Exemple #1
def pisaStory(src, path=None, link_callback=None, debug=0, default_css=None,
              xhtml=False, encoding=None, context=None, xml_output=None,

    # Prepare Context
    if not context:
        context = pisaContext(path, debug=debug)
        context.pathCallback = link_callback

    # Use a default set of CSS definitions to get an expected output
    if default_css is None:
        default_css = DEFAULT_CSS

    # Parse and fill the story
    pisaParser(src, context, default_css, xhtml, encoding, xml_output)

    # Avoid empty documents
    if not context.story:
        context.story = [Spacer(1,1)]

    if context.indexing_story:

    # Remove anchors if they do not exist (because of a bug in Reportlab)
    for frag, anchor in context.anchorFrag:
        if anchor not in context.anchorName:
            frag.link = None
    return context
Exemple #2
def pisaStory(src,
    # Prepare Context
    if not context:
        context = pisaContext(path, debug=debug)
        context.pathCallback = link_callback

    # Use a default set of CSS definitions to get an expected output
    if default_css is None:
        default_css = DEFAULT_CSS

    # Parse and fill the story
    pisaParser(src, context, default_css, xhtml, encoding, xml_output)

    # Avoid empty documents
    if not context.story:
        context.story = [Spacer(1, 1)]

    if context.indexing_story:

    # Remove anchors if they do not exist (because of a bug in Reportlab)
    for frag, anchor in context.anchorFrag:
        if anchor not in context.anchorName:
            frag.link = None
    return context
Exemple #3
    def test_tr_background_color(self):
        Test background on <tr> tag;
        If it works, "darkgreen" will be returned as hexval "0x006400"

        html = """
            tr { background-color: darkgreen }

        context = pisaParser(BytesIO(html.encode('utf-8')), pisaContext(None))
        table = context.story[0]
        color = table._bkgrndcmds[0][3]

        self.assertEqual(color.hexval(), '0x006400',
                         '"background-color" in CSS not equal with output!')
Exemple #4
    def test_td_rowspan(self):
        Test rowspan on <td> tag;
        If it works, rowspan="3" will be equal to (0, 2) in _spanCmds of the ReportLab table

        html = """
                    <td rowspan="3">AAAAAAAAAAAA</td>

        context = pisaParser(BytesIO(html.encode('utf-8')), pisaContext(None))
        table = context.story[0]
        row_span = table._spanCmds[0][2]

        self.assertEqual(row_span, (0, 2),
                         '"rowspan=" not working properly in the <td> tag!')
Exemple #5
 def test_height_as_list(self):
     """Asserts attributes like 'height: 10px !important" are parsed"""
     c = pisaContext(".")
     data = b"<p style='height: 10px !important;width: 10px !important'>test</p>"
     r = pisaParser(data, c)
     self.assertEqual(c, r)
     self.assertEqual(r.err, 0)
     self.assertEqual(r.warn, 0)
Exemple #6
 def test_height_as_list(self):
     """Asserts attributes like 'height: 10px !important" are parsed"""
     c = pisaContext(".")
     data = b"<p style='height: 10px !important;width: 10px !important'>test</p>"
     r = pisaParser(data, c)
     self.assertEqual(c, r)
     self.assertEqual(r.err, 0)
     self.assertEqual(r.warn, 0)
Exemple #7
 def test_image_os_path(self):
     c = pisaContext(".")
     tests_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     img_path = os.path.join(tests_folder, 'samples', 'img', 'denker.png')
     data = '<img src="{0}">'.format(img_path).encode('utf-8')
     r = pisaParser(data, c)
     self.assertEqual(c, r)
     self.assertEqual(r.err, 0)
     self.assertEqual(r.warn, 0)
Exemple #8
 def test_image_os_path(self):
     c = pisaContext(".")
     tests_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     img_path = os.path.join(tests_folder, 'samples', 'img', 'denker.png')
     data = '<img src="{0}">'.format(img_path).encode('utf-8')
     r = pisaParser(data, c)
     self.assertEqual(c, r)
     self.assertEqual(r.err, 0)
     self.assertEqual(r.warn, 0)
Exemple #9
def pisaStory(
    path = None,
    link_callback = None,
    debug = 0,
    default_css = None,
    xhtml = False,
    encoding = None,
    c = None,
    xml_output = None,

    # Prepare Context
    if not c:
        c = pisaContext(path, debug=debug)
        c.pathCallback = link_callback

    # Use a default set of CSS definitions to get an expected output
    if default_css is None:
        default_css = DEFAULT_CSS

    # Parse and fill the story
    pisaParser(src, c, default_css, xhtml, encoding, xml_output)

    #if 0:
    #    import reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics as pm
    #    pm.dumpFontData()

    # Avoid empty documents
    if not c.story:
        c.story = [Spacer(1,1)]
        # c.addPara(force=True)

    # Remove anchors if they do not exist (because of a bug in Reportlab)
    for frag, anchor in c.anchorFrag:
        if anchor not in c.anchorName:
            frag.link = None

    return c
Exemple #10
    def test_empty_table(self):
        Test, if an empty table will return an empty story;
        This will also raise a log.warning()

        html = """

        context = pisaParser(BytesIO(html.encode('utf-8')), pisaContext(None))

        self.assertEqual(context.story, [],
                         "Empty table doesn't return an empty story!")
Exemple #11
    def test_td_width_and_height(self):
        Test width and height on <td> tag;
        If it works, width: 2pt will be equal to 2.0 and height: 3pt will be equal to 3.0 in the ReportLab table

        html = """
            td { width: 2pt; height: 3pt }

        context = pisaParser(BytesIO(html.encode('utf-8')), pisaContext(None))
        table = context.story[0]
        col_widths = table._colWidths
        row_heights = table._rowHeights

        for width in col_widths:
            self.assertEqual(width, 2.0,
                             '<td> width in CSS not equal with output!')
        for height in row_heights:
            self.assertEqual(height, 3.0,
                             '<td> height in CSS not equal with output!')
Exemple #12
 def test_getFile(self):
     c = pisaContext(".")
     r = pisaParser(_data, c)
     self.assertEqual(c.getFile(None), None)
Exemple #13
 def testParser(self):
     c = pisaContext(".")
     r = pisaParser(_data, c)
     self.assertEqual(c, r)
Exemple #14
 def test_getFile(self):
     c = pisaContext(".")
     r = pisaParser(_data, c)
     self.assertEqual(c.getFile(None), None)
Exemple #15
 def testParser(self):
     c = pisaContext(".")
     r = pisaParser(_data, c)
     self.assertEqual(c, r)
Exemple #16
 def test_image_base64(self):
     c = pisaContext(".")
     data = b'<img src="">'
     r = pisaParser(data, c)
     self.assertEqual(r.warn, 0)
Exemple #17
 def test_image_base64(self):
     c = pisaContext(".")
     data = b'<img src="">'
     r = pisaParser(data, c)
     self.assertEqual(r.warn, 0)