def serve(cube: List[str], address: str, port: int, prefix: str, name: str, update_period: float, styles: str, config: str, tile_cache_size: str, tile_comp_mode: int, show: bool, verbose: bool, trace_perf: bool, aws_prof: str, aws_env: bool): """ Serve data cubes via web service. Serves data cubes by a RESTful API and a OGC WMTS 1.0 RESTful and KVP interface. The RESTful API documentation can be found at """ from xcube.cli.common import parse_cli_kwargs import os.path prefix = prefix or name if config and cube: raise click.ClickException( "CONFIG and CUBES cannot be used at the same time.") if styles: styles = parse_cli_kwargs(styles, "STYLES") if (aws_prof or aws_env) and not cube: raise click.ClickException( "AWS credentials are only valid in combination with given CUBE argument(s)." ) from xcube.version import version from xcube.webapi.defaults import SERVER_NAME, SERVER_DESCRIPTION print(f'{SERVER_NAME}: {SERVER_DESCRIPTION}, version {version}') if show: _run_viewer() from import new_application from xcube.webapi.service import Service service = Service(new_application( prefix, os.path.dirname(config) if config else '.'), prefix=prefix, port=port, address=address, cube_paths=cube, styles=styles, config_file=config, tile_cache_size=tile_cache_size, tile_comp_mode=tile_comp_mode, update_period=update_period, log_to_stderr=verbose, trace_perf=trace_perf, aws_prof=aws_prof, aws_env=aws_env) service.start() return 0
def serve(cubes: List[str], address: str, port: int, prefix: str, name: str, update: float, styles: str, config: str, tilecache: str, tilemode: int, show: bool, verbose: bool, traceperf: bool): """ Serve data cubes via web service. Serves data cubes by a RESTful API and a OGC WMTS 1.0 RESTful and KVP interface. The RESTful API documentation can be found at """ from xcube.util.cliutil import parse_cli_kwargs prefix = prefix or name if config and cubes: raise click.ClickException( "CONFIG and CUBES cannot be used at the same time.") if styles: styles = parse_cli_kwargs(styles, "STYLES") from xcube.version import version from xcube.webapi.defaults import SERVER_NAME, SERVER_DESCRIPTION print(f'{SERVER_NAME}: {SERVER_DESCRIPTION}, version {version}') if show: _run_viewer() from import new_application from xcube.webapi.service import Service service = Service(new_application(prefix), prefix=prefix, port=port, address=address, cube_paths=cubes, styles=styles, config_file=config, tile_cache_size=tilecache, tile_comp_mode=tilemode, update_period=update, log_to_stderr=verbose, trace_perf=traceperf) service.start() return 0
def get_app(self): application = new_application() application.service_context = CTX return application
def serve(cube: List[str], address: str, port: int, prefix: str, reverse_prefix: str, update_period: float, styles: str, config_file: str, base_dir: str, tile_cache_size: str, tile_comp_mode: int, show: bool, verbose: bool, trace_perf: bool, aws_prof: str, aws_env: bool): """ Serve data cubes via web service. Serves data cubes by a RESTful API and a OGC WMTS 1.0 RESTful and KVP interface. The RESTful API documentation can be found at """ from xcube.cli.common import parse_cli_kwargs import os.path if config_file and cube: raise click.ClickException( "CONFIG and CUBES cannot be used at the same time.") if not config_file and not cube: config_file = os.environ.get(CONFIG_ENV_VAR) if styles: styles = parse_cli_kwargs(styles, "STYLES") if (aws_prof or aws_env) and not cube: raise click.ClickException( "AWS credentials are only valid in combination with given CUBE argument(s)." ) if config_file and not os.path.isfile(config_file): raise click.ClickException( f"Configuration file not found: {config_file}") base_dir = base_dir or os.environ.get( BASE_ENV_VAR, config_file and os.path.dirname(config_file)) or '.' if not os.path.isdir(base_dir): raise click.ClickException(f"Base directory not found: {base_dir}") from xcube.version import version from xcube.webapi.defaults import SERVER_NAME, SERVER_DESCRIPTION print(f'{SERVER_NAME}: {SERVER_DESCRIPTION}, version {version}') if show: _run_viewer() from import new_application application = new_application(route_prefix=prefix, base_dir=base_dir) from xcube.webapi.service import Service service = Service(application, prefix=reverse_prefix or prefix, port=port, address=address, cube_paths=cube, styles=styles, config_file=config_file, base_dir=base_dir, tile_cache_size=tile_cache_size, tile_comp_mode=tile_comp_mode, update_period=update_period, log_to_stderr=verbose, trace_perf=trace_perf, aws_prof=aws_prof, aws_env=aws_env) service.start() return 0