def test(bytes=None):
        print("*** Received %r" % bytes)
        menu = r"""Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
        if not bytes:
            txt = menu
        elif bytes == " ":
            i = app.TopWindow.index
            row = app.TopWindow.cgats[0].DATA[i]
            txt = [
 Result is XYZ: %.6f %.6f %.6f

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""" %
                (row.XYZ_X, row.XYZ_Y, row.XYZ_Z),
 Result is XYZ: %.6f %.6f %.6f

Spot read needs a calibration before continuing
Place cap on the instrument, or place on a dark surface,
or place on the white calibration reference,
 and then hit any key to continue,
 or hit Esc or Q to abort:""" % (row.XYZ_X, row.XYZ_Y, row.XYZ_Z)
            ][random.choice([0, 1])]
        elif bytes in ("Q", "q"):
        for line in txt.split("\n"):
            if app.TopWindow:
                wx.CallAfter(files.write, line)
def test():
    import time
    for rgb in [(0.079291, 1 / 51., 1 / 51.), (0.079291, 0.089572, 0.094845),
                (0.032927, 0.028376, 0.027248), (0.037647, 0.037095, 0.036181),
                (51.2 / 255, 153.7 / 255, 127.4 / 255)]:
        wx.CallAfter(wx.GetApp().TopWindow.show_rgb, rgb)
        input("Press RETURN to continue\n")
        if not wx.GetApp().TopWindow:
Exemple #3
 def Show(self, show=True):
     if show:
         display_no = getcfg("display.number") - 1
         if display_no < 0 or display_no > wx.Display.GetCount() - 1:
             display_no = 0
             display_no = get_display_number(display_no)
         x, y, w, h = wx.Display(display_no).ClientArea
         # Place frame on correct display
         self.SetPosition((x, y))
         self.SetSize((w, h))
     wx.Frame.Show(self, show)
Exemple #4
 def get_app_info(self):
     commands = ["setresponseformat plain", "getcommands", "getappname"]
         for command in commands:
             response = self.conn.get_single_response()
             if command == "getcommands":
                 self.commands = response.splitlines()
             elif command == "getappname":
                                 ((response, ) + self.conn.getpeername())) +
                     "\n%s\n" % lang.getstr("scripting-client.cmdhelptext"))
     except socket.error as exception:
         return exception
Exemple #5
 def process_data_local(self, data):
     if data[0] == "clear" and len(data) == 1:
     elif (data[0] == "connect" and len(data) == 2
           and len(data[1].split(":")) == 2):
         wx.CallAfter(self.connect_handler, data[1])
     elif data[0] == "disconnect" and len(data) == 1:
         self.add_text("> ")
     #elif data[0] == "echo" and len(data) > 1:
     #self.add_text(" ".join(data[1:]) + "\n")
     elif data[0] == "getscriptinghosts" and len(data) == 1:
         return self.get_scripting_hosts()
         return "invalid"
     return "ok"
Exemple #6
 def OnClose(self, event):
     # So we can send_command('close') ourselves without prematurely exiting
     # the wx main loop
     while self.busy:
     # Hide first (looks nicer)
         with open(self.historyfilename, "wb") as historyfile:
             for command in self.history:
                 if command:
                         safe_str(command, "UTF-8") + os.linesep)
     except EnvironmentError as exception:
         safe_print("Warning - couldn't write history file:", exception)
     self.listening = False
     # Need to use CallAfter to prevent hang under Windows if minimized
    def __init__(self, parent, cgats, worker=None):
		Init new CCXPlot window.

		parent   Parent window (only used for error dialogs)
		cgats    A CCMX/CCSS CGATS instance
		worker   Worker instance

        self.is_ccss = cgats[0].type == "CCSS"

        desc = cgats.get_descriptor()

        if cgats.filename:
            fn, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cgats.filename))
            fn = desc
            if self.is_ccss:
                ext = ".ccss"
                ext = ".ccmx"

        desc = lang.getstr(ext[1:] + "." + fn, default=desc)

        if self.is_ccss:
            ccxx_type = "spectral"
            ccxx_type = "matrix"

        title = "%s: %s" % (lang.getstr(ccxx_type), desc)

        if self.is_ccss:
            # Convert to TI3 so we can get XYZ from spectra for coloring

            temp = worker.create_tempdir()
            if isinstance(temp, Exception):
                show_result_dialog(temp, parent)
                basename = make_filename_safe(desc)
                temp_path = os.path.join(temp, basename + ".ti3")

