Exemple #1
 def test_select_all(self):
     ds1 = create_highroc_dataset()
     # noinspection PyTypeChecker
     ds2 = select_vars(ds1, None)
     self.assertIs(ds2, ds1)
     ds2 = select_vars(ds1, ds1.data_vars.keys())
     self.assertIs(ds2, ds1)
Exemple #2
    def select_vars(self, var_names: Sequence[str] = None):
        Select data variable from given *dataset* and create new dataset.

        :param var_names: The names of data variables to select.
        :return: A new dataset. It is empty, if *var_names* is empty. It is *dataset*, if *var_names* is None.
        return select_vars(self._dataset, var_names)
Exemple #3
 def test_select_variables_for_some(self):
     ds1 = create_highroc_dataset()
     self.assertEqual(36, len(ds1.data_vars))
     ds2 = select_vars(ds1, ['conc_chl', 'c2rcc_flags', 'rtoa_10'])
     self.assertEqual(3, len(ds2.data_vars))
Exemple #4
 def test_select_none(self):
     ds1 = create_highroc_dataset()
     ds2 = select_vars(ds1, [])
     self.assertEqual(0, len(ds2.data_vars))
     ds2 = select_vars(ds1, ['bibo'])
     self.assertEqual(0, len(ds2.data_vars))
Exemple #5
 def step3(input_slice):
     extra_vars = input_processor.get_extra_vars(input_slice)
     selected_variables = set(
         [var_name for var_name, _ in output_variables])
     selected_variables.update(extra_vars or set())
     return select_vars(input_slice, selected_variables)
Exemple #6
def get_time_series(cube: xr.Dataset,
                    geometry: GeometryLike = None,
                    var_names: Sequence[str] = None,
                    start_date: Date = None,
                    end_date: Date = None,
                    include_count: bool = False,
                    include_stdev: bool = False,
                    use_groupby: bool = False,
                    cube_asserted: bool = False) -> Optional[xr.Dataset]:
    Get a time series dataset from a data *cube*.

    *geometry* may be provided as a (shapely) geometry object, a valid GeoJSON object, a valid WKT string,
    a sequence of box coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2), or point coordinates (x, y). If *geometry* covers an area,
    i.e. is not a point, the function aggregates the variables to compute a mean value and if desired,
    the number of valid observations and the standard deviation.

    *start_date* and *end_date* may be provided as a numpy.datetime64 or an ISO datetime string.

    Returns a time-series dataset whose data variables have a time dimension but no longer have spatial dimensions,
    hence the resulting dataset's variables will only have N-2 dimensions.
    A global attribute ``max_number_of_observations`` will be set to the maximum number of observations
    that could have been made in each time step.
    If the given *geometry* does not overlap the cube's boundaries, or if not output variables remain,
    the function returns ``None``.

    :param cube: The xcube dataset
    :param geometry: Optional geometry
    :param var_names: Optional sequence of names of variables to be included.
    :param start_date: Optional start date.
    :param end_date: Optional end date.
    :param include_count: Whether to include the number of valid observations for each time step.
           Ignored if geometry is a point.
    :param include_stdev: Whether to include standard deviation for each time step.
           Ignored if geometry is a point.
    :param use_groupby: Use group-by operation. May increase or decrease runtime performance and/or memory consumption.
    :param cube_asserted:  If False, *cube* will be verified, otherwise it is expected to be a valid cube.
    :return: A new dataset with time-series for each variable.

    if not cube_asserted:

    geometry = convert_geometry(geometry)

    dataset = select_vars(cube, var_names)
    if len(dataset.data_vars) == 0:
        return None

    if start_date is not None or end_date is not None:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        dataset = dataset.sel(time=slice(start_date, end_date))

    if isinstance(geometry, shapely.geometry.Point):
        bounds = get_dataset_geometry(dataset)
        if not bounds.contains(geometry):
            return None
        dataset = dataset.sel(lon=geometry.x, lat=geometry.y, method='Nearest')
        return dataset.assign_attrs(max_number_of_observations=1)

    if geometry is not None:
        dataset = mask_dataset_by_geometry(dataset,
        if dataset is None:
            return None
        mask = dataset['__mask__']
        max_number_of_observations = np.count_nonzero(mask)
        dataset = dataset.drop('__mask__')
        max_number_of_observations = dataset.lat.size * dataset.lon.size

