Exemple #1
import xlwings as xw
import datetime

starttime = datetime.datetime.now()

# test_data = [i for i in range(702)]
# workbook = xw.Book()
# workarea = workbook.sheets('Sheet1').range('A1:ZZ1000')
# for j in range(1,1001):
#     workarea.rows(j).value = 1
# workbook.save(r'e:/xlwingstest_5.xlsx')
b = xw.Book(r'e:/pandastest1.xlsx')
data = b.sheets('Sheet1').range('ZZ1000').value
# xw.Book(r'e:/openpyxltest_3.xlsx')

endtime = datetime.datetime.now()

print(endtime - starttime)
Exemple #2

#reportgen: generate a list of the values that need to be checked
def reportgen():


if __name__ == '__main__':
    #>>>Stage 1
    #input initial variables
    sdpath = query_YN()
    bampath = (
        input('Panel Metrics file location (Press enter for default): ')
        or r'C:\Users\sroy\Documents\BevAl Metrics\2017 BevAl Metrics.xlsx')
    book = xw.Book(bampath)  #open the excel workbook
    week, beforeday = week_init()

    #write the spotfire data column
    bam, sd, pt = spotextract(week, sdpath, bampath)
    print('Stage 1 Complete')

#>>>Stage 2
#>>>Stage 3
#>>>Stage 4
#>>>Stage 5

#Program End
Exemple #3
import xlwings as xw

def main():
    wb = xw.Book.caller()
    sheet = wb.sheets[0]
    if sheet["A1"].value == "Hello xlwings!":
        sheet["A1"].value = "Bye xlwings!"
        sheet["A1"].value = "Hello xlwings!"

def hello(name):
    return f"Hello {name}!"

if __name__ == "__main__":
Exemple #4
WORD = re.compile(r'\w+')

def get_cosine(text1, text2):
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(text1)):
        text0 = text1[i:i + 1]
        if text0 in text2:
            count += 1
    return (count / len(text2))

name = open('thong_so.txt', 'r').read().split('\n')
wb = xw.Book(u'thu.xlsx').sheets[0]
dong = [2, 9, 14, 78, 156, 337, 605]
for row in dong:
    column = wb.range(row, 13).end('right').column
    for col in range(13, column + 1, 2):
        ts = wb.range(row, col).value
        nd = wb.range(row, col + 1).value
        list_ts = []
        for na in name:
            if ts in na:
        if len(list_ts) == 1:
            kq = list_ts[0]
        elif len(list_ts) > 1:
            tyle = []
            text1 = nd
Exemple #5
    excel_weekly_summary_path: str = os.path.join(
        excel_weekly_summary_dir, report_filename) + '.xlsx'  # 每周汇总数据存放的文件夹

    sheets: list = ["举报投诉核查工作", "维权工作", "督察工作情况"]
    app: App = None
    weekly_summary_wb: Book = None

    gw: GenerateWeeklyReport = GenerateWeeklyReport()
    copyfile(excel_weekly_summary_template_path, excel_weekly_summary_path)

        app = xw.App(visible=False)
        app.display_alerts = False
        app.screen_updating = False

        weekly_summary_wb = xw.Book(excel_weekly_summary_path)
        gw.merge_workbook(weekly_summary_wb, excels_dir_path)

        # 举报投诉工作表
        last_column = gw.get_sheet_last_column(weekly_summary_wb, sheets[0])
        last_row = gw.get_sheet_last_row(weekly_summary_wb, sheets[0])
        df_complaint = gw.deal_data_complaint(excel_weekly_summary_path,
                                              sheets[0], last_column,
                                              begin_date, end_date)
        complaint_render: dict = gw.generate_render_dict(
            df_complaint, last_row, last_column, '市局')
        gw.dataframe_append_excel(df_complaint, all_summary_path, sheets[0])

        # 维权工作表
        last_column = gw.get_sheet_last_column(weekly_summary_wb, sheets[1])
        last_row = gw.get_sheet_last_row(weekly_summary_wb, sheets[1])
Exemple #6
                            columns=['Weight', 'Start', 'Length',
                                     'Quote'])  #Expandable swaption table

    #Not yet implemented below, only assume swap rate and Normal swaptions
    swptn_type = sht.range('type_swptn').value
    swap_type = sht.range('type_rate').value

    #Call yield construct
    ycrv_base = ycrv_construct(rate_df['Term'], rate_df['Rate'])