                cgats[0].type = "CTI3"
                cgats[0].DEVICE_CLASS = "DISPLAY"

                temp_out_path = os.path.join(temp, basename + ".CIE.ti3")

                result = worker.exec_cmd(get_argyll_util("spec2cie"),
                                         [temp_path, temp_out_path],
                if isinstance(result, Exception) or not result:
                        UnloggedError(result or "".join(worker.errors)),
                        cgats = CGATS.CGATS(temp_out_path)
                    except Exception as exception:
                        show_result_dialog(exception, parent)

        data_format = cgats.queryv1("DATA_FORMAT")
        data = cgats.queryv1("DATA")

        XYZ_max = 0
        self.samples = []

        if self.is_ccss:
            x_min = cgats.queryv1("SPECTRAL_START_NM")
            x_max = cgats.queryv1("SPECTRAL_END_NM")
            bands = cgats.queryv1("SPECTRAL_BANDS")
            lores = bands <= 40
            if lores:
                # Interpolate if lores
                # 1nm intervals
                steps = int(x_max - x_min) + 1
                safe_print("Up-interpolating", bands, "spectral bands to",
                step = (x_max - x_min) / (steps - 1.)
                step = (x_max - x_min) / (bands - 1.)
            y_min = 0
            y_max = 1

            Y_max = 0
            for i, sample in data.items():
                # Get nm and spectral power
                values = []
                x = x_min
                for k in data_format.values():
                    if k.startswith("SPEC_"):
                        y = sample[k]
                        y_min = min(y, y_min)
                        y_max = max(y, y_max)
                        if lores:
                            values.append((x, y))
                            x += step
                if lores:
                    # Interpolate if lores. Use Catmull-Rom instead of
                    # PolySpline as we want curves to go through points exactly
                    numvalues = len(values)
                    interp = ICCP.CRInterpolation(values)
                    values = []
                    for i in range(steps):
                            (x, interp(i / (steps - 1.) * (numvalues - 1.))))
                        x += step
                # Get XYZ for colorization
                XYZ = []
                for component in "XYZ":
                    label = "XYZ_" + component
                    if label in sample:
                        v = sample[label]
                        XYZ_max = max(XYZ_max, v)
                        if label == "XYZ_Y":
                            Y_max = max(Y_max, v)
                self.samples.append((XYZ, values, {}))

            Plot = plot.PolyLine
            Plot._attributes["width"] = 1
            # CCMX
            cube_size = 2

            x_min = 0

            y_min = 0

            mtx = colormath.Matrix3x3(
                [[sample[k] for k in data_format.values()]
                 for sample in data.values()])
            imtx = mtx.inverted()

            # Get XYZ that colorimeter would measure without matrix (sRGB ref,
            # so not accurate, but useful for visual representation which is all
            # we care about here)
            if cube_size == 2:
                scale = 1
                x_max = 100 * scale
                y_max = x_max * (74.6 / 67.4)
                if sys.platform != "win32":
                    x_center = x_max / 2.
                    x_center = x_max / 2. - 2.5
                y_center = y_max / 2.
                x_center *= scale
                y_center *= scale
                pos2rgb = [((x_center - 23.7, y_center - 13.7), (0, 0, 1)),
                           ((x_center, y_center + 27.3), (0, 1, 0)),
                           ((x_center + 23.7, y_center - 13.7), (1, 0, 0)),
                           ((x_center - 23.7, y_center + 13.7), (0, 1, 1)),
                           ((x_center, y_center - 27.3), (1, 0, 1)),
                           ((x_center + 23.7, y_center + 13.7), (1, 1, 0)),
                           ((x_center, y_center), (1, 1, 1))]
                attrs_c = {'size': 10}
                attrs_r = {'size': 5}
                x_max = 100
                y_max = 100
                y = -5
                pos2rgb = []
                for R in range(cube_size):
                    for G in range(cube_size):
                        x = -5
                        y += 10
                        for B in range(cube_size):
                            x += 10
                            pos2rgb.append(((x, y), (v / (cube_size - 1.0)
                                                     for v in (R, G, B))))
                attrs_c = {'marker': 'square', 'size': 10}
                attrs_r = {'marker': 'square', 'size': 5}
            Y_max = (imtx * colormath.get_whitepoint("D65"))[1]
            for i, ((x, y), (R, G, B)) in enumerate(pos2rgb):
                XYZ = list(colormath.RGB2XYZ(R, G, B))
                X, Y, Z = imtx * XYZ
                XYZ_max = max(XYZ_max, X, Y, Z)
                self.samples.append(([X, Y, Z], [(x, y)], attrs_c))
                self.samples.append((XYZ, [(x, y)], attrs_r))

            Plot = plot.PolyMarker

        if self.is_ccss:
            # Protect against division by zero when range is zero
            if not x_max - x_min:
                x_min = 350.0
                x_max = 750.0
            if not y_max - y_min:
                y_min = 0.0
                y_max = 10.0

            y_zero = 0

            self.ccxx_axis_x = (math.floor(x_min / 50.) * 50,
                                math.ceil(x_max / 50.) * 50)
            self.spec_x = (self.ccxx_axis_x[1] - self.ccxx_axis_x[0]) / 50.
            graph_range = nicenum(y_max - y_zero, False)
            d = nicenum(graph_range / (NTICK - 1.0), True)
            self.spec_y = math.ceil(y_max / d)
            self.ccxx_axis_y = (math.floor(y_zero / d) * d, self.spec_y * d)
            self.ccxx_axis_x = (math.floor(x_min / 20.) * 20,
                                math.ceil(x_max / 20.) * 20)
            self.ccxx_axis_y = (math.floor(y_min), math.ceil(y_max))

        self.gfx = []
        for XYZ, values, attrs in self.samples:
            if len(XYZ) == 3:
                # Got XYZ
                if attrs.get("size") > 11.25:
                    # Colorimeter XYZ
                    if Y_max > 1:
                        # Colorimeter brighter than ref
                        XYZ[:] = [v / Y_max for v in XYZ]
                        # Colorimeter dimmer than ref
                        XYZ[:] = [v * Y_max for v in XYZ]
                    # Ref XYZ
                    if Y_max > 1:
                        # Colorimeter brighter than ref
                        XYZ[:] = [v / Y_max for v in XYZ]
                RGB = tuple(
                    for v in colormath.XYZ2RGB(*XYZ, scale=255, round_=True))
                RGB = (153, 153, 153)
            self.gfx.append(Plot(values, colour=wx.Colour(*RGB), **attrs))
        if self.is_ccss:
            # Add a few points at the extremes to define a bounding box
                    [(self.ccxx_axis_x[0], self.ccxx_axis_y[0]),
                     (self.ccxx_axis_x[1], self.ccxx_axis_y[1] - y_min)],
                    colour=wx.Colour(0, 0, 0, 0)))

        ref = cgats.queryv1("REFERENCE")
        if ref:
            ref = get_canonical_instrument_name(safe_unicode(ref, "UTF-8"))

        if not self.is_ccss:
            observers_ab = {}
            for observer in config.valid_values["observer"]:
                observers_ab[observer] = lang.getstr("observer." + observer)
            x_label = [lang.getstr("matrix")]
            x_label.extend(["%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" % tuple(row) for row in mtx])
            if ref:
                ref_observer = cgats.queryv1("REFERENCE_OBSERVER")
                if ref_observer:
                    ref += ", " + observers_ab.get(ref_observer, ref_observer)
            fit_method = cgats.queryv1("FIT_METHOD")
            if fit_method == "xy":
                fit_method = lang.getstr("ccmx.use_four_color_matrix_method")
            elif fit_method:
                fit_method = lang.getstr("perceptual")
            fit_de00_avg = cgats.queryv1("FIT_AVG_DE00")
            if not isinstance(fit_de00_avg, float):
                fit_de00_avg = None
            fit_de00_max = cgats.queryv1("FIT_MAX_DE00")
            if not isinstance(fit_de00_max, float):
                fit_de00_max = None
            if fit_method:
            fit_de00 = []
            if fit_de00_avg:
                    "ΔE*00 %s %.4f" %
                    (lang.getstr("profile.self_check.avg"), fit_de00_avg))
            if fit_de00_max:
                    "ΔE*00 %s %.4f" %
                    (lang.getstr("profile.self_check.max"), fit_de00_max))
            if fit_de00:
            x_label = "\n".join(x_label)
            x_label = ""
            if ref:
                x_label += ref + ", "
            x_label += "%.1fnm, %i-%inm" % ((x_max - x_min) /
                                            (bands - 1.0), x_min, x_max)

        scale = max(getcfg("app.dpi") / config.get_default_dpi(), 1)

