeCB(self.parent, wx.NewIdRef(), model) #self.parent.boxH.Remove(0) if hasattr(self.parent, '_boxH'): # DeleteWindows work better in vista if wx.VERSION_STRING < '4.0': self.parent._boxH.DeleteWindows() self.parent._boxH.AddWindow(new_code, 1, wx.EXPAND, userData='code') else: self.parent._boxH.Clear() self.parent._boxH.Add(new_code, 1, wx.EXPAND, userData='code') self.parent._boxH.Layout() else: sys.stdout.write("_boxH is unknown!")
# Author: Christian Brodbeck <*****@*****.**> """Eelbrain-specific wx IDs""" import wx APYDOC_NEW = wx.NewIdRef() ATTACH = wx.NewIdRef() BASELINE_CUSTOM = wx.NewIdRef() BASELINE_GLOABL_MEAN = wx.NewIdRef() BASELINE_NONE = wx.NewIdRef() CANVAS_PANEL_ZOOM = wx.NewIdRef() CANVAS_PANEL_OVERVIEW = wx.NewIdRef() CLEAR_CACHE = wx.NewIdRef() CLEAR_TERMINAL = wx.NewIdRef() COLOUR_CHOOSER = wx.NewIdRef() COMMENT = wx.NewIdRef() COPY_AS_PNG = wx.NewIdRef() DATASET_ATTACH = wx.NewIdRef() DATASET_IMPORT = wx.NewIdRef() DRAW_CROSSHAIRS = wx.NewIdRef() DUPLICATE = wx.NewIdRef() DUPLICATE_WITH_OUTPUT = wx.NewIdRef() EXPERIMENT_LOAD = wx.NewIdRef() EXPERIMENT_NEW = wx.NewIdRef() ENABLE_STARTUP_SCRIPT = wx.NewIdRef() EXEC_DOCUMENT = wx.NewIdRef() EXEC_DOCUMENT_FROM_DISK = wx.NewIdRef() EXEC_FILE = wx.NewIdRef()
def __init__(self): if DEBUG: print("FlexTilesFrame.__init__()") ### init wPos = (0, 20) wg = wx.Display(0).GetGeometry() wSz = (wg[2], int(wg[3] * 0.9)) wx.Frame.__init__( self, None, -1, "FlexTiles-K v.%s" % (__version__), pos=tuple(wPos), size=tuple(wSz), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ (wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX), ) self.SetBackgroundColour('#AAAABB') ### set app icon self.tbIcon = wx.adv.TaskBarIcon(iconType=wx.adv.TBI_DOCK) icon = wx.Icon("icon.ico") self.tbIcon.SetIcon(icon) ##### [begin] setting up attributes ----- self.wSz = wSz # window size self.fonts = getWXFonts() self.flagBlockUI = False # flag to determine temporary UI block pi = self.setPanelInfo() # set panel info self.pi = pi # panel information self.gbs = {} # for GridBagSizer self.panel = {} # panels self.timer = {} # timers self.csvFP = "" # CSV file path self.outputPath = path.join(CWD, "output") # output file path if not path.isdir(self.outputPath): mkdir(self.outputPath) self.ani = None # to store animation info. to run self.kD = None # to store drawing info. (used when in Kandinsky mode) self.colors = {} # some preset colors self.colors[ "ftBGCol"] = "#111111" # background color of FlexTiles panel self.colors["highlightedTile"] = "#eeee33" # for highlighting a tile self.nRows = 8 # number of rows in FlexTiles self.nCols = 8 # number of columns in FlexTiles self.tileSz = 75 # size in pixels ### resize tile-size if it bigger than window size if self.nCols * self.tileSz > wSz[0]: self.tileSz *= int(wSz[0] / (self.nCols * self.tileSz)) if self.nRows * self.tileSz > wSz[1]: self.tileSz = int(self.tileSz * (wSz[1] / (self.nRows * self.tileSz))) ### load initial tile image initTileImg = "tile_init.png" self.initTileImg = load_img(initTileImg) # store initial (large) image for Kandinsky mode self.tileImgLarge = self.initTileImg.Copy() # store image for FlexTiles mode self.tileImg = self.initTileImg.Copy() ### if size doesn't match with desired size, rescale it. imgSz = self.tileImg.GetSize() if imgSz[0] != self.tileSz or imgSz[1] != self.tileSz: self.tileImg = self.tileImg.Rescale(self.tileSz, self.tileSz, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH) lX = int(self.wSz[0] / 2 - (self.tileSz * self.nCols) / 2) tY = int(self.wSz[1] / 2 - (self.tileSz * self.nRows) / 2) # store rect of entire FlexTiles self.ftR = [ lX, # x1 tY, # y1 lX + self.tileSz * self.nCols, # x2 tY + self.tileSz * self.nRows ] # y2 self.idxMouseOn = (None, None) # row, column indices of tile, where # mouse pointer is currently on ### initialize angles and click-counters of all tiles d = [] for ri in range(self.nRows): d.append([]) for ci in range(self.nCols): #angle = randint(0,3) * 90 angle = 0 click = 0 d[ri].append([angle, click]) self.ftArr = np.asarray(d, dtype=np.uint16) # store it as array self.ftSeq = [] # to store sequence of tile clicks self.progInitTime = time() # starting time of the program self.currMP = None # current mouse pointer position self.flagKandinsky = False # whether it's in Kandinsky mode self.kDBtns = [ "fill", "line", "rectangle", "circle", "curvyline", "polygon", "pencil" ] # button names for Kandinsky mode self.selectedDBtn = "" # selected drawing button name self.selectedFCol = "#cccccc" # selected filling color self.selectedSCol = "#0000ff" # selected stroke color self.selectedSThick = 1 # selected stroke thickness self.flagFreePencilDrawing = False # free drawing is on self.freePencilDrawingPts = [] # points for free pencil drawing ##### [end] setting up attributes ----- updateFrameSize(self, wSz) ### create panels for k in pi.keys(): if k == "lp": self.panel[k] = SPanel.ScrolledPanel(self, pos=pi[k]["pos"], size=pi[k]["sz"], style=pi[k]["style"]) elif k == "mp": self.panel[k] = wx.Panel(self, pos=pi[k]["pos"], size=pi[k]["sz"], style=pi[k]["style"]) self.panel[k].SetBackgroundColour(pi[k]["bgCol"]) ### set up main-panel self.panel["mp"].Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPaint) self.panel["mp"].Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onLeftDown) self.panel["mp"].Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.onLeftUp) self.panel["mp"].Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.onRightClick) self.panel["mp"].Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.onMouseMove) ##### [begin] set up left panel interface ----- nCol = 2 hlSz = (pi["lp"]["sz"][0] - 10, -1 ) # size of horizontal line separator self.gbs["lp"] = wx.GridBagSizer(0, 0) row = 0 col = 0 sTxt = setupStaticText(self.panel["lp"], label="DrawingTools", font=self.fonts[2], fgColor="#cccccc") add2gbs(self.gbs["lp"], sTxt, (row, col), (1, 2)) row += 1 for i in range(len(self.kDBtns)): bn = self.kDBtns[i].capitalize() # button name btn = wx.Button(self.panel["lp"], -1, size=(45, 45), name="draw%s_btn" % (bn)) # set image for button set_img_for_btn("img_draw%s_off.png" % (bn), btn) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onButtonPressDown) add2gbs(self.gbs["lp"], btn, (row, col), (1, 1), bw=5) if i % 2 != 0: row += 1 col = 0 else: col += 1 if len(self.kDBtns) % 2 != 0: row += 1 col = 0 sTxt = setupStaticText(self.panel["lp"], label="Fill", font=self.fonts[2], fgColor="#cccccc") add2gbs(self.gbs["lp"], sTxt, (row, col), (1, 1)) col += 1 cpc = wx.ColourPickerCtrl(self.panel["lp"], -1, name="drawFCol_cpc") cpc.Bind(wx.EVT_COLOURPICKER_CHANGED, self.onColorPicked) cpc.SetColour(self.selectedFCol) add2gbs(self.gbs["lp"], cpc, (row, col), (1, 1), bw=0) row += 1 col = 0 sTxt = setupStaticText(self.panel["lp"], label="Stroke", font=self.fonts[2], fgColor="#cccccc") add2gbs(self.gbs["lp"], sTxt, (row, col), (1, 1)) col += 1 cpc = wx.ColourPickerCtrl(self.panel["lp"], -1, name="drawSCol_cpc") cpc.Bind(wx.EVT_COLOURPICKER_CHANGED, self.onColorPicked) cpc.SetColour(self.selectedSCol) add2gbs(self.gbs["lp"], cpc, (row, col), (1, 1), bw=0) row += 1 col = 0 sTxt = setupStaticText(self.panel["lp"], label="Stroke thickness", font=self.fonts[0], fgColor="#cccccc") add2gbs(self.gbs["lp"], sTxt, (row, col), (1, 1)) col += 1 spin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.panel["lp"], -1, size=(50, -1), min=1, max=50, initial=self.selectedSThick, name='strokeThick_spin', style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS | wx.SP_WRAP) spin.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self.onSpinCtrl) add2gbs(self.gbs["lp"], spin, (row, col), (1, 1)) row += 1 col = 0 add2gbs(self.gbs["lp"], wx.StaticLine(self.panel["lp"], -1, size=hlSz, style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL), (row, col), (1, nCol)) # horizontal line separator self.panel["lp"].SetSizer(self.gbs["lp"]) self.gbs["lp"].Layout() self.panel["lp"].SetupScrolling() self.panel["lp"].Hide() ##### [end] set up top panel interface ----- ### set up menu menuBar = wx.MenuBar() mainMenu = wx.Menu() kModeMenu = mainMenu.Append(wx.Window.NewControlId(), item="Kandinsky drawing mode\tCTRL+K") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onKandinskyMode, kModeMenu) saveMenu = mainMenu.Append(wx.Window.NewControlId(), item="Save\tCTRL+S") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onSave, saveMenu) quitMenu = mainMenu.Append(wx.Window.NewControlId(), item="Quit\tCTRL+Q") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onClose, quitMenu) menuBar.Append(mainMenu, "&FlexTiles") self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) ### keyboard binding kMode_btnId = wx.NewIdRef(count=1) save_btnId = wx.NewIdRef(count=1) exit_btnId = wx.NewIdRef(count=1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onKandinskyMode, id=kMode_btnId) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onSave, id=save_btnId) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onClose, id=exit_btnId) accel_tbl = wx.AcceleratorTable([ (wx.ACCEL_CMD, ord('K'), kMode_btnId), (wx.ACCEL_CMD, ord('S'), save_btnId), (wx.ACCEL_CMD, ord('Q'), exit_btnId), ]) self.SetAcceleratorTable(accel_tbl) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onClose)
def _add_item(self, item): id_ = wx.NewIdRef() self.Append(id_, item.name) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, item.callable, id=id_)