    #Put swaption data into the required format
    CalibrationData = namedtuple("CalibrationData",
                                 "start, length, volatility")
    data_swaptn = [
        CalibrationData(swptn_df.Start[i], swptn_df.Length[i],
                        swptn_df.Quote[i]) for i in swptn_df.index

    #Call calibration algorithm
    alpha, sigma, report = calibrate_hw1f(data_swaptn, swptn_type, ycrv_base)
    param_calibrated = [alpha, sigma]

    #Print results to Excel
    sht.range('result_hw1f').value = param_calibrated
    sht.range('result_error').options(index=False, header=False).value = report

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Expects the Excel file next to this source file, adjust accordingly.
Exemple #7
def bhavcopy_processor(file_name):
    '''Function to read and process bhavcopy
    Convert it into a pivot_table
    calculate product-far/ product-near and return that dataframe '''

    # read bhav copy as workbook
    logging.info('Reading bhavcopy')
    app = xw.App(visible=False)

    wb = app.books.open(download_dir + file_name)

    # read sheet
    sht = wb.sheets[file_name[:-4]]

    # convert sheet to pandas dataframe
    all_stocks = sht.range('A1').options(pd.DataFrame, expand='table').value

    # select only FUTSTK and FUTIDX

    new_index = ['FUTSTK', 'FUTIDX']
        logging.info('Selecting FUTSTK and FUTIDX')
        all_stocks = all_stocks.loc[new_index]

        logging.info('Not able to select FUTSTK and FUTIDX')

    # Categorization based on master document
    # read master doc
    logging.info('Reading master files...')

    mast_book = xw.Book(master_dir + 'MasterData.xlsx')

    # read sheet
    mast_sheet = mast_book.sheets('Sheet1')

    # convert sheet to pandas dataframe
    master = mast_sheet.range('A1').options(pd.DataFrame, expand='table').value
    # master.rename(columns={'SymbolName': 'SYMBOL'}, inplace=True)

    # filter master for symbol, bloomcode and sector
    master.set_index(keys='SYMBOL', inplace=True)

    master = master[master['IsActiveFNO'] ==
                    True]  # filter on active fno stocks
    master.drop(columns=['IsActiveFNO'], axis=1, inplace=True)

    # join dataframes master and all_stocks based on SYMBOL
    all_stocks = all_stocks.join(master, on='SYMBOL')
    #ignore fut weekly
    monthly_exp = all_stocks[all_stocks['Type'] == 'SSF']['EXPIRY_DT'].unique()
    all_stocks = all_stocks[all_stocks['EXPIRY_DT'].isin(monthly_exp)]

    # create Pivot table
    all_stocks = all_stocks.pivot_table(
        values=['OPEN_INT', 'SETTLE_PR'],
        index=['SYMBOL', 'Sector', 'IsNifty', 'Type'],
            'SETTLE_PR': np.sum,
            'OPEN_INT': np.sum

    # check for m2 and m3 months null values; if stocks go out of FNO
    all_stocks['OPEN_INT'].iloc[:, 1].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    all_stocks['OPEN_INT'].iloc[:, 2].fillna(0, inplace=True)

    all_stocks['SETTLE_PR'].iloc[:, 1].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    all_stocks['SETTLE_PR'].iloc[:, 2].fillna(0, inplace=True)

    # calculate product-near and product-far
    data = pd.DataFrame([
            round, all_stocks['OPEN_INT'].iloc[:, 0] *
            all_stocks['SETTLE_PR'].iloc[:, 0]),
            round, all_stocks['OPEN_INT'].iloc[:, 1] *
            all_stocks['SETTLE_PR'].iloc[:, 1] +
            all_stocks['OPEN_INT'].iloc[:, 2] *
            all_stocks['SETTLE_PR'].iloc[:, 2])

    data.columns = ['Product-Near', 'Product-Far']
    data.index = all_stocks.index

    # apply roll over to all stocks and append ssf_rollover
    data['SSF_rollover'] = data.apply(
        lambda row: ssf_calculator(row['Product-Near'], row['Product-Far']),
    pd.set_option('display.precision', 10)
    print 'Bhavcopy processed successfully...'
    logging.info('Bhavcopy processed successfully...')

    return data, master
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar 22 18:09:58 2018

@author: cyrus
import numpy as np
import xlwings as xw

wb = xw.Book(
    r"D:\tower_geo\project\Python_171106_Tower_v1.15_loads_iter6_set1_full_geo - Copy.xlsm"
fatigue_sheet = wb.sheets['Fatigue']

des_array = fatigue_sheet.range('AJ11:AJ64').value
difference_points = np.zeros(shape=(len(des_array), 7))
difference_points[:, 0] = range(1, 55)

######### calculation for n_allowable_weld

des_array = fatigue_sheet.range('AJ11:AJ64').value
sigma_ref_weld_factored_array = fatigue_sheet.range('AN11:AN64').value
del_m = 4.
n_allowable_weld_array_expected = fatigue_sheet.range('AO11:AO64').value
n_allowable_weld_array = np.zeros(len(sigma_ref_weld_factored_array))
diff_percent_array_n_allowable = np.zeros(len(sigma_ref_weld_factored_array))
diff_array_n_allowable = np.zeros(len(sigma_ref_weld_factored_array))
for index in range(0, len(sigma_ref_weld_factored_array)):
    n_allowable_weld_array[index] = 10**(np.log10(2e6) + del_m * (np.log10(
        sigma_ref_weld_factored_array[index]) - np.log10(des_array[index])))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Oct 19 11:45:18 2018
@author: Nathan
@author: pingl

import xlwings as xw
import math
import pandas as pd

file = r'C:\Users\Nathan\Desktop\Senior Fall 2018\Computational Methods\Project 2\specsheet.xls'
wb_costing = xw.Book()
sht_cost = wb_costing.sheets['Sheet1']
wb = xw.Book(file)
plant_type = input(
    "What plant type are you designing? (solid, solid/fluid, fluid)  ")

# Dictionaries for cost report
dictHX = {
    "Heat Exchanger": [],
    "Area": [],
    "Tube Length": [],
    "A": [],
    "B": [],
    "C": [],
    "Cost": [],

dictHEAT = {
    "Fired Heater": [],
Exemple #10
 def open(self):
     if not self.wb:
     self.wb = xw.Book(self._file)
     logger.info('Case "%s" open' % self.name)
Exemple #11
            # Plot stackups in one figure, multiple plots
            elif self.sht.api.Shapes("buttons1").OLEFormat.Object.Value > 0:
                f, axs = plt.subplots(len(self.stack_plot_data), 1, sharex=True)
                for i in range(0, len(self.stack_plot_data), 1):
                    axs[i].axvline(x=self.stack_plot_nominal[i],linewidth=.2, color='k')
                    axs[i].hist(self.stack_plot_data[i], alpha=0.5, bins=self.bin_size,
                                label=self.stack_plot_names[i], facecolor='g')
                    axs[i].hist(self.stack_plot_mask[i], alpha=1, bins=self.bin_size, facecolor='r')
            # Plot stackups in multiple figures
                for i in range(0, len(self.stack_plot_data)):
                    plt.axvline(x=self.stack_plot_nominal[i],linewidth=.2, color='k')
                    plt.gca().hist(self.stack_plot_data[i], alpha=0.5, bins=self.bin_size, facecolor='g')
                    plt.gca().hist(self.stack_plot_mask[i], alpha=1, bins=self.bin_size, facecolor='r')
        if plotted == True:
            self.error_rng.value = "Waiting for figures to close..."
        self.error_rng.value = "Ready"
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Used when running from Python
    # Used for frozen executable
    plot = Plot()
Exemple #12
def clean_num_with2dec_round():
    """clean the cells in selected range to nums with 2 decimal point, round if more than 2"""
    clean_num(pre_formatter="", point_digit=2, truncate=False)

def clean_num_with2dec_truncate():
    """clean the cells in selected range to nums with 2 decimal point, truncate if more than 2"""
    clean_num(pre_formatter="", point_digit=2, truncate=True)

def clean_num_with4dec_round():
    """clean the cells in selected range to nums with 4 decimal point, round if more than 4"""
    clean_num(pre_formatter="", point_digit=4, truncate=False)

def clean_num_with0dec_truncate():
    """clean the cells in selected range to nums with no decimal point, truncate if more than 0"""
    clean_num(pre_formatter="", point_digit=0, truncate=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if False:
        filepath = cwdPath.joinpath('res\\dev\\change_sign')
        testfile_sum = filepath.joinpath('test_change_sign.xlsx')
Exemple #13
# @Date : 2021/4/8 20:48
# @Description : python自动生成excel数据报表

import pandas as pd
import xlwings as xw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pd.set_option('display.unicode.ambiguous_as_wide', True)
pd.set_option('display.unicode.east_asian_width', True)

df = pd.read_csv(r"fruit_and_veg_sales.csv")

# 创建原始数据表并复制数据
wb = xw.Book()
sht = wb.sheets["Sheet1"]
sht.name = "fruit_and_veg_sales"
sht.range("A1").options(index=False).value = df

# 查看所有列名

# 总利润透视表
pv_total_profit = pd.pivot_table(df, index='类别', values='总利润(美元)', aggfunc='sum')

# 销售数量透视表
pv_quantity_sold = pd.pivot_table(df, index='类别', values='销售数量', aggfunc='sum')
Exemple #14
    reader = csv.reader(out, delimiter=";", dialect="excel")

    for row in reader:
            if len(row) > 7 and row[-6] is not None:

                outputs[row[1]] = "O." + "{0:0=4d}".format(int(
                    row[4])) + "." + row[5] + "." + row[6]
            print("except 2")

#Apriamo la lista IO e prendiamo le colonne dei mnemonici e degli input/output

wb = xw.Book('8FOS_IO008_V5.2.xls')

hilscher_tabs = {1: 1, 2: 2}  #e.g. {1:1,2:2}

for hilscher_card in hilscher_tabs.keys():

    print("elaborate hilscher card " + str(hilscher_card))

    sht = wb.sheets[hilscher_tabs[hilscher_card]]

    rownum = sht.range(
    ).current_region.last_cell.row + 1  #lenght of document(num of rows) on the bit column

    R_Column = sht.range(
        'R1:R' +
import xlwings as xw
import pandas as pd
import openpyxl as op
from xlwings.constants import Direction  # Testing the function of last cell

### reading files using xlwings
order = xw.Book(r'C:\Users\YIEN\Desktop\to Will\行網 - QS Connection\COH - SampleOrders_20190502.xlsx')
receive = xw.Book(r'C:\Users\YIEN\Desktop\to Will\行網 - QS Connection\AMDOCS - 行網收款紀錄_20190430.xlsx')
price = xw.Book(r'C:\Users\YIEN\Desktop\to Will\行網 - QS Connection\COH - 行網資費方案價格主檔.xlsx')
cust= xw.Book(r'C:\Users\YIEN\Desktop\to Will\行網 - QS Connection\MDM - 行網客戶主檔.xlsx')

#reading files using pandas to make it become dataframe
orderpd = pd.read_excel (r'C:\Users\YIEN\Desktop\to Will\行網 - QS Connection\COH - SampleOrders_20190502.xlsx')
receivepd = pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\YIEN\Desktop\to Will\行網 - QS Connection\AMDOCS - 行網收款紀錄_20190430.xlsx')
pricepd = pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\YIEN\Desktop\COH - 行網資費方案價格主檔.xlsx')
custpd = pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\YIEN\Desktop\to Will\行網 - QS Connection\MDM - 行網客戶主檔.xlsx')
billpd = pd.read_excel(r'C:\出帳.xlsx')
regionpd = pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\YIEN\Desktop\to Will\行網 - QS Connection\Retail_Emp_For_NPV.xlsx')

### selecting main sheets
order_sheet = order.sheets['order']
receive_sheet = receive.sheets['工作表1']
price_sheet = price.sheets['sheet 1']
cust_sheet = cust.sheets['工作表1']

### Merging test
result = receivepd.merge(custpd, on="ACCOUNT_ID", how='left')
result2 = result.merge(orderpd, on="MSISDN", how='left')
result3 = result2.merge(pricepd, on="PROMOTIONCODE", how='left')
import os
import xlwings as xw
import time
from difflib import SequenceMatcher

os.chdir("/Users/arvid/Desktop/Router Information")
wb = xw.Book("/Users/arvid/Desktop/DOT Circuits tracking.xls")
sheet = wb.sheets("Circuit & IP info")

SiteNameCombos = {}
sitesNotMatched = []

def findDescription(siteFile, combo):

    lineCounter = 0
    for line in siteFile:

        lineCounter += 1
        #print (line)
        if lineCounter < 5 and "  Description:" in line:
            #print("its in a line")

            interfaceDescription = line.replace("Netname-","Netname ").replace("Netname:","Netname ")\
            .replace("Netname-","Netname ").replace("Netname:","Netname ").replace("Circuit-","Circuit ")\
            .replace("Circuit:","Circuit ").replace("***Netname","Netname").replace("***netname","Netname")\
            .replace("***Circuit","Circuit").replace("***circuit#","Circuit").replace("circuit-","circuit ")\
            .replace("Circuit#","Circuit").replace("Netname#","Netname").replace("**Circuit","Circuit").split(" ")
            if " " in interfaceDescription:
import xlwings as xw
import pyautogui, sys, time

wb = xw.Book('C:\\Users\\craig\\Documents\\CS3398-Vulcans-S2020\\example.xlsm')
#wb = xw.Book(sys.argv[1]))
sheet = wb.sheets['Sheet1']
print('Press Ctrl-C to quit.')