        style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE

        wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, title, style=style)
        self.SetIcons(config.get_icon_bundle([256, 48, 32, 16], appname))
        self.Sizer = wx.GridSizer(1, 1, 0, 0)
        bg = wx.Panel(self)
        bg.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        self.canvas = canvas = LUTCanvas(bg)
        if self.is_ccss:
            bg.MinSize = (513 * scale, 557 * scale)
            btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
                         flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.RIGHT | wx.LEFT,
            self.toggle_btn = FlatShadedButton(bg,
            btnsizer.Add(self.toggle_btn, 1)
            self.Sizer.Add(bg, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
            bg.Sizer.Add(canvas, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
            self.Sizer.Add(bg, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
            canvas_w = 240 * scale
            canvas.MinSize = (canvas_w, canvas_w * (74.6 / 67.4))
            bg.Sizer.Add(canvas, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
        label = wx.StaticText(bg,
                              x_label.replace("&", "&&"),
                     flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALL & ~wx.TOP,
                     border=16 * scale)
        canvas.enableTicks = (True, True)
        canvas.tickPen = wx.Pen(GRIDCOLOUR, canvas._pointSize[0])
        canvas.canvas.BackgroundColour = BGCOLOUR
        if self.is_ccss:
            canvas.HandCursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZING)

        # CallAfter is needed under GTK as usual

        if self.is_ccss:
            self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.key_handler)
            for child in self.GetAllChildren():
                child.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.key_handler)
                child.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.OnWheel)

            self.toggle_btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.toggle_draw)

