def writeLatLonDB(self, fileName, dbFile, minLatLong=None, maxLatLong=None,db=None):
    #DWR 2012-10-29  
    retVal = True
    if(self.logger != None):
      self.logger.debug("writeLatLonDB File: %s BBOX: %f,%f %f,%f"\
    #Database connection not supplied, so create it.
    if(db == None):
      db = dhecDB(dbFile, self.configSettings.loggerName)     
      if(self.logger != None):
        self.logger.debug("Loading spatialite: %s" %(self.configSettings.spatiaLiteLib))
      if(db.loadSpatiaLiteLib(self.configSettings.spatiaLiteLib) == False):
        if(self.logger != None):
          self.logger.debug("Error loading: %s Error: %s" %(self.configSettings.spatiaLiteLib,db.lastErrorMsg))

    xmrg = xmrgFile( self.configSettings.loggerName )
    xmrg.openFile( fileName )
    if( xmrg.readFileHeader() ):     
      self.logger.debug( "File Origin: X %d Y: %d Columns: %d Rows: %d" %(xmrg.XOR,xmrg.YOR,xmrg.MAXX,xmrg.MAXY))
        if( xmrg.readAllRows() ):
          #This is the database insert datetime.           
          datetime = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime() )
          #Parse the filename to get the data time.
          (directory,filetime) = os.path.split( xmrg.fileName )
          (filetime,ext) = os.path.splitext( filetime )
          filetime = self.getCollectionDateFromFilename(filetime)
          #In the binary file, the data is stored as hundreths of mm, if we want to write the data as 
          #inches , need to divide by 2540.
          dataConvert = 100.0 
          dataConvert = 25.4 * dataConvert 

          #Flag to specifiy if any non 0 values were found. No need processing the weighted averages 
          #below if nothing found.
          #If we are using a bounding box, let's get the row/col in hrap coords.
          llHrap = None
          urHrap = None
          startCol = 0
          startRow = 0
          if( minLatLong != None and maxLatLong != None ):
            llHrap = xmrg.latLongToHRAP(minLatLong,True,True)
            urHrap = xmrg.latLongToHRAP(maxLatLong,True,True)
            startCol = llHrap.column
            startRow = llHrap.row
          recsAdded = 0
          for row in range(startRow,xmrg.MAXY):
            for col in range(startCol,xmrg.MAXX):
              val = xmrg.grid[row][col]
              #If there is no precipitation value, or the value is erroneous 
              if( val <= 0 ):
                  val = 0
                val /= dataConvert
              hrap = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col, xmrg.YOR + row )
              latlon = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrap )                                
              latlon.longitude *= -1
              insertSQL = False
              if( minLatLong != None and maxLatLong != None ):
                if( xmrg.inBBOX( latlon, minLatLong, maxLatLong ) ):
                  insertSQL = True
                insertSQL = True
              if( insertSQL ):
                rainDataFound = True
                #Build polygon points. Each grid point represents a 4km square, so we want to create a polygon
                #that has each point in the grid for a given point.                  
                hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col, xmrg.YOR + row + 1)
                latlonUL = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
                latlonUL.longitude *= -1
                hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col + 1, xmrg.YOR + row)
                latlonBR = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
                latlonBR.longitude *= -1
                hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col + 1, xmrg.YOR + row + 1)
                latlonUR = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
                latlonUR.longitude *= -1
                wkt = "POLYGON((%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f))"\
                      %(latlon.longitude, latlon.latitude,
                        latlonUL.longitude, latlonUL.latitude, 
                        latlonUR.longitude, latlonUR.latitude, 
                        latlonBR.longitude, latlonBR.latitude, 
                        latlon.longitude, latlon.latitude, 
                #wkt = "POINT(%f %f)" %(latlon.longitude, latlon.latitude)
                sql = "INSERT INTO precipitation_radar \
                      (insert_date,collection_date,latitude,longitude,precipitation,geom) \
                      VALUES('%s','%s',%f,%f,%f,GeomFromText('%s',4326));" \
                      %( datetime,filetime,latlon.latitude,latlon.longitude,val,wkt)
                cursor = db.executeQuery( sql )
                #Problem with the query, since we are working with transactions, we have to rollback.
                if( cursor == None ):
                  self.logger.error( db.lastErrorMsg )
                  db.lastErrorMsg = None
                recsAdded += 1
          #Commit the inserts.    
          if( self.logger != None ):
   "Processed: %d rows. Added: %d records to database." %((row + 1),recsAdded))
            print( 'Processed %d rows. Added: %d records to database.' % (row + 1),recsAdded )
          #NOw calc the weighted averages for the watersheds and add the measurements to the multi-obs table
          if(rainDataFound and self.calcWeightedAvg):
            i = 0
      except Exception, E:
        self.lastErrorMsg = str(E)
        if(self.logger != None):
        #DWR 2012-10-29  
        retVal = False
      #DWR 2012-10-29
      #Move the deletion of the file to a member function so child classes can control.
  def writeShapefile(self, fileName, minLatLong=None, maxLatLong=None):
    import osgeo.ogr
    import osgeo.osr
    #DWR 2012-10-29  
    retVal = True
    xmrg = xmrgFile( self.configSettings.loggerName )
    xmrg.openFile( fileName )
    if( xmrg.readFileHeader() ):     
      self.logger.debug( "File Origin: X %d Y: %d Columns: %d Rows: %d" %(xmrg.XOR,xmrg.YOR,xmrg.MAXX,xmrg.MAXY))
        if( xmrg.readAllRows() ):
          spatialReference = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference()
          spatialReference.ImportFromProj4('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')
          driver = osgeo.ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')

          #This is the database insert datetime.           
          datetime = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime() )
          #Parse the filename to get the data time.
          (directory,filetime) = os.path.split( xmrg.fileName )
          (filetime,ext) = os.path.splitext( filetime )
          #Check to see if any of the shapefile files exist, if so delete them otherwise
          #we can't create the shapefile.
          shapeFilename = '%s/%s.shp' %(self.shapefileDir,filetime)
          shapeData = driver.CreateDataSource(shapeFilename)
          if(shapeData == None):
            self.logger.error("Unable to create shapefile: %s" %(shapeData))

          layer = shapeData.CreateLayer("xmrg", spatialReference, osgeo.ogr.wkbPolygon)
          # create a field for the precipitation value.
          fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('FID', osgeo.ogr.OFTInteger)
          # add the field to the shapefile
          # create a field for the precipitation value.
          fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('precip', osgeo.ogr.OFTReal)
          # add the field to the shapefile

          fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('latitude', osgeo.ogr.OFTReal)
          # add the field to the shapefile
          fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('longitude', osgeo.ogr.OFTReal)
          # add the field to the shapefile

          fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('HRAPX', osgeo.ogr.OFTInteger)
          # add the field to the shapefile
          fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('HRAPY', osgeo.ogr.OFTInteger)
          # add the field to the shapefile

          layerDefinition = layer.GetLayerDefn()
          #Let's get rid of the xmrg verbage so we have the time remaining.
          #The format for the time on these files is MMDDYYY sometimes a trailing z for
          #the UTC time zone. 24 hour files don't have the z, or an hour           
          filetime = filetime.replace('24hrxmrg', '')
          filetime = filetime.replace('xmrg', '')
          dateformat = "%m%d%Y%Hz" 
          if( filetime.rfind( 'z' ) == -1 ):
            dateformat = "%m%d%Y"  
          #The XMRG time is UTC, however we want to store all our times as localtimes.
          isdst = time.localtime()[-1]
          offset = 0
          if (isdst):            
            offset = 4 * 3600
            offset = 5 * 3600
          #Using mktime() and localtime() is a hack. The time package in python doesn't have a way
          #to convert a struct_time in UTC to epoch secs. So I just use the local time functions to do what
          #I want instead of brining in the calender package which has the conversion.
          secs = time.mktime(time.strptime( filetime, dateformat ))
          secs -= offset
          filetime = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00", time.localtime(secs) )
          filetime = self.getCollectionDateFromFilename(filetime)

          #In the binary file, the data is stored as hundreths of mm, if we want to write the data as 
          #inches , need to divide by 2540.
          dataConvert = 100.0 
          dataConvert = 25.4 * dataConvert 

          #If we are using a bounding box, let's get the row/col in hrap coords.
          llHrap = None
          urHrap = None
          startCol = 0
          startRow = 0
          if( minLatLong != None and maxLatLong != None ):
            llHrap = xmrg.latLongToHRAP(minLatLong,True,True)
            urHrap = xmrg.latLongToHRAP(maxLatLong,True,True)
            startCol = llHrap.column
            startRow = llHrap.row
          recsAdded = 0
          featureId = 0
          for row in range(startRow,xmrg.MAXY):
            for col in range(startCol,xmrg.MAXX):
              val = xmrg.grid[row][col]
              #If there is no precipitation value, or the value is erroneous 
              if( val <= 0 ):
                  val = 0
                val /= dataConvert
              hrap = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col, xmrg.YOR + row )
              latlon = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrap )                                
              latlon.longitude *= -1
              insertSQL = False
              if( minLatLong != None and maxLatLong != None ):
                if( xmrg.inBBOX( latlon, minLatLong, maxLatLong ) ):
                  insertSQL = True
                insertSQL = True
              if( insertSQL ):
                #Build polygon points. Each grid point represents a 4km square, so we want to create a polygon
                #that has each point in the grid for a given point.                  
                hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col, xmrg.YOR + row + 1)
                latlonUL = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
                latlonUL.longitude *= -1
                hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col + 1, xmrg.YOR + row)
                latlonBR = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
                latlonBR.longitude *= -1
                hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col + 1, xmrg.YOR + row + 1)
                latlonUR = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
                latlonUR.longitude *= -1
                # Create ring for polygon
                ring = osgeo.ogr.Geometry(osgeo.ogr.wkbLinearRing)
                polygon = osgeo.ogr.Geometry(osgeo.ogr.wkbPolygon)
                ring.AddPoint(latlon.longitude, latlon.latitude)
                ring.AddPoint(latlonUL.longitude, latlonUL.latitude)
                ring.AddPoint(latlonUR.longitude, latlonUR.latitude)
                ring.AddPoint(latlonBR.longitude, latlonBR.latitude)
                ring.AddPoint(latlonBR.longitude, latlonBR.latitude)

