def _test_TextTagPanel_keyboard_close(): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) panel = tt.TextTagPanel(frame, style=tt.TTP_KEYBOARD_NAV) sizer.Add(panel, flag=wx.EXPAND) frame.SetSizer(sizer) frame.Layout() result = [None] def handler(ev): result[0] = ev.tag panel.Bind(tt.EVT_TTP_TAG_REMOVED, handler) tags = ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'] panel.SetOptions(tags) for t in tags: panel.AddTag(t) realYield() # Give a tag focus simclick(sim, panel.tags[0], stype=2) # Hit the delete key simkey(sim, panel.tags[0], wx.WXK_DELETE) assert result[0] == tags[0] # Give another tag focus simclick(sim, panel.tags[0], stype=2) # Hit the backspace key simkey(sim, panel.tags[0], wx.WXK_BACK) assert result[0] == tags[1]
def _test_notebook_events(side, ornt): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) notebook = nb.Notebook(frame, style=side | ornt) page1 = wx.Panel(notebook) page2 = wx.Panel(notebook) page3 = wx.Panel(notebook) notebook.AddPage(page1, 'page1') notebook.AddPage(page2, 'page2') notebook.AddPage(page3, 'page3') clicked = [None] def onbtn(ev): clicked[0] = ev.index notebook.Bind(nb.EVT_PAGE_CHANGE, onbtn) sizer.Add(notebook, flag=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1) frame.SetSizer(sizer) frame.Layout() realYield() btn1, btn2, btn3 = notebook.buttons notebook.SetSelection(2) simclick(sim, btn1) assert clicked[0] == 0 simclick(sim, btn2) assert clicked[0] == 1 simclick(sim, btn3) assert clicked[0] == 2
def PressKey(window, key): window.SetFocus() uias = wx.UIActionSimulator() uias.Char(key)
def __init__(self, compid, C_component_out, ConnectionAddr): CBasicWaiter.__init__(self, compid, C_component_out, None, ConnectionAddr) self.User_Simulator = wx.UIActionSimulator() self.header_len = 36 self.event_len = 10
def windows_accessibility_fix(browser): robot = wx.UIActionSimulator() browser.SetFocus() position = browser.GetPosition() position = browser.ClientToScreen(position) robot.MouseMove(position) robot.MouseClick()
def _test_NumberDialog_create(): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() testcases = [ ({'real' : False, 'initial' : 999}, 'ok', 999), ({'real' : False, 'initial' : -999}, 'ok', -999), ({'real' : True, 'initial' : 0.3443}, 'ok', 0.3443), ({'real' : True, 'initial' : -0.48}, 'ok', -0.48), ({'real' : True, 'initial' : 0.3443}, 'cancel', None), ] for kwargs, target, expected in testcases: dlg = numdlg.NumberDialog( frame, title='NumberDialog test', message='Enter a number', **kwargs) if target == 'ok': target = dlg.okButton else: target = dlg.cancelButton dlg.Show() realYield() simclick(sim, target) assert dlg.GetValue() == expected
def test_unit_int_txt_ctrl(self): ctrl = UnitIntegerCtrl(self.panel, value=123456789, unit='m') self.add_control(ctrl, label=ctrl.__class__.__name__, flags=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.assertEqual(ctrl.GetValue(), 123456789) self.assertEqual(ctrl.get_value_str(), u"123.456789 Mm") test.gui_loop(0.1) # Create simulator and focus the field sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() # Focusing the field will select all the number in it, but not the unit (Mm) ctrl.SetFocus() test.gui_loop(0.1) # Set the value to 1 Mm (period should not register) for c in "0.001\r": sim.Char(ord(c)) test.gui_loop(0.02) self.assertEqual(ctrl.GetValue(), 1000000) self.assertEqual(ctrl.get_value_str(), u"1 Mm") ctrl.SetSelection(0, 20) for c in "44m\r": sim.Char(ord(c)) test.gui_loop(0.02) self.assertEqual(ctrl.GetValue(), 44) self.assertEqual(ctrl.get_value_str(), u"44 m")