            self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
            bg.Sizer.Add((0, 16))
 def OnSize(self, event):
     if self.canvas.last_draw:
         wx.CallAfter(self.canvas._DrawCanvas, self.canvas.last_draw[0])
 def write(self, txt):
     wx.CallAfter(self.parse_txt, txt)
 def OnResize(self, event):
 def OnClose(self, event):
     # Hide first (looks nicer)
     # Need to use CallAfter to prevent hang under Windows if minimized
Exemple #12
    def test(bytes=None):
        global i
        menu = r"""Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
        if not bytes:
            txt = menu
        elif bytes == " ":
            txt = [[
 Result is XYZ: 115.629826 123.903717 122.761510, D50 Lab: 108.590836 -5.813746 -13.529075
                           CCT = 6104K (Delta E 7.848119)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5835K (Delta E 6.927113)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5963K (Delta E 3.547392)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 65.336831 69.578641 68.180005, D50 Lab: 86.789788 -3.888434 -10.469442
                           CCT = 5983K (Delta E 6.816507)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5757K (Delta E 5.996638)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5883K (Delta E 2.598118)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 26.944662 28.614568 28.107897, D50 Lab: 60.439948 -2.589848 -7.899247
                           CCT = 5969K (Delta E 6.279024)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5760K (Delta E 5.519000)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5887K (Delta E 2.119333)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 6.153402 6.500147 6.625585, D50 Lab: 30.640770 -1.226804 -5.876967
                           CCT = 6123K (Delta E 4.946609)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5943K (Delta E 4.353019)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6082K (Delta E 0.985734)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 0.104401 0.110705 0.109155, D50 Lab: 0.640770 -1.226804 -5.876967
                           CCT = 6123K (Delta E 4.946609)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5943K (Delta E 4.353019)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6082K (Delta E 0.985734)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
 Result is XYZ: 116.565941 124.165894 121.365684, D50 Lab: 108.678651 -4.762572 -12.508939
                           CCT = 5972K (Delta E 6.890329)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5745K (Delta E 6.060831)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5871K (Delta E 2.660205)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 64.511790 68.522425 66.980369, D50 Lab: 86.267011 -3.491468 -10.263432
                           CCT = 5945K (Delta E 6.363056)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5735K (Delta E 5.590753)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5862K (Delta E 2.186503)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 26.905684 28.417087 27.988741, D50 Lab: 60.263695 -1.987837 -8.005457
                           CCT = 5930K (Delta E 5.234243)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5755K (Delta E 4.591707)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5884K (Delta E 1.187672)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 6.144071 6.471379 6.584408, D50 Lab: 30.571861 -1.030833 -5.816641
                           CCT = 6083K (Delta E 4.418192)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5923K (Delta E 3.883022)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6062K (Delta E 0.510176)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 0.104401 0.110705 0.109155, D50 Lab: 0.571861 -1.030833 -5.816641
                           CCT = 6083K (Delta E 4.418192)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5923K (Delta E 3.883022)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6062K (Delta E 0.510176)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
 Result is XYZ: 116.611176 123.928350 121.363808, D50 Lab: 108.599092 -4.350754 -12.644938
                           CCT = 5960K (Delta E 6.444925)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5747K (Delta E 5.664879)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5873K (Delta E 2.263144)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 64.672460 68.441938 67.178377, D50 Lab: 86.226954 -2.956057 -10.516177
                           CCT = 5931K (Delta E 5.640857)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5744K (Delta E 4.950818)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5872K (Delta E 1.545901)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 26.708397 28.224354 27.854805, D50 Lab: 60.090889 -2.043543 -8.080532
                           CCT = 5946K (Delta E 5.317449)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5768K (Delta E 4.666630)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5897K (Delta E 1.265350)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 6.154005 6.469558 6.599849, D50 Lab: 30.567493 -0.904424 -5.891430
                           CCT = 6079K (Delta E 4.041262)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5932K (Delta E 3.549922)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6072K (Delta E 0.177697)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 0.104401 0.110705 0.109155, D50 Lab: 0.567493 -0.904424 -5.891430
                           CCT = 6079K (Delta E 4.041262)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5932K (Delta E 3.549922)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6072K (Delta E 0.177697)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
 Result is XYZ: 120.030166 127.667344 125.560879, D50 Lab: 109.839774 -4.542272 -13.098348
                           CCT = 5991K (Delta E 6.554213)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5772K (Delta E 5.765044)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5899K (Delta E 2.368586)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 66.590402 70.542611 69.377397, D50 Lab: 87.262309 -3.134252 -10.747149
                           CCT = 5951K (Delta E 5.807812)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5758K (Delta E 5.100360)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5886K (Delta E 1.698719)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 27.489125 29.158690 28.738045, D50 Lab: 60.921426 -2.478038 -8.105322
                           CCT = 5976K (Delta E 6.028851)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5773K (Delta E 5.298263)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5902K (Delta E 1.900430)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 6.326874 6.649709 6.776715, D50 Lab: 30.995780 -0.896754 -5.916062
                           CCT = 6071K (Delta E 4.005433)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5926K (Delta E 3.517820)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6065K (Delta E 0.144142)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 0.104401 0.110705 0.109155, D50 Lab: 0.995780 -0.896754 -5.916062
                           CCT = 6071K (Delta E 4.005433)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5926K (Delta E 3.517820)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6065K (Delta E 0.144142)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
 Result is XYZ: 121.643262 130.105649 128.560173, D50 Lab: 110.635861 -5.574898 -13.543244
                           CCT = 6071K (Delta E 7.533820)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5815K (Delta E 6.643605)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5943K (Delta E 3.258868)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 67.775736 72.266319 71.178047, D50 Lab: 88.096621 -4.123469 -10.928024
                           CCT = 6023K (Delta E 6.995424)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5788K (Delta E 6.159783)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5915K (Delta E 2.767919)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 28.131948 29.978900 29.595129, D50 Lab: 61.636012 -3.012753 -8.258625
