Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, label: str, total_work: float):
     assert_given(label, 'label')
     assert_condition(total_work > 0,
                      'total_work must be greater than zero')
     self.label = label
     self.total_work = total_work
     self.state: Optional[ProgressState] = None
Exemple #2
    def from_code(cls,
                  *code: Union[str, Callable],
                  callable_name: str = None,
                  module_name: str = None,
                  callable_params: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> 'CodeConfig':
        Create a code configuration from the given *code* which may be
        given as one or more plain text strings or callables.

        This will create a configuration that uses an inline
        ``code_string`` which contains the source code.

        :param code: The code.
        :param callable_name: The callable name.
            If not given, will be inferred from first callable.
            Otherwise it defaults to "process_dataset".
        :param module_name: The module name. If not given,
            defaults to "user_code".
        :param callable_params: The parameters passed
            as keyword-arguments to the callable.
        :return: A new code configuration.
        assert_given(code, 'code')
        inline_code, callable_ref = _normalize_inline_code(
            code, module_name=module_name, callable_name=callable_name)
        return CodeConfig(callable_ref=callable_ref,
Exemple #3
    def on_end(self, state_stack: Sequence[ProgressState]):
        assert_given(state_stack, name="state_stack")
        self._state_stack = state_stack
        self._current_sender = "on_end"

        if self._running and len(state_stack) == 1:
Exemple #4
    def from_file_set(cls,
                      file_set: Union[FileSet, str, Any],
                      callable_ref: str,
                      install_required: Optional[bool] = None,
                      callable_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) \
            -> 'CodeConfig':
        Create a code configuration from a file set.

