Exemple #1
 def test_concat_multiindex(self):
     idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[0, 1, 2], ['a', 'b']])
     coords = [IndexVariable('x', idx[:2]), IndexVariable('x', idx[2:])]
     expected = IndexVariable('x', idx)
     actual = IndexVariable.concat(coords, dim='x')
     assert actual.identical(expected)
     assert isinstance(actual.to_index(), pd.MultiIndex)
Exemple #2
    def test_level_names(self):
        midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a', 'b'], [1, 2]],
                                          names=['level_1', 'level_2'])
        x = IndexVariable('x', midx)
        self.assertEqual(x.level_names, midx.names)

        self.assertIsNone(IndexVariable('y', [10.0]).level_names)
Exemple #3
def _decode_datetime_cf(data_array):
    Decide the datetime based on CF conventions
    for coord in data_array.coords:
        # stage 1: timedelta
        if (
            "units" in data_array[coord].attrs
            and data_array[coord].attrs["units"] in times.TIME_UNITS
            units = times.pop_to(
                data_array[coord].attrs, data_array[coord].encoding, "units"
            new_values = times.decode_cf_timedelta(
                data_array[coord].values, units=units
            data_array = data_array.assign_coords(
                    coord: IndexVariable(

        # stage 2: datetime
        if (
            "units" in data_array[coord].attrs
            and "since" in data_array[coord].attrs["units"]
            units = times.pop_to(
                data_array[coord].attrs, data_array[coord].encoding, "units"
            calendar = times.pop_to(
                data_array[coord].attrs, data_array[coord].encoding, "calendar"
            dtype = times._decode_cf_datetime_dtype(
                data_array[coord].values, units, calendar, True
            new_values = times.decode_cf_datetime(
            data_array = data_array.assign_coords(
                    coord: IndexVariable(
    return data_array
Exemple #4
    def test_get_level_variable(self):
        midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a', 'b'], [1, 2]],
                                          names=['level_1', 'level_2'])
        x = IndexVariable('x', midx)
        level_1 = IndexVariable('x', midx.get_level_values('level_1'))
        self.assertVariableIdentical(x.get_level_variable('level_1'), level_1)

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'has no MultiIndex'):
            IndexVariable('y', [10.0]).get_level_variable('level')
Exemple #5
    def test_concat_periods(self):
        periods = pd.period_range('2000-01-01', periods=10)
        coords = [IndexVariable('t', periods[:5]), IndexVariable('t', periods[5:])]
        expected = IndexVariable('t', periods)
        actual = IndexVariable.concat(coords, dim='t')
        assert actual.identical(expected)
        assert isinstance(actual.to_index(), pd.PeriodIndex)

        positions = [list(range(5)), list(range(5, 10))]
        actual = IndexVariable.concat(coords, dim='t', positions=positions)
        assert actual.identical(expected)
        assert isinstance(actual.to_index(), pd.PeriodIndex)
Exemple #6
def _decode_datetime_cf(data_array, decode_times, decode_timedelta):
    Decide the datetime based on CF conventions
    if decode_timedelta is None:
        decode_timedelta = decode_times

    for coord in data_array.coords:
        time_var = None
        if decode_times and "since" in data_array[coord].attrs.get("units", ""):
            time_var = times.CFDatetimeCoder(use_cftime=True).decode(
                as_variable(data_array[coord]), name=coord
        elif (
            and data_array[coord].attrs.get("units") in times.TIME_UNITS
            time_var = times.CFTimedeltaCoder().decode(
                as_variable(data_array[coord]), name=coord
        if time_var is not None:
            dimensions, data, attributes, encoding = variables.unpack_for_decoding(
            data_array = data_array.assign_coords(
                    coord: IndexVariable(
    return data_array
Exemple #7
    def test_numpy_same_methods(self):
        v = Variable([], np.float32(0.0))
        self.assertEqual(v.item(), 0)
        self.assertIs(type(v.item()), float)

