Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, name="", location="", pickle_attrs=[], loadfirst=False):
            Sets up the trackDB.

        # ensure that the DB is always loaded before any tracks are,
        # otherwise internal values are not loaded and may be lost/corrupted
        if loadfirst and Track._get_track_count() != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                ("Internal error! %d tracks already loaded, " +
                 "TrackDB must be loaded first!") % Track._get_track_count())

        self.name = name
        self.location = location
        self._dirty = False
        self.tracks = {}  # key is always URI of the track
        self.pickle_attrs = pickle_attrs
        self.pickle_attrs += ['tracks', 'name', '_key']
        self._saving = False
        self._key = 0
        self._dbversion = 2.0
        self._dbminorversion = 0
        self._deleted_keys = []
        if location:
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, name="", location="", pickle_attrs=[], loadfirst=False):
         Sets up the trackDB.
     # ensure that the DB is always loaded before any tracks are, 
     # otherwise internal values are not loaded and may be lost/corrupted
     if loadfirst and Track._get_track_count() != 0:
         raise RuntimeError(("Internal error! %d tracks already loaded, " +
             "TrackDB must be loaded first!") % Track._get_track_count())
     self.name = name
     self.location = location
     self._dirty = False
     self.tracks = {}
     self.pickle_attrs = pickle_attrs
     self.pickle_attrs += ['tracks', 'name', '_key']
     self._saving = False
     self._key = 0
     self._dbversion = 2.0
     self._dbminorversion = 0
     self._deleted_keys = []
     if location: