Exemple #1
def highlight_collect_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    """Looks for highlighted words (set on HexChat/X-Chat settings) and copy
    the entire line who contains it to the "GatoScript" tab.
    word     -- array of strings sent by HexChat/X-Chat to every hook
    word_eol -- array of strings sent by HexChat/X-Chat to every hook
    userdata -- optional variable that can be sent to a hook (ignored)
    if xchat.get_prefs("irc_extra_hilight") != '':
        highlight = xchat.get_prefs("irc_extra_hilight").split(",")
        # Extract some text to compose the output string
        channel = word[2]
        nick = word[0].split("!")[0][1:]
        text = word_eol[3][1:]
        # If there is any highlighted word, compose the string and write it to
        # the script query
        for highlighted in highlight:
            exp = re.compile(highlighted, re.IGNORECASE)
            if exp.search(text):
                if word[3] in action_txt:
                        nick, "has mentioned \003", color(),
                        highlighted, "\003 in a query: <", nick, "> ",
                        nick, " has mentioned \003", color(), highlighted,
                        "\003 in ", channel, ": <", nick, "> ", text]))
    return xchat.EAT_NONE
Exemple #2
def is_highlight(sender, recipient, message):
    """Are we being highlighted?"""
    message = irc_lower(message)
    sender = irc_lower(sender)
    # Only highlight channels
    if not recipient[0] in '#&@':
        return False
    # Nicks to never highlight
    nnh = irc_lower(xchat.get_prefs('irc_no_hilight') or '')
    if match_word(sender[:sender.find('!')], nnh.split(',')):
        return False
    # Nicks to always highlight
    nth = irc_lower(xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick_hilight') or '')
    if match_word(sender[:sender.find('!')], nth.split(',')):
        return True
    # Words to highlight on, masks allowed
    wth = [
        irc_lower(xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick%d' % x) or '') for x in (1, 2, 3)
    ] + [irc_lower(xchat.get_info('nick'))]
    wth += irc_lower(xchat.get_prefs('irc_extra_hilight') or '').split(', ')
    for w in wth:
        w = w.strip()
        if w and w in message:
            return True
    return False
Exemple #3
def setup():
	global acceptlist
	global userlist
	global m
	acceptlist = []
	userlist = xchat.get_list("users")
	m.SetInfo(xchat.get_info("server"), xchat.get_info("channel"), xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1"))
	for x in userlist:
		if xchat.nickcmp(x.nick, xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")) == 0:
			acceptlist.append([x, 1])
			acceptlist.append([x, 0])
Exemple #4
def nickchange(word, word_eol, userdata):
	desired_nick = xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")
	password = xchat.get_info("nickserv")
	if xchat.get_info("nick") is desired_nick:
		lineprint("Got desired nick now: "+desired_nick)
		return SUCCESS
	return FAIL
Exemple #5
def crypto_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
	''' Callback for /crypto command '''
	global m
	global t0
	if len(word) < 2:
		print "\nAvailable actions:"
		print "     auth - initiate crypto session and authenticate participants"
	elif word[1] == "auth":
		if '-p2p' in word_eol:
			bcast(xchat.get_list("users"), 1)
	elif word[1] == "y":
	elif word[1] == "shutdown":
		digest = GetChatDigest(m.path)
		bcast(xchat.get_list("users"), 0, "shutdown")
		bcast(xchat.get_list("users"), 0, '0x16' + str(digest))
		xchat.prnt("Unknown action")
	return xchat.EAT_ALL
Exemple #6
def bcast(users, p2p, msg):
	''' Send a message to all users in a channel '''
	print msg
	for x in users:
		if not xchat.nickcmp(x.nick, xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")) == 0:
			xchat.command("msg " + x.nick + " " + msg)
	return xchat.EAT_ALL
Exemple #7
def notice(word, word_eol, userdata):
	password = xchat.get_info("nickserv")
	desired_nick = xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")

	if "This nickname is registered" in word_eol[0]:
		if password:
			lineprint("Registered nickname. Attempting to auto-identify.")
			xchat.command("msg nickserv identify "+password)
			return SUCCESS
		lineprint("Registered nickname, but we have no password!")
		return FAIL

	elif "has been ghosted" in word_eol[0] or "Ghost with your nick" in word_eol[0]:
		lineprint("Ghosting successful. Setting nick to "+desired_nick)
		xchat.command("nick "+desired_nick)
		return SUCCESS
	elif "is not a registered nickname." in word_eol[0] or "Your nick isn't registered." in word_eol[0]:
		lineprint("Not using desired nick. Setting nick to "+desired_nick)
		xchat.command("nick "+desired_nick)
		return SUCCESS

	elif "You are already identified." in word_eol[0] or "You are already logged in" in word_eol[0]:
		return SUCCESS

	return FAIL
def randomize():
	file_list = list()
	for file in os.listdir("./"):
	return file_list[0]
Exemple #9
def ghost(word, word_eol, userdata):
	desired_nick = xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")
	password = xchat.get_info("nickserv")
	lineprint("Desired nickname "+desired_nick+" is taken.")
	if password:
		lineprint("Attempting to ghost old session.")
		xchat.command("msg nickserv ghost "+desired_nick+" "+password)
		return SUCCESS
	lineprint("But we have no password!")
	return FAIL
Exemple #10
def open_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    chan = hexchat.get_info('channel')
    # Assume nick if not prefixed with #
    # Ignore ZNC and Python
    # Use existing pref for nicks I usually ignore (i.e. chanserv)
    if chan and chan[0] != '#' \
     and chan[0] != '*' \
     and chan != '>>python<<' \
     and chan not in hexchat.get_prefs('irc_no_hilight').split(','):
        hexchat.command('chanopt -quiet text_logging on')
        hexchat.command('chanopt -quiet text_scrollback on')
Exemple #11
 def emit_print(event_name, nick, msg, *args, context=None):
     if not context:
         context = xchat.get_context()
     for highlight in [xchat.get_info('nick')] + xchat.get_prefs('irc_extra_hilight').split(','):
         if highlight and highlight in msg:
             if event_name == 'Channel Message':
                 event_name = 'Channel Msg Hilight'
             elif event_name == 'Channel Action':
                 event_name = 'Channel Action Hilight'
             xchat.command('GUI COLOR 3')
     context.emit_print(event_name, nick, msg, *args)
Exemple #12
def test_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
	global FLAG
	if FLAG == 0 and m.currentState == "MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED":
		FLAG = 1
		m.t0 = time.clock()
		f = open('myfile.dat', 'w+')
		print str(m.t0)
		xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1"), word_eol[0], "@")
		encrypted_broadcast(xchat.get_list("users"), word_eol[0], m.groupkey)
	return xchat.EAT_ALL
Exemple #13
def open_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
	chan = hexchat.get_info('channel')
	# Assume nick if not prefixed with #
	# Ignore ZNC and Python
	# Use existing pref for nicks I usually ignore (i.e. chanserv)
	if chan and chan[0] != '#' \
		and chan[0] != '*' \
		and chan != '>>python<<' \
		and chan not in hexchat.get_prefs('irc_no_hilight').split(','):
		hexchat.command('chanopt -quiet text_logging on')
		hexchat.command('chanopt -quiet text_scrollback on')
Exemple #14
 def emit_print(event_name, nick, msg, *args, context=None):
     if not context:
         context = xchat.get_context()
     for highlight in [xchat.get_info('nick')
                       ] + xchat.get_prefs('irc_extra_hilight').split(','):
         if highlight and highlight in msg:
             if event_name == 'Channel Message':
                 event_name = 'Channel Msg Hilight'
             elif event_name == 'Channel Action':
                 event_name = 'Channel Action Hilight'
             xchat.command('GUI COLOR 3')
     context.emit_print(event_name, nick, msg, *args)
Exemple #15
def growlnotify(_type, title, desc='', pri=0):
	if xchat.get_prefs('away_omit_alerts') and xchat.get_info('away'):

	if xchat.get_prefs('gui_focus_omitalerts') and xchat.get_info('win_status') == 'active':