        v = IndexVariable('x', np.arange(5))
        self.assertEqual(2, v.searchsorted(2))
Exemple #8
 def test_data(self):
     x = IndexVariable('x', np.arange(3.0))
     self.assertIsInstance(x._data, PandasIndexAdapter)
     self.assertIsInstance(x.data, np.ndarray)
     self.assertEqual(float, x.dtype)
     self.assertArrayEqual(np.arange(3), x)
     self.assertEqual(float, x.values.dtype)
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'cannot be modified'):
         x[:] = 0
Exemple #9
 def test_data(self):
     x = IndexVariable('x', np.arange(3.0))
     # data should be initially saved as an ndarray
     self.assertIs(type(x._data), np.ndarray)
     self.assertEqual(float, x.dtype)
     self.assertArrayEqual(np.arange(3), x)
     self.assertEqual(float, x.values.dtype)
     # after inspecting x.values, the IndexVariable value will be saved as an Index
     self.assertIsInstance(x._data, PandasIndexAdapter)
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'cannot be modified'):
         x[:] = 0
Exemple #10
def _load_netcdf_1d_coords(tags):
    Dimension information:
        - NETCDF_DIM_EXTRA: '{time}' (comma separated list of dim names)
        - NETCDF_DIM_time_DEF: '{2,6}' (dim size, dim dtype)
        - NETCDF_DIM_time_VALUES: '{0,872712.659688}' (comma separated list of data)
    dim_names = tags.get("NETCDF_DIM_EXTRA")
    if not dim_names:
        return {}
    dim_names = dim_names.strip("{}").split(",")
    coords = {}
    for dim_name in dim_names:
        dim_def = tags.get(f"NETCDF_DIM_{dim_name}_DEF")
        if not dim_def:
        dim_size, dim_dtype = dim_def.strip("{}").split(",")
        dim_dtype = NETCDF_DTYPE_MAP.get(int(dim_dtype), object)
        dim_values = tags[f"NETCDF_DIM_{dim_name}_VALUES"].strip("{}")
        coords[dim_name] = IndexVariable(
            dim_name, np.fromstring(dim_values, dtype=dim_dtype, sep=","))
    return coords
Exemple #11
    def test_name(self):
        coord = IndexVariable('x', [10.0])
        self.assertEqual(coord.name, 'x')

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            coord.name = 'y'
Exemple #12
 def test_multiindex_default_level_names(self):
     midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a', 'b'], [1, 2]])
     v = IndexVariable(['x'], midx, {'foo': 'bar'})
     self.assertEqual(v.to_index().names, ('x_level_0', 'x_level_1'))
Exemple #13
 def test_to_index(self):
     data = 0.5 * np.arange(10)
     v = IndexVariable(['time'], data, {'foo': 'bar'})
     self.assertTrue(pd.Index(data, name='time').identical(v.to_index()))
Exemple #14
 def test_init(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'must be 1-dimensional'):
         IndexVariable((), 0)
Exemple #15
def ensembles2dataset(ensdict, dsattrs={}, verbose=False, print_every=1000):
    Convert a dictionary of ensembles into an xarray Dataset object.
    mms2ms = 1e-3
    fbadens = np.array([not isinstance(ens, dict) for ens in ensdict])
    nt = len(ensdict) - np.sum(fbadens)
    ensdict0 = np.nan
    while not isinstance(ensdict0, dict):
        ensdict0 = ensdict[n]
    nz = ensdict0['fixed_leader_janus']['number_of_cells']
    sk = np.ma.zeros((nz, nt))*np.nan # Beam vels stored in mm/s
                                      # as int64 to save memory.
    b1, b2, b3, b4 = sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy()
    sk0 = np.ma.zeros(nt)*np.nan
    cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4 = sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy()
    int1, int2, int3, int4 = sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy()
    b5, cor5, int5 = sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy()
    heading, pitch, roll = sk0.copy(), sk0.copy(), sk0.copy()
    tjanus = []

    ensdict = np.array(ensdict)[~fbadens]
    ensdict = ensdict.tolist()
    for ensarr in ensdict:
        heading[n] = ensarr['variable_leader_janus']['heading']
        pitch[n] = ensarr['variable_leader_janus']['pitch']
        roll[n] = ensarr['variable_leader_janus']['roll']
        vjanus = ensarr['velocity_janus']['data']
        b1[:, n] = vjanus[:, 0]
        b2[:, n] = vjanus[:, 1]
        b3[:, n] = vjanus[:, 2]
        b4[:, n] = vjanus[:, 3]
        b5[:, n] = ensarr['velocity_beam5']['data'].squeeze()
        corjanus = ensarr['correlation_janus']['data']
        cor1[:, n] = corjanus[:, 0]
        cor2[:, n] = corjanus[:, 1]
        cor3[:, n] = corjanus[:, 2]
        cor4[:, n] = corjanus[:, 3]
        cor5[:, n] = ensarr['correlation_beam5']['data'].squeeze()
        intjanus = ensarr['echo_intensity_janus']['data']
        int1[:, n] = intjanus[:, 0]
        int2[:, n] = intjanus[:, 1]
        int3[:, n] = intjanus[:, 2]
        int4[:, n] = intjanus[:, 3]
        int5[:, n] = ensarr['echo_intensity_beam5']['data'].squeeze()

        if verbose and not n%print_every: print(n)

    fixj = ensdict0['fixed_leader_janus']
    fix5 = ensdict0['fixed_leader_beam5']