                           CCT = 6030K (Delta E 6.867980)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5798K (Delta E 6.047536)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5926K (Delta E 2.657241)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 6.473470 6.765282 6.888164, D50 Lab: 31.266484 -0.517860 -5.923364
                           CCT = 6007K (Delta E 2.947859)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5902K (Delta E 2.582843)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6042K (Delta E 0.798814)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 0.104401 0.110705 0.109155, D50 Lab: 0.266484 -0.517860 -5.923364
                           CCT = 6007K (Delta E 2.947859)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5902K (Delta E 2.582843)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6042K (Delta E 0.798814)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
 Result is XYZ: 116.801943 124.624261 123.359911, D50 Lab: 108.831883 -5.063829 -13.483891
                           CCT = 6057K (Delta E 7.069302)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5816K (Delta E 6.229078)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5944K (Delta E 2.843045)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 64.869350 68.842421 67.977252, D50 Lab: 86.425958 -3.370123 -10.910497
                           CCT = 5991K (Delta E 6.099488)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5785K (Delta E 5.362276)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5914K (Delta E 1.966958)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 26.750888 28.302175 27.882982, D50 Lab: 60.160759 -2.171950 -8.007010
                           CCT = 5948K (Delta E 5.551435)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5762K (Delta E 4.873477)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5891K (Delta E 1.471926)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 6.255018 6.563924 6.746680, D50 Lab: 30.792814 -0.788285 -6.137368
                           CCT = 6105K (Delta E 3.641727)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5970K (Delta E 3.198805)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6113K (Delta E 0.167052)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 0.104401 0.110705 0.109155, D50 Lab: 0.792814 -0.788285 -6.137368
                           CCT = 6105K (Delta E 3.641727)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5970K (Delta E 3.198805)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6113K (Delta E 0.167052)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
 Result is XYZ: 115.081771 122.300809 119.963479, D50 Lab: 108.051237 -4.328489 -12.711256
                           CCT = 5969K (Delta E 6.425079)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5755K (Delta E 5.648226)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5882K (Delta E 2.248055)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 62.334621 66.118418 64.979303, D50 Lab: 85.056784 -3.250929 -10.473103
                           CCT = 5960K (Delta E 6.051574)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5758K (Delta E 5.316783)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5886K (Delta E 1.916058)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 25.849804 27.374348 27.163845, D50 Lab: 59.319238 -2.248166 -8.249728
                           CCT = 5996K (Delta E 5.653680)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5804K (Delta E 4.968356)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5934K (Delta E 1.575347)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 5.898029 6.233309 6.427531, D50 Lab: 29.993614 -1.240610 -6.124217
                           CCT = 6197K (Delta E 4.937751)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 6011K (Delta E 4.350182)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6153K (Delta E 0.996499)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 0.104401 0.110705 0.109155, D50 Lab: 0.993614 -1.240610 -6.124217
                           CCT = 6197K (Delta E 4.937751)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 6011K (Delta E 4.350182)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6153K (Delta E 0.996499)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
 Result is XYZ: 114.661874 122.077962 119.963424, D50 Lab: 107.975846 -4.649371 -12.841206
                           CCT = 5996K (Delta E 6.745175)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5771K (Delta E 5.934859)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5898K (Delta E 2.538832)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 61.818899 65.859246 64.979340, D50 Lab: 84.924570 -3.876653 -10.701093
                           CCT = 6024K (Delta E 6.822442)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5794K (Delta E 6.006530)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5922K (Delta E 2.615316)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 25.795743 27.295989 27.081138, D50 Lab: 59.247303 -2.163010 -8.233441
                           CCT = 5988K (Delta E 5.511791)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5800K (Delta E 4.842103)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5931K (Delta E 1.447924)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 5.925222 6.263326 6.427544, D50 Lab: 30.067324 -1.256015 -5.997186
                           CCT = 6170K (Delta E 5.014894)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5984K (Delta E 4.416741)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6124K (Delta E 1.057856)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 0.104401 0.110705 0.109155, D50 Lab: 0.067324 -1.256015 -5.997186
                           CCT = 6170K (Delta E 5.014894)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5984K (Delta E 4.416741)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6124K (Delta E 1.057856)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
 Result is XYZ: 116.839314 123.894968 122.159446, D50 Lab: 108.587904 -3.955352 -13.160232
                           CCT = 5975K (Delta E 5.963774)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5774K (Delta E 5.240593)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5903K (Delta E 1.842768)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 63.469751 67.164836 66.177725, D50 Lab: 85.587118 -2.928291 -10.687360
                           CCT = 5951K (Delta E 5.590334)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5764K (Delta E 4.908104)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5892K (Delta E 1.506948)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 26.106117 27.645671 27.403890, D50 Lab: 59.567264 -2.255152 -8.227727
                           CCT = 5991K (Delta E 5.663331)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5798K (Delta E 4.976351)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 5928K (Delta E 1.582241)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 6.001154 6.326623 6.508185, D50 Lab: 30.221991 -1.083417 -6.086282
                           CCT = 6157K (Delta E 4.496558)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5990K (Delta E 3.957006)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6131K (Delta E 0.597640)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:""", """
 Result is XYZ: 0.104401 0.110705 0.109155, D50 Lab: 0.221991 -1.083417 -6.086282
                           CCT = 6157K (Delta E 4.496558)
 Closest Planckian temperature = 5990K (Delta E 3.957006)
 Closest Daylight temperature  = 6131K (Delta E 0.597640)

Place instrument on spot to be measured,
and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
[a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading:"""
            if i < 3:
                i += 1
                i -= 3
        elif bytes in ("Q", "q"):
        for line in txt.split("\n"):
            wx.CallAfter(app.TopWindow.write, line)