def test_float_txt_ctrl(self): ctrl = FloatTextCtrl(self.panel, value=123456789) self.add_control(ctrl, label=ctrl.__class__.__name__, flags=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) test.gui_loop(0.1) self.assertEqual(123456789, ctrl.GetValue()) # Create simulator and focus field sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() # Focusing the field will select all the text in it ctrl.SetFocus() # Type '1' followed by an [Enter] test.gui_loop(0.1) sim.Char(ord('1')) self.assertEqual(123456789, ctrl.GetValue()) sim.Char(ord('\r')) # The value should now be 1.0 test.gui_loop(0.1) self.assertEqual(1.0, ctrl.GetValue())
def test_uiactionMouseMotion(self): p = MouseEventsPanel(self.frame, wx.EVT_MOTION) self.assertTrue(p.Size.Get() > (20, 20)) uia = wx.UIActionSimulator() uia.MouseMove(p.ClientToScreen((1, 1))) self.myYield() uia.MouseMove(p.ClientToScreen((5, 5))) self.myYield() uia.MouseMove( p.ClientToScreen((10, 10)).x, p.ClientToScreen((10, 10)).y) self.myYield() self.myYield() if sys.platform == 'darwin': # The events do seem to be happening, but I just can't seem to # capture them the same way as in the other tests, so bail out # before the asserts to avoid false negatives. return self.assertEqual(len(, 3) self.assertTrue(self.cmp([0], wx.wxEVT_MOTION, (1, 1))) self.assertTrue(self.cmp([1], wx.wxEVT_MOTION, (5, 5))) self.assertTrue(self.cmp([2], wx.wxEVT_MOTION, (10, 10)))
def _test_Event(): falseicon = wx.Bitmap(op.join(datadir, 'false.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) trueicon = wx.Bitmap(op.join(datadir, 'true.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() panel = wx.Panel(frame) rad = bmpradio.BitmapRadioBox(panel) szr = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) szr.Add(rad, flag=wx.EXPAND) panel.SetSizer(szr) result = [None] def handler(ev): result[0] = (ev.index, ev.clientData) rad.Bind(bmpradio.EVT_BITMAP_RADIO_EVENT, handler) rad.Set([trueicon, falseicon], ['true', 'false']) panel.Layout() panel.Fit() wx.Yield() btns = [] for c in rad.GetChildren(): if isinstance(c, bmptoggle.BitmapToggleButton): btns.append(c) simclick(sim, btns[0]) assert result[0] == (0, 'true') simclick(sim, btns[1]) assert result[0] == (1, 'false')
def _test_popup_no_propagate_enter(): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() parent = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() atc = autott.AutoTextCtrl(parent, modal=False, style=autott.ATC_NO_PROPAGATE_ENTER) called = [False] def atcEnter(ev): called[0] = True addall(parent, [atc]) atc.Bind(autott.EVT_ATC_TEXT_ENTER, atcEnter) atc.AutoComplete(['aaa', 'aab', 'aba', 'bcc']) simtext(sim, atc, 'ab', enter=False) simkey(sim, atc.popup.textCtrl, wx.WXK_DOWN) simkey(sim, atc.popup.listBox, wx.WXK_RETURN) assert atc.GetValue() == 'aba' assert not called[0]
def _test_TextTagPanel_case_sensitive(): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) panel = tt.TextTagPanel(frame, style=(tt.TTP_CASE_SENSITIVE | tt.TTP_NO_DUPLICATES | tt.TTP_ALLOW_NEW_TAGS)) sizer.Add(panel, flag=wx.EXPAND) frame.SetSizer(sizer) frame.Layout() tags = ['Tag1', 'Tag2', 'Tag3', 'tag3'] panel.SetOptions(tags) assert panel.GetOptions() == tags realYield() for i in range(len(tags)): simtext(sim, panel.newTagCtrl.textCtrl, tags[i]) assert panel.GetTags() == tags[:i + 1] assert panel.HasTag(tags[i]) panel.RemoveTag(tags[3]) assert panel.GetTags() == tags[:3] panel.SetTagColour(tags[2], ( 50, 50, 50)) panel.SetTagColour(tags[3], (100, 100, 100)) assert panel.GetTagColour(tags[2]) == ( 50, 50, 50) assert panel.GetTagColour(tags[3]) == (100, 100, 100)