def __init__(self, parent): """ Constructor. """ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) ### FileBrowse self.plugin_dir = filebrowse.DirBrowseButton( self, wx.NewIdRef(), startDirectory=PLUGINS_PATH, labelText=_("Plug-ins directory:"), toolTip=_("Change the plug-ins directory"), dialogTitle=_("Plug-ins directory...")) self.domain_dir = filebrowse.DirBrowseButton( self, wx.NewIdRef(), startDirectory=DOMAIN_PATH, labelText=_("Library directory:"), toolTip=_("Change the library directory"), dialogTitle=_("Libraries directory...")) self.out_dir = filebrowse.DirBrowseButton( self, wx.NewIdRef(), startDirectory=OUT_DIR, labelText=_("Output directory:"), toolTip=_("Change the output directory"), dialogTitle=_("Output directory...")) self.plugin_dir.SetValue(PLUGINS_PATH) self.domain_dir.SetValue(DOMAIN_PATH) self.out_dir.SetValue(OUT_DIR) ### StaticText self.st1 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _("Number of recent file:")) self.st2 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _("Font size:")) self.st3 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _("Deep of history item:")) self.st4 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _("wxPython version:")) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.st1.SetToolTipString = self.st1.SetToolTip self.st2.SetToolTipString = self.st2.SetToolTip self.st3.SetToolTipString = self.st3.SetToolTip self.st4.SetToolTipString = self.st4.SetToolTip self.st1.SetToolTipString( _("Feel free to change the length of list defining the recent opened files." )) self.st2.SetToolTipString( _("Feel free to change the font size of DEVSimpy.")) self.st3.SetToolTipString( _("Feel free to change the number of item for undo/redo command.")) self.st4.SetToolTipString( _("Feel free to change the version of wxpython used loaded by DEVSimPy." )) ### number of opened file self.nb_opened_file = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), '') self.nb_opened_file.SetRange(2, 20) self.nb_opened_file.SetValue(NB_OPENED_FILE) ### Block font size self.font_size = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), '') self.font_size.SetRange(2, 20) self.font_size.SetValue(FONT_SIZE) ### number of undo/redo items self.nb_history_undo = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), '') self.nb_history_undo.SetRange(2, 100) self.nb_history_undo.SetValue(NB_HISTORY_UNDO) ### CheckBox for transparancy self.cb1 = wx.CheckBox(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Transparency')) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.cb1.SetToolTipString = self.cb1.SetToolTip self.cb1.SetToolTipString( _("Transparency for the detached frame of diagrams")) self.cb1.SetValue(builtins.__dict__['TRANSPARENCY']) ### CheckBox for notification self.cb11 = wx.CheckBox(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Notififcations')) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.cb11.SetToolTipString = self.cb11.SetToolTip self.cb1.SetToolTipString(_("Enable the notification messages")) self.cb11.SetValue(builtins.__dict__['NOTIFICATION']) ### wxPython version wxv = [wx.VERSION_STRING] self.cb2 = wx.ComboBox(self, wx.NewIdRef(), GetWXVersionFromIni(), choices=wxv, style=wx.CB_READONLY) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.cb2.SetToolTipString = self.cb2.SetToolTip self.cb2.SetToolTipString(_("Default version of wxPython.")) self.default_wxv = self.cb2.GetValue() ### Sizer box1 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Properties')), orient=wx.VERTICAL) vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsizer = wx.GridSizer(4, 2, 20, 20) hsizer.AddMany([ (self.st1, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND, 5), (self.nb_opened_file, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND, 5), (self.st3, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND, 5), (self.nb_history_undo, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND, 5), (self.st2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND, 5), (self.font_size, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND, 5), (self.st4, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND, 5), (self.cb2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND, 5) ]) vsizer.Add(self.plugin_dir, 1, wx.EXPAND) vsizer.Add(self.domain_dir, 1, wx.EXPAND) vsizer.Add(self.out_dir, 1, wx.EXPAND) vsizer.Add(hsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) vsizer.Add(self.cb1, 1, wx.EXPAND) vsizer.Add(self.cb11, 1, wx.EXPAND) box1.Add(vsizer, 1, wx.EXPAND) ### Set sizer self.SetSizer(box1) self.SetAutoLayout(True)
def __init__(self, parent): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "File entry with browse", size=(500, 260)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow) panel = wx.Panel(self, -1) innerbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) control = FileBrowseButton( panel, initialValue="z:\\temp", ) innerbox.Add(control, 0, wx.EXPAND) middlecontrol = FileBrowseButtonWithHistory( panel, labelText="With History", initialValue="d:\\temp", history=["c:\\temp", "c:\\tmp", "r:\\temp", "z:\\temp"], changeCallback=SimpleCallback("With History"), ) innerbox.Add(middlecontrol, 0, wx.EXPAND) middlecontrol = FileBrowseButtonWithHistory( panel, labelText="History callback", initialValue="d:\\temp", history=self.historyCallBack, changeCallback=SimpleCallback("History callback"), ) innerbox.Add(middlecontrol, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.bottomcontrol = control = FileBrowseButton( panel, labelText="With Callback", style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN, changeCallback=SimpleCallback("With Callback"), ) innerbox.Add(control, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.bottommostcontrol = control = DirBrowseButton( panel, labelText="Simple dir browse button", style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN) innerbox.Add(control, 0, wx.EXPAND) ID = wx.NewIdRef() innerbox.Add(wx.Button( panel, ID, "Change Label", ), 1, wx.EXPAND) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnChangeLabel, id=ID) ID = wx.NewIdRef() innerbox.Add(wx.Button( panel, ID, "Change Value", ), 1, wx.EXPAND) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnChangeValue, id=ID) panel.SetAutoLayout(True) panel.SetSizer(innerbox) self.history = { "c:\\temp": 1, "c:\\tmp": 1, "r:\\temp": 1, "z:\\temp": 1 }
def CreateOptionsPage(self): """ Creates the :class:`~wx.lib.agw.labelbook.LabelBook` option page which holds the :class:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenu` styles. """ options = wx.Panel(self._book, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(300, 300)) # Create some options here vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) options.SetSizer(vsizer) #----------------------------------------------------------- # options page layout # - Menu Style: Default or 2007 (radio group) # # - Default Style Settings: (static box) # + Draw vertical gradient (check box) # + Draw border (check box) # + Drop toolbar shadow (check box) # # - Colour Scheme (static box) # + Menu bar background colour (combo button) #----------------------------------------------------------- self._menuStyleID = wx.NewIdRef() choices = [_("Default Style"), _("Metallic")] self._menuStyle = wx.RadioBox(options, self._menuStyleID, _("Menu bar style"), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, choices) # update the selection theme = ArtManager.Get().GetMenuTheme() if theme == Style2007: self._menuStyle.SetSelection(1) else: self._menuStyle.SetSelection(0) # connect event to the control self._menuStyle.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self.OnChangeStyle) vsizer.Add(self._menuStyle, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self._sbStyle = wx.StaticBoxSizer( wx.StaticBox(options, -1, _("Default style settings")), wx.VERTICAL) self._drawVertGradID = wx.NewIdRef() self._verticalGradient = wx.CheckBox(options, self._drawVertGradID, _("Draw vertical gradient")) self._verticalGradient.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnChangeStyle) self._sbStyle.Add(self._verticalGradient, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) self._verticalGradient.SetValue( ArtManager.Get().GetMBVerticalGradient()) self._drawBorderID = wx.NewIdRef() self._drawBorder = wx.CheckBox(options, self._drawBorderID, _("Draw border around menu bar")) self._drawBorder.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnChangeStyle) self._sbStyle.Add(self._drawBorder, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) self._drawBorder.SetValue(ArtManager.Get().GetMenuBarBorder()) self._shadowUnderTBID = wx.NewIdRef() self._shadowUnderTB = wx.CheckBox(options, self._shadowUnderTBID, _("Toolbar float over menu bar")) self._shadowUnderTB.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnChangeStyle) self._sbStyle.Add(self._shadowUnderTB, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) self._shadowUnderTB.SetValue(ArtManager.Get().GetRaiseToolbar()) vsizer.Add(self._sbStyle, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Misc sb = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(options, -1, _("Colour Scheme")), wx.VERTICAL) self._colourID = wx.NewIdRef() colourChoices = ArtManager.Get().GetColourSchemes() colourChoices.sort() self._colour = wx.ComboBox(options, self._colourID, ArtManager.Get().GetMenuBarColourScheme(), choices=colourChoices, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY) sb.Add(self._colour, 0, wx.EXPAND) vsizer.Add(sb, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self._colour.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnChangeStyle) # update the dialog by sending all possible events to us event = wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED, self._menuStyleID) event.SetEventObject(self) event.SetInt(self._menuStyle.GetSelection()) self._menuStyle.ProcessEvent(event) event.SetEventType(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED) event.SetId(self._drawVertGradID) event.SetInt(ArtManager.Get().GetMBVerticalGradient()) self._verticalGradient.ProcessEvent(event) event.SetEventType(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED) event.SetId(self._shadowUnderTBID) event.SetInt(ArtManager.Get().GetRaiseToolbar()) self._shadowUnderTB.ProcessEvent(event) event.SetEventType(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED) event.SetId(self._drawBorderID) event.SetInt(ArtManager.Get().GetMenuBarBorder()) self._drawBorder.ProcessEvent(event) event.SetEventType(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED) event.SetId(self._colourID) self._colour.ProcessEvent(event) return options
