Exemple #1
def test_field_serialization():
    # Some Fields can define their own serialization mechanisms.
    # This test ensures that we are using them properly.

    class CustomField(Field):
        Specifiy a custom field that defines its own serialization
        def from_json(self, value):
            return value['value']

        def to_json(self, value):
            return {'value': value}

    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test XBlock for field serialization testing"""
        field = CustomField()

    field_data = DictFieldData({
        'field': {'value': 4}

    field_tester = FieldTester(
        TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),

    assert_equals(4, field_tester.field)
    field_tester.field = 5
    assert_equals({'value': 5}, field_data.get(field_tester, 'field'))
Exemple #2
 def test_set_save_mutate_save(self):
     pointer = self.new_value
     assert_equals(pointer, self.field_data.get(self.block, 'field'))
Exemple #3
def test_get_mutable_mark_dirty():
    Ensure that accessing a mutable field type does not mark it dirty
    if the field has never been set. If the field has been set, ensure
    that it is set to dirty.
    class MutableTester(XBlock):
        """Test class with mutable fields."""
        list_field = List(default=[])

    mutable_test = MutableTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # Test get/set with a default value.
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 0)
    _test_get = mutable_test.list_field
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 1)

    mutable_test.list_field = []
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 1)

    # Now test after having explicitly set the field.
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 0)
    _test_get = mutable_test.list_field
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 1)
Exemple #4
    def student_view(self, _context):
        """Try out some services."""
        # i18n is available, and works.
        def assert_equals_unicode(str1, str2):
            """`str1` equals `str2`, and both are Unicode strings."""
            assert_equals(str1, str2)
            assert isinstance(str1, unicode)
            assert isinstance(str2, unicode)

        i18n = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n")
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Welcome!", i18n.ugettext("Welcome!"))

        assert_equals_unicode(u"Plural", i18n.ungettext("Singular", "Plural", 0))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Singular", i18n.ungettext("Singular", "Plural", 1))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Plural", i18n.ungettext("Singular", "Plural", 2))

        # secret_service is available.
        assert_equals(self.runtime.service(self, "secret_service"), 17)

        # no_such_service is not available, and raises an exception, because we
        # said we needed it.
        with assert_raises(NoSuchServiceError):
            self.runtime.service(self, "no_such_service")

        # another_not_service is not available, and returns None, because we
        # didn't need it, we only wanted it.
        assert_is(self.runtime.service(self, "another_not_service"), None)
Exemple #5
def test_scope_key():
    # Tests field display name default values
    class TestBlock(XBlock):
        Block for testing
        field_x = List(scope=Scope.settings, name='')
        settings_lst = List(scope=Scope.settings, name='')
        uss_lst = List(scope=Scope.user_state_summary, name='')
        user_lst = List(scope=Scope.user_state, name='')
        pref_lst = List(scope=Scope.preferences, name='')
        user_info_lst = List(scope=Scope.user_info, name='')

    sids = ScopeIds(user_id="_bob",

    field_data = DictFieldData({})

    runtime = TestRuntime(Mock(), services={'field-data': field_data})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, None, sids)

    # Format: usage or block ID/field_name/user_id
    for item, correct_key in [[TestBlock.field_x, "__..../field__x/NONE.NONE"],
                              [TestBlock.user_info_lst, "NONE.NONE/user__info__lst/____bob"],
                              [TestBlock.pref_lst, "b..12_35_ob/pref__lst/____bob"],
                              [TestBlock.user_lst, "__..../user__lst/____bob"],
                              [TestBlock.uss_lst, "__..../uss__lst/NONE.NONE"],
                              [TestBlock.settings_lst, "__..../settings__lst/NONE.NONE"]]:
        key = scope_key(item, block)
        assert_equals(key, correct_key)
Exemple #6
def test_change_mutable_default():
    Ensure that mutating the default value for a field causes
    the changes to be saved, and doesn't corrupt other instances

    class MutableTester(XBlock):
        """Test class with mutable fields."""
        list_field = List()

    mutable_test_a = MutableTester(MagicMock(), DictFieldData({}), Mock())
    mutable_test_b = MutableTester(MagicMock(), DictFieldData({}), Mock())

    # Saving without changing the default value shouldn't write to _field_data
    mutable_test_a.list_field  # pylint: disable=W0104
    with assert_raises(KeyError):
        mutable_test_a._field_data.get(mutable_test_a, 'list_field')


    assert_equals([1], mutable_test_a._field_data.get(mutable_test_a, 'list_field'))
    with assert_raises(KeyError):
        mutable_test_b._field_data.get(mutable_test_b, 'list_field')
Exemple #7
def test_setting_the_same_value_marks_field_as_dirty():
    Check that setting field to the same value marks mutable fields as dirty.
    However, since the value hasn't changed, these fields won't be saved.
    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test block for set - get test."""
        non_mutable = String(scope=Scope.settings)
        list_field = List(scope=Scope.settings)
        dict_field = Dict(scope=Scope.settings)

