Exemple #1
    def dict2xml(data):
        """dict to xml

        @:param data: Dictionary
        @:return: string
        # return as_text( xmltodict.unparse({'xml': data_dict}, pretty=True) )
        root = ElementTree.Element('xml')
        for k in data:
            v = data[k]
            child = ElementTree.SubElement(root, k)
            child.text = str(v)
        return as_text(ElementTree.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8'))
Exemple #2
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree as ET

# build a tree structure
root = xml.etree.ElementTree.Element("html")
#root = ET.Element("html")

head = ET.SubElement(root, "head")

title = ET.SubElement(head, "title")
title.text = "Page Title"

body = ET.SubElement(root, "body")
body.set("bgcolor", "#ffffff")

body.text = "Hello, World!"

# wrap it in an ElementTree instance, and save as XML
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)