def run(self, arglist=None): i = 0 try: while i < self.ITERATIONS: xenrt.TEC().logdelimit("reboot loop iteration %u" % (i)) self.guest.reboot() i = i + 1 if xenrt.GEC().abort: xenrt.TEC().warning("Aborting on command") break finally: xenrt.TEC().comment("%u/%u reboot iterations successful" % (i, self.ITERATIONS)) i = 0 try: while i < self.ITERATIONS: xenrt.TEC().logdelimit("start/stop loop iteration %u" % (i)) self.guest.shutdown() self.guest.start() i = i + 1 if xenrt.GEC().abort: xenrt.TEC().warning("Aborting on command") break finally: xenrt.TEC().comment("%u/%u start/stop iterations successful" % (i, self.ITERATIONS)) self.guest.shutdown()
def getFileManager(basevar="INPUTDIR", remote=False): """Return a file manager object suitable for the local site.""" id = xenrt.TEC().lookup(basevar, "") if id[0:7] == "http://": return RemoteFileManager(basevar=basevar) elif remote: urlpref = xenrt.TEC().lookup("FORCE_HTTP_FETCH", "") forceremotehttp = xenrt.TEC().lookup("FORCE_REMOTE_HTTP", False, boolean=True) if urlpref and len(id) > 0 and id[0] == "/": xenrt.GEC().config.setVariable(basevar, "%s%s" % (urlpref, id)) r = RemoteFileManager(basevar=basevar) r.forceHTTPHack = True return r elif urlpref and forceremotehttp: xenrt.GEC().config.setVariable(basevar, urlpref) r = RemoteFileManager(basevar=basevar) r.forceHTTPHack = True return r elif xenrt.TEC().lookup("FORCE_LOCAL_FETCH", False, boolean=True): return FileManager(basevar=basevar) else: return RemoteFileManager(basevar=basevar) else: return FileManager(basevar=basevar)
def getNetworkDevices(self, key, ref): ret = None if ref.has_key('XRT_NetscalerVM'): networks = ref['XRT_NetscalerNetworks'] netscaler = xenrt.lib.netscaler.NetScaler.setupNetScalerVpx( ref['XRT_NetscalerVM'], networks=networks) xenrt.GEC().registry.objPut("netscaler", ref['XRT_NetscalerVM'], netscaler) xenrt.GEC().registry.dump() netscaler.applyLicense(netscaler.getLicenseFileFromXenRT()) netscaler.disableL3() for n in networks[1:]: netscaler.setupOutboundNAT(n, networks[0]) ret = [{ "username": "******", "publicinterface": "1/1", "hostname": netscaler.managementIp, "privateinterface": "1/2", "lbdevicecapacity": "50", "networkdevicetype": "NetscalerVPXLoadBalancer", "lbdevicededicated": "false", "password": "******", "numretries": "2" }] return ret
def run(self, arglist=[]): wingold = self.getGuest("wingold") if wingold: wingold.setState("DOWN") lingold = self.getGuest("lingold") if lingold: lingold.setState("DOWN") host = self.getDefaultHost() i = 0 while True: srs = host.minimalList("sr-list", args="name-label=\"LinuxRootSR_%d\"" % i) if not srs: break sr = srs[0] g = lingold.copyVM(name="linclone-%d" % i, sruuid=sr) xenrt.GEC().registry.guestPut("linclone-%d" % i, g) j = 0 while True: srs = host.minimalList( "sr-list", args="name-label=\"LinuxDataSR_%d_%d\"" % (j, i)) if not srs: break sr = srs[0] g.createDisk(4 * xenrt.GIGA, sruuid=sr) j += 1 g.start(specifyOn=False) i += 1 i = 0 while True: srs = host.minimalList("sr-list", args="name-label=\"WindowsRootSR_%d\"" % i) if not srs: break sr = srs[0] g = wingold.copyVM(name="winclone-%d" % i, sruuid=sr) xenrt.GEC().registry.guestPut("winclone-%d" % i, g) j = 0 while True: srs = host.minimalList( "sr-list", args="name-label=\"WindowsDataSR_%d_%d\"" % (j, i)) if not srs: break sr = srs[0] g.createDisk(4 * xenrt.GIGA, sruuid=sr) j += 1 g.start(specifyOn=False) i += 1
def pause(self, msg): if xenrt.GEC().jobid(): xenrt.GEC().dbconnect.jobUpdate("PREPARE_PAUSED", "yes") xenrt.TEC().tc.pause(msg) xenrt.GEC().dbconnect.jobUpdate("PREPARE_PAUSED", "no") return True else: return False