p = Properties() if sys.argv[1] == '--incell': # GE Incell xml wrapper # LOOP p.LoadIncellFiles(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4:]) else: p.LoadFile(sys.argv[1]) from cpa.cpatool import CPATool import inspect import cpa.multiclasssql # --- import wx ID_CLASSIFIER = wx.NewIdRef() ID_IMAGE_GALLERY = wx.NewIdRef() ID_PLATE_VIEWER = wx.NewIdRef() ID_TABLE_VIEWER = wx.NewIdRef() ID_IMAGE_VIEWER = wx.NewIdRef() ID_SCATTER = wx.NewIdRef() ID_HISTOGRAM = wx.NewIdRef() ID_DENSITY = wx.NewIdRef() ID_BOXPLOT = wx.NewIdRef() ID_NORMALIZE = wx.NewIdRef() def get_cpatool_subclasses(): '''returns a list of CPATool subclasses. ''' class_objs = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
def CreateMenusPage(self): """ Creates the :class:`~wx.lib.agw.labelbook.LabelBook` pages with :class:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenu` information. """ menus = wx.Panel(self._book, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(300, 300)) sz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) menus.SetSizer(sz) choices = [] mb = self.GetParent() if not self.created: self.order = [] # Add all the menu items that are currently visible to the list for i in range(len(mb._items)): dummy, lableOnly = ArtManager.Get().GetAccelIndex( mb._items[i].GetTitle()) choices.append(lableOnly) # Add the menu to the visible menus map self._visibleMenus.update({lableOnly: mb._items[i].GetMenu()}) if not self.created: self.order.append(lableOnly) # Add all hidden menus to the menu bar for key in self._hiddenMenus: choices.append(key) if self.created: visible = OrderedDict() hidden = OrderedDict() for items in self.order: if items in self._visibleMenus: visible[items] = self._visibleMenus[items] elif items in self._hiddenMenus: hidden[items] = self._hiddenMenus[items] self._visibleMenus = visible self._hiddenMenus = hidden self._menuListId = wx.NewIdRef() self._checkListMenus = wx.CheckListBox(menus, self._menuListId, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(250, 250), choices=self.order, style=wx.BORDER_SIMPLE) self._checkListMenus.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKLISTBOX, self.OnMenuChecked) # check all visible items for indx, item in enumerate(self.order): if item in self._visibleMenus: self._checkListMenus.Check(indx) # Add title panel title = FMTitlePanel(menus, _("Select Menu To Add/Remove:")) sz.Add(title, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sz.Add(self._checkListMenus, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.RIGHT | wx.LEFT, 2) self.created = True return menus
def __init__(self): """ Creates pose editor window. """ wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, VERSION, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) # key data for our program self.project = Project() # holds data for our project self.panelIndex = dict() # existant tools self.saveReq = False self.panel = None self.port = None self.filename = "" self.dirname = "" self.columns = 2 # column count for pose editor # for clearing red color on status bar self.timer = wx.Timer(self, self.ID_TIMER) self.timeout = 0 # build our menu bar menubar = wx.MenuBar() prjmenu = wx.Menu() # dialog with name, # of servos prjmenu.Append(self.ID_NEW, "&New\tCtrl+N", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) prjmenu.Append(self.ID_OPEN, "&Open\tCtrl+O", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) # open file dialog prjmenu.AppendSeparator() # if name unknown, ask, otherwise save prjmenu.Append(self.ID_SAVE, "&Save\tCtrl+S", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) prjmenu.Append(self.ID_SAVE_AS, "Save As") # ask for name, save prjmenu.AppendSeparator() prjmenu.Append(self.ID_EXIT, "&Quit\tCtrl+Q", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) menubar.Append(prjmenu, "Project") # Create tool panel toolsmenu = wx.Menu() for panel in panels: name = panel.NAME id = wx.NewIdRef() self.panelIndex[id] = panel toolsmenu.Append(id, name) toolsmenu.Append(self.ID_EXPORT, "Export to AVR") # save as dialog menubar.Append(toolsmenu, "Tools") configmenu = wx.Menu() # dialog box: arbotix/thru, speed, port configmenu.Append(self.ID_PORT, "Port") columnmenu = wx.Menu() columnmenu.Append(self.ID_2COL, "2 columns") columnmenu.Append(self.ID_3COL, "3 columns") columnmenu.Append(self.ID_4COL, "4 columns") configmenu.AppendSubMenu(columnmenu, "Pose editor") # live update self.live = configmenu.Append(self.ID_LIVE_UPDATE, "Live pose update", kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) # configmenu.Append(self.ID_TEST,"test") # for in-house testing of boards menubar.Append(configmenu, "Configuration") helpmenu = wx.Menu() helpmenu.Append(self.ID_ABOUT, "About") menubar.Append(helpmenu, "Help") self.SetMenuBar(menubar) # configure events self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.newFile, self.ID_NEW) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.openFile, self.ID_OPEN) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.saveFile, self.ID_SAVE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.saveFileAs, self.ID_SAVE_AS) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, sys.exit, self.ID_EXIT) for t in self.panelIndex.keys(): self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.loadTool, t) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.export, self.ID_EXPORT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doRelax, self.ID_RELAX) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doPort, self.ID_PORT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doTest, self.ID_TEST) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doAbout, self.ID_ABOUT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.doClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer, id=self.ID_TIMER) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.setLiveUpdate, self.ID_LIVE_UPDATE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.do2Col, self.ID_2COL) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.do3Col, self.ID_3COL) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.do4Col, self.ID_4COL) # editor area self.sb = self.CreateStatusBar(2) self.sb.SetStatusWidths([-1, 250]) self.sb.SetStatusText('not connected', 1) self.loadTool() self.sb.SetStatusText('please create or open a project...', 0) self.Centre() self.Show(True)
class Editor(wx.Frame): """Implements the main editor window. """ ID_NEW = wx.NewIdRef() ID_OPEN = wx.NewIdRef() ID_SAVE = wx.NewIdRef() ID_SAVE_AS = wx.NewIdRef() ID_EXIT = wx.NewIdRef() ID_EXPORT = wx.NewIdRef() ID_RELAX = wx.NewIdRef() ID_PORT = wx.NewIdRef() ID_ABOUT = wx.NewIdRef() ID_TEST = wx.NewIdRef() ID_TIMER = wx.NewIdRef() ID_COL_MENU = wx.NewIdRef() ID_LIVE_UPDATE = wx.NewIdRef() ID_2COL = wx.NewIdRef() ID_3COL = wx.NewIdRef() ID_4COL = wx.NewIdRef() def __init__(self): """ Creates pose editor window. """ wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, VERSION, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) # key data for our program self.project = Project() # holds data for our project self.panelIndex = dict() # existant tools self.saveReq = False self.panel = None self.port = None self.filename = "" self.dirname = "" self.columns = 2 # column count for pose editor # for clearing red color on status bar self.timer = wx.Timer(self, self.ID_TIMER) self.timeout = 0 # build our menu bar menubar = wx.MenuBar() prjmenu = wx.Menu() # dialog with name, # of servos prjmenu.Append(self.ID_NEW, "&New\tCtrl+N", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) prjmenu.Append(self.ID_OPEN, "&Open\tCtrl+O", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) # open file dialog prjmenu.AppendSeparator() # if name unknown, ask, otherwise save prjmenu.Append(self.ID_SAVE, "&Save\tCtrl+S", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) prjmenu.Append(self.ID_SAVE_AS, "Save As") # ask for name, save prjmenu.AppendSeparator() prjmenu.Append(self.ID_EXIT, "&Quit\tCtrl+Q", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) menubar.Append(prjmenu, "Project") # Create tool panel toolsmenu = wx.Menu() for panel in panels: name = panel.NAME id = wx.NewIdRef() self.panelIndex[id] = panel toolsmenu.Append(id, name) toolsmenu.Append(self.ID_EXPORT, "Export to AVR") # save as dialog menubar.Append(toolsmenu, "Tools") configmenu = wx.Menu() # dialog box: arbotix/thru, speed, port configmenu.Append(self.ID_PORT, "Port") columnmenu = wx.Menu() columnmenu.Append(self.ID_2COL, "2 columns") columnmenu.Append(self.ID_3COL, "3 columns") columnmenu.Append(self.ID_4COL, "4 columns") configmenu.AppendSubMenu(columnmenu, "Pose editor") # live update self.live = configmenu.Append(self.ID_LIVE_UPDATE, "Live pose update", kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) # configmenu.Append(self.ID_TEST,"test") # for in-house testing of boards menubar.Append(configmenu, "Configuration") helpmenu = wx.Menu() helpmenu.Append(self.ID_ABOUT, "About") menubar.Append(helpmenu, "Help") self.SetMenuBar(menubar) # configure events self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.newFile, self.ID_NEW) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.openFile, self.ID_OPEN) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.saveFile, self.ID_SAVE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.saveFileAs, self.ID_SAVE_AS) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, sys.exit, self.ID_EXIT) for t in