def _test_TextTagPanel_close_event(): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) panel = tt.TextTagPanel(frame, style=0) sizer.Add(panel, flag=wx.EXPAND) frame.SetSizer(sizer) frame.Layout() result = [None] def handler(ev): result[0] = ev.tag panel.Bind(tt.EVT_TTP_TAG_REMOVED, handler) panel.AddTag('MyTag1') panel.AddTag('MyTag2') wx.Yield() simclick(sim, panel.tags[1].closeButton, stype=2) assert result[0] == 'MyTag2' assert panel.GetTags() == ['MyTag1'] simclick(sim, panel.tags[0].closeButton, stype=2) assert result[0] == 'MyTag1' assert panel.GetTags() == []
def test_uiactionMouseDD(self): p = MouseEventsPanel(self.frame, [wx.EVT_MOTION, wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, wx.EVT_LEFT_UP]) x1, y1 = p.ClientToScreen((10, 10)) x2 = x1 + 20 y2 = y1 + 20 uia = wx.UIActionSimulator() uia.MouseDragDrop(x1, y1, x2, y2) self.myYield() self.myYield() if sys.platform == 'darwin': # The events do seem to be happening, but I just can't seem to # capture them the same way as in the other tests, so bail out # before the asserts to avoid false negatives. return #print self.assertEqual(len(, 4) self.assertTrue(self.cmp([0], wx.wxEVT_MOTION, (10, 10))) self.assertTrue(self.cmp([1], wx.wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, (10, 10))) self.assertTrue(self.cmp([2], wx.wxEVT_MOTION, (30, 30))) self.assertTrue(self.cmp([3], wx.wxEVT_LEFT_UP, (30, 30)))
def actions(main_window: asn1editor.wxPython.MainWindow): def get_children(window: wx.Window): my_children = window.GetChildren() if my_children is not None: their_children = [] for my_child in my_children: their_children += get_children(my_child) return list(my_children) + their_children else: return [] sleep(1) key_codes = [ wx.WXK_TAB, wx.WXK_DOWN, wx.WXK_UP, wx.WXK_LEFT, wx.WXK_RIGHT, wx.WXK_SPACE ] + [c for c in range(ord('1'), ord('9'))] ui_sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() for _ in range(1000): main_window.SetFocus() key_code = random.choice(key_codes) ui_sim.KeyDown(key_code) ui_sim.KeyUp(key_code) try: main_window.save_data_to_file('test.json') except asn1tools.ConstraintsError: pass main_window.Close(True) wx.GetApp().ExitMainLoop()
def _test_FlirtFileDialog(panel, overlayList, displayCtx): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() contents = ['func.nii.gz', 'struct.nii.gz', 'func2struct.mat'] with MockFileDialog() as mdlg, mockdir(contents): dlg = applyflirtxfm.FlirtFileDialog(panel, 'func.nii') simclick(sim, dlg.cancel) dlg = applyflirtxfm.FlirtFileDialog(panel, 'func.nii') dlg.affType.SetSelection(0) dlg._FlirtFileDialog__onAffType(None) mdlg.GetPath_retval = 'struct.nii.gz' dlg._FlirtFileDialog__onRefFileButton(None) mdlg.GetPath_retval = 'func2struct.mat' dlg._FlirtFileDialog__onMatFileButton(None) simclick(sim, dlg.ok) assert dlg.GetAffineType() == 'flirt' assert dlg.GetMatFile() == op.abspath('func2struct.mat') assert dlg.GetRefFile() == op.abspath('struct.nii.gz')