    while True:
        x, y = pyautogui.position()
        sheet.range('L3').value = x
        sheet.range('M3').value = y
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Exemple #18
    date = []
    remain_date = df['Unnamed: 13'].tolist()

    for item in Name:

    url = "http://mdapi.tadbirrlc.com/api/Symbol/all"

    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.text

    parsed = json.loads(data)

    x = parsed['List'].split('],')

    wb = xw.Book('View.xlsx')
    worksheet = wb.sheets('Sheet1')
    worksheet.range('A1').value = shifter(symbol, 'نماد')
    worksheet.range('B1').value = shifter(Name, 'نام')
    worksheet.range('C1').value = shifter(sell_price, 'فروش')
    worksheet.range('D1').value = shifter(buy_price, 'خرید')
    worksheet.range('E1').value = shifter(
        list_maker_price(std_name(Name), name_collect(x), price_collect(x)),
        "قیمت سهم")
    worksheet.range('F1').value = shifter(place_price, 'قیمت اعمال')
    worksheet.range('G1').value = shifter(date, 'سر رسید')
    worksheet.range('H1').value = shifter(remain_date, 'روز تا سر رسید')
    worksheet.range('I1').value = shifter(
            final_sell_price, final_place_price,
            list_maker_price(std_name(Name), name_collect(x),
Exemple #19
 def get_workbook(self):
     xw.App.visible = False
     wb = xw.Book(self.path)
     return wb
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import os
import gamry_parser as parser
import xlwings as xw

path_data = "./files/191016/"
path_format = "./files/PCFC template (2019)_DHK_v1_.xlsx"
path_file = "./files/111.xlsx"

file_list = os.listdir(path_data)

book = xw.Book(path_format)
app = xw.apps.active

ws_iv = book.sheets['j-V-P']
ws_eis = book.sheets['EIS']

for files in file_list:
    if files.find('650') is not -1 and files.find('LSV') is not -1 and files.find('OCP') is -1:
                data = 'I4'
                file_name = path_data + files
                ca = parser.ChronoAmperometry(to_timestamp=True)
                dta = ca.get_curve_data()
                del dta['T']
                ws_iv.range(data).options(index=False).value = dta
    if files.find('600') is not -1 and files.find('LSV') is not -1 and files.find('OCP') is -1:
                data = 'P4'
import xlwings as xw

xlsx = r"\\arcserver-svr\D\PPA_v2_SVR\Tests\TestWorksheet2.xlsx"

def trace():
    import traceback, inspect
    tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
    tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
    # script name + line number
    line = tbinfo.split(", ")[1]
    filename = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
    # Get Python syntax error
    synerror = traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-1]
    return line, filename, synerror

    # make excel workbook with project outputs
    xw.App.visible = True  # must be set to True or else it won't work
    wb = xw.Book(xlsx)
    msg = "Success! xlwings workbook object created and closed!"
    msg = trace()

arcpy.SetParameterAsText(0, msg)
Exemple #22
import os, xlwings, time, xlrd, openpyxl, win32com.client
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook

excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
excel.ScreenUpdating = False

### set your directory here
homedir = 'ahanway'

### set the path to the BBY Inventory file here; saving first in case you forgot to
filename = 'C:\\Users\\'+ homedir + '\\Desktop\\BBY TV inventory - FSM email V2-3.xlsm'
wb = xlwings.Book(filename)

#using an excel macro to unhide all sheets in the bby inv file
#if the sheets remained hidden, an error is generated in the final market file
a = wb.api.Application.Run("unhideSheets")

#starting script and timer
start = time.time()
print("\n\n    ---------------->   Process started: " + time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) + "   <---------------- \n")