		global lasterrtime
		# Avoid more spam, 1 error a min.
		if lasterrtime + 60 < time():
			xchat.prnt('Growl Error: Growl is not running.')
		lasterrtime = time()
Exemple #16
def encrypted_broadcast(users, msg, key):
	global FLAG
	iv = crypto.GetIV()
	file = m.path
	f = open(file, 'a')
	f.write("\n" + time.strftime("%b") + " " + time.strftime("%a") + " " + time.strftime("%d") + " " + time.strftime("%X") + " <" + xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")	+ "> " + msg)
	encMsg = crypto.AES_Encrypt(b64encode(key), b64encode(iv), b64encode(msg))
	sendMsg = b64encode(iv) + encMsg
	for x in users:
		if not xchat.nickcmp(x.nick, xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")) == 0:
			xchat.command("msg " + x.nick + " " + sendMsg)
	FLAG = 0
	return xchat.EAT_ALL
Exemple #17
def verify_errors(word, word_eol, userdata):
    global last_msg
    nick, rest = split_nick(word_eol[0],
    if word_eol[0] != last_msg:
        last_msg = word_eol[0]
        if nick == xchat.get_info('nick'):
            print 'WARNING: Sending message to yourself - Repeat to confirm.'
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        elif nick and all(nick != user.nick
                          for user in xchat.get_list('users')):
            print 'WARNING: %r is not here. Repeat to confirm.' % nick
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
Exemple #18
def set_nick(word, word_eol, userdata):
    desired_nick = xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")
    password = xchat.get_info("nickserv")
    if word[3] == desired_nick and password:
        randstring = ''.join(choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(16))
        xchat.command("nick %s" % randstring)
        xchat.command("nickserv ghost %s %s" % (desired_nick, password))
        xchat.command("nick %s" % desired_nick)
        xchat.command("nickserv identify %s" % password)
        return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
    return xchat.EAT_NONE
Exemple #19
def dispatch_message(word, word_eol, event):
    network, channel = xchat.get_info("network"), xchat.get_info("channel")
    # Dispatch event to each group registered for this channel
    if network in registered_channels and channel in registered_channels[network]:
        for group in registered_channels[network][channel]:
            # Extract nick and coloring
            if xchat.get_prefs("text_color_nicks"):
                (nick_color, nick) = re_nick.search(word[0]).groups("")
                nick_color, nick = "", word[0]
            args = (word[1:] + padding)
            group.on_chat_message(network, channel, event, nick, nick_color, args, word, word_eol)
    return xchat.EAT_NONE
Exemple #20
def set_nick(word, word_eol, userdata):
    desired_nick = xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")
    password = xchat.get_info("nickserv")

    if word[3] == desired_nick and password:
        randstring = ''.join(choice(string.lowercase) for i in xrange(16))
        xchat.command("nick %s" % randstring)
        xchat.command("nickserv ghost %s %s" % (desired_nick, password))
        xchat.command("nick %s" % desired_nick)
        xchat.command("nickserv identify %s" % password)
        return xchat.EAT_XCHAT

    return xchat.EAT_NONE
Exemple #21
def servertext(word, word_eol, userdata):
	if "ickname" in word_eol[0] and "in use" in word_eol[0]:
		return ghost([],[],[])

	elif "while banned on channel" in word_eol[0]:
		for w in word_eol[0].split(' '):
			if '#' in w:
				lineprint("Channel "+w+" prevents unregistered users from nick changes. Leaving, changing nick, rejoining.")
				xchat.command("part "+w)
				xchat.command("nick "+xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1"))
				xchat.command("join "+w)
				return SUCCESS
	return FAIL
Exemple #22
	def __init__(self, prefs, lcd):
		if (DEBUG == True): 
			self.writetolog("Init checker")
		if (xchat.get_prefs("irc_extra_hilight")):
			self.highlights = xchat.get_prefs("irc_extra_hilight").split(',')
		if (xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")):
		if (xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick2")):
		if (xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick3")):
		self.prefs = prefs
		self.lcd = lcd
		self.lcd.checker = self
		if (DEBUG == True): 
Exemple #23
def is_highlight(sender, recipient, message):
    """Are we being highlighted?"""
    message = irc_lower(message)
    sender = irc_lower(sender)
    # Only highlight channels
    if not recipient[0] in '#&@':
        return False
    # Nicks to never highlight
    nnh = irc_lower(xchat.get_prefs('irc_no_hilight') or '')
    if match_word(sender[:sender.find('!')], nnh.split(',')):
        return False
    # Nicks to always highlight
    nth = irc_lower(xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick_hilight') or '')
    if match_word(sender[:sender.find('!')], nth.split(',')):
        return True
    # Words to highlight on, masks allowed
    wth = [irc_lower(xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick%d' % x) or '') for x in (1,2,3)] + [irc_lower(xchat.get_info('nick'))]
    wth += irc_lower(xchat.get_prefs('irc_extra_hilight') or '').split(', ')
    for w in wth:
        w = w.strip()
        if w and w in message:
            return True
    return False
Exemple #24
    def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers):
        if key == TAB or key == LEFT_TAB:
            text = self.buffer.get_input().strip()
            word = text.split(" ", 1)
            num = len(word)
            if num == 2:
                (line, nick) = text.rsplit(" ", 1)