    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    field_tester = FieldTester(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # precondition checks
    assert_equals(len(field_tester._dirty_fields), 0)

    field_tester.non_mutable = field_tester.non_mutable
    field_tester.list_field = field_tester.list_field
    field_tester.dict_field = field_tester.dict_field

    assert_not_in(field_tester.fields['non_mutable'], field_tester._dirty_fields)
    assert_in(field_tester.fields['list_field'], field_tester._dirty_fields)
    assert_in(field_tester.fields['dict_field'], field_tester._dirty_fields)

    def test_all_scenarios(self):
        Load the home page, examine the scenarios displayed.
        client = Client()
        response = client.get("/")
        assert response.status_code == 200
        html = lxml.html.fromstring(response.content)
        a_tags = list(html.xpath('//a'))

        # Load the loaded_scenarios from the classes.
        loaded_scenarios = list(scenarios.get_scenarios().values())

        # We should have an <a> tag for each scenario.
        assert_equals(len(a_tags), len(loaded_scenarios))

        # We should have at least one scenario with a vertical tag, since we use
        # empty verticals as our canary in the coal mine that something has gone
        # horribly wrong with loading the loaded_scenarios.
        assert any("<vertical_demo>" in scen.xml for scen in loaded_scenarios)

        # Since we are claiming in try_scenario that no vertical is empty, let's
        # eliminate the possibility that a scenario has an actual empty vertical.
        assert all("<vertical_demo></vertical_demo>" not in scen.xml for scen in loaded_scenarios)
        assert all("<vertical_demo/>" not in scen.xml for scen in loaded_scenarios)
Exemple #9
def test_all_scenarios():
    """Load the home page, get every URL, make a test from it."""
    client = Client()
    response = client.get("/")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    html = lxml.html.fromstring(response.content)
    a_tags = list(html.xpath('//a'))
    for a_tag in a_tags:
        yield try_scenario, a_tag.get('href'), a_tag.text

    # Load the scenarios from the classes.
    scenarios = []
    for _, cls in XBlock.load_classes():
        if hasattr(cls, "workbench_scenarios"):
            for _, xml in cls.workbench_scenarios():

    # We should have an <a> tag for each scenario.
    assert_equals(len(a_tags), len(scenarios))

    # We should have at least one scenario with a vertical tag, since we use
    # empty verticals as our canary in the coal mine that something has gone
    # horribly wrong with loading the scenarios.
    assert any("<vertical>" in xml for xml in scenarios)

    # Since we are claiming in try_scenario that no vertical is empty, let's
    # eliminate the possibility that a scenario has an actual empty vertical.
    assert all("<vertical></vertical>" not in xml for xml in scenarios)
    assert all("<vertical/>" not in xml for xml in scenarios)
    def test_get_with_save_doesnt_write(self):
        initial_value = self.field_data.get(self.block, 'field')
        final_value = self.field_data.get(self.block, 'field')

        assert_equals(initial_value, final_value)
Exemple #11
def test_cached_parent():
    class HasParent(XBlock):
        Dummy empty class

    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    runtime.get_block = Mock()
    block = HasParent(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # block has no parent yet, and we don't need to call the runtime to find
    # that out.
    assert_equals(block.get_parent(), None)
    assert not runtime.get_block.called

    # Set a parent id for the block.  Get the parent.  Now we have one, and we
    # used runtime.get_block to get it.
    block.parent = "some_parent_id"
    parent = block.get_parent()
    assert_not_equals(parent, None)
    assert runtime.get_block.called_with("some_parent_id")

    # Get the parent again.  It will be the same parent, and we didn't call the
    # runtime.
    parent2 = block.get_parent()
    assert parent2 is parent
    assert not runtime.get_block.called
Exemple #12
def test_twofaced_field_access():
    # Check that a field with different to_json and from_json representations
    # persists and saves correctly.
    class TwoFacedField(Field):
        """A field that emits different 'json' than it parses."""
        def from_json(self, thestr):
            """Store an int, the length of the string parsed."""
            return len(thestr)

        def to_json(self, value):
            """Emit some number of X's."""
            return "X" * value

    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test block for TwoFacedField."""
        how_many = TwoFacedField(scope=Scope.settings)

    original_json = "YYY"
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({'how_many': original_json})})
    field_tester = FieldTester(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # Test that the native value isn't equal to the original json we specified.
    assert_not_equals(field_tester.how_many, original_json)
    # Test that the native -> json value isn't equal to the original json we specified.
    assert_not_equals(TwoFacedField().to_json(field_tester.how_many), original_json)

    # The previous accesses will mark the field as dirty (via __get__)
    assert_equals(len(field_tester._dirty_fields), 1)
    # However, the field should not ACTUALLY be marked as a field that is needing to be saved.
    assert_not_in('how_many', field_tester._get_fields_to_save())   # pylint: disable=W0212
Exemple #13
def test_values_boolean():
    # Test Boolean, which has values defined
    test_field = Boolean()
        ({'display_name': "True", "value": True}, {'display_name': "False", "value": False}),
Exemple #14
def test_caching_is_per_instance():
    # Test that values cached for one instance do not appear on another
    class FieldTester(ScopedStorageMixin):
        """Toy class for ModelMetaclass and field access testing"""
        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)

    field_data = MagicMock(spec=FieldData)
    field_data.get = lambda block, name, default=None: [name]  # pylint: disable=C0322

