def fromStream(self, stream, ownerDoc=None): self.initParser() self.initState(ownerDoc) success = self.parser.ParseFile(stream) if not success: from xml.dom.ext import FtDomException from xml.dom import XML_PARSE_ERR if self._rootNode: ReleaseNode(self._rootNode) if self._ownerDoc: ReleaseNode(self._ownerDoc) raise FtDomException( XML_PARSE_ERR, (self.parser.ErrorLineNumber, self.parser.ErrorColumnNumber, expat.ErrorString(self.parser.ErrorCode))) self._completeTextNode() return self._rootNode or self._ownerDoc
def sciListPage(self, type, singlePages="yes"): nightList = [] document = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) rootElement = document.createElement("document") rootElement.setAttribute("title", "%s exposures in run %s" % (string.upper(type), tableNode = AddTableToDoc(document, "List of %s exposures" % (type, ), ["Exposure", "Object", "Exp. Time/s", "Seeing/\"", "Background/(1/s)", "<e1>", "<e2>", "ZP/mag"], ["left", "left", "right", "right", "right", "right", "right", "right"]) sciFrameListList = self.getSciFrames(type) for sciFrameList in sciFrameListList: recordNode = document.createElement("record") for val in sciFrameList: if sciFrameList.index(val) == 0: AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, val, [("link", os.path.join("science_frames", string.lower(val[:-4]+"html")))]) if singlePages == "yes": print "Creating single page for", val self.createSingleSci(type, val) else: AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, val) # Add ZP from Image Header imgPath = os.path.join(self.runDir, type, sciFrameList[0][:-5]+"_1"+self.extension+".fits") zp = GetHeaderVal(imgPath, "ZP") coeff = GetHeaderVal(imgPath, "COEFF") nightID = GetHeaderVal(imgPath, "GABODSID") zpChoice = GetHeaderVal(imgPath, "ZPCHOICE") if not nightID: continue if not nightID in nightList: solFile = os.path.join(self.runDir, "STANDARD_%s" % (self.filter,), "calib", "night_%d_%s_result.asc" % (nightID, self.filter)) if os.path.exists(solFile): self.createPhotPage(nightID, zp, coeff, zpChoice) link = os.path.join("standard", "night_%d.html" % (nightID,)) else: link = None nightList.append(nightID) if zp and float(zp) > -0.9: AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(float(zp), 2), ), [("link", link)]) # AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(float(zp), 2))) elif link: AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "-1", [("link", link)]) else: AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "-") tableNode.appendChild(recordNode) rootElement.appendChild(tableNode) footerNode = AddFooterNode(document) rootElement.appendChild(footerNode) document.appendChild(rootElement) ConvertDocument(self.webDir, string.lower(type), document, "calframes.xslt") ReleaseNode(document) os.chdir(self.cwd) return
def toString(self): if self.detached: raise InvalidStateErr() df = self.cloneContents() res = self.__recurseToString(df) from xml.dom.ext import ReleaseNode ReleaseNode(df) return res
def createSingleSci(self, type, frame): sciPageDir = os.path.join(self.webDir, "science_frames") document = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) rootElement = document.createElement("document") rootElement.setAttribute("title", frame) mosaicNode = document.createElement("mosaic") mosaicNode.setAttribute("heading", "Binned Mosaic for %s" % (frame, )) status = AddImgNode(self.runDir, document, mosaicNode, type, frame[:-5], sciPageDir) if status != "ok": ReleaseNode(document) print status return rootElement.appendChild(mosaicNode) psfNode = document.createElement("mosaic") psfNode.setAttribute("heading", "PSF Pattern for %s" % (frame, )) psFile = os.path.join(self.runDir, type, "cat", "PSFcheck", frame[:-5]+".ps") status, pngPath = self.convertPSFPlot(psFile) if status != "ok": ReleaseNode(document) print status return imgNode = document.createElement("img") imgPath = os.path.join("images", os.path.split(pngPath)[1]) imgNode.setAttribute("source", imgPath) psfNode.appendChild(imgNode) rootElement.appendChild(psfNode) footerNode = AddFooterNode(document) rootElement.appendChild(footerNode) document.appendChild(rootElement) ConvertDocument(sciPageDir, string.lower(frame[:-5]), document, "calframes.xslt") ReleaseNode(document) return