    # Add ping offset to get beam 5's timestamps.
    dt5 = fix5['ping_offset_time'] # In milliseconds.
    dt5 = np.array(Timedelta(dt5, unit='ms'))
    t5 = tjanus + dt5

    th = fixj['beam_angle']
    assert th==25 # Always 25 degrees.
    th = th*np.pi/180.
    Cth = np.cos(th)

    # Construct along-beam/vertical axes.
    cm2m = 1e-2
    r1janus = fixj['bin_1_distance']*cm2m
    r1b5 = fix5['bin_1_distance']*cm2m
    ncj = fixj['number_of_cells']
    nc5 = fix5['number_of_cells']
    lcj = fixj['depth_cell_length']*cm2m
    lc5 = fix5['depth_cell_length']*cm2m
    Lj = ncj*lcj # Distance from center of bin 1 to the center of last bin (Janus).
    L5 = nc5*lc5 # Distance from center of bin 1 to the center of last bin (beam 5).

    rb = r1janus + np.arange(0, Lj, lcj) # Distance from xducer head
                                         # (Janus).
    zab = Cth*rb                         # Vertical distance from xducer head
                                         # (Janus).
    zab5 = r1b5 + np.arange(0, L5, lc5)  # Distance from xducer head, also
                                         # depth for the vertical beam.

    rb = IndexVariable('z', rb, attrs={'units':'meters', 'long_name':"along-beam distance from the xducer's face to the center of the bins, for beams 1-4 (Janus)"})
    zab = IndexVariable('z', zab, attrs={'units':'meters', 'long_name':"vertical distance from the instrument's head to the center of the bins, for beams 1-4 (Janus)"})
    zab5 = IndexVariable('z', zab5, attrs={'units':'meters', 'long_name':"vertical distance from xducer face to the center of the bins, for beam 5 (vertical)"})
    time = IndexVariable('time', tjanus, attrs={'long_name':'timestamp for beams 1-4 (Janus)'})
    time5 = IndexVariable('time', t5, attrs={'long_name':'timestamp for beam 5 (vertical)'})

    coords0 = [('time', time)]
    coords = [('z', zab), ('time', time)]
    coords5 = [('z5', zab5), ('time5', time5)]
    dims = ['z', 'time']
    dims0 = ['time']

    # Convert velocities to m/s.
    b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = b1*mms2ms, b2*mms2ms, b3*mms2ms, b4*mms2ms, b5*mms2ms

    # Scale heading, pitch and roll. Sentinel V manual, p. 259.
    phisc = 0.01
    heading *= phisc
    pitch *= phisc
    roll *= phisc

    arrs = (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5,
            cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4, cor5,
            int1, int2, int3, int4, int5,
            heading, pitch, roll)
            # pressure, temperature, salinity, soundspeed)
    long_names = ('Beam 1 velocity', 'Beam 2 velocity',
             'Beam 3 velocity', 'Beam 4 velocity',
             'Beam 5 velocity',
             'Beam 1 correlation', 'Beam 2 correlation',
             'Beam 3 correlation', 'Beam 4 correlation',
             'Beam 5 correlation',
             'Beam 1 echo amplitude', 'Beam 2 echo amplitude',
             'Beam 3 echo amplitude', 'Beam 4 echo amplitude',
             'Beam 5 echo amplitude',
             'heading', 'pitch', 'roll')
    units = ('m/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'm/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'm/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'm/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'm/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'no units', 'no units', 'no units', 'no units',
             'no units',
             'dB', 'dB', 'dB', 'dB',
             'degrees', 'degrees', 'degrees')
    names = ('b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5',
             'cor1', 'cor2', 'cor3', 'cor4', 'cor5',
             'int1', 'int2', 'int3', 'int4', 'int5',
             'phi1', 'phi2', 'phi3')
    data_vars = {}
    for arr,name,long_name,unit in zip(arrs,names,long_names,units):

        if 'Beam5' in long_name:
            coordsn = coords5
            dimsn = dims
        elif 'phi' in name:
            coordsn = coords0
            dimsn = dims0
            coordsn = coords
            dimsn = dims

        if 'int' in name:
            arr *= 0.45 # Scale factor for echo intensity, see Sentinel V manual
                        # Sentinel V manual p. 264.