        :param file_set: The file set.
            May be a path or a :class:FileSet instance.
        :param callable_ref: Reference to the callable in the *file_set*,
            must have form "<module-name>:<callable-name>"
        :param install_required: Whether the *file_set* is
            a package that must be installed.
        :param callable_params: Parameters to be passed
            as keyword-arguments to the the callable.
        :return: A new code configuration.
        assert_given(file_set, 'file_set')
        assert_given(callable_ref, 'callable_ref')
        return CodeConfig(callable_ref=callable_ref,
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, **store_params):
     self._s3, store_params = S3Mixin.consume_s3fs_params(store_params)
     self._bucket_name, store_params = S3Mixin.consume_bucket_name_param(
     assert_given(self._bucket_name, 'bucket_name')
         not store_params,
         f'Unknown keyword arguments: {", ".join(store_params.keys())}')
Exemple #6
 def _assert_valid_type_specifier(cls, type_specifier: Optional[str]):
     assert_given(type_specifier, 'type_specifier')
     base_type_specifier = cls._get_base_type_specifier()
     if not base_type_specifier.is_satisfied_by(type_specifier):
         raise ValueError(
             'type_specifier must satisfy'
             f' type specifier "{base_type_specifier}", but was "{type_specifier}"'
Exemple #7
 def has_data(self, data_id: str, type_specifier: str = None) -> bool:
     assert_given(data_id, 'data_id')
     actual_type_specifier = self._get_type_specifier_for_data_id(data_id)
     if actual_type_specifier is not None:
         if type_specifier is None or actual_type_specifier.satisfies(
             path = self._resolve_data_id_to_path(data_id)
             return os.path.exists(path)
     return False
Exemple #8
 def has_data(self, data_id: str, type_specifier: str = None) -> bool:
     assert_given(data_id, 'data_id')
     if data_id not in self._data_dict:
         return False
     if type_specifier is not None:
         data_type_specifier = get_type_specifier(self._data_dict[data_id])
         if data_type_specifier is None or not data_type_specifier.satisfies(
             return False
     return True
Exemple #9
 def _get_accessor_id_parts(cls,
                            data_id: str,
                            require=True) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str, str]]:
     assert_given(data_id, 'data_id')
     _, ext = os.path.splitext(data_id)
     accessor_id_parts = _FILENAME_EXT_TO_ACCESSOR_ID_PARTS.get(ext)
     if not accessor_id_parts and require:
         raise DataStoreError(
             f'A dataset named "{data_id}" is not supported')
     return accessor_id_parts
Exemple #10
 def __init__(self,
              data_id: str,
              num_levels: int,
              type_specifier: Union[
                  str, TypeSpecifier] = TYPE_SPECIFIER_MULTILEVEL_DATASET,
     assert_given(data_id, 'data_id')
     assert_given(num_levels, 'num_levels')
     self.num_levels = num_levels
Exemple #11
 def __init__(self,
              store_id: str,
              store_params: Dict[str, Any] = None,
              title: str = None,
              description: str = None):
     assert_given(store_id, name='store_id')
     if store_params is not None:
         assert_instance(store_params, dict, name='store_params')
     self._store_id = store_id
     self._store_params = store_params
     self._title = title
     self._description = description
Exemple #12
 def _guess_accessor_id_parts(self, data_id: str, require=True) \
         -> Optional[Tuple[str, str, str]]:
     assert_given(data_id, 'data_id')
     ext = self._get_filename_ext(data_id)
     data_type_alias = _FILENAME_EXT_TO_DATA_TYPE_ALIAS.get(ext)
     format_name = _FILENAME_EXT_TO_FORMAT.get(ext)
     if data_type_alias is None or format is None:
         if require:
             raise DataStoreError(f'Cannot determine data type for '
                                  f' data resource {data_id!r}')
         return None
     return data_type_alias, format_name, self.protocol
Exemple #13
 def __init__(self,
              name: str,
              dtype: str,
              dims: Sequence[str],
              attrs: Mapping[str, any] = None):
     assert_given(name, 'name')
     assert_given(dtype, 'dtype')
     self.name = name
     self.dtype = dtype
     self.dims = tuple(dims)
     self.ndim = len(self.dims)
     self.attrs = _convert_nans_to_none(
         dict(attrs)) if attrs is not None else None
Exemple #14
 def __init__(self,
              store_id: str = None,
              opener_id: str = None,
              data_id: str = None,
              store_params: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
              open_params: Mapping[str, Any] = None):
     assert_condition(store_id or opener_id,
                      'One of store_id and opener_id must be given')
     assert_given(data_id, 'data_id')
     self.store_id = store_id
     self.opener_id = opener_id
     self.data_id = data_id
     self.store_params = store_params or {}
     self.open_params = open_params or {}
Exemple #15
 def __init__(self,
              data_id: str,
              num_levels: int,
              data_type: DataTypeLike = MULTI_LEVEL_DATASET_TYPE,
     assert_given(data_id, 'data_id')
     assert_given(num_levels, 'num_levels')
     super().__init__(data_id=data_id, data_type=data_type, **kwargs)
         f'illegal data_type,'
         f' must be compatible with {MULTI_LEVEL_DATASET_TYPE!r}')
     self.num_levels = num_levels
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self,
              label: str,
              total_work: float,
              interval: float = 0.1,
              initial_interval: float = 0):
     assert_given(label, 'label')
     assert_condition(total_work > 0, 'total_work must be greater than zero')
     self._label = label
     self._total_work = total_work
     self._state: Optional[ProgressState] = None
     self._initial_interval = initial_interval
     self._interval = interval
     self._last_worked = 0
     self._running = False
Exemple #17
def _normalize_int_pair(
    value: Any,
    name: str = None,
    default: Optional[Tuple[int,
                            int]] = UNDEFINED) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
    if isinstance(value, int):
        return value, value
    elif value is not None:
        x, y = value
        return int(x), int(y)
    elif default != UNDEFINED:
        return default
        assert_given(name, 'name')
        raise ValueError(f'{name} must be an int'
                         f' or a sequence of two ints')
Exemple #18
def _normalize_number_pair(
    value: Any,
    name: str = None,
    default: Optional[Tuple[Number, Number]] = UNDEFINED
) -> Optional[Tuple[Number, Number]]:
    if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
        x, y = value, value
        return _to_int_or_float(x), _to_int_or_float(y)
    elif value is not None:
        x, y = value
        return _to_int_or_float(x), _to_int_or_float(y)
    elif default != UNDEFINED:
        return default
        assert_given(name, 'name')
        raise ValueError(f'{name} must be a number'
                         f' or a sequence of two numbers')
Exemple #19
def new_data_writer(writer_id: str,
                    extension_registry: Optional[ExtensionRegistry] = None,
                    **writer_params) -> 'DataWriter':
    Get an instance of the data writer identified by *writer_id*.

    The optional, extra writer parameters *writer_params* may be used by data store
    (``xcube.core.store.DataStore``) implementations so they can share their internal state with the writer.