            # Generate autocomplete list
            if self.auto_first:
                if num == 1:
                    # Tab to next channel
                    if word[0] in self.chanrefs:
                        self.auto_first = False
                    # Complete channel name
                    elif word[0] and not word[0].startswith("#"):
                        self.auto_list_channels("#" + word[0])
                    # Search partial chanel
                # Search nick
                elif num == 2 and word[0] in self.chanrefs:
                    self.auto_list_users(self.chanrefs[word[0]][0], self.chanrefs[word[0]][1], nick)

            if self.auto_list:
                # Rotate to next
                if not self.auto_first:
                    # Shift-tab
                    if modifiers & 1:
                        mod = 1
                    # Other-tab
                        mod = -1
                    self.auto_list_rotate(mod, self.auto_type == 1 and word[0] or nick)
                # Complete channel
                if self.auto_type == 1:
                    self.buffer.set_input(self.auto_list[0] + " " + (num > 1 and word[1] or ""))
                # Complete nick
                    self.buffer.set_input("%s %s%s " % (line, self.auto_list[0], xchat.get_prefs("completion_suffix")))
                self.auto_first = False

            return xchat.EAT_ALL

        elif key != SHIFT:
            self.auto_first = True
            self.last_action = time()
        return xchat.EAT_NONE
Exemple #25
    def poll_status_cb(self, userdata):
        if self._process.returncode is None:
            rl, wl, xl = select.select([self._process.stdout], [], [], 0)
            if len(rl):
                event = self._process.stdout.readline()
                if event.startswith('BLANK') or event.startswith('LOCK'):
                    xchat.command('away %s' % xchat.get_prefs('away_reason'))
                elif event.startswith('UNBLANK'):
            # pipe is broken.
            self._process = self._create_pipe()

        # Keep the timeout going
        return 1
    def poll_status_cb(self, userdata):
        if self._process.returncode is None:
            rl, wl, xl = select.select([self._process.stdout], [], [], 0)
            if len(rl):
                event = self._process.stdout.readline()
                if event.startswith('BLANK') or event.startswith('LOCK'):
                    xchat.command('away %s' % xchat.get_prefs('away_reason'))
                elif event.startswith('UNBLANK'):
            # pipe is broken.
            self._process = self._create_pipe()

        # Keep the timeout going
        return 1
Exemple #27
def GhostThatFucker(word,word_eol,userdata):
	global dInfo
	hContext = xchat.get_context()
	if sServ != None:
		for sI in lSL:
			sI = sI.rstrip()
			if bFnd and sI:
				if sI[0] == 'N': break
				elif sI[0] == 'I': sPNick=sI[2:]
				elif sI[0] == 'B': sPass=sI[2:]
				elif sI[0] == 'F': iFlags=int(sI[2:])
			elif sI == sTmp:
		if iFlags == None: iFlags=0
		if iFlags&0x2: sPNick=None
		if sPNick == None: sPNick=xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")
		if sNick != sPNick:
			xchat.prnt("%s: Incorrect nick %s (should be %s)" % (__module_name__,sNick,sPNick))
			if sPass != None:
				dInfo[sServ] = {
					"on": 1,
					"nick": sPNick,
					"pass": sPass
				hContext.command("nickserv GHOST %s %s" % (sPNick,sPass))
				xchat.prnt("%s: Ghosting.." % __module_name__)
				return xchat.EAT_NONE
			elif userdata:
				dInfo[sServ] = {
					"on": 3, # Listen for user lists, see if the nick you want is in the room
					"nick": sPNick
	return xchat.EAT_NONE
Exemple #28
def compile_strings():
    global events_decoded
    # Decode strings from Text Event settings
    re_move = re.compile(r"(.+)(%C\d*)(\$t)(.*)")  # Message color code needs to be put after tab char
    next = ""
    stringfile = os.path.join(configdir, "pevents.conf")
    assert os.path.exists(stringfile), "Configuration file pevents.conf not found. You may need to use a (any) custom theme for this file to be created"