    ds_count = None
    ds_stdev = None
    if use_groupby:
        time_group = dataset.groupby('time')
        ds_mean = time_group.mean(skipna=True, dim=xr.ALL_DIMS)
        if include_count:
            ds_count = time_group.count(dim=xr.ALL_DIMS)
        if include_stdev:
            ds_stdev = time_group.std(skipna=True, dim=xr.ALL_DIMS)
        ds_mean = dataset.mean(dim=('lat', 'lon'), skipna=True)
        if include_count:
            ds_count = dataset.count(dim=('lat', 'lon'))
        if include_stdev:
            ds_stdev = dataset.std(dim=('lat', 'lon'), skipna=True)

    if ds_count is not None:
        ds_count = ds_count.rename(
            name_dict=dict({v: f"{v}_count"
                            for v in ds_count.data_vars}))

    if ds_stdev is not None:
        ds_stdev = ds_stdev.rename(
            name_dict=dict({v: f"{v}_stdev"
                            for v in ds_stdev.data_vars}))

    if ds_count is not None and ds_stdev is not None:
        ts_dataset = xr.merge([ds_mean, ds_stdev, ds_count])
    elif ds_count is not None:
        ts_dataset = xr.merge([ds_mean, ds_count])
    elif ds_stdev is not None:
        ts_dataset = xr.merge([ds_mean, ds_stdev])
        ts_dataset = ds_mean

    ts_dataset = ts_dataset.assign_attrs(

    return ts_dataset
Exemple #7
def resample_in_time(cube: xr.Dataset,
                     frequency: str,
                     method: Union[str, Sequence[str]],
                     base: int = 0,
                     var_names: Sequence[str] = None,
                     metadata: Dict[str, Any] = None,
                     cube_asserted: bool = False) -> xr.Dataset:
    Resample a xcube dataset in the time dimension.

    :param cube: The xcube dataset.
    :param frequency: Temporal aggregation frequency. Use format "<count><offset>"
        "where <offset> is one of 'H', 'D', 'W', 'M', 'Q', 'Y'.
    :param method: Resampling method or sequence of resampling methods.
    :param offset: Offset used to adjust the resampled time labels.
        Uses same syntax as *frequency*.
    :param base: For frequencies that evenly subdivide 1 day, the "origin" of the
        aggregated intervals. For example, for '24H' frequency, base could range from 0 through 23.
    :param time_chunk_size: If not None, the chunk size to be used for the "time" dimension.
    :param var_names: Variable names to include.
    :param tolerance: Time tolerance for selective upsampling methods. Defaults to *frequency*.
    :param interp_kind: Kind of interpolation if *method* is 'interpolation'.
    :param metadata: Output metadata.
    :param cube_asserted: If False, *cube* will be verified, otherwise it is expected to be a valid cube.
    :return: A new xcube dataset resampled in time.
    if not cube_asserted:

    if var_names:
        cube = select_vars(cube, var_names)

    resampler = cube.resample(skipna=True,

    if isinstance(method, str):
        methods = [method]
        methods = list(method)

    resampled_cubes = []
    for method in methods:
        resampling_method = getattr(resampler, method)
        kwargs = get_method_kwargs(method, frequency, interp_kind, tolerance)
        resampled_cube = resampling_method(**kwargs)
        resampled_cube = resampled_cube.rename(
            {var_name: f'{var_name}_{method}' for var_name in resampled_cube.data_vars})

    if len(resampled_cubes) == 1:
        resampled_cube = resampled_cubes[0]
        resampled_cube = xr.merge(resampled_cubes)

    # TODO: add time_bnds to resampled_ds
    time_coverage_start = '%s' % cube.time[0]
    time_coverage_end = '%s' % cube.time[-1]

    resampled_cube.attrs.update(metadata or {})
    # TODO: add other time_coverage_ attributes

    schema = CubeSchema.new(cube)
    chunk_sizes = {schema.dims[i]: schema.chunks[i] for i in range(schema.ndim)}

    if isinstance(time_chunk_size, int) and time_chunk_size >= 0:
        chunk_sizes['time'] = time_chunk_size

    return resampled_cube.chunk(chunk_sizes)