def prepare(self, arglist): # Prepare a VM to run XenCenter = self.getDefaultHost() self.guest = xenrt.GEC().registry.guestGet(self.DISTRO) if not self.guest: self.guest = xenrt.lib.xenserver.guest.createVM(\, self.DISTRO, distro=self.DISTRO, memory=self.MEMORY, vifs=xenrt.lib.xenserver.Guest.DEFAULT) xenrt.GEC().registry.guestPut(self.DISTRO, self.guest) self.guest.installDrivers() self.getLogsFrom(self.guest) self.guest.installNUnit() # The tests need the Windows machine to be using British date format self.guest.winRegAdd("HKCU", "Control Panel\\International", "sShortDate", "SZ", "dd/MM/yyyy") self.guest.winRegAdd("HKCU", "Control Panel\\International", "sLongDate", "SZ", "dd MMMM yyyy") self.guest.winRegAdd("HKCU", "Control Panel\\International", "sTimeFormat", "SZ", "HH:mm:ss") # Install XenCenter self.guest.installCarbonWindowsGUI( noAutoDotNetInstall=self.NODOTNETAUTO) # Find where we installed the thing x = self.guest.findCarbonWindowsGUI() if not x: raise xenrt.XRTError("Could not find the installed GUI") self.xenadmindir, self.xenadminexe = x # Fetch and copy the tarball containing the tests testtar = xenrt.TEC().getFile("xe-phase-1/XenAdminTests.tgz", "XenAdminTests.tgz") if not testtar: raise xenrt.XRTError("Could not retrieve the test tarball") tdir = self.guest.tempDir() self.tdir = tdir self.guest.xmlrpcSendFile(testtar, "%s\\XenAdminTests.tgz" % (tdir)) self.guest.xmlrpcExtractTarball("%s\\XenAdminTests.tgz" % (tdir), tdir) if not self.guest.xmlrpcFileExists("%s\\Release\\" % (tdir)): raise xenrt.XRTError("Test tarball does not contain " "Release/") # Determine the clock skew between the guest and the controller # (if any) so we can correlate logs accurately xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Clock skew is %s seconds (positive value " "means guest clock is fast)" % (self.guest.getClockSkew()))
def getGateway(self, key, ref): if ref.has_key("XRT_NetscalerGateway"): xenrt.GEC().registry.dump() xenrt.TEC().logverbose("XRT_NetscalerGateway") ns = xenrt.GEC().registry.objGet("netscaler", ref['XRT_NetscalerGateway']) return ns.subnetIp(ref.get("XRT_VlanName", "NPRI")) else: return xenrt.getNetworkParam(ref.get("XRT_VlanName", "NPRI"), "GATEWAY")
def getGuests(self): g1 = xenrt.GEC().registry.guestGet(self.GUEST1NAME) if not g1: g1 = self._createGuest(self.master, self.GUEST1NAME) g2 = xenrt.GEC().registry.guestGet(self.GUEST2NAME) if not g2: g2 = self._createGuest(self.slave, self.GUEST2NAME) return [g1, g2]
def getRackTablesInstance(): global _rackTablesInstance if not _rackTablesInstance: rtHost = xenrt.GEC().config.lookup("RACKTABLES_DB_HOST", None) if not rtHost: return None rtUser = xenrt.GEC().config.lookup("RACKTABLES_DB_USER", None) rtDB = xenrt.GEC().config.lookup("RACKTABLES_DB_NAME", None) rtPassword = xenrt.GEC().config.lookup("RACKTABLES_DB_PASSWORD", None) _rackTablesInstance = RackTables(rtHost, rtDB, rtUser, rtPassword) return _rackTablesInstance
def setDiskConfig(diskstring, path): m = re.match("CCISS:/dev/(.*) SCSI:/dev/(.*)", diskstring) if m: xenrt.GEC().config.setVariable(path + ["SCSI"], xenrt.GEC().config.setVariable(path + ["CCISS"], m = re.match("SCSI:/dev/(.*) CCISS:/dev/(.*)", diskstring) if m: xenrt.GEC().config.setVariable(path + ["SCSI"], xenrt.GEC().config.setVariable(path + ["CCISS"], m = re.match("/dev/(.*)", diskstring) if m: xenrt.GEC().config.setVariable(path,