def _test_MaskDialog(frame, overlayList, displayCtx): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() dlg = amds.MaskDialog(frame, ['a', 'b', 'c']) wx.CallLater(500, simclick, sim, dlg.okButton) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() dlg = amds.MaskDialog(frame, ['a', 'b', 'c']) wx.CallLater(500, simclick, sim, dlg.cancelButton) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() dlg = amds.MaskDialog(frame, ['a', 'b', 'c']) # wxgtk2 does not like simulated clicks # on wx.Choice objects, so we can't test # that wx.CallLater(500, simclick, sim, dlg.checkbox) wx.CallLater(1000, simclick, sim, dlg.okButton) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.GetChoice() assert dlg.GetCheckBox() dlg.Destroy()
def test_window(self): # Note: UIActionSimulator.Text() doesn't seem to work on wxPython 4.0.7, # but it works again on wxPython 4.1. It worked on wxPython 4.0.1. wx_ver = tuple(int(v) for v in wx.__version__.split(".")) if wx_ver < (4, 1, 0): logging.warning( "Test case is known to fail on wxPython 4.0.7 due to buggy UIActionSimulator.Text" ) bugreporter = OdemisBugreporter() # Special verison of .run(), which simulates inputs bugreporter._compress_files_f = bugreporter._executor.submit( bugreporter.compress_files) app = wx.App() gui = BugreporterFrame(bugreporter) bugreporter.gui = gui # Create simulator and focus field sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() self.gui_loop(0.1) # Fill up the form gui.name_ctrl.SetFocus() # TODO: how to simulate typing non ascii-characters? .Char() + modifiers? # sim.Text(b"Tstingteam member") gui.name_ctrl.SetValue(u"TÉstingteam member") self.gui_loop(0.1) gui.email_ctrl.SetFocus() gui.email_ctrl.SetValue(TEST_SUPPORT_TEAM_EMAIL) # sim.Text(TEST_SUPPORT_TEAM_EMAIL) # "@" doesn't work self.gui_loop(0.1) gui.summary_ctrl.SetFocus() sim.Text(b"Bugreporter test") self.gui_loop(0.1) gui.description_ctrl.SetFocus() sim.Text(b"This is a test") self.gui_loop(0.1) # Simulates a "click" on the button by pressing Enter gui.report_btn.SetFocus() sim.Char(ord("\r")) self.gui_loop(0.1) try: # If sent successfully, the window should close after a few seconds self.gui_loop(2) bugreporter._compress_files_f.result() self.gui_loop(2) self.assertFalse( gui ) # wxPython widgets which are destroyed are considered "False" bugreporter._executor.shutdown( ) # wait for the background tasks to complete finally: # app.MainLoop() # DEBUG: For leaving the window afterwards if gui: gui.Destroy()
def Run(self): buzzard_script = os.path.join(self.buzzard_path, '') if self._pcbnew_frame is None: self._pcbnew_frame = [x for x in wx.GetTopLevelWindows() if 'pcbnew' in x.GetTitle().lower() and not 'python' in x.GetTitle().lower()][0] def run_buzzard(str): import re str = str + ' -o ki -stdout' args = [a.strip('"') for a in re.findall('".+?"|\S+', str)] if sys.platform.startswith('win'): args = [re.sub('([<>])', r'^\1', a) for a in args] # escape '<' or '>' with a caret, '^<' # Execute Buzzard process = None if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform == 'darwin': process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', buzzard_script] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: env_without_kicad = os.environ.copy() path_without_kicad = env_without_kicad["PATH"].split(';') path_without_kicad = [x for x in path_without_kicad if 'KiCad' not in x] path_without_kicad = ';'.join(path_without_kicad) env_without_kicad["PATH"] = path_without_kicad process = subprocess.Popen(['python', buzzard_script] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, env=env_without_kicad) # Use PATH