    # Same field_data used in different objects should result
    # in separately-cached values, so that changing a value
    # in one instance doesn't affect values stored in others.
    field_tester_a = FieldTester(
        runtime=TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),
    field_tester_b = FieldTester(
        runtime=TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),
    value = field_tester_a.field_a
    assert_equals(value, field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals(value, field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_not_equals(value, field_tester_b.field_a)
Exemple #15
    def student_view(self, _context):
        """Try out some services."""
        # i18n is available, and works.
        def assert_equals_unicode(str1, str2):
            """`str1` equals `str2`, and both are Unicode strings."""
            assert_equals(str1, str2)
            assert isinstance(str1, unicode)
            assert isinstance(str2, unicode)

        i18n = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n")
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Welcome!", i18n.ugettext("Welcome!"))

        assert_equals_unicode(u"Plural", i18n.ungettext("Singular", "Plural", 0))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Singular", i18n.ungettext("Singular", "Plural", 1))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Plural", i18n.ungettext("Singular", "Plural", 2))

        when = datetime(2013, 2, 14, 22, 30, 17)
        assert_equals_unicode(u"2013-02-14", i18n.strftime(when, "%Y-%m-%d"))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Feb 14, 2013", i18n.strftime(when, "SHORT_DATE"))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Thursday, February 14, 2013", i18n.strftime(when, "LONG_DATE"))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Feb 14, 2013 at 22:30", i18n.strftime(when, "DATE_TIME"))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"10:30:17 PM", i18n.strftime(when, "TIME"))

        # secret_service is available.
        assert_equals(self.runtime.service(self, "secret_service"), 17)

        # no_such_service is not available, and raises an exception, because we
        # said we needed it.
        with assert_raises_regexp(NoSuchServiceError, "is not available"):
            self.runtime.service(self, "no_such_service")

        # another_not_service is not available, and returns None, because we
        # didn't need it, we only wanted it.
        assert_is(self.runtime.service(self, "another_not_service"), None)
Exemple #16
def test_mutable_none_values():
    # Check that fields with values intentionally set to None
    # save properly.
    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test XBlock for field access testing"""
        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)
        field_b = List(scope=Scope.settings)
        field_c = List(scope=Scope.content, default=None)

    field_tester = FieldTester(
        TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({'field_a': None})}),
    # Set fields b & c to None
    field_tester.field_b = None
    field_tester.field_c = None
    # Save our changes

    # Access the fields without modifying them. Want to call `__get__`, not `__set__`,
    # because `__get__` marks only mutable fields as dirty.
    _test_get = field_tester.field_a
    _test_get = field_tester.field_b
    _test_get = field_tester.field_c

    # The previous accesses will mark the fields as dirty (via __get__)
    assert_equals(len(field_tester._dirty_fields), 3)  # pylint: disable=W0212

    # However, the fields should not ACTUALLY be marked as fields that need to be saved.
    assert_equals(len(field_tester._get_fields_to_save()), 0)  # pylint: disable=W0212
Exemple #17
def test_change_mutable_default():
    Ensure that mutating the default value for a field causes
    the changes to be saved, and doesn't corrupt other instances

    class MutableTester(XBlock):
        """Test class with mutable fields."""
        list_field = List()

    field_data_a = DictFieldData({})
    mutable_test_a = MutableTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data_a}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))
    field_data_b = DictFieldData({})
    mutable_test_b = MutableTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data_b}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # Saving without changing the default value shouldn't write to field_data
    mutable_test_a.list_field  # pylint: disable=W0104
    with assert_raises(KeyError):
        field_data_a.get(mutable_test_a, 'list_field')


    assert_equals([1], field_data_a.get(mutable_test_a, 'list_field'))
    with assert_raises(KeyError):
        field_data_b.get(mutable_test_b, 'list_field')
 def send_it_back_public(self, request, suffix=""):
     """Just return the data we got."""
     assert_equals(self.scope_ids.user_id, "none")
     response_json = json.dumps(
         {"suffix": suffix, "a": request.GET.get("a", "no-a"), "b": request.GET.get("b", "no-b")}
     return Response(response_json, content_type="application/json")
Exemple #19
def test_cached_parent():
    class HasParent(XBlock):

    runtime = Mock()
    block = HasParent(runtime, DictFieldData({}), Mock())

    # block has no parent yet, and we don't need to call the runtime to find
    # that out.
    assert_equals(block.get_parent(), None)
    assert not runtime.get_block.called

    # Set a parent id for the block.  Get the parent.  Now we have one, and we
    # used runtime.get_block to get it.
    block.parent = "some_parent_id"
    parent = block.get_parent()
    assert_not_equals(parent, None)
    assert runtime.get_block.called_with("some_parent_id")

    # Get the parent again.  It will be the same parent, and we didn't call the
    # runtime.
    parent2 = block.get_parent()
    assert parent2 is parent
    assert not runtime.get_block.called
Exemple #20
def test_caching_is_per_instance():
    # Test that values cached for one instance do not appear on another
    class FieldTester(object):
        """Toy class for ModelMetaclass and field access testing"""
        __metaclass__ = ModelMetaclass

        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)

        def __init__(self, field_data):
            self._field_data = field_data
            self._dirty_fields = {}

    field_data = MagicMock(spec=FieldData)
    field_data.get = lambda block, name, default=None: [name]  # pylint: disable=C0322

    # Same field_data used in different objects should result
    # in separately-cached values, so that changing a value
    # in one instance doesn't affect values stored in others.
    field_tester_a = FieldTester(field_data)
    field_tester_b = FieldTester(field_data)
    value = field_tester_a.field_a
    assert_equals(value, field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals(value, field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_not_equals(value, field_tester_b.field_a)
Exemple #21
def test_children_metaclass():

    class HasChildren(object):
        """Toy class for ChildrenModelMetaclass testing"""
        __metaclass__ = ChildrenModelMetaclass

        has_children = True

    class WithoutChildren(object):
        """Toy class for ChildrenModelMetaclass testing"""
        __metaclass__ = ChildrenModelMetaclass

    class InheritedChildren(HasChildren):
        """Toy class for ChildrenModelMetaclass testing"""

    # `HasChildren` and `WithoutChildren` both obtain the `children` attribute and
    # the `has_children` method from the `ChildrenModelMetaclass`. Since this is not
    # understood by static analysis, silence this error for the duration of this test.
    # pylint: disable=E1101

    assert HasChildren.has_children
    assert not WithoutChildren.has_children
    assert InheritedChildren.has_children

    assert hasattr(HasChildren, 'children')
    assert not hasattr(WithoutChildren, 'children')
    assert hasattr(InheritedChildren, 'children')

    assert isinstance(HasChildren.children, List)
    assert_equals(Scope.children, HasChildren.children.scope)
    assert isinstance(InheritedChildren.children, List)
    assert_equals(Scope.children, InheritedChildren.children.scope)
 def test_set(self):
     self.block.field_b = set([5, 6, 5])
     assert_is_instance(self.block.field_b, set)
         {'$type': 'set', '$vals': [5, 6]},
         self.block._field_data.get(self.block, 'field_b')
def test_xblock_invalid_handler_url():
    # Test that providing an invalid handler url will give a 404
    # when we try to hit a handler on it
    client = Client()

    handler_url = "/handler/obviously/a/fake/handler"
    result = client.post(handler_url, "{}", "text/json")
    assert_equals(result.status_code, 404)
Exemple #24
    def test_delete(self):
        assert_equals(1, self.agg.first)
        del self.agg.first
        assert_false(hasattr(self.first, 'first'))
        with assert_raises(AttributeError):
            self.agg.first  # pylint: disable=W0104

        with assert_raises(AttributeError):
            del self.agg.other
Exemple #25
def test_dummy_user_service_current_user():
    Tests that get_current_user() works on a dummy user service.
    user = XBlockUser(username="******")
    user_service = SingleUserService(user)
    current_user = user_service.get_current_user()
    assert_equals(current_user, user)
    assert_equals(current_user.username, "tester")
Exemple #26
 def send_it_back_public(self, request, suffix=''):
     """Just return the data we got."""
     assert_equals(self.scope_ids.user_id, "none")
     response_json = json.dumps({
         'suffix': suffix,
         'a': request.GET.get('a', "no-a"),
         'b': request.GET.get('b', "no-b"),
     return Response(response_json, content_type='application/json')
Exemple #27
def test_json_handler_return_unicode():
    test_request = Mock(method="POST", body='["foo", "bar"]')

    def test_func(self, request, suffix):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return Response(request=request)

    response = test_func(Mock(), test_request, "dummy_suffix")
    for request_part in response.request:
        assert_equals(type(request_part), unicode)
Exemple #28
    def test_mutate_pointer_after_save(self):
        pointer = self.get()
        assert_equals(pointer, self.field_data.get(self.block, 'field'))

        # now check what happens when we mutate a field
        # that we haven't retrieved through __get__
        # (which would have marked it as dirty)
        assert_equals(pointer, self.field_data.get(self.block, 'field'))
    def test_mutation_without_save_doesnt_write(self):
        initial_value = self.field_data.get(self.block, 'field')
        reference_copy = copy.deepcopy(initial_value)

        mutable = self.get()

        # Verify that the test isn't vacuously true
        assert_not_equals(reference_copy, mutable)

        final_value = self.field_data.get(self.block, 'field')
        assert_equals(reference_copy, final_value)
        assert_equals(initial_value, final_value)
    def test_set_save_get_mutate_save(self):
        reference_value = copy.deepcopy(self.new_value)

        # Verify that the test isn't vacuously true
        assert_not_equals(self.new_value, reference_value)

        final_value = self.field_data.get(self.block, 'field')
        assert_equals(reference_value, final_value)
Exemple #31
def test_object_identity():
    # Check that values that are modified are what is returned
    class FieldTester(object):
        """Toy class for ModelMetaclass and field access testing"""
        __metaclass__ = ModelMetaclass

        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)

        def __init__(self, field_data):
            self._field_data = field_data
            self._dirty_fields = {}