def run(self, arglist=None): # Check the BIOS status of the VM is reported as customized cli = self.pool.getCLIInstance() guestBiosStatus = cli.execute("vm-is-bios-customized", "vm=%s" % (self.guest.getName()), strip=True) if guestBiosStatus != CUSTOM_BIOS_STATUS: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("The VM is not BIOS-customized") # Check it's happy self.guest.check() # Do a shutdown/start/reboot loop success = 0 try: for i in range(self.ITERATIONS): self.guest.shutdown() self.guest.start() self.guest.check() self.guest.reboot() self.guest.check() success += 1 if xenrt.GEC().abort: xenrt.TEC().warning("Aborting on command") break finally: xenrt.TEC().comment("%u/%u iterations successful" % (success, self.ITERATIONS))
def getPrimaryStorageUrl(self, key, ref): if not ref.has_key("XRT_PriStorageType"): storageType = "NFS" else: storageType = ref['XRT_PriStorageType'] if storageType == "NFS": if ref.has_key('XRT_Guest_NFS'): ssGuest = xenrt.TEC().registry.guestGet(ref['XRT_Guest_NFS']) xenrt.TEC().logverbose( 'Using guest %s for primary NFS storage' % ( shareName = 'PS-%s-%s' % (self.currentClusterName, ''.join( random.sample( string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase, 6))) storagePath = ssGuest.createLinuxNfsShare(shareName) url = 'nfs://%s' % (storagePath.replace(':', '')) else: primaryStorage = xenrt.ExternalNFSShare() url = 'nfs://%s' % (primaryStorage.getMount().replace(':', '')) elif storageType == "SMB": h = xenrt.GEC().registry.hostGet("RESOURCE_HOST_%s" % ref['XRT_SMBHostId']) ip = h.getFQDN() url = "cifs://%s/storage/primary" % (ip) ad = xenrt.getADConfig() return url
def run(self, arglist=None): # Check the BIOS status of the VM is reported as customized cli = self.pool.getCLIInstance() guestBiosStatus = cli.execute("vm-is-bios-customized", "vm=%s" % (self.guest.getName()), strip=True) if guestBiosStatus != CUSTOM_BIOS_STATUS: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("The VM is not BIOS-customized") # Check it's happy self.guest.check() # Do a live migrate loop success = 0 current = self.pool.master dest = self.pool.slaves[self.pool.slaves.keys()[0]] try: for i in range(self.ITERATIONS): xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Live migrating from %s to %s" % (current.getName(), dest.getName())) self.guest.pretendToHaveXenTools() self.guest.migrateVM(dest, live="true") self.guest.check() temp = current current = dest dest = temp success += 1 if xenrt.GEC().abort: xenrt.TEC().warning("Aborting on command") break finally: xenrt.TEC().comment("%u/%u iterations successful" % (success, self.ITERATIONS))
def runThis(self): try: t = xenrt.GEC().runTC(, self.args, blocked=self.blocked, blockedticket=self.blockedticket, name=self.tcname, host=self.locationHost, guest=self.locationGuest, runon=self.runon,, prio=self.prio, ttype=self.ttype, depend=self.depend, isfinally=self.isfinally, blocker=self.blocker, jiratc=self.jiratc, tcsku=self.tcsku, marvinTestConfig=self.marvinTestConfig) if t and t.ticket: self.ticket = t.ticket self.ticketIsFailure = t.ticketIsFailure except xenrt.XRTBlocker, e: self.blocked = e t = e.testcase if t and t.ticket: self.ticket = t.ticket self.ticketIsFailure = t.ticketIsFailure raise e
def getSocketsFromXenrt(self, host): resources = xenrt.GEC().dbconnect.api.get_machine( host.getName())['resources'] if "sockets" in resources: return int(resources['sockets']) else: raise xenrt.XRTError("Number of sockets not defined in XenRT")
def run(self, arglist): workloadsExecd = self.guest.startWorkloads() mt = xenrt.Timer() success = 0 loops = int(xenrt.TEC().lookup("TC7007_ITERATIONS", 1000)) try: for i in range(loops): self.guest.migrateVM(, live="True", fast=True, timer=mt) success += 1 if xenrt.GEC().abort: xenrt.TEC().warning("Aborting on command") break finally: xenrt.TEC().comment("%u/%u iterations successful" % (success, loops)) if mt.count() > 0: xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Migrate times: %s" % (mt.measurements)) xenrt.TEC().value("MIGRATE_MAX", mt.max()) xenrt.TEC().value("MIGRATE_MIN", mt.min()) xenrt.TEC().value("MIGRATE_AVG", mt.mean()) xenrt.TEC().value("MIGRATE_DEV", mt.stddev()) self.guest.stopWorkloads(workloadsExecd) self.guest.check() self.guest.checkHealth()
def generateXML(self, filename): """Generate an XML file containing all result data.""" xenrt.TEC().progress("Writing test results to %s" % (filename)) impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation() newdoc = impl.createDocument(None, "sequenceresults", None) config = xenrt.GEC().config # Put name of sequence in if available if (config.defined("SEQUENCE_NAME")): n = newdoc.createElement("name") newdoc.documentElement.appendChild(n) na = newdoc.createTextNode(config.lookup("SEQUENCE_NAME")) n.appendChild(na) # Job details (machines used, versions etc) t = newdoc.createElement("jobdetails") newdoc.documentElement.appendChild(t) hosts = config.getWithPrefix("RESOURCE_HOST_") for host in hosts: h = newdoc.createElement("host") t.appendChild(h) ho = newdoc.createTextNode(host[1]) h.appendChild(ho) # Version and revision if (config.defined("VERSION")): v = newdoc.createElement("version") t.appendChild(v) ve = newdoc.createTextNode(config.lookup("VERSION")) v.appendChild(ve) if (config.defined("REVISION")): r = newdoc.createElement("revision") t.appendChild(r) re = newdoc.createTextNode(config.lookup("REVISION")) r.appendChild(re) ok, regok, rates = self.check() t = newdoc.createElement("sequence") newdoc.documentElement.appendChild(t) if ok: to = newdoc.createTextNode("PASS") else: to = newdoc.createTextNode("FAIL") t.appendChild(to) t = newdoc.createElement("regression") newdoc.documentElement.appendChild(t) if regok: to = newdoc.createTextNode("PASS") else: to = newdoc.createTextNode("FAIL") t.appendChild(to) for gn in self.groupsOrder: g = self.groups[gn] gnode = g.createXMLNode(newdoc) newdoc.documentElement.appendChild(gnode) f = file(filename, "w") newdoc.writexml(f, addindent=" ", newl="\n") f.close()
def createHost(id=0, version=None, pool=None, name=None, dhcp=True, license=True, diskid=0, diskCount=1, productType=None, productVersion=None, withisos=False, noisos=None, overlay=None, installSRType=None, suppackcds=None, addToLogCollectionList=False, noAutoPatch=False, disablefw=False, cpufreqgovernor=None, defaultlicense=True, ipv6=None, noipv4=False, basicNetwork=True, extraConfig=None, containerHost=None, vHostName=None, vHostCpus=2, vHostMemory=4096, vHostDiskSize=50, vHostSR=None, vNetworks=None, **kwargs): if containerHost != None: raise xenrt.XRTError("Nested hosts not supported for this host type") machine = str("RESOURCE_HOST_%s" % (id)) m = xenrt.PhysicalHost(xenrt.TEC().lookup(machine, machine)) xenrt.GEC().startLogger(m) if not productVersion: productVersion = xenrt.TEC().lookup("HYPERV_DISTRO", "ws12r2-x64") host = HyperVHost(m, productVersion=productVersion, productType=productType) host.cloudstack = extraConfig.get("cloudstack", False) host.install() xenrt.TEC().registry.hostPut(machine, host) xenrt.TEC().registry.hostPut(name, host) if basicNetwork: host.createBasicNetwork() return host