def indexPage(self): document = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) rootElement = document.createElement("document") rootElement.setAttribute("title", "Contents of run %s, filter %s" % (, self.filter)) for files in ["BIAS", "DARK", "SCIENCE_%s" % (self.filter, ), "SKYFLAT_%s" % (self.filter, ), "DOMEFLAT_%s" % (self.filter, ), "STANDARD_%s" % (self.filter, )]: checkPath = os.path.join(self.webDir, string.lower(files)+".html") if not os.path.exists(checkPath): continue filesNode = document.createElement("files") filesNode.setAttribute("link", string.lower(files)+".html") textNode = document.createTextNode(files) filesNode.appendChild(textNode) rootElement.appendChild(filesNode) footerNode = AddFooterNode(document) rootElement.appendChild(footerNode) document.appendChild(rootElement) ConvertDocument(self.webDir, "index", document, "runindex.xslt") ReleaseNode(document) return
def releaseNode(self, node): "Free a DOM tree" node and ReleaseNode(node)
def calFramePage(self, type): document = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) rootElement = document.createElement("document") rootElement.setAttribute("title", "%s frames in run %s" % (string.upper(type), mosaicNode = document.createElement("mosaic") mosaicNode.setAttribute("heading", "Master %s frame" % (string.upper(type), )) status = self.addImgNode(document, mosaicNode, type) if status != "ok": ReleaseNode(document) print status return rootElement.appendChild(mosaicNode) masterFrameNode = AddTableToDoc(document, "Master %s frames" % (type, ), ["Frame", "mean", "median", "stdev", "min", "max"], ["left", "right", "right", "right", "right", "right"]) chipFrameNodes = [] for chip in range(1, self.noChips+1): frameName = "%s_%d.fits" % (type, chip) calFrame = os.path.join(self.runDir, type, frameName) if not os.path.exists(calFrame): print "No such calibration file: ", calFrame continue dat=fimg[0].data recordNode = document.createElement("record") AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, frameName) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(dat.mean(), 2)), ) median = GetMedian(dat) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(median, 2)), ) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(GetCutStdev(dat), 2)), ) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(dat.min(), 2)), ) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(dat.max(), 2)), ) masterFrameNode.appendChild(recordNode) calDict = {} catFile = os.path.join(self.runDir, type, "cat", "" % (chip, )) if os.path.exists(catFile): ftab = tabHDU = ftab["STATS"] tabDat = for row in range(len(tabDat)): try: exptime = tabDat[row].field("EXPTIME") except: exptime = None calDict[tabDat[row].field("FITSFILE")] = {"mode" : tabDat[row].field("Mode"), "median" : tabDat[row].field("Median"), "mean" : tabDat[row].field("Mean"), "stdev" : tabDat[row].field("Stdev"), "exptime": exptime} ftab.close() singleFrameNode = self.singleFrameTable(type, fimg[0].header, chip, calDict, document) chipFrameNodes.append(singleFrameNode) fimg.close() rootElement.appendChild(masterFrameNode) for singleFrameTable in chipFrameNodes: rootElement.appendChild(singleFrameTable) footerNode = AddFooterNode(document) rootElement.appendChild(footerNode) document.appendChild(rootElement) ConvertDocument(self.webDir, string.lower(type), document, "calframes.xslt") ReleaseNode(document) os.chdir(self.cwd) return
def createPhotPage(self, night, zp, coeff, zpChoice=None): stdPageDir = os.path.join(self.webDir, "standard") pipe = os.popen("caldate -d 31/12/1998 -i %d" % (night,)) result = pipe.close() civNight = string.split(result)[2] document = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) rootElement = document.createElement("document") rootElement.setAttribute("title", "Photometric solutions for night %d (%s)" % (night, civNight)) tableNode = AddTableToDoc(document, "Photometric Solutions", ["ZP/mag", "Ext. Coeff.", "Col. Term", "Type", "Selected"], ["right", "right", "right", "left", "left"]) solFile = os.path.join(self.runDir, "STANDARD_%s" % (self.filter,), "calib", "night_%d_%s_result.asc" % (night, self.filter)) f = open(solFile, "r") i = 0 solType=["Z-K-C", "Z---C", "Z----"] for sol in f.readlines(): recordNode = document.createElement("record") zpSol, coeffSol, ctSol = string.split(sol) if not zpChoice: # It's really crappy that we have to find the accepted solution again # by comparing with all solutions. This is bound to fail at some point try: if fabs(float(zpSol)-zp) < 1e-4 and fabs(float(coeffSol)-coeff) <1e-4: selected = "yes" attr = [("mode", "b")] else: selected = "no" attr = [] # Older version did not always insert ZP and COEFF, they might be None ... except TypeError: selected = "no" attr = [] else: # New version write to the header which solution was chosen if zpChoice == i+1: selected = "yes" attr = [("mode", "b")] else: selected = "no" attr = [] AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(float(zpSol), 2), ), attr) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(float(coeffSol), 2), ), attr) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "%.2f" % (round(float(ctSol), 2), ), attr) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, solType[i], attr) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, selected, attr) i += 1 tableNode.appendChild(recordNode) rootElement.appendChild(tableNode) plotNode = document.createElement("photcal") plotNode.setAttribute("heading", "Plot of photometric solutions") psFile = os.path.join(self.runDir, "STANDARD_%s" % (self.filter,), "calib", "" % (night, self.filter)) status, pngPath = self.convertPhotCalPlot(psFile) if status != "ok": ReleaseNode(document) print status return imgNode = document.createElement("img") imgPath = os.path.join("images", os.path.split(pngPath)[1]) imgNode.setAttribute("source", imgPath) plotNode.appendChild(imgNode) rootElement.appendChild(plotNode) footerNode = AddFooterNode(document) rootElement.appendChild(footerNode) document.appendChild(rootElement) ConvertDocument(stdPageDir, "night_%d" % (night,), document, "calframes.xslt") ReleaseNode(document) return
def makeCoaddPage(self, dir): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dir) coaddWeb = os.path.join(self.webDir, "coadd_"+self.ident) if not os.path.exists(coaddWeb): os.makedirs(coaddWeb) frameList = glob.glob("*%s.%s.fits" % (self.extension, self.ending)) fitsFile = os.path.join(dir, "%s_%s.%s.swarp.fits" % (self.field, self.filter, self.ident)) status, jpgPath = ConvertMosaicLarge(fitsFile, self.webDir, 2) if not status == "ok": print status title = "%s_%s %s" % (self.field, self.filter, self.ident) document = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) rootElement = document.createElement("document") rootElement.setAttribute("title", title) if jpgPath: imgNode = document.createElement("img") imgPath = os.path.join("../images", os.path.split(jpgPath)[1]) imgNode.setAttribute("source", imgPath) rootElement.appendChild(imgNode) fitsFile = os.path.join(dir, "%s_%s.%s.swarp.weight.fits" % (self.field, self.filter, self.ident)) status, jpgPath = ConvertMosaicLarge(fitsFile, self.webDir, 0, levels=[0, None]) if not status == "ok": print status if jpgPath: imgNode = document.createElement("img") imgPath = os.path.join("../images", os.path.split(jpgPath)[1]) imgNode.setAttribute("source", imgPath) rootElement.appendChild(imgNode) diagNode = document.createElement("diagPlots") plotList = glob.glob("../postcoadd/plots/%s_%s.%s*" % (self.field, self.filter, self.ident)) setPlotList = glob.glob("../plots/coadd_%s*.ps" % (self.ident, )) print "setPlotList: ", setPlotList plotList = setPlotList + plotList for plot in plotList: status, pngPath = self.convertPlot(plot) if not status == "ok": print status if pngPath: imgNode = document.createElement("img") imgPath = os.path.join("../images", os.path.split(pngPath)[1]) imgNode.setAttribute("source", imgPath) diagNode.appendChild(imgNode) rootElement.appendChild(diagNode) suffix = "*_1%s.