Exemple #1
from xivo import anysql
from xivo import urisup
from xivo.urisup import SCHEME, AUTHORITY, PATH, QUERY, FRAGMENT, uri_help_split, uri_help_unsplit

def __dict_from_query(query):
    if not query:
        return {}
    return dict(query)

def connect_by_uri(uri):
    puri = urisup.uri_help_split(uri)
    opts = __dict_from_query(puri[QUERY])

    con = None
    if "timeout_ms" in opts:
        con = sqlite3.connect(puri[PATH],float(opts["timeout_ms"]))
        con = sqlite3.connect(puri[PATH])

    return con

def c14n_uri(uri):
    puri = list(urisup.uri_help_split(uri))
    puri[PATH] = os.path.abspath(puri[PATH])
    return uri_help_unsplit(tuple(puri))

def escape(s):
    return '.'.join([('"%s"' % comp.replace('"', '""')) for comp in s.split('.')])

anysql.register_uri_backend('sqlite3', connect_by_uri, sqlite3, c14n_uri, escape)
Exemple #2
		#params = __dict_from_query(puri[QUERY])
    params = {}

    if puri[AUTHORITY]:
        user, passwd, host, port = puri[AUTHORITY]
        if user:
            params['user'] = user
        if passwd:
            params['password'] = passwd
        if host:
            params['host'] = host
        if port:
            params['port'] = port
    if puri[PATH]:
        params['database'] = puri[PATH]
        if params['database'] and params['database'][0] == '/':
            params['database'] = params['database'][1:]

    #__apply_types(params, __typemap)

    return psycopg2.connect(**params)

def escape(s):
    return '.'.join(['"%s"' % comp for comp in s.split('.')])

def cast(fieldname, type):
    return "%s::%s" % (fieldname, type)

anysql.register_uri_backend('postgresql', connect_by_uri, psycopg2, None, escape, cast)
Exemple #3
    # The next affectation work around a bug in python-mysqldb which
    # happens when using an unicode charset: the conv parameter is
    # defaulted to the common dictionary MySQLdb.converters.conversions
    # when not explicitly given to the __init__() of
    # MySQLdb.connections.Connection, the _mysql module just store it in
    # the .converter member in the __init__() method of the base class
    # _mysql.connection, and later, back in the __init__() of
    # MySQLdb.connections.Connection, some children of .converter, which
    # are lists, are prepended by dynamically generated functions. The net
    # result is that every times a new Mysql connection is asked for with
    # no individualised conversion dictionary passed to the conv parameter,
    # a bunch of new functions and tuples are created, on which the process
    # will keep references forever, effectively leaking some memory as some
    # won't be used anymore after the termination of any connection.
    # This work around is believed to be effective because the only
    # references to the dynamically created conversion functions generated
    # by MySQLdb.connections will be in this instance-specific copy of
    # MySQLdb.converters.conversions. A unique reference to this copy will
    # be held by the connection instance, so when the latter is garbage
    # collected, the copied conversion dictionary is freed, and eventually
    # the now orphan tuples and generated functions are too.
    params['conv'] = CST_CONVERSIONS.copy()
    params['cursorclass'] = SSCursor

    return MySQLdb.connect(**params)

def escape(s):
    return '.'.join([('`%s`' % comp.replace('`', '``')) for comp in s.split('.')])

anysql.register_uri_backend('mysql', connect_by_uri, MySQLdb, None, escape)
    if puri[AUTHORITY]:
        user, passwd, host, port = puri[AUTHORITY]
        if user:
            params['user'] = user
        if passwd:
            params['password'] = passwd
        if host:
            params['host'] = host
        if port:
            params['port'] = port
    if puri[PATH]:
        params['database'] = puri[PATH]
        if params['database'] and params['database'][0] == '/':
            params['database'] = params['database'][1:]

    #__apply_types(params, __typemap)

    return psycopg2.connect(**params)

def escape(s):
    return '.'.join(['"%s"' % comp for comp in s.split('.')])

def cast(fieldname, type):
    return "%s::%s" % (fieldname, type)

anysql.register_uri_backend('postgresql', connect_by_uri, psycopg2, None,
                            escape, cast)
Exemple #5
    NOTE: the authority and the path parts of the URI have precedence
    over the query part, if an argument is given in both.

    Descriptions of options:

    puri = urisup.uri_help_split(uri)
    params = __dict_from_query(puri[QUERY])
    if puri[AUTHORITY]:
        user, password, host, port = puri[AUTHORITY]
        if user:
            params['user'] = user
        if password:
            params['password'] = password
        if host:
            params['host'] = host
        if port:
            params['port'] = port
    if puri[PATH]:
        params['database'] = puri[PATH]
        if params['database'] and params['database'][0] == '/':
            params['database'] = params['database'][1:]
    __apply_types(params, __typemap)
    return PgSQL.connect(**params)

def escape(s):
    return '.'.join([('"%s"' % comp.replace('"', '""')) for comp in s.split('.')])

anysql.register_uri_backend('postgres', connect_by_uri, PgSQL, None, escape)