    # Make sure that field_data always returns a different object
    # each time it's actually queried, so that the caching is
    # doing the work to maintain object identity.
    field_data = MagicMock(spec=FieldData)
    field_data.get = lambda block, name, default=None: [name]  # pylint: disable=C0322
    field_tester = FieldTester(field_data)

    value = field_tester.field_a
    assert_equals(value, field_tester.field_a)

    # Changing the field in place matches a previously fetched value
    assert_equals(value, field_tester.field_a)

    # Changing the previously-fetched value also changes the value returned by the field:
    assert_equals(value, field_tester.field_a)

    # Deletion restores the default value.  In the case of a List with
    # no default defined, this is the empty list.
    del field_tester.field_a
    assert_equals([], field_tester.field_a)
Exemple #32
    def test_multiply_mixed(self):
        mixalot = Mixologist([ThirdMixin, FirstMixin])

        pre_mixed = mixalot.mix(self.mixologist.mix(FieldTester))
        post_mixed = self.mixologist.mix(mixalot.mix(FieldTester))

        assert_is(pre_mixed.fields['field'], FirstMixin.field)
        assert_is(post_mixed.fields['field'], ThirdMixin.field)

        assert_is(FieldTester, pre_mixed.unmixed_class)
        assert_is(FieldTester, post_mixed.unmixed_class)

        assert_equals(4, len(
            pre_mixed.__bases__))  # 1 for the original class + 3 mixin classes
        assert_equals(4, len(post_mixed.__bases__))
Exemple #33
def test_dummy_user_service_current_user():
    Tests that get_current_user() works on a dummy user service.
    user = XBlockUser(full_name="tester")
    user_service = SingleUserService(user)
    current_user = user_service.get_current_user()
    assert_equals(current_user, user)
    assert_equals(current_user.full_name, "tester")
    # assert that emails is an Iterable but not a string
    assert_is_instance(current_user.emails, collections.Iterable)
        isinstance(current_user.emails, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)))
    # assert that opt_attrs is a Mapping
    assert_is_instance(current_user.opt_attrs, collections.Mapping)
Exemple #34
def test_set_incomparable_fields():
    # if we can't compare a field's value to the value it's going to be reset to
    # (i.e. timezone aware and unaware datetimes), just reset the value.

    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test block for this test."""
        incomparable = Field(scope=Scope.settings)

    not_timezone_aware = dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    timezone_aware = dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    field_tester = FieldTester(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))
    field_tester.incomparable = not_timezone_aware
    field_tester.incomparable = timezone_aware
    assert_equals(field_tester.incomparable, timezone_aware)
Exemple #35
def test_view_counter_state():
    key_store = DictKeyValueStore()
    field_data = KvsFieldData(key_store)
    runtime = Runtime(services={'field-data': field_data})
    tester = ViewCounter(runtime, scope_ids=Mock())

    assert_equals(tester.views, 0)

    # View the XBlock five times
    for i in range(5):
        generated_html = tester.student_view({})
        # Make sure the html fragment we're expecting appears in the body_html
        assert_in('<span class="views">{0}</span>'.format(i + 1),
        assert_equals(tester.views, i + 1)
Exemple #36
    def test_mutation_with_save_writes(self):
        assert_false(self.field_data.has(self.block, 'field'))

        mutable = self.get()
        reference_copy = copy.deepcopy(mutable)

        # Verify that the test isn't vacuously true
        assert_not_equals(mutable, reference_copy)


        final_value = self.field_data.get(self.block, 'field')
        assert_equals(reference_copy, final_value)
Exemple #37
def test_ugettext_calls():
    Test ugettext calls in xblock.
    runtime = TestRuntime()
    block = XBlockWithServices(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=[]))
    assert_equals(block.ugettext('test'), u'test')
    assert_true(isinstance(block.ugettext('test'), unicode))

    # NoSuchServiceError exception should raise if i18n is none/empty.
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={
        'i18n': None
    block = XBlockWithServices(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=[]))
    with assert_raises(NoSuchServiceError):
Exemple #38
def test_services_decorators_with_inheritance():
    class ServiceUsingBlock(XBlock):
        """XBlock using some services."""

    class SubServiceUsingBlock(ServiceUsingBlock):
        """Does this class properly inherit services from ServiceUsingBlock?"""

    sub_service_using_block = SubServiceUsingBlock(None, scope_ids=None)
    assert_equals(sub_service_using_block.service_declaration("n1"), "need")
    assert_equals(sub_service_using_block.service_declaration("w1"), "want")
    assert_equals(sub_service_using_block.service_declaration("n2"), "need")
    assert_equals(sub_service_using_block.service_declaration("w2"), "want")
    assert_equals(sub_service_using_block.service_declaration("xx"), None)
Exemple #39
def test_loading_tagged_classes():

    class HasTag1(XBlock):
        """Toy XBlock"""

    class HasTag2(HasTag1):
        """Toy XBlock"""

    class HasntTag(XBlock):
        """Toy XBlock"""

    the_classes = [('hastag1', HasTag1), ('hastag2', HasTag2), ('hasnttag', HasntTag)]
    tagged_classes = [('hastag1', HasTag1), ('hastag2', HasTag2)]
    with patch('xblock.core.XBlock.load_classes', return_value=the_classes):
        assert_equals(set(XBlock.load_tagged_classes('thetag')), set(tagged_classes))
Exemple #40
def test_problem_submission():
    runtime = WorkbenchRuntime()
    problem_usage_id = runtime.parse_xml_string("""
            <textinput name='vote_count' input_type='int'/>

                numvotes = 4
            <equality name='votes_named' left='./vote_count/@student_input' right='$numvotes'>
                Number of upvotes matches entered string
    problem = runtime.get_block(problem_usage_id)
    json_data = json.dumps({"vote_count": [{"name": "input", "value": "4"}]})
    resp = runtime.handle(problem, 'check', make_request(json_data))
    resp_data = json.loads(text_of_response(resp))
    assert_equals(resp_data['checkResults']['votes_named'], True)
    def student_view(self, _context):
        """Try out some services."""

        # i18n is available, and works.
        def assert_equals_unicode(str1, str2):
            """`str1` equals `str2`, and both are Unicode strings."""
            assert_equals(str1, str2)
            assert isinstance(str1, unicode)
            assert isinstance(str2, unicode)

        i18n = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n")
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Welcome!", i18n.ugettext("Welcome!"))

                              i18n.ungettext("Singular", "Plural", 0))
                              i18n.ungettext("Singular", "Plural", 1))
                              i18n.ungettext("Singular", "Plural", 2))

        when = datetime(2013, 2, 14, 22, 30, 17)
        assert_equals_unicode(u"2013-02-14", i18n.strftime(when, "%Y-%m-%d"))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Feb 14, 2013",
                              i18n.strftime(when, "SHORT_DATE"))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Thursday, February 14, 2013",
                              i18n.strftime(when, "LONG_DATE"))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"Feb 14, 2013 at 22:30",
                              i18n.strftime(when, "DATE_TIME"))
        assert_equals_unicode(u"10:30:17 PM", i18n.strftime(when, "TIME"))

        # secret_service is available.
        assert_equals(self.runtime.service(self, "secret_service"), 17)

        # no_such_service is not available, and raises an exception, because we
        # said we needed it.
        with assert_raises_regexp(NoSuchServiceError, "is not available"):
            self.runtime.service(self, "no_such_service")

        # another_not_service is not available, and returns None, because we
        # didn't need it, we only wanted it.
        assert_is(self.runtime.service(self, "another_not_service"), None)
        return Fragment()
Exemple #42
def test_json_handler_basic():
    test_self = Mock()
    test_data = {"foo": "bar", "baz": "quux"}
    test_data_json = [
        '{"foo": "bar", "baz": "quux"}', '{"baz": "quux", "foo": "bar"}'
    test_suffix = "suff"
    test_request = Mock(method="POST", body=test_data_json[0])

    def test_func(self, request, suffix):
        assert_equals(self, test_self)
        assert_equals(request, test_data)
        assert_equals(suffix, test_suffix)
        return request

    response = test_func(test_self, test_request, test_suffix)
    assert_equals(response.status_code, 200)
    assert_in(response.body.decode('utf-8'), test_data_json)
    assert_equals(response.content_type, "application/json")
Exemple #43
def test_xblock_save_failure_none():
    # Mimics a save failure when we don't manage to save any of the values

    def fake_set_many(block, update_dict):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Mock update method that throws a KeyValueMultiSaveError indicating
           that no fields were correctly saved."""
        raise KeyValueMultiSaveError([])

    field_tester = setup_save_failure(fake_set_many)
    field_tester.field_a = 20
    field_tester.field_b = 30
    field_tester.field_c = 40

    with assert_raises(XBlockSaveError) as save_error:
        # This call should raise an XBlockSaveError

    # Verify that the correct data is getting stored by the error
    assert_equals(len(save_error.exception.saved_fields), 0)
    assert_equals(len(save_error.exception.dirty_fields), 3)
Exemple #44
def test_unique_id_default():
    class TestBlock(XBlock):
        Block for testing
        field_a = String(default=UNIQUE_ID, scope=Scope.settings)
        field_b = String(default=UNIQUE_ID, scope=Scope.user_state)

    sids = ScopeIds(user_id="bob",

    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, DictFieldData({}), sids)
    unique_a = block.field_a
    unique_b = block.field_b
    # Create another instance of the same block. Unique ID defaults should not change.
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, DictFieldData({}), sids)
    assert_equals(unique_a, block.field_a)
    assert_equals(unique_b, block.field_b)
    # Change the user id. Unique ID default should change for field_b with
    # user_state scope, but not for field_a with scope=settings.
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, DictFieldData({}),
    assert_equals(unique_a, block.field_a)
    assert_not_equals(unique_b, block.field_b)
    # Change the usage id. Unique ID default for both fields should change.
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, DictFieldData({}),
    assert_not_equals(unique_a, block.field_a)
    assert_not_equals(unique_b, block.field_b)
Exemple #45
def test_xblock_with_handler():
    # Tests an XBlock that provides a handler, and has some simple
    # student state
    client = Client()

    # Initially, the data is the default.
    response = client.get("/view/testit/")
    response_content = response.content.decode('utf-8')

    expected = u"The data: %r." % u"def"
    assert_true(expected in response_content)

    parsed = response_content.split(':::')
    assert_equals(len(parsed), 3)
    handler_url = parsed[1]

    # Now change the data.
    response = client.post(handler_url, "{}", "text/json")
    the_data = json.loads(response.content)['the_data']
    assert_equals(the_data, "defx")

    # Change it again.
    response = client.post(handler_url, "{}", "text/json")
    the_data = json.loads(response.content)['the_data']
    assert_equals(the_data, "defxx")
Exemple #46
def test_runtime_render():
    key_store = DictKeyValueStore()
    field_data = KvsFieldData(key_store)
    runtime = MockRuntimeForQuerying(services={'field-data': field_data})
    block_type = 'test'
    def_id = runtime.id_generator.create_definition(block_type)
    usage_id = runtime.id_generator.create_usage(def_id)
    tester = TestXBlock(runtime, scope_ids=ScopeIds('user', block_type, def_id, usage_id))
    # string we want to update using the handler
    update_string = u"user state update"

    # test against the student view
    frag = runtime.render(tester, 'student_view', [update_string])
    assert_in(update_string, frag.body_html())
    assert_equals(tester.preferences, update_string)

    # test against the fallback view
    update_string = u"new update"
    frag = runtime.render(tester, 'test_fallback_view', [update_string])
    assert_in(update_string, frag.body_html())
    assert_equals(tester.preferences, update_string)

    # test block-first
    update_string = u"penultimate update"
    frag = tester.render('student_view', [update_string])
    assert_in(update_string, frag.body_html())
    assert_equals(tester.preferences, update_string)

    # test against the no-fallback XBlock
    update_string = u"ultimate update"
    tester = TestXBlockNoFallback(Mock(), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))
    with assert_raises(NoSuchViewError):
        runtime.render(tester, 'test_nonexistent_view', [update_string])
    def test_all_scenarios(self):
        """Load the home page, examine the scenarios displayed."""
        client = Client()
        response = client.get("/")
        assert response.status_code == 200
        html = lxml.html.fromstring(response.content)
        a_tags = list(html.xpath('//a'))

        # Load the loaded_scenarios from the classes.
        loaded_scenarios = scenarios.get_scenarios().values()

        # We should have an <a> tag for each scenario.
        assert_equals(len(a_tags), len(loaded_scenarios))

        # We should have at least one scenario with a vertical tag, since we use
        # empty verticals as our canary in the coal mine that something has gone
        # horribly wrong with loading the loaded_scenarios.
        assert any("<vertical_demo>" in scen.xml for scen in loaded_scenarios)

        # Since we are claiming in try_scenario that no vertical is empty, let's
        # eliminate the possibility that a scenario has an actual empty vertical.
        assert all("<vertical_demo></vertical_demo>" not in scen.xml for scen in loaded_scenarios)
        assert all("<vertical_demo/>" not in scen.xml for scen in loaded_scenarios)
def test_problem_submission():
    runtime = WorkbenchRuntime()

    # WorkbenchRuntime has an id_generator, but most runtimes won't
    # (because the generator will be contextual), so we
    # pass it explicitly to parse_xml_string.
    problem_usage_id = runtime.parse_xml_string("""
            <textinput_demo name='vote_count' input_type='int'/>

                numvotes = 4
            <equality_demo name='votes_named' left='./vote_count/@student_input' right='$numvotes'>
                Number of upvotes matches entered string
    """, runtime.id_generator)
    problem = runtime.get_block(problem_usage_id)
    json_data = json.dumps({"vote_count": [{"name": "input", "value": "4"}]})
    resp = runtime.handle(problem, 'check', make_request(json_data))
    resp_data = json.loads(text_of_response(resp))
    assert_equals(resp_data['checkResults']['votes_named'], True)
Exemple #49
def test_caching_is_per_instance():
    # Test that values cached for one instance do not appear on another
    class FieldTester(ScopedStorageMixin):
        """Toy class for ModelMetaclass and field access testing"""
        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)

    field_data = MagicMock(spec=FieldData)
    field_data.get = lambda block, name, default=None: [name]  # pylint: disable=C0322

    # Same field_data used in different objects should result
    # in separately-cached values, so that changing a value
    # in one instance doesn't affect values stored in others.
    field_tester_a = FieldTester(
        runtime=TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),
    field_tester_b = FieldTester(
        runtime=TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),
    value = field_tester_a.field_a
    assert_equals(value, field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals(value, field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_not_equals(value, field_tester_b.field_a)
Exemple #50
def test_services_decorators():
    # pylint: disable=E1101
    # A default XBlock has requested no services
    xblock = XBlock(None, None, None)
    assert_equals(XBlock._services_requested, {})
    assert_equals(xblock._services_requested, {})

    class ServiceUsingBlock(XBlock):
        """XBlock using some services."""

    service_using_block = ServiceUsingBlock(None, scope_ids=None)
    assert_equals(ServiceUsingBlock._services_requested, {'n': 'need', 'w': 'want'})
    assert_equals(service_using_block._services_requested, {'n': 'need', 'w': 'want'})
Exemple #51
def test_plugin_caching():
    plugin.PLUGIN_CACHE = {}
    assert_equals(_num_plugins_cached(), 0)

    assert_equals(_num_plugins_cached(), 1)

    assert_equals(_num_plugins_cached(), 1)
Exemple #52
def test_class_tags():
    xblock = XBlock(None, None, None)
    assert_equals(xblock._class_tags, set())

    class Sub1Block(XBlock):
        """Toy XBlock"""

    sub1block = Sub1Block(None, None, None)
    assert_equals(sub1block._class_tags, set())

    @XBlock.tag("cat dog")
    class Sub2Block(Sub1Block):
        """Toy XBlock"""

    sub2block = Sub2Block(None, None, None)
    assert_equals(sub2block._class_tags, set(["cat", "dog"]))

    class Sub3Block(Sub2Block):
        """Toy XBlock"""

    sub3block = Sub3Block(None, None, None)
    assert_equals(sub3block._class_tags, set(["cat", "dog"]))

    class MixinBlock(XBlock):
        """Toy XBlock"""

    class Sub4Block(MixinBlock, Sub3Block):
        """Toy XBlock"""

    sub4block = Sub4Block(None, None, None)
    assert_equals(sub4block._class_tags, set(["cat", "dog", "mixin"]))
Exemple #53
def test_defaults_not_shared():
    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Toy class for field access testing"""

        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)

    field_tester_a = FieldTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))
    field_tester_b = FieldTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    assert_equals([1], field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals([], field_tester_b.field_a)
    # Write out the data
    # Double check that write didn't do something weird
    assert_equals([1], field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals([], field_tester_b.field_a)
Exemple #54
def test_xblock_save_one():
    # Mimics a save failure when we only manage to save one of the values

    # Pylint, please allow this method to accept arguments.
    # pylint: disable=W0613
    def fake_set_many(block, update_dict):
        """Mock update method that throws a KeyValueMultiSaveError indicating
           that only one field was correctly saved."""
        raise KeyValueMultiSaveError([update_dict.keys()[0]])
    # pylint: enable=W0613

    field_tester = setup_save_failure(fake_set_many)

    field_tester.field_a = 20
    field_tester.field_b = 40
    field_tester.field_c = 60

    with assert_raises(XBlockSaveError) as save_error:
        # This call should raise an XBlockSaveError

    # Verify that the correct data is getting stored by the error
    assert_equals(len(save_error.exception.saved_fields), 1)
    assert_equals(len(save_error.exception.dirty_fields), 2)
Exemple #55
def test_defaults_not_shared():
    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Toy class for field access testing"""

        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)

    field_tester_a = FieldTester(MagicMock(), DictFieldData({}), Mock())
    field_tester_b = FieldTester(MagicMock(), DictFieldData({}), Mock())

    assert_equals([1], field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals([], field_tester_b.field_a)
    # Write out the data
    # Double check that write didn't do something weird
    assert_equals([1], field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals([], field_tester_b.field_a)
Exemple #56
    def test_set(self):
        assert_equals(1, self.agg.first)
        self.agg.first = 10
        assert_equals(10, self.agg.first)
        assert_equals(10, self.first.first)  # pylint: disable=E1101

        with assert_raises(AttributeError):
            self.agg.other = 99
        assert_false(hasattr(self.first, 'other'))
        assert_false(hasattr(self.second, 'other'))
Exemple #57
def test_json_handler_get():
    test_request = Mock(method="GET")

    def test_func(self, request, suffix):
        return {}

    response = test_func(Mock(), test_request, "dummy_suffix")
    assert_equals(response.status_code, 405)
    assert_equals(json.loads(response.body), {"error": "Method must be POST"})
    assert_equals(list(response.allow), ["POST"])
Exemple #58
def test_json_handler_empty_request():
    test_request = Mock(method="POST", body="")

    def test_func(self, request, suffix):
        return {}

    response = test_func(Mock(), test_request, "dummy_suffix")
    assert_equals(response.status_code, 400)
    assert_equals(json.loads(response.body), {"error": "Invalid JSON"})
    assert_equals(response.content_type, "application/json")
Exemple #59
def test_json_handler_return_response():
    test_request = Mock(method="POST", body="{}")

    def test_func(self, request, suffix):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return Response(body="not JSON", status=418, content_type="text/plain")

    response = test_func(Mock(), test_request, "dummy_suffix")
    assert_equals(response.body, "not JSON")
    assert_equals(response.status_code, 418)
    assert_equals(response.content_type, "text/plain")
Exemple #60
def test_json_handler_invalid_json():
    test_request = Mock(method="POST", body="{")

    def test_func(self, request, suffix):   # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return {}

    response = test_func(Mock(), test_request, "dummy_suffix")
    # pylint: disable=no-member
    assert_equals(response.status_code, 400)
    assert_equals(json.loads(response.body), {"error": "Invalid JSON"})
    assert_equals(response.content_type, "application/json")