#the original bby inv file is too large and slows the script processing time; create a new temp saved to desktop
#with only admin, bby inv email, list, and template tabs from original bby inv file to pull from in the script.
print("   - Step 1: Creating valuedWb temp file saved as: \Desktop\BBY_TV_Inv_Temp.xlsx...")
print("         - This temp file will be deleted from the desktop upon script completion. This may take a few minutes...")
valuedWb = xlwings.Book()
import xlwings as xw
# app = xw.App()
# app.books['new_file.xlsx']
wb = xw.Book('new_file.xlsx')
Exemple #24
def update_excel(r, column):
    book = xw.Book(path)
    sht = book.sheets['main']
    cell = "{}".format(column) + str(r + 2)
    sht.range(cell).value = 'done'
Exemple #25
import xlwings as xl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

wBook = xl.Book('experiment.xlsx')
data = wBook.sheets('data')

#________________dictionary converter______________#
k = data.range('A2:B12').options(dict).value #converts data from two coloumns into python dictionary
print(k)                                     #where values in 1st coloumn are keys & in 2nd are dict values
#data.range('A2:B12').options(dict).value = dict() #does the inverse of line 10

#________________Numpy array converter________________#
j = data.range('B2:B12').options(np.array, transpose=True).value #puts the values in given the range into a numpy array
data.range('E2:E12').options(transpose=True).value = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]) #inserts the given np array into the range

#_______________Pandas Series Converter_______________#
panda = data.range('A1',).options(pd.Series, expand='table', header=True).value
print('\n', panda)
data.range('A17').options(header=True).value = panda

#_______________Pandas DataFrame converter_____________#
frame = data.range('A1:C12').options(pd.DataFrame, header=1).value
Exemple #26
def df_from_excel(path):
    book = xw.Book(path)
    # book.close()
    return pd.read_excel(path, header=0)
import xlwings as xw

file_path = '/Users/chenhaolin/PycharmProjects/SRT/发改委/NDRC/FILES/test_xls.xls'
wb = xw.Book(file_path)
sheet = wb.sheets[0]
RANGE = sheet.range('A1').expand('table')
row_count = RANGE.rows.count
col_count = RANGE.columns.count
print(str(row_count) + ' ' + str(col_count))


for row in range(row_count):
    print(sheet.range('A' + str(row + 1)).value)
Exemple #28
import requests
import bs4
import xlwings as xw
import time

# 打开Excel程序,默认设置:程序可见,只打开不新建工作薄
app = xw.App(visible=True, add_book=False)
# 新建工作簿 (如果不接下一条代码的话,Excel只会一闪而过,卖个萌就走了)
wb = app.books.add()

# 打开已有工作簿(支持绝对路径和相对路径)
# wb = app.books.open('example.xlsx')

wb = xw.Book('test1.xlsx')

r = requests.get("http://zrzy.jiangsu.gov.cn/nt/gtzx/gzdt/")
html_doc = r.content.decode('utf-8')
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'lxml')
a = len(soup.select('a[target="_blank"]'))
zong = soup.select('a[target="_blank"]')
n = 1
for cishu in range(0, a - 1, 1):
    fen = zong[cishu].attrs["href"]

    dingwei = fen

    r2 = requests.get("http://zrzy.jiangsu.gov.cn/nt/gtzx/gzdt/" + dingwei)
    html_doc = r2.content.decode('utf-8')
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'lxml')
    c = soup.find_all("p")
Exemple #29

    # 写入数据
    sht.range('A1').value = 'Hello Excel'

    sht.range('A1').value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

    # 按照列写入数据
    sht.range('A2').options(transpose=True).value = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

    # 二维列表写入数据
    sht.range('A9').expand('table').value = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f'],
                                             ['g', 'h', 'i'], ['j', 'k', 'l']]



#def read_data():

if __name__ == '__main__':

    fig = plt.figure()  # 指定画布
    # plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    plt.plot([36, 5, 3, 25, 78])
    plt.plot([9, 10, 31, 45])
    plt.plot([6, 14, 45, 31])
    sht = xw.Book(r'G:/test/test.xlsx').sheets[0]
    sht.pictures.add(fig, name='myplt', update=True)
Exemple #30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Nov  3 14:22:15 2016

@author: ywang

# Data Structure Tutorial

import xlwings as xw

# Single Cells
import datetime as dt
sht = xw.Book().sheets[0]
sht.range('A1').value = 1
sht.range('A2').value = 'Hello'
sht.range('A3').value is None
sht.range('A4').value = dt.datetime(2000, 1, 1)

# 1d List
sht = xw.books[0].sheets[0]
sht.range('A1').value = [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]
sht.range('A1').value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# force a single cell to be returned as list