    :param writer_id: The data writer identifier.
    :param extension_registry: Optional extension registry. If not given, the global extension registry will be used.
    :param writer_params: Extra writer parameters.
    :return: A data writer instance.
    assert_given(writer_id, 'writer_id')
    extension_registry = extension_registry or get_extension_registry()
    return extension_registry.get_component(EXTENSION_POINT_DATA_WRITERS,
Exemple #20
 def __init__(self,
              data_id: str,
              type_specifier: Union[str, TypeSpecifier],
              crs: str = None,
              bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None,
              spatial_res: float = None,
              time_range: Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]] = None,
              time_period: str = None,
              open_params_schema: JsonObjectSchema = None):
     assert_given(data_id, 'data_id')
     self.data_id = data_id
     self.type_specifier = TypeSpecifier.normalize(type_specifier)
     self.crs = crs
     self.bbox = tuple(bbox) if bbox else None
     self.spatial_res = spatial_res
     self.time_range = tuple(time_range) if time_range else None
     self.time_period = time_period
     self.open_params_schema = open_params_schema
Exemple #21
    def from_callable(cls,
                      _callable: Callable,
                      callable_params: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> 'CodeConfig':
        Create a code configuration from the callable *_callable*.

        Note, the resulting code configuration is only
        valid in a local context. It cannot be JSON-serialized.

        To pass such configurations to a service, convert it first
        using the :meth:to_service first.

        :param _callable: A function or class
        :param callable_params: The parameters passed
            as keyword-arguments to the callable.
        :return: A new code configuration.
        assert_given(_callable, '_callable')
        return CodeConfig(_callable=_callable, callable_params=callable_params)
Exemple #22
    def callback(self, sender: str, elapsed: float,
                 state_stack: Sequence[ProgressState]):
        assert_given(state_stack, "ProgressStates")
        state = state_stack[0]
        callback = {
            "sender": sender,
            "state": {
                "label": state.label,
                "total_work": state.total_work,
                "error": state.exc_info_text or False,
                "progress": state.progress,
                "elapsed": elapsed,
        callback_api_uri = self.callback_config.api_uri
        callback_api_access_token = self.callback_config.access_token
        header = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {callback_api_access_token}"}

        return requests.put(callback_api_uri, json=callback, headers=header)
Exemple #23
 def __init__(self,
              name: str,
              dtype: str,
              dims: Sequence[str],
              chunks: Sequence[int] = None,
              attrs: Mapping[Hashable, any] = None,
     assert_given(name, 'name')
     assert_given(dtype, 'dtype')
     assert_not_none(dims, 'dims')
     if additional_properties:
         warnings.warn(f'Additional properties received;'
                       f' will be ignored: {additional_properties}')
     self.name = name
     self.dtype = dtype
     self.dims = tuple(dims)
     self.chunks = tuple(chunks) if chunks else None
     self.attrs = _attrs_to_json(attrs) if attrs else None
Exemple #24
    def from_github_archive(cls,
                            gh_org: str,
                            gh_repo: str,
                            gh_tag: str,
                            gh_release: str,
                            callable_ref: str,
                            callable_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                            gh_username: Optional[str] = None,
                            gh_token: Optional[str] = None):
        Create a code configuration from a GitHub archive.

        :param gh_org: GitHub organisation name or user name
        :param gh_repo:  GitHub repository name
        :param gh_tag: GitHub release tag
        :param gh_release: The name of a GitHub release. It is used to
            form the sub-path into the archive. The sub-path has the form
        :param callable_ref: Reference to the callable in the *file_set*,
            must have form "<module-name>:<callable-name>"
        :param callable_params: Parameters to be passed
            as keyword-arguments to the the callable.
        :param gh_username: Optional GitHub user name.
        :param gh_token: Optional GitHub user name.
        assert_given(gh_org, 'gh_org')
        assert_given(gh_org, 'gh_repo')
        assert_given(gh_org, 'gh_tag')
        assert_given(gh_org, 'gh_release')
        gh_url = f'https://github.com/{gh_org}/{gh_repo}/archive/{gh_tag}.zip'
        gh_sub_path = f'{gh_repo}-{gh_release}'
        gh_params = None
        if gh_token is not None:
            gh_params = dict(token=gh_token, username=gh_username or gh_org)
        elif gh_username is not None:
            assert_given(gh_token, 'gh_token')  # fails always
        return CodeConfig(file_set=FileSet(gh_url,
Exemple #25
 def __init__(self,
              path: str,
              sub_path: str = None,
              includes: Collection[str] = None,
              excludes: Collection[str] = None,
              storage_params: Dict[str, Any] = None):
     assert_instance(path, str, 'path')
     assert_given(path, 'path')
     if sub_path is not None:
         assert_instance(sub_path, str, 'sub_path')
     self._path = path
     self._sub_path = sub_path
     self._storage_params = dict(
         storage_params) if storage_params is not None else None
     self._includes = list(includes) if includes is not None else None
     self._excludes = list(excludes) if excludes is not None else None
     # computed members
     self._include_patterns = _translate_patterns(includes or [])
     self._exclude_patterns = _translate_patterns(excludes or [])
     # cached, computed members
     self._details: Optional[_FileSetDetails] = None
Exemple #26
 def __init__(self,
              data_id: str,
              data_type: DataTypeLike,
              crs: str = None,
              bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None,
              time_range: Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]] = None,
              time_period: str = None,
              open_params_schema: JsonObjectSchema = None,
     assert_given(data_id, 'data_id')
     if additional_properties:
         warnings.warn(f'Additional properties received;'
                       f' will be ignored: {additional_properties}')
     self.data_id = data_id
     self.data_type = DataType.normalize(data_type)
     self.crs = crs
     self.bbox = tuple(bbox) if bbox else None
     self.time_range = tuple(time_range) if time_range else None
     self.time_period = time_period
     self.open_params_schema = open_params_schema
Exemple #27
def select_temporal_subset(dataset: xr.Dataset,
                           time_range: TimeRange,
                           time_name: str = 'time') -> xr.Dataset:
    Select a temporal subset from *dataset* given *time_range*.

