Exemple #1
    def process_sheet1(self):

        tree = parse(self.tmp_sheet_xml_file)

        # Removing file from the template. XML structure has been loaded to memory, file will be recreated in the zip
        # archive when calling the write function

        worksheet = tree.getroot()
        sheetData = worksheet.find("./" + self.base_ns + "sheetData")

        # Removing existing cell records from template if any
        file_rows = sheetData.findall("./" + self.base_ns + "row")
        if len(file_rows) > 0:
            for file_row in file_rows:

        curent_row_number = None
        curent_cell_ref = None
        total_cell_number = 0
        row = None
        v = None

        for key, value in self.dict.items():

            row_number = value[4]

            # New row ? If so, append a new row Element
            if row_number != curent_row_number:
                # Append the new row
                curent_row_number = row_number
                row = SubElement(sheetData, self.base_ns + "row")
                row.set("r", row_number)

            # Determine if the cell is already defined in the file. If so (multiple writing to the same cell), last
            # writing to the cell (last item of the for loop) will actually be effective
            if key != curent_cell_ref:

                # Append the new cell
                curent_cell_ref = key
                total_cell_number += 1

                c = SubElement(row, self.base_ns + "c")
                style = value[2]
                if style is not None:
                    c.set("s", str(style))
                c.set("r", key)
                c.set("t", "s")
                v = SubElement(c, self.base_ns + "v")

            v.text = str(value[1])

        # Updating sharedstring "count" attribute from the sharedstrings.xml file with the new number of cells
        # Excel will complain otherwise

        # Updating dimension element. Optional, only allows Excel/Open Office to optimize
        # the horizontal / vertical scroll bar size. Not really time consuming though
        min_row = list(self.dict.values())[0][4]
        max_row = list(self.dict.values())[-1][4]

        tmp_set = set()
        for cell_data in self.dict.values():
        sorted_columns = sorted(tmp_set)

        min_column = sorted_columns[0]
        max_column = sorted_columns[-1]

        new_dim = min_column + str(min_row) + ":" + max_column + str(max_row)

        dimension = worksheet.find("./" + self.base_ns + "dimension")
        if dimension is not None:
            dimension.set("ref", new_dim)

        # Adjusting columns width for the columns that are used
        col_records = None
        cols = worksheet.find("./" + self.base_ns + "cols")
        col = None
        if cols is not None:
            col_records = cols.findall("./" + self.base_ns + "col")
            cols = SubElement(worksheet, self.base_ns + "cols")

        if col_records is not None:
            # Removing existing col elements if any, keeping only the last one to update it
            for index, col_record in enumerate(col_records):
                if index < len(col_records)-1:
                    col = col_record

        if col is None:
            col = SubElement(cols, self.base_ns + "col")
        col.set("min", str(self.column_to_index(min_column)))
        col.set("max", str(self.column_to_index(max_column)))
        col.set("width", "30")
        col.set("customWidth", "1")

        # Writing XML tree to file
        # Writing file to archive
        self.zout.write(self.tmp_sheet_xml_file, arcname="xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml")