Exemple #1
def isAdminHaveModules(offset1):
    if offset1 in (
        return True
    if offset1 in ('offlinestorage', ) and hasFunctional('offlineStorage'):
        return True
    if offset1 in ('user', ) and not hasFunctional('nouser_mgr'):
        return True
    if offset1 in (
    ) and (is_functional_visible('importExport')):
        return True
    return False
Exemple #2
def getserverid(request):
    agentserverid = request.GET.get('agentserverid', 'none')
    if hasFunctional('clw_desktop_aio'):
        if _is_dest_host_in_audit(agentserverid):
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'r': 2, 'e': '恢复目标正在等待审批'}, ensure_ascii=False))
    rspn = Agent2Pe().post(request=request, host_ident=agentserverid, api_request={})
    if status.is_success(rspn.status_code):
        return HttpResponse('{"r":"0","e":"操作成功","serverid":"%s","destserverid":"%s"}' % (agentserverid, rspn.data))

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'r': 1, 'e': rspn.data}, ensure_ascii=False))
Exemple #3
def modifyfileText(tfile, sstr, rstr):
        file_object = open(tfile, 'r')
        lines = file_object.readlines()
        flen = len(lines)
        for i in range(flen):
            if sstr in lines[i]:
                lines[i] = lines[i].replace(sstr, rstr)
        file_object = open(tfile, 'w')
        if hasFunctional('closeagentcompress'):
    except Exception as e:
Exemple #4
def ON_createNewHost(user_id, host_ident):
    if not hasFunctional('clw_desktop_aio'):
    storage_node_ident = _get_storage_node_ident(user_id)
    if storage_node_ident is None:
        # 没有存储节点

    host_group = HostGroup.objects.filter(name=all_host_group_name, user_id=user_id)
    if host_group:
        host_group = host_group.first()
        host_group = HostGroup.objects.create(name=all_host_group_name, user_id=user_id)
    host = Host.objects.get(ident=host_ident)

    gs_list = GroupBackupTaskSchedule.objects.filter(host_group=host_group)
    # 创建备份计划
    if gs_list:
        gs = gs_list.first()
        schedule = gs.schedules.first()
        hostId = host.id
        planName = '{}({})'.format(gs.name, uuid.uuid4().hex)
        params = {"host": hostId, "name": planName, "storage_device_type": 1,
                  "cycle_type": schedule.cycle_type, "plan_start_date": schedule.plan_start_date,
                  "backup_source_type": schedule.backup_source_type, "ext_config": schedule.ext_config,
                  'storage_node_ident': schedule.storage_node_ident, 'enabled': schedule.enabled}
        respn = BackupTaskSchedules().post(request=None, api_request=params)
        plan_id = respn.data['id']
        gs = GroupBackupTaskSchedule.objects.create(name="自动创建的备份计划",
        hostId = host.id
        planName = '{}({})'.format(gs.name, uuid.uuid4().hex)
        ext_config = r'{"backupDataHoldDays": 30, "backupLeastNumber": 5, "autoCleanDataWhenlt": 200, "cdpDataHoldDays": 7, "maxBroadband": 300, "cdpSynchAsynch": 1, "backupDayInterval": 86400, "daysInWeek": [], "daysInMonth": [], "removeDuplicatesInSystemFolder": true, "incMode": 2, "exclude": [], "IntervalUnit": "day", "data_keeps_deadline_unit": "month", "diskreadthreadcount": 4, "backup_retry": {"enable": true, "count": 5, "interval": 10}, "BackupIOPercentage": 30, "nas_protocol": null, "nas_username": null, "nas_password": null, "nas_exclude_dir": null, "nas_path": null, "enum_threads": -1, "sync_threads": -1, "cores": -1, "memory_mbytes": -1, "net_limit": -1, "enum_level": -1, "sync_queue_maxsize": -1, "nas_max_space_val": -1, "nas_max_space_unit": "", "nas_max_space_actual": -1}'
        params = {"host": hostId, "name": planName, "storage_device_type": 1,
                  "cycle_type": BackupTaskSchedule.CYCLE_PERDAY, "plan_start_date": timezone.now(),
                  "backup_source_type": BackupTaskSchedule.BACKUP_DISKS, "ext_config": ext_config,
                  'storage_node_ident': storage_node_ident, 'enabled': True}
        respn = BackupTaskSchedules().post(request=None, api_request=params)
        plan_id = respn.data['id']
Exemple #5
def get_oem_info():
    oem = dict()
    oem_ini_path = r'/var/www/static/OEM/oem.ini'
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        config.read(oem_ini_path, 'gb2312')
    except Exception as e:
        config.read(oem_ini_path, 'utf-8')
    if 'res' not in config:
        config['res'] = dict()
    topsecret = config['res']
    if hasFunctional('clw_desktop_aio'):
        oem['title'] = topsecret.get("title", "科力锐桌面保障恢复系统")
        oem['base_html'] = topsecret.get("base_html", "_base_desktop.html")
        oem['title'] = topsecret.get("title", "智动全景灾备系统")
        oem['base_html'] = topsecret.get("base_html", "_base.html")
    oem['company'] = topsecret.get("company", "科力锐")
    oem['prefix'] = topsecret.get("prefix", "ClwDR")
    return oem
Exemple #6
def needloginview(request, offset1, offset2, param):
    adict = dict()
    set_response_context(request, offset1, offset2, adict)
    adict['title'] = param['title']
    adict['company'] = param['company']
    adict['right_body'] = offset1 + '_body'
    adict['is_superuser'] = request.user.is_superuser
    if request.user.is_superuser:
        user_type = 'sec-admin'
        user_type = request.user.userprofile.user_type
    adict['user_type'] = user_type
    if adict['user_type'] == 'sec-admin':
        if get_separation_of_the_three_members(
            adict['user_type_name'] = '安全保密管理员'
        elif hasFunctional('clw_desktop_aio'):
            adict['user_type_name'] = '系统管理员'
            adict['user_type_name'] = '超级管理员'
    elif adict['user_type'] == 'normal-admin':
        if hasFunctional('clw_desktop_aio'):
            adict['user_type_name'] = '业务管理员'
            adict['user_type_name'] = '系统管理员'
    elif adict['user_type'] == 'aud-admin':
        adict['user_type_name'] = '安全审计管理员'
    elif adict['user_type'] == 'audit-admin':
        adict['user_type_name'] = '验证/恢复审批管理员'
        adict['user_type_name'] = 'unknown({})'.format(adict['user_type'])

    url = offset1 + offset2 + '.html'
    if not request.user.is_active or isSessionTimeout(request):
        return user_logout(request, adict)

    if offset2 != '_handle' and request.user.is_active and hasattr(
            request.user, 'userprofile'):
        if request.user.userprofile.user_type == UserProfile.CONTENT_ADMIN:  # 拦截: 内容管理员, 且访问非_handle
            if 'modify_entry' in request.GET:  # 用户选择指定的"入口地址"
                entry_id = request.GET['modify_entry']
                return start_one_modify_task(request, entry_id)
            else:  # 获取用户可用的"入口地址"
                entries = request.user.modify_entries.all()
                admin = request.user.username
                return render(request, 'webcontentmodifyentries.html', {
                    'entries': entries,
                    'admin': admin

    if offset2 == '_body':
        if offset1 == 'home':
            if user_type == 'audit-admin':
                url = 'audittask_body.html'
        no_license = '(未授权)'
        adict['now'] = timezone.now()
        if offset1 in ('createbackup', 'mgrbackup', 'taskpolicy',
                'remove_duplicates_in_system_folder_available'] = is_functional_available(
        if offset1 in ('createbackup', 'mgrbackup', 'taskpolicy', 'restore'):
            adict['backupobj'] = hasFunctional('backupobj')
            adict['page'] = offset1
        if offset1 in ('validate', 'restore', 'takeover'):
            if not is_functional_available('takeover'):
                adict['takeover_license'] = no_license
            adict['smbencrypt'] = hasFunctional('smbencrypt')
            adict['temporary_takeover_visible'] = is_functional_visible(
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 65536 * 128 and is_functional_visible(
                adict['takeover'] = True
                adict['takeover'] = False
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 8:
                adict['createtemplate'] = True
                adict['createtemplate'] = False

        if offset1 in (
            adict['no_fast_boot'] = hasFunctional('no_fast_boot')
            adict['no_host_validate'] = hasFunctional('clw_desktop_aio')
        if offset1 == 'validate':
            adict['page'] = 'validate'
            url = 'restore' + offset2 + '.html'
        if offset1 == 'browsepoint':
            adict['pointid'] = request.GET.get('pointid', 'none')
        if offset1 == 'operationlog' or offset1 == 'serverlog':
            adict['search'] = 1
            adict['export'] = 1
            adict['del'] = 1
            adict['delall'] = 1
            adict['log_entries'] = list(HostLog.LOG_TYPE_CHOICES)
        if offset1 == 'operationlog' and not request.user.is_superuser:
            adict['search'] = 0
            adict['export'] = 0
            adict['del'] = 0
            adict['delall'] = 0
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 8192:
                adict['search'] = 1
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 16384:
                adict['export'] = 1
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 32768:
                adict['del'] = 1
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 65536:
                adict['delall'] = 1
        if offset1 == 'serverlog' and not request.user.is_superuser:
            adict['search'] = 0
            adict['export'] = 0
            adict['del'] = 0
            adict['delall'] = 0
            adict['tasktype'] = request.GET.get('tasktype', default='')
            adict['taskid'] = request.GET.get('taskid', default='')
            adict['servername'] = request.GET.get('servername', default='')
            adict['stime'] = request.GET.get('stime', default='')
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 512:
                adict['search'] = 1
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 1024:
                adict['export'] = 1
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 2048:
                adict['del'] = 1
            if request.user.userprofile.modules & 4096:
                adict['delall'] = 1
        if offset1 == 'operationlog' and not request.user.is_superuser and request.user.userprofile.user_type == UserProfile.AUD_ADMIN:
            adict['search'] = 1
            adict['export'] = 1
        if offset1 == 'operationlog':
            if get_separation_of_the_three_members(
                adict['separation_of_the_three_members'] = 1
            if request.user.is_superuser:
                adict['user_type'] = 'sec-admin'
                adict['user_type'] = request.user.userprofile.user_type
        if offset1 in (
            # 覆盖上面的设置
            if get_separation_of_the_three_members().is_cannot_del_log():
                adict['del'] = 0
                adict['delall'] = 0
        if offset1 in (
            adict['remotebackup_license'] = ''
            if not is_functional_available('remotebackup'):
                adict['remotebackup_license'] = no_license
        if offset1 in (
            adict['hotBackup_license'] = ''
            if not is_functional_available('hotBackup'):
                adict['hotBackup_license'] = no_license
        if offset1 in ('clusterbackup', ):
            adict['clusterbackup_license'] = ''
            if not is_functional_available('clusterbackup'):
                adict['clusterbackup_license'] = no_license
        if offset1 in (
            adict['vmwarebackup_visible'] = is_functional_visible(
            if offset1 == 'serversmgr':
                if not request.user.userprofile.modules & 65536 * 512:
                    adict['vmwarebackup_visible'] = False
        if offset1 in ('license', ):
            from xdashboard.handle.authorize.authorize_init import AIO_NET_LIC_FLAG_FILE
            if os.path.isfile(AIO_NET_LIC_FLAG_FILE):
                adict['license_type'] = 'www'
                adict['license_name'] = '互联网授权'
            elif os.path.isfile(r'/usr/lib64/test_v2.so'):
                adict['license_type'] = 'tdog'
                adict['license_name'] = '加密狗授权'
                adict['license_type'] = 'aio'
                adict['license_name'] = ''
        if request.user.is_superuser:
            if isAdminHaveModules(offset1):
                return render_to_response(url, adict)
        elif request.user.userprofile.user_type == UserProfile.AUD_ADMIN:
            if isAudAdminHaveModules(offset1):
                return render_to_response(url, adict)
        elif request.user.userprofile.user_type == UserProfile.AUDIT_ADMIN:
            if isAuditAdminHaveModules(offset1):
                return render_to_response(url, adict)
        elif type(request.user.userprofile.modules) == type(1):
            if isHaveModules(offset1, request.user.userprofile.modules,
                return render_to_response(url, adict)
        return HttpResponse('<div class="right">没有权限</div>')

    if offset2 == '_handle':
        result = handleview(request, offset1)
        result['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
        return result

    if offset1 == 'novnc':
        adict['id'] = request.GET['id']
        return render_to_response("novnc.html", adict)

    if offset1 == 'vnclite':
        return render_to_response("vnc_lite.html", adict)

    aList = list()
    syspower = CSyspower()
    aList = syspower.getSyspowerList(request.user)
    adict['menulist'] = aList
    if 'aioversion' in request.session:
        adict['version'] = request.session['aioversion']
        request.session['aioversion'] = getAIOVersion()
        adict['version'] = request.session['aioversion']
    adict['now'] = timezone.now()
    adict['nolinux'] = hasFunctional('nolinux')
    add_recently_login_status(request, adict)
    get_pwd_expire(request, adict)
    adict['loginusername'] = request.user.username
    adict['loginrealname'] = request.user.first_name
    if os.path.isfile(r'/var/www/static/OEM/top_bg1.png'):
        adict['top_bg1'] = r'/static/OEM/top_bg1.png'
        adict['top_bg1'] = r'/static/images/top_bg1.png'
    if os.path.isfile(r'/var/www/static/OEM/top_bg2.png'):
        adict['top_bg2'] = r'/static/OEM/top_bg2.png'
        adict['top_bg2'] = r'/static/images/top_bg2.png'
    if os.path.isfile(r'/var/www/static/OEM/top_bg3.png'):
        adict['top_bg3'] = r'/static/OEM/top_bg3.png'
        adict['top_bg3'] = r'/static/images/top_bg3.png'

    oem_info = json.loads(request.session['oem'])
    return render_to_response(oem_info['base_html'], adict)
Exemple #7
def isHaveModules(offset1, modules, user_type):
    if offset1 in (
        return True
    elif offset1 == 'webhome' and is_functional_visible('webguard'):
        if modules & 65536 * 32:
            return True
    elif offset1 in ('createbackup', 'mgrbackup', 'taskpolicy',
        if offset1 == 'clusterbackup' and (
                not is_functional_visible('clusterbackup')
                or not modules & 65536 * 2048):
            return False
        if modules & 2:
            return True
    elif offset1 in (
        if modules & 4:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'mgrtemplate':
        if modules & 8:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'migrate':
        if modules & 32 and not hasFunctional('nomigrate_UI'):
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'destroy':
        if modules & 64:
            return True
    elif offset1 in ('serversmgr', ):
        if modules & 128:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'sysset':
        if modules & 256:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'serverlog':
        if modules & 512 or modules & 1024 or modules & 2048 or modules & 4096:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'operationlog':
        if modules & 8192 or modules & 16384 or modules & 32768 or modules & 65536:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'safetyreport':
        if modules & 65536 * 2:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'storagestatus':
        if modules & 65536 * 4:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'devicestatus':
        if modules & 65536 * 8:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'tunnel':
        if modules & 65536 * 16:
            return True
    elif offset1 in (
        if modules & 65536 * 32:
            return True
    elif offset1 in (
        if modules & 65536 * 64:
            return True
    elif offset1 in ('backupdataexport', 'backupdataimport',
        if modules & 65536 * 4096:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'emaillog':
        if modules & 65536 * 1024:
            return True
    elif offset1 in (
        return True
    elif offset1 in (
    ) and is_functional_visible('vmwarebackup'):
        if modules & 65536 * 512:
            return True
    elif offset1 in ('mgrnasbackup', ) and is_functional_visible('nas_backup'):
        if modules & 65536 * 8192:
            return True
    elif offset1 in (
        if modules & 65536 * 16384:
            return True
    elif offset1 == 'dashboard':
        if hasFunctional(
                'clw_desktop_aio') and user_type == UserProfile.NORMAL_USER:
            return True
    return False
Exemple #8
def getBigVersion():
    if hasFunctional('version1'):
        return '1.0'
    return '2.0'