def test_include_glob(self): doc = parseString('''<a xmlns:xacro=""> <xacro:include filename="include*.xml" /></a>''') xacro.process_includes(doc, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) self.assertTrue( xml_matches( doc, '<a xmlns:xacro=""><foo /><bar /><baz /></a>' ))
def __init__(self, timeline_frame): QWidget.__init__(self) self.timeline_frame = timeline_frame rp = rospkg.RosPack() ui_file = os.path.join(rp.get_path('rqt_bag_annotation'), 'resource', 'annotation_widget.ui') loadUi(ui_file, self) self.setObjectName('AnnotationWidget') rd_file = os.path.join(rp.get_path('turtlebot_description'), 'robots', 'kobuki_hexagons_kinect.urdf.xacro') a = xacro.parse(rd_file) xacro.process_includes(a, rd_file) xacro.eval_self_contained(a) rospy.set_param('robot_description', a.toxml()) self._cur_annotation = None self.save_button.clicked[bool].connect(
def check_name(self, hand_urdf_path): with open(hand_urdf_path, 'r') as hand_urdf_xacro_file: hand_urdf_xml = parse(hand_urdf_xacro_file) xacro.process_includes(hand_urdf_xml, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) xacro.eval_self_contained(hand_urdf_xml) hand_urdf = hand_urdf_xml.toprettyxml(indent=' ') robot = URDF.from_xml_string(hand_urdf) is_biotac = False # Check if hand has the old biotac sensors for key in robot.link_map: link = robot.link_map[key] if link.visual: if hasattr(link.visual.geometry, 'filename'): filename = os.path.basename(link.visual.geometry.filename) if filename == "biotac_decimated.dae": is_biotac = True break return is_biotac
def check_name(self, hand_urdf_path): with open(hand_urdf_path, 'r') as hand_urdf_xacro_file: hand_urdf_xml = parse(hand_urdf_xacro_file) xacro.process_includes(hand_urdf_xml, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) macros = {} xacro.grab_macros(hand_urdf_xml, macros) symbols = xacro.Table() xacro.grab_properties(hand_urdf_xml, symbols) xacro.eval_all(hand_urdf_xml.documentElement, macros, symbols) hand_urdf = hand_urdf_xml.toprettyxml(indent=' ') robot = URDF.from_xml_string(hand_urdf) is_biotac = False # Check if hand has the old biotac sensors for key in robot.link_map: link = robot.link_map[key] if link.visual: if hasattr(link.visual.geometry, 'filename'): filename = os.path.basename(link.visual.geometry.filename) if filename == "biotac_decimated.dae": is_biotac = True break return is_biotac
def test_include_glob(self): doc = parseString('''<a xmlns:xacro=""> <xacro:include filename="include*.xml" /></a>''') xacro.process_includes(doc, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) self.assertTrue( xml_matches(doc, '<a xmlns:xacro=""><foo /><bar /><baz /></a>'))
def __init__(self, description_file=None, load=True): if description_file is None and len(sys.argv) > 1: description_file = sys.argv[1] self._save_files = rospy.get_param('~save_files', False) self._path_to_save_files = rospy.get_param('~path_to_save_files', "/tmp/") self._file_name = rospy.get_param('~file_name', "generated_robot") # ARM self.rospack = rospkg.RosPack() self.package_path = self.rospack.get_path('sr_multi_moveit_config') self.robot = Robot() with open(description_file, "r") as stream: yamldoc = yaml.load(stream) self.robot.set_parameters(yamldoc) new_srdf_file_name = "generated_robot.srdf" self.start_new_srdf(new_srdf_file_name) for manipulator in self.robot.manipulators: if manipulator.has_arm: # Read arm srdf arm_srdf_path = manipulator.arm.moveit_path + "/" + + ".srdf" with open(arm_srdf_path, 'r') as stream: self.arm_srdf_xml = parse(stream) xacro.process_includes(self.arm_srdf_xml, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) xacro.process_doc(self.arm_srdf_xml) if manipulator.has_hand: # Generate and read hand srdf hand_urdf_path = self.rospack.get_path( 'sr_description') + "/robots/" + with open(hand_urdf_path, 'r') as hand_urdf_xacro_file: hand_urdf_xml = parse(hand_urdf_xacro_file) xacro.process_includes(hand_urdf_xml, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) xacro.process_doc(hand_urdf_xml) hand_urdf = hand_urdf_xml.toprettyxml(indent=' ') srdfHandGenerator = SRDFHandGenerator(hand_urdf, load=False, save=False) self.hand_srdf_xml = srdfHandGenerator.get_hand_srdf() comment = ["Manipulator:" +] self.add_comments(comment) # Add groups and group states if manipulator.has_arm: self.parse_arm_groups(manipulator) if manipulator.has_hand: self.parse_hand_groups(manipulator) # Add end effectors comment = [ "END EFFECTOR: Purpose: Represent information about an end effector." ] self.add_comments(comment) if manipulator.has_hand: self.parse_hand_end_effectors(manipulator) if manipulator.has_arm: self.parse_arm_end_effectors(manipulator) # Add virtual joints if manipulator.has_arm: pass # self.parse_arm_virtual_joint(manipulator) else: self.parse_hand_virtual_joint(manipulator) # Add disable collisions comment = [ "DISABLE COLLISIONS: By default it is assumed that any link of the robot could potentially " + "come into collision with any other link in the robot. This tag disables collision checking " + "between a specified pair of links." ] self.add_comments(comment) if manipulator.has_arm: self.parse_arm_collisions(manipulator) if manipulator.has_hand: self.parse_hand_collisions(manipulator) # Finish and close file self.new_robot_srdf.write('</robot>\n') self.new_robot_srdf.close() if load: with open(self.package_path + "/config/" + new_srdf_file_name, 'r') as stream: srdf = parse(stream) rospy.loginfo("Loading SRDF on parameter server") robot_description_param = rospy.resolve_name( 'robot_description') + "_semantic" rospy.set_param(robot_description_param, srdf.toprettyxml(indent=' ')) if self._save_files: rospy.loginfo("Robot urdf and srdf have been saved to %s" % self._path_to_save_files) # srdf: File is already generated so just need to be copied to specified location copy2(self.package_path + "/config/" + new_srdf_file_name, self._path_to_save_files + "/" + self._file_name + ".srdf") # urdf: File can be copied from rosparam if rospy.has_param('/robot_description'): urdf_str = rospy.get_param('/robot_description') urdf_file = open( self._path_to_save_files + "/" + self._file_name + ".urdf", "wb") urdf_file.write(urdf_str) urdf_file.close() rospy.loginfo("generated_robot.srdf has been generated and saved.")