        da = DataArray(arr, coords=coordsn, dims=dimsn, attrs=dict(units=unit, long_name=long_name))

    allcoords = {'rb':rb} # Along-beam distance for slanted beams.
    ds = Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, coords=allcoords, attrs=dsattrs)

    return ds
Exemple #16
def ensembles2dataset_dask(ensdict, ncfpath, dsattrs={}, chunks=10,
                           verbose=True, print_every=1000):
    Convert a dictionary of ensembles into an xarray Dataset object
    using dask.delayed to keep memory usage feasible.
    mms2ms = 1e-3
    # fbadens = np.array(ensdict_aux)==None
    # nt = len(ensdict) - np.sum(fbadens)
    # embed()

    ensdict0 = None
    while ensdict0 is None:
        ensdict0 = ensdict[n].compute()
    nz = ensdict0['fixed_leader_janus']['number_of_cells']

    fixj = ensdict0['fixed_leader_janus'].compute()
    fix5 = ensdict0['fixed_leader_beam5'].compute()

    # Add ping offset to get beam 5's timestamps.
    dt5 = fix5['ping_offset_time'] # In milliseconds.
    dt5 = np.array(Timedelta(dt5, unit='ms'))

    th = fixj['beam_angle']
    assert th==25 # Always 25 degrees.
    th = th*np.pi/180.
    Cth = np.cos(th)

    # Construct along-beam/vertical axes.
    cm2m = 1e-2
    r1janus = fixj['bin_1_distance']*cm2m
    r1b5 = fix5['bin_1_distance']*cm2m
    ncj = fixj['number_of_cells']
    nc5 = fix5['number_of_cells']
    lcj = fixj['depth_cell_length']*cm2m
    lc5 = fix5['depth_cell_length']*cm2m
    Lj = ncj*lcj # Distance from center of bin 1 to the center of last bin (Janus).
    L5 = nc5*lc5 # Distance from center of bin 1 to the center of last bin (beam 5).

    rb = r1janus + np.arange(0, Lj, lcj) # Distance from xducer head
                                         # (Janus).
    zab = Cth*rb                         # Vertical distance from xducer head
                                         # (Janus).
    zab5 = r1b5 + np.arange(0, L5, lc5)  # Distance from xducer head, also
                                         # depth for the vertical beam.

    rb = IndexVariable('z', rb, attrs={'units':'meters', 'long_name':"along-beam distance from the xducer's face to the center of the bins, for beams 1-4 (Janus)"})
    zab = IndexVariable('z', zab, attrs={'units':'meters', 'long_name':"vertical distance from the instrument's head to the center of the bins, for beams 1-4 (Janus)"})
    zab5 = IndexVariable('z5', zab5, attrs={'units':'meters', 'long_name':"vertical distance from xducer face to the center of the bins, for beam 5 (vertical)"})

    ensdict = from_sequence(ensdict)
    tjanus = ensdict.map_partitions(_alloc_timestamp_parts)
    t5 = _addtarr(tjanus, dt5)

    if verbose: print("Unpacking timestamps.")
    time = IndexVariable('time', tjanus.compute(), attrs={'long_name':'timestamps for beams 1-4 (Janus)'})
    time5 = IndexVariable('time5', t5.compute(), attrs={'long_name':'timestamps for beam 5 (vertical)'})
    if verbose: print("Done unpacking timestamps.")

    coords0 = dict(time=time)
    coords = dict(z=zab, time=time, rb=rb)
    coords5 = dict(z5=zab5, time5=time5)
    dims = ['z', 'time']
    dims5 = ['z5', 'time5']
    dims0 = ['time']

    coordsdict = coords0
    if verbose: print("Allocating heading, pitch, roll.")
    kwda = dict(coords=coordsdict, dims=dims0, attrs=dict(units=unit, long_name=lname))
    svars = ['heading', 'pitch', 'roll']
    long_names = svars
    units = ['degrees']*3
    grp = 'variable_leader_janus'
    vars1d = dict()
    for vname,lname,unit in zip(svars,long_names,units):
        if verbose: print(vname)
        wrk = ensdict.map_partitions(_alloc_hpr, grp, vname)
        # wrk = darr.from_array(np.array(wrk.compute()), chunks=chunks)
        wrk2 = delayed(_bag2DataArray)(wrk, chunks)(**kwda)
    del(wrk, wrk2)

    ds2hpr = Dataset(data_vars=vars1d, coords=coordsdict)
    ds2hpr = ds2hpr.to_netcdf(ncfpath, compute=False, mode='w')
    if verbose: print("Saving heading, pitch, roll.")
    if verbose: print("Done saving heading, pitch, roll.")