    with open(stringfile) as f:
        for line in f:
            words = line.split("=", 1)
            if words and words[0] != "\n":
                (key, value) = words
                value = value.strip()
                if key == "event_name" and value in chat_events:
                    next = value
                elif key == "event_text" and next:
                    # Add channel slot to pattern
                    decoded = decode(re_move.sub(r"\1\3\2\4", value))
                    if xchat.get_prefs("text_indent"):
                        events_decoded[next] = decoded.replace("\t", "\t{0}")
                        events_decoded[next] = "{0}" + decoded
                    next = ""
play_cmd = "afplay"
sounds_dir = "/Users/chris/Library/Sounds"

# Associate sounds with channels here
sounds_dic = {'#mel' : 'mel_sound.wav',
			  '#codebench'  : 'morse-n.wav',
			  '#watercooler'  : '440-380-drop.wav',
			  '#montavista'  : 'bullet.wav',
			  '#marketing' : 'Purr.aiff',
			  '#platform' : 'chirp.wav',
			  '#amd' : 'amd-sound.wav',
			  '#test' : 'ringout.wav',
			  'hilite' : 'c-d-g.wav',
			  'other' : '440-short-dot.wav'}

mynick = xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1")
print "mynick is %s - sounds are enabled" % mynick

def play_mysound(sound):
	sound_command = 'afplay ' + sounds_dir + '/' + sound + ' &'

def channel_msg_processor(word, word_eol, userdata):
	if (sounds_on == 0):
		return xchat.EAT_NONE

	current_channel = xchat.get_info("channel")
	current_nick = xchat.get_info("nick")
	# print "Channel message received on %s" % (current_channel)
	if current_channel in sounds_dic:
def color_enabled():
    Simple wrapper to check pref setting for automatic nick coloring
    pref = xchat.get_prefs('text_color_nicks')
    return pref is not None and pref == 1
Exemple #31
def onconnectcb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    c = xchat.get_context()
    if xchat.nickcmp(c.get_info('nick'), xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick1')) != 0:
        c.command('nick ' + xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick1'))
Exemple #32
def onconnectcb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    c = xchat.get_context()
    if xchat.nickcmp(c.get_info('nick'), xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick1')) != 0:
        c.command('nick ' + xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick1'))
def real_name():
    return xchat.get_prefs("irc_real_name")
Exemple #34
def BanNick(word, word_eol, kickAfter):
    global hosts, reNick, reMask, reBanType, reTime, banNums, banTimes, nextBanTime, bannedNicks
    if len(word) < 2:
        return xchat.EAT_NONE  # Fixes complaining when I manually unban..
    context = xchat.get_context()
    servChan = context.get_info("host") + "/" + context.get_info("channel")
    ttime = None
    if word[1][0] == '-':
        i = 1
        while i < len(word[1]):
            if word[1][i] in 'kK': kickAfter = True
            elif word[1][i] in 'uU':
                    ttime = int(word[1][i + 1:])
                except ValueError:
                        "u argument should come last and be followed only by numbers."
            i += 1
        nick = word[2]
        args = 3
        nickLoc = 2
        nick = word[1]
        args = 2
        nickLoc = 1
    btype = reBanType.match(word[args]) if len(word) > args else None
    if btype: args += 1
    btime = reTime.match(word[args]) if len(word) > args else None
    if btime: args += 1
    if reNick.match(nick):
        if (btype and btype.group(1)) or btype is None:
            if btype is None: btype = xchat.get_prefs("irc_ban_type")
            else: btype = int(btype.group(1))
                btype = banNums[btype]
            except IndexError:
                xchat.prnt("Ban type numeric %s does not exist" %
        nmask, umask, hmask = btype.groups()[1:]
        if servChan in hosts and nick in hosts[servChan]:
            user, host = hosts[servChan][nick]

            mask = (nmask.replace("nick", "n").replace("n", nick) + "!" +
                    (lambda u: "*" +
                     (user[1:] if user[0] == "~" else user) + u[2:]
                     if umask[0:2] == "*u" else u.replace("u", user))(
                         umask.replace("user", "u")) + "@" +
                    (lambda h: "*" + host[host.index("."):] + h[3:]
                     if h[0:3] == "*.h" else
                     ("*" + host[host.rindex("."):] if h == "*.tld" else
                      (h.replace("h", host))))(hmask.replace("host", "h")))
            context.command("mode +b " + mask)
            xchat.prnt("Nick unknown.")
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
    elif reMask.match(nick):
        context.command("mode +b " + nick)
        mask = nick
        xchat.prnt("No one to ban.")
        return xchat.EAT_ALL