instead of C:\\Python38\\python.exe stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if stderr: wx.MessageBox(stderr, 'Error', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) # check for errors error_line = [s for s in stderr.decode('utf8').split('\n') if 'error' in s] if len(error_line) > 0: wx.MessageBox(error_line[0], 'Error', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) else: # Copy footprint into clipboard if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): clip_args = ['xclip', '-sel', 'clip', '-noutf8'] elif sys.platform == 'darwin': clip_args = ['pbcopy'] else: clip_args = ['clip.exe'] process = subprocess.Popen(clip_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) process.communicate(stdout) dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) dlg = Dialog(self._pcbnew_frame, self.config, self.buzzard_path, run_buzzard) try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # Set focus to main window and execute a Paste operation self._pcbnew_frame.Raise() wx.Yield() keyinput = wx.UIActionSimulator() keyinput.Char(ord("V"), wx.MOD_CONTROL) finally: self.config.Flush() dlg.Destroy()
def _test_fillSelection(ortho, overlayList, displayCtx): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() img = Image(op.join(datadir, '3d')) overlayList.append(img) realYield() ortho.profile = 'edit' realYield(20) profile = ortho.getCurrentProfile() profile.mode = 'sel' profile.drawMode = False profile.selectionSize = 1 profile.fillValue = 999 xcanvas = ortho.getXCanvas() opts = ortho.displayCtx.getOpts(img) realYield(20) pxs = np.random.randint(0, img.shape[1], 10) pys = np.random.randint(0, img.shape[2], 10) for i in range(10): px, py = pxs[i] + 0.5, pys[i] + 0.5 pos = opts.transformCoords((8, px, py), 'voxel', 'display') px, py = pos[1], pos[2] bounds = xcanvas.opts.displayBounds xoff = bounds.xlo - opts.bounds.ylo yoff = bounds.ylo - opts.bounds.zlo px = (px - xoff) / bounds.xlen py = (py - yoff) / bounds.ylen simclick(sim, xcanvas, pos=(px, 1 - py)) realYield(10) sel = np.array(profile.editor(img).getSelection().getSelection()) profile.fillSelection() realYield(20) w, h = xcanvas.GetClientSize().Get() voxels = np.zeros((10, 3), dtype=np.int32) voxels[:, 0] = 8 voxels[:, 1] = pxs voxels[:, 2] = pys xs, ys, zs = voxels.T exp = np.zeros(img.shape) exp[xs, ys, zs] = 1 assert np.all(sel == exp) assert np.all(img[:][xs, ys, zs] == 999)
def Run(self): if self._pcbnew_frame is None: try: self._pcbnew_frame = [x for x in wx.GetTopLevelWindows() if ('pcbnew' in x.GetTitle().lower() and not 'python' in x.GetTitle().lower()) or ('pcb editor' in x.GetTitle().lower())] if len(self._pcbnew_frame) == 1: self._pcbnew_frame = self._pcbnew_frame[0] else: self._pcbnew_frame = None except: pass def run_buzzard(dlg, p_buzzard): if len(dlg.polys) == 0: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL) return if '5.1' in self.kicad_build_version or '5.0' in self.kicad_build_version: # Handle KiCad 5.1 filepath = self.filepath with open(filepath, 'w+') as f: f.write(p_buzzard.create_v5_footprint()) print(os.path.dirname(filepath)) board = pcbnew.GetBoard() footprint = pcbnew.FootprintLoad(os.path.dirname(filepath), 'label') footprint.SetPosition(pcbnew.wxPoint(0, 0)) board.Add(footprint) pcbnew.Refresh() # Zoom doesn't seem to work. #b = footprint.GetBoundingBox() #pcbnew.WindowZoom(b.GetX(), b.GetY(), b.GetWidth(), b.GetHeight()) elif '5.99' in