    coordsdict = coords5
    # Load beam 5 variables into memory to
    # be able to put them in a chunked DataArray.
    if verbose: print("Allocating beam 5 variables.")
    grps = ['velocity_beam5', 'correlation_beam5', 'echo_intensity_beam5']
    long_names = ['Beam 5 velocity', 'Beam 5 correlation', 'Beam 5 echo amplitude']
    units = ['mm/s, positive toward xducer face', 'unitless', 'dB']
    vars5 = dict()
    for grp,lname,unit in zip(grps,long_names,units):
        if verbose: print(grp)
        wrk = ensdict.map_partitions(_alloc_beam5, grp)
        wrk = darr.from_array(np.array(wrk.compute()).T, chunks=(1, chunks))
        wrk = DataArray(wrk, coords=coordsdict, dims=dims5, attrs=dict(units=unit, long_name=lname))

    ds5 = Dataset(data_vars=vars5, coords=coordsdict)
    ds5 = ds5.to_netcdf(ncfpath, compute=False, mode='a')
    if verbose: print("Saving beam 5 variables.")
    if verbose: print("Done saving beam 5 variables.")

    coordsdict = coords
    # Load beams 1-4 variables into memory to
    # be able to put them in a chunked DataArray.
    if verbose: print("Allocating Janus variables.")
    grps = ['velocity_janus', 'correlation_janus', 'echo_intensity_janus']
    long_names = ['Janus velocity', 'Janus correlation', 'Janus echo amplitude']
    units = ['mm/s, positive toward xducer face', 'unitless', 'dB']
    vars5 = dict()
    for grp,lname,unit in zip(grps,long_names,units):
        if verbose: print(grp)
        wrk = ensdict.map_partitions(_alloc_janus, grp)
        wrk = darr.from_array(np.array(wrk.compute()).T, chunks=(1, chunks))
        wrk = DataArray(wrk, coords=coordsdict, dims=dims5, attrs=dict(units=unit, long_name=lname))

    dsj = Dataset(data_vars=varsj, coords=coordsdict)
    dsj = dsj.to_netcdf(ncfpath, compute=False, mode='a')
    if verbose: print("Saving Janus variables.")
    if verbose: print("Done saving Janus variables.")

    long_names = ('Beam 1 velocity', 'Beam 2 velocity',
             'Beam 3 velocity', 'Beam 4 velocity',
             'Beam 5 velocity',
             'Beam 1 correlation', 'Beam 2 correlation',
             'Beam 3 correlation', 'Beam 4 correlation',
             'Beam 5 correlation',
             'Beam 1 echo amplitude', 'Beam 2 echo amplitude',
             'Beam 3 echo amplitude', 'Beam 4 echo amplitude',
             'Beam 5 echo amplitude',
             'heading', 'pitch', 'roll')
    units = ('m/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'm/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'm/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'm/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'm/s, positive toward xducer face',
             'no units', 'no units', 'no units', 'no units',
             'no units',
             'dB', 'dB', 'dB', 'dB',
             'degrees', 'degrees', 'degrees')
    names = ('b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5',
             'cor1', 'cor2', 'cor3', 'cor4', 'cor5',
             'int1', 'int2', 'int3', 'int4', 'int5',
             'phi1', 'phi2', 'phi3')
    # data_vars = {}

    # sk = darr.zeros((nz, nt), chunks=chunks)*np.nan # Beam vels stored in mm/s
    #                                   # as int64 to save memory.
    # b1, b2, b3, b4 = sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy()
    # # embed()
    # sk0 = darr.zeros(nt, chunks=chunks)*np.nan
    # cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4 = sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy()
    # int1, int2, int3, int4 = sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy()
    # b5, cor5, int5 = sk.copy(), sk.copy(), sk.copy()
    # heading, pitch, roll = sk0.copy(), sk0.copy(), sk0.copy()
    # tjanus = []

    # ensdict = np.array(ensdict)[~fbadens]
    # ensdict = ensdict.tolist()
    arrs = (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5,
            cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4, cor5,
            int1, int2, int3, int4, int5,
            heading, pitch, roll)
            # pressure, temperature, salinity, soundspeed)

    for arr,name,long_name,unit in zip(arrs,names,long_names,units):

        if 'Beam5' in long_name:
            coordsn = coords5
            dimsn = dims
        elif 'phi' in name:
            coordsn = coords0
            dimsn = dims0
            coordsn = coords
            dimsn = dims

        da = DataArray(arr, coords=coordsn, dims=dimsn, attrs=dict(units=unit, long_name=long_name))

    ds = Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, coords=allcoords, attrs=dsattrs)

    return ds