Exemple #1
    def parseTools(self):
        """parse the xml file and generate sql file""" 
            analytics_tools = Parser.getNodeTag(self, self.xmlDoc, "analytics_tools")
            atList = Parser.getNodeList(self, analytics_tools, "analytics_tool")

            for at in atList:
                atDic = {}
                name = Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "name")
                kind = Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "kind")
                if kind.lower() in( "greenplum", "postgres"):
                    atDic["name"]           =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "name")
                    atDic["kind"]           =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "kind")
                    atDic["host"]           =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "host")
                    atDic["port"]           =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "port")
                    atDic["superuser"]  =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "superuser")
                    atDic["database"]       =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "database")
                    atDic["username"]       =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "user")
                    atDic["master_dir"]     =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "master_dir")
                    atDic["env"]    =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, at, "env")
                self.analyticsTools[name] = atDic

        except Exception, exp:
            print str(exp)
            print "Error when parsing analyticsTools"
Exemple #2
    def __createToolsTb(self):
        """create the analytics tool table"""
        # drop table stmt
        stmt = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + self.analyticsToolTb + " cascade;\n\n"

        analytics_tools = Parser.getNodeTag(self, self.xmlDoc, "analytics_tools")

        metadata = Parser.getNodeTag(self, analytics_tools, "metadata")
        colList = Parser.getNodeList(self, metadata, "column")

        for col in colList:
            colName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, col, "name")
            colType = Parser.getNodeVal(self, col, "type")
            self.colsDesc[colName] = colType

        # convert dict
        cols = self.dicToArray(self.colsDesc)

        # create table stmt
        stmt = "CREATE TABLE " + self.analyticsToolTb + "("
        stmt = stmt + ','.join(cols) + ");\n\n"