self.panelIndex.keys(): self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.loadTool, t) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.export, self.ID_EXPORT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doRelax, self.ID_RELAX) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doPort, self.ID_PORT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doTest, self.ID_TEST) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.doAbout, self.ID_ABOUT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.doClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer, id=self.ID_TIMER) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.setLiveUpdate, self.ID_LIVE_UPDATE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.do2Col, self.ID_2COL) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.do3Col, self.ID_3COL) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.do4Col, self.ID_4COL) # editor area self.sb = self.CreateStatusBar(2) self.sb.SetStatusWidths([-1, 250]) self.sb.SetStatusText('not connected', 1) self.loadTool() self.sb.SetStatusText('please create or open a project...', 0) self.Centre() self.Show(True) def loadTool(self, e=None): """Load toolpane.""" if self.panel is not None: self.panel.save() # self.sizer.Remove(self.panel) self.panel.Destroy() self.ClearBackground() # instantiate if e is None: # PoseEditor self.panel = panels[0](self, self.port) else: self.panel = self.panelIndex[e.GetId()](self, self.port) self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer.Add(self.panel, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) self.SetSizer(self.sizer) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.sizer.Fit(self) self.sb.SetStatusText(self.panel.STATUS) self.panel.SetFocus() def newFile(self, e): """Open a dialog that asks for robot name and servo count.""" dlg = NewProjectDialog(self, -1, "Create New Project") if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.project.new(dlg.name.GetValue(), dlg.count.GetValue(), int(dlg.resolution.GetValue())) self.loadTool() self.sb.SetStatusText('created new project ' + self.project.name + ', please create a pose...') self.SetTitle(VERSION + " - " + self.project.name) self.panel.saveReq = True self.filename = "" dlg.Destroy() def openFile(self, e): """Loads a robot file into the GUI.""" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self.dirname, "", "*.ppr", wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetPath() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() print("Opening: " + self.filename) self.project.load(self.filename) self.SetTitle(VERSION + " - " + self.project.name) dlg.Destroy() self.loadTool() self.sb.SetStatusText('opened ' + self.filename) def saveFile(self, e=None): """Save a robot file from the GUI.""" if self.filename == "": dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self.dirname, "", "*.ppr", wx.FD_SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetPath() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() dlg.Destroy() else: return if self.filename[-4:] != ".ppr": self.filename = self.filename + ".ppr" self.project.saveFile(self.filename) self.sb.SetStatusText('saved ' + self.filename) def saveFileAs(self, e): self.filename = "" self.saveFile() def export(self, e): """Export a pose file for use with Sanguino Library.""" if self.project.name == "": self.sb.SetBackgroundColour('RED') self.sb.SetStatusText('please create a project') self.timer.Start(20) return dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self.dirname, "", "*.h", wx.FD_SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.project.export(dlg.GetPath()) self.sb.SetStatusText("exported " + dlg.GetPath(), 0) dlg.Destroy() def findPorts(self): """Return a list of serial ports """ self.ports = [] for p in list_ports.comports(): try: s = serial.Serial(p.device) s.close() self.ports.append(p.device) except OSError: pass def doPort(self, e=None): """ open a serial port """ if self.port is None: self.findPorts() dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(self, 'Port (Ex. COM4 or /dev/ttyUSB0)', 'Select Communications Port', self.ports) # dlg = PortDialog(self,'Select Communications Port',self.ports) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if self.port is not None: self.port.ser.close() print("Opening port: " + self.ports[dlg.GetSelection()]) self.openPort(self.ports[dlg.GetSelection()]) dlg.Destroy() def openPort(self, port, baud=115200, interpolate=True): try: # TODO: add ability to select type of driver self.port = Driver(port, baud, interpolate) self.panel.port = self.port self.panel.portUpdated() self.sb.SetStatusText(port + '@' + str(baud), 1) except BaseException: self.port = None self.sb.SetBackgroundColour('RED') self.sb.SetStatusText('Could Not Open Port ' + port, 0) self.sb.SetStatusText('not connected', 1) self.timer.Start(20) return self.port def doTest(self, e=None): if self.port is not None: self.port.execute(253, 25, list()) def doRelax(self, e=None): """ Relax servos so you can pose them. """ if self.port is not None: print("PyPose: relaxing servos...") for servo in range(self.project.count): self.port.setReg(servo + 1, ax12.P_TORQUE_ENABLE, [ 0, ]) else: self.sb.SetBackgroundColour('RED') self.sb.SetStatusText("No Port Open", 0) self.timer.Start(20) def doAbout(self, e=None): license = """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA) """ info = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() info.SetName(VERSION) info.SetDescription( "A lightweight pose and capture software for the ArbotiX robocontroller" ) info.SetCopyright(""" Copyright (c) 2020 Funtech-Makers. All right reserved. Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Michael E. Ferguson. All right reserved. """) info.SetLicense(license) info.SetWebSite("http://www.vanadiumlabs.com") wx.adv.AboutBox(info) def doClose(self, e=None): # TODO: edit this to check if we NEED to save... if self.project.save: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Save changes before closing?', '', wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_QUESTION) r = dlg.ShowModal() if r == wx.ID_CANCEL: e.Veto() return elif r == wx.ID_YES: self.saveFile() pass self.Destroy() def OnTimer(self, e=None): self.timeout = self.timeout + 1 if self.timeout > 50: self.sb.SetBackgroundColour(wx.NullColour) self.sb.SetStatusText("", 0) self.sb.Refresh() self.timeout = 0 self.timer.Stop() def do2Col(self, e=None): self.columns = 2 if self.panelIndex == 0: self.loadTool() def do3Col(self, e=None): self.columns = 3 if isinstance(self.panel, panels[0]): self.loadTool() def do4Col(self, e=None): self.columns = 4 if isinstance(self.panel, panels[0]): self.loadTool() def setLiveUpdate(self, e=None): if isinstance(self.panel, panels[0]): self.panel.live = self.live.IsChecked()
def mousePositionsList(self, appName): self.appName = appName self.positions = ConfigObj(os.path.join(GCMousePositions, f"{appName}.gc"), encoding="UTF-8") mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sHelper = gui.guiHelper.BoxSizerHelper(self, orientation=wx.VERTICAL) # Translators: The label for the list view of the mouse positions in the current application. mousePositionsText = _("&Saved mouse positions") self.mousePositionsList = sHelper.addLabeledControl(mousePositionsText, wx.ListCtrl, style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL, size=(550, 350)) # Translators: the column in mouse positions list to identify the position name. self.mousePositionsList.InsertColumn(0, _("Name"), width=150) # Translators: the column in mouse positions list to identify the X coordinate. self.mousePositionsList.InsertColumn(1, _("Position X"), width=50) # Translators: the column in mouse positions list to identify the Y coordinate. self.mousePositionsList.InsertColumn(2, _("Position Y"), width=50) self.mousePositionsList.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.onJump) for entry in sorted(self.positions.keys()): x, y = self.positions[entry].split(",") self.mousePositionsList.Append((entry, x, y)) self.mousePositionsList.Select(0, on=1) self.mousePositionsList.SetItemState(0, wx.LIST_STATE_FOCUSED, wx.LIST_STATE_FOCUSED) bHelper = gui.guiHelper.ButtonHelper(orientation=wx.HORIZONTAL) jumpButtonID = wx.NewIdRef() # Translators: the button to jump to the selected position. bHelper.addButton(self, jumpButtonID, _("&Jump"), wx.DefaultPosition) renameButtonID = wx.NewIdRef() # Translators: the button to rename a mouse position. bHelper.addButton(self, renameButtonID, _("&Rename"), wx.DefaultPosition) deleteButtonID = wx.NewIdRef() # Translators: the button to delete the selected mouse position. bHelper.addButton(self, deleteButtonID, _("&Delete"), wx.DefaultPosition) clearButtonID = wx.NewIdRef() # Translators: the button to clear all mouse positions for the focused app. bHelper.addButton(self, clearButtonID, _("C&lear positions"), wx.DefaultPosition) # Translators: The label of a button to close the mouse positions dialog. bHelper.addButton(self, wx.ID_CLOSE, _("&Close"), wx.DefaultPosition) sHelper.addItem(bHelper) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onJump, id=jumpButtonID) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onRename, id=renameButtonID) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onDelete, id=deleteButtonID) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onClear, id=clearButtonID) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt: self.Close(), id=wx.ID_CLOSE) # Borrowed from NVDA Core (add-ons manager). # To allow the dialog to be closed with the escape key. self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onClose) self.EscapeId = wx.ID_CLOSE mainSizer.Add(sHelper.sizer, border=gui.guiHelper.BORDER_FOR_DIALOGS, flag=wx.ALL) self.Sizer = mainSizer mainSizer.Fit(self) self.mousePositionsList.SetFocus() self.CenterOnScreen()