self.kicad_build_version or '6.0' in self.kicad_build_version: footprint_string = p_buzzard.create_v6_footprint() if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): wx.TheClipboard.SetData(wx.TextDataObject(footprint_string)) wx.TheClipboard.Close() dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) dlg = Dialog(self._pcbnew_frame, self.config, Buzzard(), run_buzzard) try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if '5.99' in self.kicad_build_version: if self._pcbnew_frame is not None: # Set focus to main window and attempt to execute a Paste operation self._pcbnew_frame.Raise() wx.Yield() keyinput = wx.UIActionSimulator() keyinput.Char(ord("V"), wx.MOD_CONTROL)
def focus(self): focus = self.WebPanel.browser focus.SetFocus() if platform.system() == 'Windows': robot = wx.UIActionSimulator() position = focus.GetPosition() position = focus.ClientToScreen(position) robot.MouseMove(position) robot.MouseClick()
def test_uiactionKeyboardChar(self): uia = wx.UIActionSimulator() for c in "This is a test": mod = wx.MOD_NONE if c.isupper(): mod = wx.MOD_SHIFT uia.Char(ord(c), mod) self.waitFor(WAIT) self.waitFor(WAIT * 2) self.assertEqual(, "This is a test")
def test_embed(): gc.collect() idle.idleReset() app = wx.App() frame = [wx.Frame(None)] panel = wx.Panel(frame[0]) btn = wx.Button(panel) btn.SetLabel('Click to open FSLeyes') fsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) frame[0].SetSizer(fsizer) fsizer.Add(panel, flag=wx.EXPAND) psizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) panel.SetSizer(psizer) psizer.Add(btn, flag=wx.EXPAND) sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() ncalls = [0] def finish(): frame[0].Close() app.ExitMainLoop() def embedded(overlayList, displayCtx, fframe): print('Embedded call', ncalls[0]) img = fslimage.Image(op.join(datadir, '3d')) fframe.addOrthoPanel() overlayList.append(img) fframe.Show() ncalls[0] += 1 wx.CallLater(1500, fframe.Close) fframe = None if ncalls[0] < 4: wx.CallLater(2500, simclick, sim, btn) else: print('Done - closing') wx.CallLater(1500, finish) def open_fsleyes(ev): fslmain.embed(frame[0], callback=embedded, menu=False, save=False) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, open_fsleyes) wx.CallLater(1000, simclick, sim, btn) frame[0].Show() app.MainLoop() assert ncalls[0] == 4
def runTest(frame, nb, log): try: uisim = wx.UIActionSimulator() win = TestPanel(nb, log) return win except NotImplementedError: from wx.lib.msgpanel import MessagePanel win = MessagePanel( nb, "This build of wxWidgets does not include the \n" "wx.UIActionSimulator implementation.", "Sorry", wx.ICON_WARNING) return win
def test_uiactionMouseLeftClick(self): p = MouseEventsPanel(self.frame, [wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, wx.EVT_LEFT_UP]) self.myYield() uia = wx.UIActionSimulator() uia.MouseMove(p.ClientToScreen((10,10))); self.waitFor(WAIT) uia.MouseClick(); self.waitFor(WAIT) self.waitFor(WAIT) self.assertTrue(len( == 2) self.assertTrue(self.cmp([0], wx.wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, (10,10))) self.assertTrue(self.cmp([1], wx.wxEVT_LEFT_UP, (10,10)))