%s.fits" % (self.extension, self.ending) frameList = glob.glob(suffix) sciNode = document.createElement("runList") runList = [] frameDict = {} for frame in frameList: run = self.getRun(frame) if not run in runList: runList.append(run) frameDict[run] = [] frameDict[run].append(frame) runList.sort() tableNode = AddTableToDoc(document, "Runs and Exposures", ["No.", "Run", "Exposure"], ["right", "left", "left"]) i = 1 for run in runList: print run recordNode = document.createElement("record") AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "") AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, run, [("link", os.path.join("..", "..", "..", self.filter, run))]) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "") tableNode.appendChild(recordNode) frameDict[run].sort() for frame in frameDict[run]: print frame print suffix frameEntry = frame[:-(len(suffix)-1)] # frameEntry = frame[:-12] recordNode = document.createElement("record") AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, str(i)) i += 1 AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, "") link = os.path.join("..", "..", "..", self.filter, run, "science_frames", string.lower(frameEntry)+".html") AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, frameEntry, [("link", link)]) tableNode.appendChild(recordNode) sciNode.appendChild(tableNode) footerNode = AddFooterNode(document) rootElement.appendChild(footerNode) rootElement.appendChild(sciNode) document.appendChild(rootElement) xmlFile = os.path.join(coaddWeb, "index.xml") htmlFile = os.path.join(coaddWeb, "index.html") f = open(xmlFile, "w") xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(document, f) f.close() ReleaseNode(document) cmd = "xsltproc %s/coaddframe.xslt %s > %s" % (PipeWWW, xmlFile, htmlFile) os.system(cmd) os.chdir(cwd) return
def makeCoaddIndex(self): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.coaddDir) dList = glob.glob("coadd_*") dList.sort() document = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) rootElement = document.createElement("document") title = "%s (%s-band) Co-Addition Overview" % (self.field, self.filter) rootElement.setAttribute("title", title) tableNode = AddTableToDoc(document, "Co-additions for this field", ["Identifier", "Seeing/arcsec", "ZP/mag", "Exp. Time/s", "Selection criteria"], ["left", "right", "right", "right", "left"]) for d in dList: dID = string.split(d, "_", 1)[1] recordNode = document.createElement("record") AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, d, (("link", d), )) fitsFile = "%s/%s_%s.%s.swarp.fits" % (d, self.field, self.filter, dID) val = GetHeaderVal(fitsFile, "SEEING") if val: val = round(val, 2) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, val) val = GetHeaderVal(fitsFile, "MAGZP") if val: val = round(val, 2) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, val) val = GetHeaderVal(fitsFile, "TEXPTIME") if val: val = round(val, 1) else: val = GetHeaderVal(fitsFile, "EXPTIME") if val: val = round(val, 1) AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, val) i = 1 cond = "" while 1: val = GetHeaderVal(fitsFile, "COND%d" % (i, )) if not val: break cond += val i += 1 AddTextFieldToRecord(document, recordNode, cond) tableNode.appendChild(recordNode) rootElement.appendChild(tableNode) diagNode = document.createElement("diagPlots") plotList = glob.glob("/%s/%s/plots/%s*.ps" % (self.fieldDir, self.filter, self.filter)) for plot in plotList: status, pngPath = self.convertPlot(plot) if not status == "ok": print status if pngPath: imgNode = document.createElement("img") imgPath = os.path.join("images", os.path.split(pngPath)[1]) imgNode.setAttribute("source", imgPath) diagNode.appendChild(imgNode) rootElement.appendChild(diagNode) footerNode = AddFooterNode(document) rootElement.appendChild(footerNode) document.appendChild(rootElement) xmlFile = os.path.join(self.webDir, "index.xml") htmlFile = os.path.join(self.webDir, "index.html") f = open(xmlFile, "w") xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(document, f) f.close() ReleaseNode(document) cmd = "xsltproc %s/coaddlist.xslt %s > %s" % (PipeWWW, xmlFile, htmlFile) os.system(cmd) os.chdir(cwd) return dList
def releaseNode(self, node): ReleaseNode(node)
def deleteContents(self): """Delete the contents defined by this range""" #NOTE Use 4DOM ReleaseNode cause it is interface safe from xml.dom.ext import ReleaseNode if self.detached: raise InvalidStateErr() if self.startContainer == self.endContainer: if self.startOffset == self.endOffset: return if self.startContainer.nodeType in [ Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE ]: #Adjust the character data self.startContainer.deleteData( self.startOffset, 1 + self.endOffset - self.startOffset) else: #Delete a set number of children numDel = self.endOffset - self.startOffset + 1 for ctr in range(numDel): c = self.startContainer.removeChild( self.startContainer.childNodes[self.startOffset]) ReleaseNode(c) self.__dict__['endContainer'] = self.startContainer self.__dict__['endOffset'] = self.endContainer self.__dict__['commonAncestorContainer'] = self.endContainer self.__dict__['collapsed'] = 1 elif self.startContainer == self.commonAncestorContainer: #Delete up the endContainer #From the start to the end if self.endContainer.nodeType in [ Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE ]: #Adjust the character data self.endContainer.deleteData(0, self.endOffset) else: numDel = self.endOffset for ctr in range(numDel): c = self.endContainer.removeChild( self.endContainer.childNodes[0]) ReleaseNode(c) cur = self.endContainer while cur.parentNode != self.commonAncestorContainer: while cur.previousSibling: c = cur.parentNode.removeChild(cur.previousSibling) ReleaseNode(c) cur = cur.parentNode #Delete up to the ancestor of end endAncestorChild = cur while self.startContainer.firstChild != endAncestorChild: c = self.startContainer.removeChild( self.startContainer.firstChild) ReleaseNode(c) elif self.endContainer == self.commonAncestorContainer: if self.startContainer.nodeType in [ Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE ]: #Adjust the character data self.startContainer.deleteData( self.startOffset, 1 + len( - self.startOffset) else: numDel = len(self.startContainer.childNodes) - self.startOffset for ctr in range(numDel): c = self.startContainer.removeChild( self.startContainer.childNodes[self.startOffset]) ReleaseNode(c) cur = self.startContainer while cur.parentNode != self.commonAncestorContainer: while cur.nextSibling: c = cur.parentNode.removeChild(cur.nextSibling) ReleaseNode(c) cur = cur.parentNode startAncestorChild = cur #Delete up to the ancestor of start startAncestorChild = cur startIndex = self.endContainer.childNodes.index(cur) numDel = self.endOffset - startIndex for ctr in range(numDel): c = self.endContainer.removeChild( startAncestorChild.nextSibling) ReleaseNode(c) else: #From the start to the end if self.startContainer.nodeType in [ Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE ]: #Adjust the character data self.startContainer.deleteData( self.startOffset, 1 + len( - self.startOffset) else: numDel = len(self.startContainer.childNodes) - self.startOffset for ctr in range(numDel): c = self.startContainer.removeChild( self.startContainer.childNodes[self.startOffset]) ReleaseNode(c) cur = self.startContainer while cur.parentNode != self.commonAncestorContainer: while cur.nextSibling: c = cur.parentNode.removeChild(cur.nextSibling) ReleaseNode(c) cur = cur.parentNode startAncestorChild = cur #Delete up the endContainer #From the start to the end if self.endContainer.nodeType in [ Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE ]: #Adjust the character data self.endContainer.deleteData(0, self.endOffset) else: numDel = self.endOffset for ctr in range(numDel): c = self.endContainer.removeChild( self.endContainer.childNodes[0]) ReleaseNode(c) cur = self.endContainer while cur.parentNode != self.commonAncestorContainer: while cur.previousSibling: c = cur.parentNode.removeChild(cur.previousSibling) ReleaseNode(c) cur = cur.parentNode endAncestorChild = cur cur = startAncestorChild #Delete everything between us while cur.nextSibling != endAncestorChild: c = cur.parentNode.removeChild(cur.nextSibling) ReleaseNode(c) #Adjust the containers #FIXME What the heck is the spec talking about?? self.__dict__['endContainer'] = self.startContainer self.__dict__['endOffset'] = self.startContainer self.__dict__['commonAncestorContainer'] = self.startContainer self.__dict__['collapsed'] = 1 return None