    if servChan not in bannedNicks: bannedNicks[servChan] = {}
    bannedNicks[servChan][nick] = mask

    if btime:
        if servChan not in banTimes: banTimes[servChan] = {}
        t = map(int, list(btime.groups("0")))
        # w,d,h,m,s,h,m,s
        ttime = (t[0] * 604800 + t[1] * 86400 + t[2] * 3600 + t[3] * 60 +
                 t[4] + t[5] * 3600 + t[6] * 60 + t[7])
    if ttime:
        xchat.prnt("Banning %s for %i seconds." % (nick, ttime))
        ttime = banTimes[servChan][mask] = int(time()) + ttime
        BanTimerGo((servChan, mask), ttime)

    if kickAfter:
        KickNick(word, word_eol,
                 (nickLoc, args, btime.group(0) if btime else None))
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
Exemple #35
def BanNick(word,word_eol,kickAfter):
	global hosts,reNick,reMask,reBanType,reTime,banNums,banTimes,nextBanTime,bannedNicks
	if len(word) < 2: return xchat.EAT_NONE # Fixes complaining when I manually unban..
	context = xchat.get_context()
	servChan = context.get_info("host")+"/"+context.get_info("channel")
	ttime = None
	if word[1][0] == '-':
		i = 1
		while i < len(word[1]):
			if word[1][i] in 'kK': kickAfter = True
			elif word[1][i] in 'uU':
					ttime = int(word[1][i+1:])
				except ValueError:
					xchat.prnt("u argument should come last and be followed only by numbers.")
			i += 1
		nick = word[2]
		args = 3
		nickLoc = 2
		nick = word[1]
		args = 2
		nickLoc = 1
	btype = reBanType.match(word[args]) if len(word) > args else None
	if btype: args += 1
	btime = reTime.match(word[args]) if len(word) > args else None
	if btime: args += 1
	if reNick.match(nick):
		if (btype and btype.group(1)) or btype is None:
			if btype is None: btype = xchat.get_prefs("irc_ban_type")
			else: btype = int(btype.group(1))
			try: btype = banNums[btype]
			except IndexError: xchat.prnt("Ban type numeric %s does not exist" % btype.group(1))
		nmask,umask,hmask = btype.groups()[1:]
		if servChan in hosts and nick in hosts[servChan]:
			user,host = hosts[servChan][nick]

			mask = (nmask.replace("nick","n").replace("n",nick)+"!"
			+(lambda u: "*"+(user[1:] if user[0] == "~" else user)+u[2:] if umask[0:2] == "*u" else u.replace("u",user))(
			+(lambda h: "*"+host[host.index("."):]+h[3:] if h[0:3] == "*.h" else (
				"*"+host[host.rindex("."):] if h == "*.tld" else (
			context.command("mode +b "+mask)
			xchat.prnt("Nick unknown.")
			return xchat.EAT_ALL
	elif reMask.match(nick):
		context.command("mode +b "+nick)
		mask = nick
		xchat.prnt("No one to ban.")
		return xchat.EAT_ALL

	if servChan not in bannedNicks: bannedNicks[servChan] = {}
	bannedNicks[servChan][nick] = mask

	if btime:
		if servChan not in banTimes: banTimes[servChan] = {}
		t = map(int,list(btime.groups("0")))
		# w,d,h,m,s,h,m,s
		ttime = (t[0]*604800 + t[1]*86400
		+ t[2]*3600 + t[3]*60 + t[4]
		+ t[5]*3600 + t[6]*60 + t[7])
	if ttime:
		xchat.prnt("Banning %s for %i seconds." % (nick,ttime))
		ttime = banTimes[servChan][mask] = int(time()) + ttime

	if kickAfter: KickNick(word,word_eol,(nickLoc,args,btime.group(0) if btime else None))
	return xchat.EAT_ALL
Exemple #36
def connected_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
	if hexchat.get_info('network') in networks:
		username = hexchat.get_prefs ('irc_user_name')
		password = hexchat.get_info('password')
		hexchat.command('quote PASS {}:{}'.format(username, password))