def _test_SliderSpinPanel_show_edit_limits(): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) panel = floatslider.SliderSpinPanel(frame, style=floatslider.SSP_SHOW_LIMITS | floatslider.SSP_EDIT_LIMITS) sizer.Add(panel, flag=wx.EXPAND) frame.SetSizer(sizer) frame.Layout() panel.SetRange(0, 100) result = [None] def handler(ev): result[0] = (ev.min, ev.max) panel.Bind(floatslider.EVT_SSP_LIMIT, handler) numberdlg = mock.MagicMock() numberdlg.ShowModal.return_value = wx.ID_OK numberdlg.GetValue.return_value = 9 minbtn = panel._SliderSpinPanel__minButton maxbtn = panel._SliderSpinPanel__maxButton # limbutton, value, expectedrange, shouldTriggerEvent testcases = [ (minbtn, 50, (50, 100), True), (minbtn, 150, (50, 100), False), (minbtn, -100, (-100, 100), True), (maxbtn, 50, (-100, 50), True), (maxbtn, -200, (-100, 50), False), (maxbtn, 500, (-100, 500), True), ] with mock.patch('fsleyes_widgets.numberdialog.NumberDialog', return_value=numberdlg): for btn, val, expected, shouldEv in testcases: result[0] = None numberdlg.GetValue.return_value = val realYield() simclick(sim, btn) assert tuple(panel.GetRange()) == expected if shouldEv: assert result[0] == expected else: assert result[0] is None
def _test_RangeSliderSpinPanel_onlimit(): sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() panel = rangeslider.RangeSliderSpinPanel(frame, style=rangeslider.RSSP_SHOW_LIMITS | rangeslider.RSSP_EDIT_LIMITS) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(panel, flag=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1) frame.SetSizer(sizer) frame.Layout() panel.SetLimits(0, 100) panel.SetRange(0, 100) called = [False] def handler(ev): called[0] = True panel.Bind(rangeslider.EVT_RANGE_LIMIT, handler) numberdlg = mock.MagicMock() numberdlg.ShowModal.return_value = wx.ID_OK numberdlg.GetValue.return_value = 9 minbtn = panel.minButton maxbtn = panel.maxButton # limbutton, value, expectedrange, shouldTriggerEvent testcases = [ (minbtn, 50, (50, 100), True), (minbtn, 150, (50, 100), False), (minbtn, -100, (-100, 100), True), (maxbtn, 50, (-100, 50), True), (maxbtn, -200, (-100, 50), False), (maxbtn, 500, (-100, 500), True), ] with mock.patch('fsleyes_widgets.rangeslider.numberdialog.NumberDialog', return_value=numberdlg): for btn, val, expected, shouldEv in testcases: called[0] = None numberdlg.GetValue.return_value = val simclick(sim, btn) assert tuple(panel.GetLimits()) == expected if shouldEv: assert called[0] else: assert not called[0]
def _test_FloatSpinCtrl_text(): frame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() spin = floatspin.FloatSpinCtrl(frame) sim = wx.UIActionSimulator() spin.SetRange(0, 100) result = [0] def handler(ev): result[0] = ev.value enter = [False] def enterHandler(ev): enter[0] = True spin.Bind(floatspin.EVT_FLOATSPIN, handler) spin.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, enterHandler) # input, expected testcases = [ ( '', 0), ( '1', 1), ( '5', 5), ('Baba', 5), ( '0', 0), ( '20', 20), ('-423', 0), ( '99', 99), ('1055', 100), ( '25', 25), ( '25.42', 25.42), ] realYield() for text, expected in testcases: oldValue = spin.GetValue() result[0] = None enter[0] = False simtext(sim, spin.textCtrl, text) assert spin.GetValue() == expected try: float(text) assert enter[0] except: assert not enter[0] if oldValue == expected: assert result[0] is None else: assert result[0] == expected
def test_uiactionKeyboardKeyDownUp(self): uia = wx.UIActionSimulator() for c in "This is a test": if c.isupper(): uia.KeyDown(wx.WXK_SHIFT); self.waitFor(WAIT) uia.KeyDown(ord(c)); self.waitFor(WAIT) uia.KeyUp(ord(c)); self.waitFor(WAIT) if c.isupper(): uia.KeyUp(wx.WXK_SHIFT); self.waitFor(WAIT) self.waitFor(WAIT*2) self.assertEqual(, "This is a test")