def test_WindowIDRef02(self): d = {wx.NewIdRef(): 'one', wx.NewIdRef(): 'two'} keys = sorted(d.keys()) for k in keys: val = d[k]
def __makeObjects(self): """Add interactors""" self.tbarSizer = makeTitleBar(self, 'Options for Standard Rebin', color=WP.BG_COLOR_TITLEBAR_PANEL1) # # Labels # self.min_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'min', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.max_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'max', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.num_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'num', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.rho_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'rho', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.eta_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'eta', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) # # Rho # self.rmin_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=1, max=10000, value=str(100)) self.rmax_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=1, max=10000, value=str(1000)) self.rnum_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=1, max=10000, value=str(500)) # # Eta # self.emin_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=-360, max=360, value=str(0)) self.emax_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=-360, max=360, value=str(360)) self.enum_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=1, max=360, value=str(36)) # # Other options # self.corr_cbox = wx.CheckBox(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'corrected') self.npdv_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'pixel divisions', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.npdv_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=1, max=10, initial=1) self.frame_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'frame', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.frame_cho = wx.Choice(self, wx.NewIdRef(), choices=['frame 1']) return
def __init__(self, parent): """ Constructor """ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) ### Sizer hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox5 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sim_success_sound_path = builtins.__dict__[ 'SIMULATION_SUCCESS_SOUND_PATH'] self.sim_error_sound_path = builtins.__dict__[ 'SIMULATION_ERROR_SOUND_PATH'] ### Buttons self.sim_success_sound_btn = wx.Button( self, wx.NewIdRef(), os.path.basename(self.sim_success_sound_path), (25, 105), name='success') self.sim_success_sound_btn.Enable( self.sim_success_sound_path is not os.devnull) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.sim_success_sound_btn.SetToolTipString = self.sim_success_sound_btn.SetToolTip self.sim_success_sound_btn.SetToolTipString( _("Press this button in order to change the song arriving at the end of the simulation." )) self.sim_error_sound_btn = wx.Button( self, wx.NewIdRef(), os.path.basename(self.sim_error_sound_path), (25, 105), name='error') self.sim_error_sound_btn.Enable( self.sim_error_sound_path is not os.devnull) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.sim_error_sound_btn.SetToolTipString = self.sim_error_sound_btn.SetToolTip self.sim_error_sound_btn.SetToolTipString( _("Press this button in order to change the song arriving when an error occur in a model during the simulation." )) self.devs_doc_btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ABOUT, name='doc') if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.devs_doc_btn.SetToolTipString = self.devs_doc_btn.SetToolTip self.devs_doc_btn.SetToolTipString( _("Press this button to read the documentation of the selected DEVS package" )) ### CheckBox self.cb1 = wx.CheckBox(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Notification')) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.cb1.SetToolTipString = self.cb1.SetToolTip self.cb1.SetToolTipString( _("Notification song is generate when the simulation is over.")) self.cb1.SetValue(self.sim_success_sound_path is not os.devnull) self.cb2 = wx.CheckBox(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _('No Time Limit')) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.cb2.SetToolTipString = self.cb2.SetToolTip self.cb2.SetValue(builtins.__dict__['NTL']) self.cb2.SetToolTipString( _("No Time Limit allow the stop of simulation when all of models are idle." )) ### StaticText for DEVS Kernel directory self.txt3 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _("DEVS packages:")) self.cb3 = wx.ComboBox(self, wx.NewIdRef(), DEFAULT_DEVS_DIRNAME, choices=list(DEVS_DIR_PATH_DICT.keys()), style=wx.CB_READONLY) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.cb3.SetToolTipString = self.cb3.SetToolTip self.cb3.SetToolTipString( _("Default DEVS Kernel package (PyDEVS, PyPDEVS, ect.).")) self.default_devs_dir = DEFAULT_DEVS_DIRNAME ### StaticText for strategy self.txt = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _("Default strategy:")) ### choice of combo-box depends on the default DEVS package directory c = list(PYDEVS_SIM_STRATEGY_DICT.keys() ) if DEFAULT_DEVS_DIRNAME == 'PyDEVS' else list( PYPDEVS_SIM_STRATEGY_DICT.keys()) self.cb4 = wx.ComboBox(self, wx.NewIdRef(), DEFAULT_SIM_STRATEGY, choices=c, style=wx.CB_READONLY) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.cb4.SetToolTipString = self.cb4.SetToolTip self.cb4.SetToolTipString( _("Default strategy for the simulation algorithm. Please see the DEVSimPy doc for more information of possible strategy." )) self.sim_defaut_strategy = DEFAULT_SIM_STRATEGY ### StaticText self.sim_defaut_plot_dyn_freq = builtins.__dict__[ 'DEFAULT_PLOT_DYN_FREQ'] self.txt2 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), _("Frequency of plotting refresh:")) self.sc = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), str(self.sim_defaut_plot_dyn_freq), (55, 90), (60, -1), min=10, max=10000) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.sc.SetToolTipString = self.sc.SetToolTip self.sc.SetToolTipString(_("Default frequency for dynamic plotting.")) ### Adding sizer hbox1.Add(self.cb1, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 15) hbox1.Add(self.sim_success_sound_btn, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 15) hbox1.Add(self.sim_error_sound_btn, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 15) hbox5.Add(self.txt3, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 15) hbox5.Add(self.cb3, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 15) hbox5.Add(self.devs_doc_btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL) hbox2.Add(self.txt, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 15) hbox2.Add(self.cb4, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 15) hbox3.Add(self.cb2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 15) hbox4.Add(self.txt2, 0, wx.ALL, 15) hbox4.Add(self.sc, 1, wx.ALL, 15) #hbox4.Add(information, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 15) ##hbox4.Add(self.strategy_info, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 15) vbox.Add(hbox1, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) vbox.Add(hbox5, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) vbox.Add(hbox2, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) vbox.Add(hbox3, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) vbox.Add(hbox4, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) ### Set sizer self.SetSizer(vbox) self.SetAutoLayout(True) ### Binding self.sim_success_sound_btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSelectSound) self.sim_error_sound_btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSelectSound) self.devs_doc_btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnAbout) self.cb1.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.onCb1Check) self.cb4.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.onCb4) self.cb3.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.onCb3) self.sc.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self.onSc)
def __makeObjects(self): """Add interactors""" self.tbarSizer = makeTitleBar(self, 'Options for Spherical Rebin', color=WP.BG_COLOR_TITLEBAR_PANEL1) # # Integer inputs # self.lump_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), '# lumped frames (omega)', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.lump_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=1, max=1000, initial=1) self.bins_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'azimuthal bins (eta)', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.bins_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=1, max=10000, initial=600) self.thresh_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'threshold', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.thresh_spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.NewIdRef(), min=0, max=10000, initial=20) # # Material and HKLs selector # exp = wx.GetApp().ws self.matl_cho = wx.Choice(self, wx.NewIdRef(), choices=exp.matNames) self.matl_cho.SetSelection(0) self.read_cho = wx.Choice(self, wx.NewIdRef(), choices=exp.readerNames) self.read_cho.SetSelection(0) self.hkls_but = wx.Button(self, wx.NewIdRef(), 'Select HKL') # # Angle/axis # name = 'angle' self.angle_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), name, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.angle_flt = FloatControl(self, wx.NewIdRef()) self.angle_flt.SetValue(1.0) name = 'axis x' self.axis1_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), name, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.axis1_flt = FloatControl(self, wx.NewIdRef()) self.axis1_flt.SetValue(1.0) name = 'axis y' self.axis2_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), name, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.axis2_flt = FloatControl(self, wx.NewIdRef()) self.axis2_flt.SetValue(1.0) name = 'axis z' self.axis3_lab = wx.StaticText(self, wx.NewIdRef(), name, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.axis3_flt = FloatControl(self, wx.NewIdRef()) self.axis3_flt.SetValue(1.0) return
