def reorder_tabs_handler(course_item, request):
    Helper function for handling reorder of tabs request

    # Tabs are identified by tab_id or locators.
    # The locators are used to identify static tabs since they are xmodules.
    # Although all tabs have tab_ids, newly created static tabs do not know
    # their tab_ids since the xmodule editor uses only locators to identify new objects.
    requested_tab_id_locators = request.json["tabs"]

    # original tab list in original order
    old_tab_list = course_item.tabs

    # create a new list in the new order
    new_tab_list = []
    for tab_id_locator in requested_tab_id_locators:
        tab = get_tab_by_tab_id_locator(old_tab_list, tab_id_locator)
        if tab is None:
            return JsonResponse(
                {"error": "Tab with id_locator '{0}' does not exist.".format(tab_id_locator)}, status=400

    # the old_tab_list may contain additional tabs that were not rendered in the UI because of
    # global or course settings.  so add those to the end of the list.
    non_displayed_tabs = set(old_tab_list) - set(new_tab_list)

    # validate the tabs to make sure everything is Ok (e.g., did the client try to reorder unmovable tabs?)
    except InvalidTabsException, exception:
        return JsonResponse({"error": "New list of tabs is not valid: {0}.".format(str(exception))}, status=400)
Exemple #2
def reorder_tabs_handler(course_item, request):
    Helper function for handling reorder of tabs request

    # Tabs are identified by tab_id or locators.
    # The locators are used to identify static tabs since they are xmodules.
    # Although all tabs have tab_ids, newly created static tabs do not know
    # their tab_ids since the xmodule editor uses only locators to identify new objects.
    requested_tab_id_locators = request.json['tabs']

    # original tab list in original order
    old_tab_list = course_item.tabs

    # create a new list in the new order
    new_tab_list = []
    for tab_id_locator in requested_tab_id_locators:
        tab = get_tab_by_tab_id_locator(old_tab_list, tab_id_locator)
        if tab is None:
            return JsonResponse(
                    u"Tab with id_locator '{0}' does not exist.".format(

    # the old_tab_list may contain additional tabs that were not rendered in the UI because of
    # global or course settings.  so add those to the end of the list.
    non_displayed_tabs = set(old_tab_list) - set(new_tab_list)

    # validate the tabs to make sure everything is Ok (e.g., did the client try to reorder unmovable tabs?)
    except InvalidTabsException as exception:
        return JsonResponse(
                u"New list of tabs is not valid: {0}.".format(str(exception))

    # persist the new order of the tabs
    course_item.tabs = new_tab_list

    return JsonResponse()
Exemple #3
def reorder_tabs_handler(course_item, tabs_data, user):
    Helper function for handling reorder of static tabs request

    # Tabs are identified by tab_id or locators.
    # The locators are used to identify static tabs since they are xmodules.
    # Although all tabs have tab_ids, newly created static tabs do not know
    # their tab_ids since the xmodule editor uses only locators to identify new objects.
    requested_tab_id_locators = tabs_data["tabs"]

    #get original tab list of only static tabs with their original index(position) in the full course tabs list
    old_tab_dict = {}
    for idx, tab in enumerate(course_item.tabs):
        if isinstance(tab, StaticTab):
            old_tab_dict[tab] = idx
    old_tab_list = list(old_tab_dict.keys())

    new_tab_list = create_new_list(requested_tab_id_locators, old_tab_list)

    # Creates a full new course tab list of both default and static course tabs
    # by looping through the new tab list of static only tabs and
    # putting them in their new position in the list of course item tabs
    # original_idx gives the list of positions of all static tabs in course tabs originally
    full_new_tab_list = course_item.tabs
    original_idx = list(old_tab_dict.values())
    for i in range(len(new_tab_list)):
        full_new_tab_list[original_idx[i]] = new_tab_list[i]

    # validate the tabs to make sure everything is Ok (e.g., did the client try to reorder unmovable tabs?)
    except InvalidTabsException as exception:
        raise ValidationError({
            f"New list of tabs is not valid: {str(exception)}."
        }) from exception

    # persist the new order of the tabs
    course_item.tabs = full_new_tab_list
Exemple #4
def reorder_tabs_handler(course_item, tabs_data, user):
    Helper function for handling reorder of static tabs request

    # Static tabs are identified by locators (a UsageKey) instead of a tab id like
    # other tabs. These can be used to identify static tabs since they are xmodules.
    # Although all tabs have tab_ids, newly created static tabs do not know
    # their tab_ids since the xmodule editor uses only locators to identify new objects.
    new_tab_list = create_new_list(tabs_data, course_item.tabs)

    # validate the tabs to make sure everything is Ok (e.g., did the client try to reorder unmovable tabs?)
    except InvalidTabsException as exception:
        raise ValidationError({
            f"New list of tabs is not valid: {str(exception)}."
        }) from exception

    course_item.tabs = new_tab_list