    :param dataset: The dataset. Must include time
    :param time_range: Time range given as two time stamps
        (start, end) that may be (ISO) strings or datetime objects.
    :param time_name: optional name of the time coordinate variable.
        Defaults to "time".
    assert_given(time_range, 'time_range')
    time_name = time_name or 'time'
    if time_name not in dataset:
        raise ValueError(f'cannot compute temporal subset: variable'
                         f' "{time_name}" not found in dataset')
    time_1, time_2 = time_range
    time_1 = pd.to_datetime(time_1) if time_1 is not None else None
    time_2 = pd.to_datetime(time_2) if time_2 is not None else None
    if time_1 is None and time_2 is None:
        return dataset
    if time_2 is not None:
        delta = time_2 - time_2.floor('1D')
        if delta == pd.Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00'):
            time_2 += pd.Timedelta('1D')
        return dataset.sel({time_name or 'time': slice(time_1, time_2)})
    except TypeError:
        calendar = dataset.time.encoding.get('calendar')
        time_1 = cftime.datetime(time_1.year,
        time_2 = cftime.datetime(time_2.year,
        return dataset.sel({time_name or 'time': slice(time_1, time_2)})
Exemple #28
def new_data_opener(opener_id: str,
                    extension_registry: Optional[ExtensionRegistry] = None,
                    **opener_params) -> 'DataOpener':
    Get an instance of the data opener identified by *opener_id*.

    The optional, extra opener parameters *opener_params* may
    be used by data store (``xcube.core.store.DataStore``)
    implementations so they can share their internal state with the opener.

    :param opener_id: The data opener identifier.
    :param extension_registry: Optional extension registry.
        If not given, the global extension registry will be used.
    :param opener_params: Extra opener parameters.
    :return: A data opener instance.
    assert_given(opener_id, 'opener_id')
    extension_registry = extension_registry or get_extension_registry()
    if not extension_registry.has_extension(EXTENSION_POINT_DATA_OPENERS,
        raise DataStoreError(f'A data opener named'
                             f' {opener_id!r} is not registered')
    return extension_registry.get_component(EXTENSION_POINT_DATA_OPENERS,
Exemple #29
 def __init__(self,
              variable_names: Sequence[str] = None,
              crs: str = None,
              bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None,
              spatial_res: float = None,
              time_range: Tuple[str, Optional[str]] = None,
              time_period: str = None):
     assert_given(variable_names, 'variable_names')
     assert_given(bbox, 'bbox')
     assert_given(spatial_res, 'spatial_res')
     assert_given(time_range, 'time_range')
     self.variable_names = tuple(variable_names)
     self.crs = str(crs)
     self.bbox = tuple(bbox)
     self.spatial_res = float(spatial_res)
     self.time_range = tuple(time_range)
     self.time_period = str(time_period)
Exemple #30
 def __init__(self,
              input_config: InputConfig = None,
              input_configs: Sequence[InputConfig] = None,
              cube_config: CubeConfig = None,
              output_config: OutputConfig = None,
              callback_config: Optional[CallbackConfig] = None):
         input_config or input_configs,
         'one of input_config and input_configs must be given')
         not (input_config and input_configs),
         'input_config and input_configs cannot be given both')
     if input_config:
         input_configs = [input_config]
     assert_given(input_configs, 'input_configs')
     assert_given(cube_config, 'cube_config')
     assert_given(output_config, 'output_config')
     self.input_configs = input_configs
     self.cube_config = cube_config
     self.output_config = output_config
     self.callback_config = callback_config