def __init__(self, parent): """ Constructor. """ wx.Toolbook.__init__(self, parent, wx.NewIdRef(), style=wx.BK_DEFAULT) ### don't try to translate this labels with _() because there are used to find png L = [('General', "(self)"), ('Simulation', "(self)"), ('Editor', "(self)"), ('Plugins', "(self)")] # make an image list using the LBXX images il = wx.ImageList(25, 25) for img in [ wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(ICON_PATH, "%s_pref.png" % a[0])) for a in L ]: il.Add(img) self.AssignImageList(il) imageIdGenerator = iter(range(il.GetImageCount())) for p, label in [("%sPanel%s" % (s, str(args)), _(s)) for s, args in L]: page = eval(p) self.AddPage(page, label, imageId=next(imageIdGenerator)) ### Plug-in page setting (populate is done when page is changed) self.pluginPanel = self.GetPage(self.GetPageCount() - 1) self.CheckList = GeneralPluginsList( self.pluginPanel.GetRightPanel(), style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER | wx.LC_SORT_ASCENDING) self.pluginPanel.SetPluginsList(self.CheckList) lpanel = self.pluginPanel.GetLeftPanel() ### Buttons for insert or delete plug-ins self.addBtn = wx.Button(lpanel, wx.ID_ADD, size=(140, -1)) self.delBtn = wx.Button(lpanel, wx.ID_DELETE, size=(140, -1)) self.refBtn = wx.Button(lpanel, wx.ID_REFRESH, size=(140, -1)) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': self.addBtn.SetToolTipString = self.addBtn.SetToolTip self.delBtn.SetToolTipString = self.delBtn.SetToolTip self.refBtn.SetToolTipString = self.refBtn.SetToolTip self.addBtn.SetToolTipString(_("Add new plug-ins")) self.delBtn.SetToolTipString(_("Delete all existing plug-ins")) self.refBtn.SetToolTipString(_("Refresh plug-ins list")) ### add widget to plug-in panel self.pluginPanel.AddWidget(3, self.addBtn) self.pluginPanel.AddWidget(4, self.delBtn) self.pluginPanel.AddWidget(5, self.refBtn) ### Binding self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOLBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnPageChanged) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOLBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnPageChanging) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnAdd, id=self.addBtn.GetId()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnDelete, id=self.delBtn.GetId()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnRefresh, id=self.refBtn.GetId())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor """ if 'specific_domain_path' in kwargs: domain_path = kwargs['specific_domain_path'] del kwargs['specific_domain_path'] else: domain_path = DOMAIN_PATH Wizard.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # properties of model self.type = "Atomic" self.label = "" self.inputs = 1 self.outputs = 1 self.python_path = "" self.model_path = "" self.specific_behavior = "" # special properties for Port self.id = None # canvas parent parent = self.GetParent() # Create a page 1 page1 = wizard_page(self, _('Type of Model')) bt1 = wx.RadioButton(page1, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Atomic model'), style=wx.RB_GROUP) bt2 = wx.RadioButton(page1, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Coupled model')) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': bt1.SetToolTipString = bt1.SetToolTip bt2.SetToolTipString = bt2.SetToolTip bt1.SetToolTipString( _("DEVS classic atomic model. It is used to define the behavior (or a part of behavior) of the system" )) bt2.SetToolTipString( _("DEVS classic coupled model. It is used to define the structure (or a part of structure) of the system" )) page1.add_stuff( wx.StaticText(page1, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Choose the type of model:'))) page1.add_stuff(bt1) page1.add_stuff(bt2) ### if left click on the DetachedFrame, port instance can be created if isinstance(parent.GetTopLevelParent(), Container.DetachedFrame): bt3 = wx.RadioButton(page1, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Input Port')) bt4 = wx.RadioButton(page1, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Output Port')) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': bt3.SetToolTipString = bt3.SetToolTip bt4.SetToolTipString = bt4.SetToolTip bt3.SetToolTipString( _("DEVS classic input model. It is used to link models")) bt4.SetToolTipString( _("DEVS classic output model. It is used to link models")) page1.add_stuff(bt3) page1.add_stuff(bt4) def onBt3Click(evt): """ input port radio button has been pressed. We redefine its action """ self.type = "IPort" page1.SetNext(page6) page6.SetNext(page5) page5.SetNext(None) page5.SetPrev(page1) page6.SetPrev(page1) def onBt4Click(evt): """ input port radio button has been pressed. We redefine its action """ self.type = "OPort" page1.SetNext(page7) page7.SetNext(page5) page5.SetNext(None) page5.SetPrev(page1) page7.SetPrev(page1) bt3.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, onBt3Click) bt4.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, onBt4Click) def python_path_call_back(evt): fn = evt.GetEventObject().GetValue() cls = Components.GetClass(fn) if inspect.isclass(cls): ### import are here because the simulator (PyDEVS or PyPDEVS) require it from DomainInterface.DomainBehavior import DomainBehavior from DomainInterface.DomainStructure import DomainStructure if not (issubclass(cls, DomainBehavior) or issubclass(cls, DomainStructure)): dlg = wx.MessageDialog( parent, _('The python file must contain a class that inherit of DomainBehavior or DomainStructure master class.\n Please choose a correct python file.' ), _('Wizard Manager'), wx.ID_OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() else: dlg = wx.MessageDialog( parent, _('The python file not includes a class definition.\n Please choose a correct python file.' ), _('Wizard Manager'), wx.ID_OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() def plugin_path_call_back(evt): fn = evt.GetEventObject().GetValue() if os.path.basename(fn) != 'plugins.py': dlg = wx.MessageDialog( parent, _('The name of plugin python file must be plugins.py.\n Please choose a correct plugin python file.' ), _('Wizard Manager'), wx.ID_OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() # Create a page 2 page2 = wizard_page(self, _('Atomic Model (AMD)')) sb1 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Properties')), orient=wx.VERTICAL) vb1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox2 = wx.GridSizer(6, 2, 3, 3) bt5 = wx.CheckBox(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Default python file')) bt5.SetValue(True) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': bt5.SetToolTipString = bt5.SetToolTip bt5.SetToolTipString(_("Choose python file from specific directory")) bt51 = wx.CheckBox(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), _('No plugin file')) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': bt51.SetToolTipString = bt51.SetToolTip bt51.SetToolTipString(_("Choose plugin file from specific directory")) bt51.SetValue(True) cb0 = wx.ComboBox(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Default'), choices=[ _('Default'), _('Generator'), _('Viewer'), _('Collector') ], style=wx.CB_READONLY) # filebrowse properties fb1 = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton( page2, wx.NewIdRef(), startDirectory=DOMAIN_PATH, labelText="", fileMask= 'Python File (*.py)|*.py|Compliled Python File (*.pyc)|*.pyc', toolTip=bt5.GetToolTip().GetTip(), changeCallback=python_path_call_back) fb12 = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton( page2, wx.NewIdRef(), startDirectory=DOMAIN_PATH, labelText="", fileMask='plugins.py', toolTip=bt51.GetToolTip().GetTip(), changeCallback=plugin_path_call_back) fb1.Enable(False) fb12.Enable(False) vbox2.AddMany([ (wx.StaticText(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Label')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.TextCtrl(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), value=_("Atomic_Name"), validator=TextObjectValidator()), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.StaticText(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Specific Behavior')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (cb0, 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.StaticText(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Inputs')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.SpinCtrl(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), '1', min=MIN_NB_PORT, max=MAX_NB_PORT), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.StaticText(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Outputs')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.SpinCtrl(page2, wx.NewIdRef(), '1', min=MIN_NB_PORT, max=MAX_NB_PORT), 0, wx.EXPAND), (bt5, 0), (fb1, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (bt51, 0), (fb12, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) ]) vb1.Add(vbox2, 0, wx.EXPAND) sb1.Add(vb1, 0, wx.EXPAND) page2.add_stuff(sb1) # Create a page 3 page3 = wizard_page(self, _('Coupled Model (CMD)')) sb2 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(page3, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Properties')), orient=wx.VERTICAL) vb2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox3 = wx.GridSizer(6, 2, 3, 3) bt6 = wx.CheckBox(page3, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Default python file')) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': bt6.SetToolTipString = bt6.SetToolTip bt6.SetToolTipString(bt5.GetToolTip().GetTip()) bt6.SetValue(True) bt61 = wx.CheckBox(page3, wx.NewIdRef(), _('No plugin file')) if wx.VERSION_STRING >= '4.0': bt61.SetToolTipString = bt61.SetToolTip bt61.SetToolTipString(bt51.GetToolTip().GetTip()) bt61.SetValue(True) # filebrowse properties fb4 = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton( page3, wx.NewIdRef(), startDirectory=DOMAIN_PATH, labelText="", fileMask= 'Python File (*.py)|*.py|Compliled Python File (*.pyc)|*.pyc', toolTip=bt6.GetToolTip().GetTip(), changeCallback=plugin_path_call_back) fb41 = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton( page3, wx.NewIdRef(), startDirectory=DOMAIN_PATH, labelText="", fileMask='plugins.py', toolTip=bt61.GetToolTip().GetTip(), changeCallback=plugin_path_call_back) fb4.Enable(False) fb41.Enable(False) vbox3.AddMany([ (wx.StaticText(page3, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Label')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.TextCtrl(page3, wx.NewIdRef(), value=_("Coupled_Name"), validator=TextObjectValidator()), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.StaticText(page3, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Inputs')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.SpinCtrl(page3, wx.NewIdRef(), '1', min=MIN_NB_PORT, max=MAX_NB_PORT), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.StaticText(page3, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Outputs')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.SpinCtrl(page3, wx.NewIdRef(), '1', min=MIN_NB_PORT, max=MAX_NB_PORT), 0, wx.EXPAND), (bt6, 0), (fb4, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (bt61, 0), (fb41, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) ]) #page3.add_stuff(vbox3) vb2.Add(vbox3, 0, wx.EXPAND) sb2.Add(vb2, 0, wx.EXPAND) page3.add_stuff(sb2) # Create a page 4_1 page4_1 = wizard_page(self, _('Finish')) # save filebrowse init = os.path.join(domain_path, "%s.amd" % vbox2.GetItem(1).GetWindow().GetValue()) fb2 = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton( page4_1, wx.NewIdRef(), initialValue=init, fileMode=wx.SAVE, #startDirectory = DOMAIN_PATH, labelText=_("Save as"), fileMask='*.amd') page4_1.add_stuff(fb2) # Create a page 4_2 page4_2 = wizard_page(self, _('Finish')) init = os.path.join(domain_path, "%s.cmd" % vbox3.GetItem(1).GetWindow().GetValue()) # save filebrowse fb3 = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton( page4_2, wx.NewIdRef(), initialValue=init, fileMode=wx.SAVE, #startDirectory = DOMAIN_PATH, labelText=_("Save as"), fileMask='*.cmd') page4_2.add_stuff(fb3) # Create a page 5 page5 = wizard_page(self, _('Finish')) page5.add_stuff( wx.StaticText(page5, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Port model has been created.'))) ### if left click on the DetachedFrame, port instance can be created if isinstance(parent.GetTopLevelParent(), Container.DetachedFrame): # Create a page 6 page6 = wizard_page(self, _('Input Port')) sb3 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(page6, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Properties')), orient=wx.VERTICAL) vb3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) #page6.add_stuff(wx.StaticBox(page6, -1, _('Properties'))) cb_id1 = wx.CheckBox(page6, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Automatic Id')) spin_id1 = wx.SpinCtrl(page6, wx.NewIdRef(), str(parent.diagram.GetiPortCount()), min=MIN_NB_PORT, max=MAX_NB_PORT) cb_id1.SetValue(True) spin_id1.Enable(False) vbox6 = wx.GridSizer(2, 2, 3, 3) vbox6.AddMany([ (wx.StaticText(page6, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Label')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.TextCtrl(page6, wx.NewIdRef(), value=_("IPort ")), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (cb_id1, 0), (spin_id1, 0, wx.EXPAND) ]) vb3.Add(vbox6, 0, wx.EXPAND) sb3.Add(vb3, 0, wx.EXPAND) page6.add_stuff(sb3) #page6.add_stuff(vbox6) # Create a page 7 page7 = wizard_page(self, _('Output Port')) #page7.add_stuff(wx.StaticBox(page7, -1, _('Properties'))) sb4 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(page7, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Properties')), orient=wx.VERTICAL) vb4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) cb_id2 = wx.CheckBox(page7, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Automatic Id')) spin_id2 = wx.SpinCtrl(page7, wx.NewIdRef(), str(parent.diagram.GetoPortCount()), min=MIN_NB_PORT, max=MAX_NB_PORT) cb_id2.SetValue(True) spin_id2.Enable(False) vbox7 = wx.GridSizer(2, 2, 3, 3) vbox7.AddMany([ (wx.StaticText(page7, wx.NewIdRef(), _('Label')), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (wx.TextCtrl(page7, wx.NewIdRef(), value=_("OPort ")), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (cb_id2, 0), (spin_id2, 0, wx.EXPAND) ]) vb4.Add(vbox7, 0, wx.EXPAND) sb4.Add(vb4, 0, wx.EXPAND) page7.add_stuff(sb4) def onBt1Click(evt): """ Atomic radio button has been pressed. We redefine its action """ self.type = "Atomic" page1.SetNext(page2) page2.SetPrev(page1) page2.SetNext(page4_1) page4_1.SetPrev(page2) def onBt2Click(evt): """ Coupled radio button has been pressed. We redefine its action """ self.type = "Coupled" page1.SetNext(page3) page3.SetPrev(page1) page3.SetNext(page4_2) page4_2.SetPrev(page3) # event handler for check button def onBt5Check(evt): """ Python file selector is checked. """ if evt.GetEventObject().GetValue(): fb1.Enable(False) else: fb1.Enable(True) # event handler for check button def onBt51Check(evt): """ Python file selector is checked. """ if evt.GetEventObject().GetValue(): fb12.Enable(False) else: fb12.Enable(True) def onBt6Check(evt): """ Python file selector is checked. """ if evt.GetEventObject().GetValue(): fb4.Enable(False) else: fb4.Enable(True) # event handler for check button def onBt61Check(evt): """ Python file selector is checked. """ if evt.GetEventObject().GetValue(): fb41.Enable(False) else: fb41.Enable(True) def onCbId1(evt): if evt.GetEventObject().GetValue(): spin_id1.Enable(False) else: spin_id1.Enable(True) def onCbId2(evt): if evt.GetEventObject().GetValue(): spin_id2.Enable(False) else: spin_id2.Enable(True) def OnSpecificBehavior(evt): """ Give the control on the number of input and output form specific behavior choice """ ### specific behavior choice val = evt.GetEventObject().GetValue() ### if generator, 0 input and x output (1 is the default) if val == _('Generator'): ### no input and vbox2.GetItem(5).GetWindow().SetValue(0) ### update output if vbox2.GetItem(7).GetWindow().GetValue() == 0: vbox2.GetItem(7).GetWindow().SetValue(1) ### Disable the choice vbox2.GetItem(4).GetWindow().Enable(False) vbox2.GetItem(5).GetWindow().Enable(False) ### Enable the output choice vbox2.GetItem(6).GetWindow().Enable(True) vbox2.GetItem(7).GetWindow().Enable(True) ### if collector, 0 output and x input (1 is the default) elif val in (_('Collector'), _('Viewer')): ### no output vbox2.GetItem(7).GetWindow().SetValue(0) ### update input if vbox2.GetItem(5).GetWindow().GetValue() == 0: vbox2.GetItem(5).GetWindow().SetValue(1) ### Disable the choice vbox2.GetItem(7).GetWindow().Enable(False) vbox2.GetItem(6).GetWindow().Enable(False) ### Enable the output choice vbox2.GetItem(5).GetWindow().Enable(True) vbox2.GetItem(4).GetWindow().Enable(True) ### if Default, 1 output and input else: vbox2.GetItem(5).GetWindow().Enable(True) vbox2.GetItem(4).GetWindow().Enable(True) vbox2.GetItem(6).GetWindow().Enable(True) vbox2.GetItem(7).GetWindow().Enable(True) vbox2.GetItem(5).GetWindow().SetValue(1) vbox2.GetItem(7).GetWindow().SetValue(1) def OnInputAMDLabel(evt): fb2.SetValue(os.path.join(domain_path, "%s.amd" % evt.GetString())) def OnInputCMDLabel(evt): fb3.SetValue(os.path.join(domain_path, "%s.cmd" % evt.GetString())) # Binding bt1.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, onBt1Click) bt2.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, onBt2Click) bt5.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, onBt5Check) bt51.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, onBt51Check) bt6.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, onBt6Check) bt61.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, onBt61Check) ### if left click on the DetachedFrame, port instance can be created if isinstance(parent.GetTopLevelParent(), Container.DetachedFrame): cb_id1.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, onCbId1) cb_id2.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, onCbId2) cb0.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, OnSpecificBehavior) amd_input_label = vbox2.GetItem(1).GetWindow() amd_input_label.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, OnInputAMDLabel) cmd_input_label = vbox3.GetItem(1).GetWindow() cmd_input_label.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, OnInputCMDLabel) # Add some more pages self.add_page(page1) self.add_page(page2) self.add_page(page3) self.add_page(page4_1) self.add_page(page4_2) self.add_page(page5) ### if left click on the DetachedFrame, port instance can be created if isinstance(parent.GetTopLevelParent(), Container.DetachedFrame): self.add_page(page6) self.add_page(page7) # define next and prev page1.SetNext(page2) page2.SetNext(page4_1) page2.SetPrev(page1) page3.SetPrev(page1) page3.SetNext(page4_2) page4_1.SetPrev(page2) page4_2.SetPrev(page3) page4_1.SetNext(None) page4_2.SetNext(None)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import wx from wxPyMail import SendMailWx from Utilities import FormatTrace, EnvironmentInfo, GetActiveWindow _ = wx.GetTranslation ID_SEND = wx.NewIdRef() class BaseDialog(wx.Dialog): """ A wx.Dialog base class. """ def __init__(self, parent): """ Constructor. """ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, size=(500, 600), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER) self.MainFrame = parent def CreateButtons(self): """ Creates the Ok and cancel bitmap buttons. """ # Build a couple of fancy and useless buttons self.cancelButton = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_CANCEL, "")