def __init__(self, urdf_str=None, load=True, save=True): if urdf_str is None: while not rospy.has_param('robot_description'): rospy.sleep(0.5) rospy.loginfo("waiting for robot_description") # load the urdf from the parameter server urdf_str = rospy.get_param('robot_description') robot = URDF.from_xml_string(urdf_str) extracted_prefix = False prefix = "" ff = mf = rf = lf = th = False is_lite = True is_biotac = False hand_name = "right_hand" # Check if hand has the old biotac sensors for key in robot.link_map: link = robot.link_map[key] if link.visual: if hasattr(link.visual.geometry, 'filename'): filename = os.path.basename(link.visual.geometry.filename) if filename == "biotac_decimated.dae": is_biotac = True break for key in robot.joint_map: # any joint is supposed to have the same prefix and a joint name with 4 chars if not extracted_prefix: prefix = key.split("_")[0] + "_" rospy.loginfo("Found prefix:" + prefix) extracted_prefix = True if prefix == "lh_": hand_name = "left_hand" if not ff and key.endswith("FFJ4"): ff = True if not mf and key.endswith("MFJ4"): mf = True if not rf and key.endswith("RFJ4"): rf = True if not lf and key.endswith("LFJ4"): lf = True if not th and key.endswith("THJ4"): th = True if is_lite and key.endswith("WRJ2"): is_lite = False rospy.logdebug("Found fingers (ff mf rf lf th)" + str(ff) + str(mf) + str(rf) + str(lf) + str(th)) rospy.logdebug("is_lite: " + str(is_lite)) rospy.logdebug("is_biotac: " + str(is_biotac)) rospy.logdebug("Hand name: " + str(hand_name)) mappings = load_mappings([ 'prefix:=' + str(prefix), 'robot_name:=' +, 'ff:=' + str(int(ff)), 'mf:=' + str(int(mf)), 'rf:=' + str(int(rf)), 'lf:=' + str(int(lf)), 'th:=' + str(int(th)), 'is_lite:=' + str(int(is_lite)), 'is_biotac:=' + str(int(is_biotac)), 'hand_name:=' + str(hand_name) ]) # the prefix version of the srdf_xacro must be loaded rospack = rospkg.RosPack() package_path = rospack.get_path('sr_moveit_hand_config') srdf_xacro_filename = package_path + "/config/shadowhands_prefix.srdf.xacro" rospy.loginfo("File loaded " + srdf_xacro_filename) # open and parse the xacro.srdf file srdf_xacro_file = open(srdf_xacro_filename, 'r') self.srdf_xacro_xml = parse(srdf_xacro_file) # expand the xacro xacro.process_includes(self.srdf_xacro_xml, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) xacro.process_doc(self.srdf_xacro_xml, mappings=mappings) if len(sys.argv) > 1: OUTPUT_PATH = sys.argv[1] # reject ROS internal parameters and detect termination if (OUTPUT_PATH.startswith("_") or OUTPUT_PATH.startswith("--")): OUTPUT_PATH = None else: OUTPUT_PATH = None if load: rospy.loginfo("Loading SRDF on parameter server") robot_description_param = rospy.resolve_name( 'robot_description') + "_semantic" rospy.set_param(robot_description_param, self.srdf_xacro_xml.toprettyxml(indent=' ')) if save: OUTPUT_PATH = package_path + "/config/generated_shadowhand.srdf" FW = open(OUTPUT_PATH, "wb") FW.write(self.srdf_xacro_xml.toprettyxml(indent=' ')) FW.close() OUTPUT_PATH = package_path + "/config/generated_shadowhand.urdf" FW = open(OUTPUT_PATH, "wb") FW.write(urdf_str) FW.close() srdf_xacro_file.close()