def run(self, arglist=None): i = 0 try: while i < self.ITERATIONS: xenrt.TEC().logdelimit("start/stop loop iteration %u" % (i)) c = copy.copy(self.guests) xenrt.lib.xenserver.shutdownMulti(c, clitimeout=self.CLITIMEOUT) if len(c) != len(self.guests): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("One or more VMs did not shutdown", str(len(self.guests) - len(c))) c = copy.copy(self.guests) xenrt.lib.xenserver.startMulti(c, clitimeout=self.CLITIMEOUT) if len(c) != len(self.guests): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("One or more VMs did not start", str(len(self.guests) - len(c))) i = i + 1 if xenrt.GEC().abort: xenrt.TEC().warning("Aborting on command") break finally: xenrt.TEC().comment("%u/%u start/stop iterations successful" % (i, self.ITERATIONS)) i = 0 try: while i < self.ITERATIONS: xenrt.TEC().logdelimit("reboot loop iteration %u" % (i)) c = copy.copy(self.guests) xenrt.lib.xenserver.startMulti(c, reboot=True, clitimeout=self.CLITIMEOUT) if len(c) != len(self.guests): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("One or more VMs did not reboot", str(len(self.guests) - len(c))) i = i + 1 if xenrt.GEC().abort: xenrt.TEC().warning("Aborting on command") break finally: xenrt.TEC().comment("%u/%u reboot iterations successful" % (i, self.ITERATIONS))
def getVCenter(guest=None, vCenterVersion="5.5.0-update02"): if not guest: global _vcenter with xenrt.GEC().getLock("VCENTER"): if not _vcenter: _vcenter = VCenter() return _vcenter else: return VCenter(guest=guest, vCenterVersion=vCenterVersion)
def run(self, arglist=None): pool = self.getDefaultPool() cli = pool.getCLIInstance() guests = [] # Install BIOS-customized guests for i in range(self.NUM_CUSTOM_VMS): guest = pool.master.installHVMLinux( memory=self.MEMORY, biosHostUUID=pool.master.getMyHostUUID(), ramdisk_size=self.RAMDISK_SIZE, start=True) self.uninstallOnCleanup(guest) guests.append(guest) guestBiosStatus = cli.execute("vm-is-bios-customized", "vm=%s" % (guest.getName()), strip=True) if guestBiosStatus != CUSTOM_BIOS_STATUS: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("The VM is not BIOS-customized") # Install BIOS-generic VMs for i in range(self.NUM_GENERIC_VMS): guest = pool.master.createGenericLinuxGuest( memory=self.GENERIC_MEM) self.uninstallOnCleanup(guest) guests.append(guest) guestBiosStatus = cli.execute("vm-is-bios-customized", "vm=%s" % (guest.getName()), strip=True) if guestBiosStatus != GENERIC_BIOS_STATUS: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("The VM is not BIOS-generic") success = 0 abort = False try: for i in range(self.ITERATIONS): xenrt.TEC().logdelimit("loop iteration %u..." % (i)) for j in range(len(guests)): if j < self.NUM_CUSTOM_VMS: guests[j].pretendToHaveXenTools() time.sleep(5) guests[j].suspend() guests[j].resume() guests[j].reboot() guests[j].check() if xenrt.GEC().abort: xenrt.TEC().warning("Aborting on command") abort = True break if abort: break success += 1 finally: xenrt.TEC().comment("%u/%u iterations successful" % (success, self.ITERATIONS))
def addToVCenter(self, dc=None, cluster=None): if not dc: job = xenrt.GEC().jobid() or "nojob" dc = 'dc-%s-%s' % (uuid.uuid4().hex, job) if not cluster: cluster = 'cluster-%s' % (uuid.uuid4().hex) xenrt.lib.esx.getVCenter().addHost(self, dc, cluster) self.datacenter = dc self.cluster = cluster
def check(self): res = self.getTopLevelTests() if len(res) == 0: if not xenrt.GEC().prepareonly: return False, False, None regok = True for tc in res: if tc.getOverallResult() == xenrt.RESULT_FAIL or \ tc.getOverallResult() == xenrt.RESULT_ERROR: if not tc.results.allowed: regok = False counterror = xenrt.TEC().lookup("PASS_RATE_STRICT", True, boolean=True) rates = self.byPriority(counterror=counterror) c*k = True # Check pass criteria criteria = string.split(xenrt.TEC().lookup("PASS_CRITERIA", ""), ",") for i in range(max(len(criteria), len(rates))): if i < len(criteria): if criteria[i] == "": c = 100.0 else: c = float(criteria[i]) else: c = 100.0 if i < len(rates): if rates[i] == None: r = 100.0 else: r = float(rates[i]) else: r = 100.0 if c > r: c*k = False #print "P%u %f %f" % (i + 1, c, r) # Pretty print the actual pass rates pprates = [] for i in range(len(rates)): if rates[i] != None: pprates.append("P%u:%.1f%%" % (i + 1, float(rates[i]))) if xenrt.GEC().preparefailed: c*k = False regok = False return c*k, regok, string.join(pprates)