def DoDrawing(self, dc): random.seed() self.objids = [] self.boundsdict = {} for i in range(SHAPE_COUNT): id = wx.NewIdRef() dc.SetId(id) choice = random.randint(0,8) if choice in (0,1): x = random.randint(0, W) y = random.randint(0, H) pen = self.RandomPen() dc.SetPen(pen) dc.DrawPoint(x,y) r = wx.Rect(x,y,1,1) r.Inflate(pen.GetWidth(),pen.GetWidth()) dc.SetIdBounds(id,r) elif choice in (2,3): x1 = random.randint(0, W-SW) y1 = random.randint(0, H-SH) x2 = random.randint(x1, x1+SW) y2 = random.randint(y1, y1+SH) pen = self.RandomPen() dc.SetPen(pen) dc.DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2) r = wx.Rect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1) r.Inflate(pen.GetWidth(),pen.GetWidth()) dc.SetIdBounds(id,r) elif choice in (4,5): w = random.randint(10, SW) h = random.randint(10, SH) x = random.randint(0, W - w) y = random.randint(0, H - h) pen = self.RandomPen() dc.SetPen(pen) dc.SetBrush(self.RandomBrush()) dc.DrawRectangle(x,y,w,h) r = wx.Rect(x,y,w,h) r.Inflate(pen.GetWidth(),pen.GetWidth()) dc.SetIdBounds(id,r) self.objids.append(id) elif choice == 6: Np = 8 # number of characters in text word = [] for i in range(Np): c = chr( random.randint(48, 122) ) word.append( c ) word = "".join(word) w,h = self.GetFullTextExtent(word)[0:2] x = random.randint(0, W-w) y = random.randint(0, H-h) dc.SetFont(self.GetFont()) dc.SetTextForeground(self.RandomColor()) dc.SetTextBackground(self.RandomColor()) dc.DrawText(word, x, y) r = wx.Rect(x,y,w,h) r.Inflate(2,2) dc.SetIdBounds(id, r) self.objids.append(id) elif choice == 7: Np = 8 # number of points per polygon poly = [] minx = SW miny = SH maxx = 0 maxy = 0 for i in range(Np): x = random.randint(0, SW) y = random.randint(0, SH) if x < minx: minx = x if x > maxx: maxx = x if y < miny: miny = y if y > maxy: maxy = y poly.append(wx.Point(x,y)) x = random.randint(0, W-SW) y = random.randint(0, H-SH) pen = self.RandomPen() dc.SetPen(pen) dc.SetBrush(self.RandomBrush()) dc.DrawPolygon(poly, x,y) r = wx.Rect(minx+x,miny+y,maxx-minx,maxy-miny) r.Inflate(pen.GetWidth(),pen.GetWidth()) dc.SetIdBounds(id,r) self.objids.append(id) elif choice == 8: w,h = self.bmp.GetSize() x = random.randint(0, W-w) y = random.randint(0, H-h) dc.DrawBitmap(self.bmp,x,y,True) dc.SetIdBounds(id,wx.Rect(x,y,w,h)) self.objids.append(id)
import math import wx import wx.adv import wx.lib.agw.flatmenu as flatmenu from PIL import Image from GimelStudio.utils import DrawGrid, ConvertImageToWx from GimelStudio.registry import CreateNode from GimelStudio.node import Wire from .add_node_menu import AddNodeMenu from .menu_button import MenuButton from GimelStudio.datafiles import * # Create IDs ID_SELECTION_BBOX = wx.NewIdRef() ID_MENU_BUTTON = wx.NewIdRef() ID_RENDER_AS_BACKGROUND = wx.NewIdRef() # Max number of nodes that can be added to the menu is 200, currently CONTEXTMENU_ADDNODE_IDS = wx.NewIdRef(200) ID_CONTEXTMENU_DELETENODE = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CONTEXTMENU_DELETENODES = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CONTEXTMENU_DUPLICATENODE = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CONTEXTMENU_DESELECTALLNODES = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CONTEXTMENU_SELECTALLNODES = wx.NewIdRef() ID_ADDNODEMENU = wx.NewIdRef()
alive_count += 1 else: dead_count += 1 neighbour_info = [alive_count, dead_count] if (gridInfos[x][y] == CellStatus.dead.value): if (neighbour_info[0] == 3): return CellStatus.alive.value else: if (neighbour_info[0] < 2 or neighbour_info[0] > 3): return CellStatus.dead.value return gridInfos[x][y] # Define notification event for thread completion EVT_RESULT_ID = wx.NewIdRef() class ResultEvent(wx.PyEvent): def __init__(self, data): wx.PyEvent.__init__(self) self.SetEventType(EVT_RESULT_ID) self.data = data # Thread class that executes processing class WorkerThread(Thread): def __init__(self, notify_window): Thread.__init__(self) self._notify_window = notify_window self._want_abort = False
#!/usr/bin/env python import wx import wx.grid import wx.html import wx.aui as aui from six import BytesIO ID_CreateTree = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CreateGrid = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CreateText = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CreateHTML = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CreateSizeReport = wx.NewIdRef() ID_GridContent = wx.NewIdRef() ID_TextContent = wx.NewIdRef() ID_TreeContent = wx.NewIdRef() ID_HTMLContent = wx.NewIdRef() ID_SizeReportContent = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CreatePerspective = wx.NewIdRef() ID_CopyPerspective = wx.NewIdRef() ID_TransparentHint = wx.NewIdRef() ID_VenetianBlindsHint = wx.NewIdRef() ID_RectangleHint = wx.NewIdRef() ID_NoHint = wx.NewIdRef() ID_HintFade = wx.NewIdRef() ID_AllowFloating = wx.NewIdRef() ID_NoVenetianFade = wx.NewIdRef() ID_TransparentDrag = wx.NewIdRef() ID_AllowActivePane = wx.NewIdRef()
def test_newIdRef01(self): id = wx.NewIdRef() assert isinstance(id, wx.WindowIDRef) id.GetValue() id.GetId() id.__int__()
def __init__(self, parent, id, model=None): wx.Choicebook.__init__(self, parent, id) self.parent = parent cls = Components.GetClass(model.python_path) if inspect.isclass(cls): info = _("Unable to load sources") try: a = inspect.getdoc(cls) except: a = info try: b = inspect.getsource(cls) except: b = info try: c = inspect.getsource(cls.__init__) except: c = info try: d = inspect.getsource(cls.intTransition) except: d = info try: e = inspect.getsource(cls.extTransition) except: e = info try: f = inspect.getsource(cls.outputFnc) except: f = info try: g = inspect.getsource(cls.timeAdvance) except: g = info try: h = inspect.getsource(cls.finish) if hasattr( cls, 'finish') else "\tpass" except: h = info pageTexts = { _('Doc'): a, _('Class'): b, _('Constructor'): c, _('Internal Transition'): d, _('External Transition'): e, _('Output Function'): f, _('Time Advance Function'): g, _('Finish Function'): h } else: pageTexts = { _("Importing Error"): _("Error trying to import the module: %s.\nChange the python path by clicking in the above 'python_path' cell.\n %s" % (model.python_path, str(cls))) } # Now make a bunch of panels for the choice book for nameFunc in pageTexts: win = wx.Panel(self) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) st = wx.TextCtrl(win, wx.NewIdRef(), '', style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) try: txt = str(pageTexts[nameFunc], errors='replace') except TypeError: txt = pageTexts[nameFunc] finally: if txt: st.AppendText(txt) st.ShowPosition(wx.TOP) st.SetEditable(False) box.Add(st, 1, wx.EXPAND) win.SetSizer(box) else: sys.stdout.write( _("Method %s of class %s unknown!\n" % (nameFunc, cls.__name__))) self.AddPage(win, nameFunc)
def test_newIdRef02(self): refs = wx.NewIdRef(5) assert len(refs) == 5 for ref in refs: assert isinstance(ref, wx.WindowIDRef)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import wx import wx.xrc from formRunproc import FormRunproc from formInsprogs import FormInsprogs from formWebrequest import FormWebrequest ########################################################################### ## Class MainForm ########################################################################### #---------------------------------------------------------------------- [ID_EXIT, ID_FORM1, ID_FORM2, ID_FORM3, ID_ABOUT] = wx.NewIdRef(5) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class FormMain(wx.MDIParentFrame): def __init__(self): wx.MDIParentFrame.__init__(self, None, -1, "My first program on Pyton", size=(800, 600)) self.winCount = 0 #self.SetSizeHints(wx.DefaultSize, wx.DefaultSize) m__file = wx.Menu() #m__file.AppendSeparator() m__file.Append(ID_EXIT, "E&xit")
def CreatePopups(self): if not hasattr(self, "popupID1"): self.popupID1 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID2 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID3 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID4 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID5 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID6 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID7 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID8 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID9 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID10 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID11 = wx.NewIdRef() self.popupID12 = wx.NewIdRef() self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupOne, id=self.popupID1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupTwo, id=self.popupID2) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupThree, id=self.popupID3) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupFour, id=self.popupID4) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupFive, id=self.popupID5) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupSix, id=self.popupID6) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupSeven, id=self.popupID7) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupEight, id=self.popupID8) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupNine, id=self.popupID9) menu = wx.Menu() item = wx.MenuItem(menu, self.popupID1, "One") img = images.Mondrian.GetImage() img.Rescale(16, 16) bmp = img.ConvertToBitmap() item.SetBitmap(bmp) menu.Append(item) # add some other items menu.Append(self.popupID2, "Two") menu.Append(self.popupID3, "Three") menu.Append(self.popupID4, "Four") menu.Append(self.popupID5, "Five") menu.Append(self.popupID6, "Six") # make a submenu sm = wx.Menu() sm.Append(self.popupID8, "Sub Item 1") sm.Append(self.popupID9, "Sub Item 1") menu.Append(self.popupID7, "Test Submenu", sm) return menu