Exemple #1
def test_parse_doc():
    doc = parse_doc(tg_mean.__doc__)
    assert doc["title"] == "Mean of daily average temperature."
    assert (
        == "Resample the original daily mean temperature series by taking the mean over each period."
    assert (
        doc["parameters"]["tas"]["description"] == "Mean daily temperature [℃] or [K]"
    assert (
        == 'Resampling frequency; Defaults to "YS" (yearly).'
    assert doc["notes"].startswith("Let")
    assert "math::" in doc["notes"]
    assert "references" not in doc
    assert doc["long_name"] == "The mean daily temperature at the given time frequency"

    doc = parse_doc(xclim.indices.saturation_vapor_pressure.__doc__)
    assert (
        == "Threshold temperature under which to switch to equations in reference to ice instead of water. If None (default) everything is computed with reference to water."
    assert "Goff, J. A., and S. Gratch (1946)" in doc["references"]
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, **kwds):

        # Set instance attributes.
        for key, val in kwds.items():
            setattr(self, key, val)

        # Verify that the identifier is a proper slug
        if not re.match(r"^[-\w]+$", self.identifier):
                "The identifier contains non-alphanumeric characters. It could make life "
                "difficult for downstream software reusing this class.",

        # Default value for `var_name` is the `identifier`.
        if self.var_name == "":
            self.var_name = self.identifier

        # Extract information from the `compute` function.
        # The signature
        self._sig = signature(self.compute)

        # The input parameter names
        self._parameters = tuple(self._sig.parameters.keys())
        #        self._input_params = [p for p in self._sig.parameters.values() if p.default is p.empty]
        #        self._nvar = len(self._input_params)

        # Copy the docstring and signature
        self.__call__ = wraps(self.compute)(self.__call__.__func__)
        if self.doc_template is not None:
            self.__call__.__doc__ = self.doc_template.format(i=self)

        # Fill in missing metadata from the doc
        meta = parse_doc(self.compute.__doc__)
        for key in ["abstract", "title", "notes", "references"]:
            setattr(self, key, getattr(self, key) or meta.get(key, ""))
Exemple #3
def test_parse_doc():