def generateLabCostPerTechArea(suiteId, outputDir=None, clearOutputDirContent=False): if outputDir and xenrt.TEC().lookup("GENERATE_STATS_BASEDIR").rstrip( "/") not in outputDir: # this part will ensure we only modify dir falling under base dir for stats. raise xenrt.XRTError( "permission denied [ dir not under base stat dir] '%s'" % outputDir) if clearOutputDirContent and outputDir: shutil.rmtree("%s" % outputDir.rstrip("/")) elif suiteId: if outputDir: outputDir = outputDir.rstrip("/") if os.path.exists("%s/%s.generating" % (outputDir, suiteId)): raise xenrt.XRTError( "Another process is already generating data") else: if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.makedirs(outputDir) with open("%s/%s.generating" % (outputDir, suiteId), "w") as f: f.write(str(xenrt.GEC().jobid()) or "nojob") try: cls = xenrt.generatestats.LabCostPerTechArea( suiteId, nbrOfSuiteRunsToCheck=10) data, tcMissingData = cls.generate() tempDir = xenrt.TEC().tempDir() with open("%s/%s.json" % (tempDir, suiteId), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) with open( "%s/%s_tcs_missing_run_history.json" % (tempDir, suiteId), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(tcMissingData, indent=2)) if outputDir: xenrt.command("cp -f -r %s/* %s" % (tempDir, outputDir)) print "Data saved in directory '%s'" % (outputDir if outputDir else tempDir) except Exception, e: errorLogDir = "%s/logs" % outputDir if not os.path.exists(errorLogDir): os.makedirs(errorLogDir) with open("%s/%s.error" % (errorLogDir, suiteId), "w") as f: f.write("[%s] %s" % (str(xenrt.GEC().jobid()) or "nojob", e)) finally:
def incFile(self, filename): """Parse an include file""" f = self.findFile(filename) cfg = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f) for i in cfg.childNodes: if i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE: if i.localName == "xenrt": for n in i.childNodes: if n.nodeType == n.ELEMENT_NODE: if n.localName == "variables": if not xenrt.TEC().lookup("SEQ_PARSING_ONLY", False, boolean=True): xenrt.TEC().config.parseXMLNode(n) elif n.localName == "semaphores": for s in n.childNodes: if s.nodeType == s.ELEMENT_NODE: semclass = str(s.localName) count = expand(s.getAttribute("count"), self.params) if not count: count = "1" xenrt.GEC().semaphoreCreate( semclass, int(count)) elif n.localName == "collection": name = n.getAttribute("name") if not name: raise xenrt.XRTError("Found collection " "without name in " "sequence file.") self.collections[name] = n elif n.localName == "default": name = n.getAttribute("name") value = n.getAttribute("value") if not name: raise xenrt.XRTError("Found default " "without name in " "sequence file.") if value == None: raise xenrt.XRTError("Found default " "without value in " "sequence file.") if value != None: value = expand(value, self.params) if name and value != None: self.params[str(name)] = \ xenrt.TEC().lookup(\ str(name), str(value)) elif n.localName == "include": iname = n.getAttribute("filename") if not iname: raise xenrt.XRTError("Found include " "without filename.") self.incFile(iname) else: raise xenrt.XRTError("No 'xenrt' tag found.")
def __init__(self, jobid): if jobid == None: self._jobid = None else: self._jobid = int(jobid) self._bufferdir = xenrt.GEC().config.lookup("DB_BUFFER_DIR", None) if self._bufferdir and not os.path.exists(self._bufferdir): os.makedirs(self._bufferdir) self._api = None
def _createGuest(self, host, name): himnNetwork = host.parseListForUUID( "network-list", "name-label", "Host internal management network") himnBridge = host.genParamGet("network", himnNetwork, "bridge") g = host.createGenericLinuxGuest(name=name) g.createVIF(bridge=himnBridge, plug=True) g.execguest("ifconfig eth1 up") g.execguest("dhclient eth1") xenrt.GEC().registry.guestPut(name, g) return g
def runThis(self): try: if xenrt.GEC().abort: raise xenrt.XRTError("Aborting on command") if self.action == "sleep": if self.args and len(self.args) > 0: d = int(self.args[0]) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Sleeping for %u seconds..." % (d)) xenrt.sleep(d) elif self.action == "prepare": xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Re-preparing system...") xenrt.GEC().reprepare() else: raise xenrt.XRTError("Unknown action '%s'" % (self.action)) except Exception, e: xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Action '%s' got exception %s" % (self.action, str(e))) if self.blocker: raise xenrt.XRTBlocker("Blocked by action: %s" % (self.action))
def stepup(self): # Test start/shutdown using --multiple. Start with 1 VM and work up # to the max timer1 = xenrt.Timer() timer2 = xenrt.Timer() try: for number in range(1, len(self.guests) + 1, 10): xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Testing parallel start of %u VMs..." % (number)) guestlist = self.guests[:number] fail = 0 for host in self.hosts: host.listDomains() c = copy.copy(guestlist) # Work out appropriate timeout if self.PERVMTIMEOUT: tout = self.PERVMTIMEOUT * number else: tout = self.CLITIMEOUT xenrt.lib.xenserver.startMulti(guestlist, no_on=True, clitimeout=tout, timer=timer1) for g in c: if not g in guestlist: fail = fail + 1 for host in self.hosts: host.checkHealth() host.listDomains() c = copy.copy(guestlist) xenrt.lib.xenserver.shutdownMulti(guestlist, clitimeout=tout, timer=timer2) for g in c: if not g in guestlist: fail = fail + 1 for host in self.hosts: host.checkHealth() if guestlist == []: break if xenrt.GEC().abort: xenrt.TEC().warning("Aborting on command") break if fail > 0: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("%d guests failed." % (fail)) finally: xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Start times: %s" % (timer1.measurements)) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Shutdown times: %s" % (timer2.measurements))
def getFile(self, filename, multiple=False, replaceExistingIfDiffers=False): try: xenrt.TEC().logverbose("getFile %s" % filename) self.lock.acquire() sharedLocation = None isUsingExternalCache = False fnr = FileNameResolver(filename, multiple) url = fnr.url localName = fnr.localName cache = self.__availableInCache(fnr, replaceExistingIfDiffers=replaceExistingIfDiffers) if cache: return cache else: sharedLocation = self._sharedCacheLocation(localName) # Check file size and decide which global cache to use. If file size is greater than # FILE_SIZE_CACHE_LIMIT, we cache file on external storage. try: fileSizeThreshold = float(xenrt.TEC().lookup("FILE_SIZE_CACHE_LIMIT", str(1 * xenrt.GIGA))) if fnr.isSimpleFile: r = requests.head(fnr.url, allow_redirects=True) if r.status_code == 200 and 'content-length' in r.headers and \ float(r.headers['content-length']) > fileSizeThreshold: xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Using external cache") sharedLocation = self._externalCacheLocation(localName) isUsingExternalCache = True except Exception, e: xenrt.TEC().warning('Reverting:Using internal shared cache. File Manager failed: %s' % e) perJobLocation = self._perJobCacheLocation(localName) f = open("%s.fetching" % sharedLocation, "w") f.write(str(xenrt.GEC().jobid()) or "nojob") f.close() if multiple: self.getMultipleFiles(url, sharedLocation) elif self.getDirectory(url, sharedLocation) elif fnr.singleFileWithWildcard: self.getSingleFileWithWildcard(url, sharedLocation) elif filename.startswith("sftp://"): self.getSingleFileViaSftp(filename, sharedLocation) else: self.getSingleFile(url, sharedLocation, isUsingExternalCache) os.chmod(sharedLocation, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH) if isUsingExternalCache: os.symlink(sharedLocation, perJobLocation) else:, perJobLocation) return perJobLocation except Exception, e: xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Warning - could not fetch %s - %s" % (filename, e)) return None