                # Create feature
                feature = osgeo.ogr.Feature(layerDefinition)
                feature.SetField('FID', featureId)
                feature.SetField('precip', val)
                feature.SetField('latitude', latlon.latitude)
                feature.SetField('longitude', latlon.longitude)
                feature.SetField('HRAPX', hrap.column)
                feature.SetField('HRAPY', hrap.row)

                # Save feature

                featureId += 1                            
      except Exception, E:
        self.lastErrorMsg = str(E)
        if(self.logger != None):
        #DWR 2012-10-29            
        retVal = False
      #DWR 2012-10-29
      #Move the deletion of the file to a member function so child classes can control.
Exemple #3
  def processData(self, xmrg, outputFile):
    if(self.logger != None):
      self.logger.debug("File: %s BBOX: %f,%f %f,%f"\

    self.logger.debug( "File Origin: X %d Y: %d Columns: %d Rows: %d" %(xmrg.XOR,xmrg.YOR,xmrg.MAXX,xmrg.MAXY))
      #This is the database insert datetime.           
      #datetime = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime() )
      nowTime = ("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
      #Parse the filename to get the data time.
      (directory,filetime) = os.path.split(xmrg.fileName)
      (filetime,ext) = os.path.splitext( filetime )
      filetime = xmrg.getCollectionDateFromFilename(filetime)
      #Flag to specifiy if any non 0 values were found. No need processing the weighted averages 
      #below if nothing found.
      #If we are using a bounding box, let's get the row/col in hrap coords.
      llHrap = None
      urHrap = None
      startCol = 0
      startRow = 0
      if( self.minLatLong != None and self.maxLatLong != None ):
        llHrap = xmrg.latLongToHRAP(self.minLatLong,True,True)
        urHrap = xmrg.latLongToHRAP(self.maxLatLong,True,True)
        startCol = llHrap.column
        startRow = llHrap.row
      recsAdded = 0
      for row in range(startRow,xmrg.MAXY):
        for col in range(startCol,xmrg.MAXX):
          val = xmrg.grid[row][col]
          #If there is no precipitation value, or the value is erroneous 
          #if( val <= 0 ):
          #  if(self.saveAllPrecipVals):
          #    val = 0
          #  else:
          #    continue
          hrap = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col, xmrg.YOR + row )
          latlon = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrap )                                
          latlon.longitude *= -1
          insertSQL = False
          if( self.minLatLong != None and self.maxLatLong != None ):
            if( xmrg.inBBOX( latlon, self.minLatLong, self.maxLatLong ) ):
              insertSQL = True
            insertSQL = True
          if( insertSQL ):
            rainDataFound = True
            #Build polygon points. Each grid point represents a 4km square, so we want to create a polygon
            #that has each point in the grid for a given point.                  
            hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col, xmrg.YOR + row + 1)
            latlonUL = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
            latlonUL.longitude *= -1
            hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col + 1, xmrg.YOR + row)
            latlonBR = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
            latlonBR.longitude *= -1
            hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col + 1, xmrg.YOR + row + 1)
            latlonUR = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
            latlonUR.longitude *= -1
            wkt = "POLYGON((%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f))"\
                  %(latlon.longitude, latlon.latitude,
                    latlonUL.longitude, latlonUL.latitude, 
                    latlonUR.longitude, latlonUR.latitude, 
                    latlonBR.longitude, latlonBR.latitude, 
                    latlon.longitude, latlon.latitude, 
            #wkt = "POINT(%f %f)" %(latlon.longitude, latlon.latitude)
            sql = "INSERT INTO precipitation_radar \
                  (insert_date,collection_date,latitude,longitude,precipitation,geom) \
                  VALUES('%s','%s',%f,%f,%f,GeomFromText('%s',4326));" \
                  %( nowTime,filetime,latlon.latitude,latlon.longitude,val,wkt)
            cursor = self.dbObj.executeQuery( sql )
            #Problem with the query, since we are working with transactions, we have to rollback.
            if( cursor == None ):
              self.logger.error( self.dbObj.lastErrorMsg )
              self.dbObj.lastErrorMsg = None
              recsAdded += 1
      #Commit the inserts.    
      if( self.logger != None ): "Processed: %d rows. Added: %d records to database." %((row + 1),recsAdded))
      self.doCalcs(outputFile, filetime,filetime)
    except Exception, E:
Exemple #4
  def writeShapefile(self, xmrg):
    import osgeo.ogr
    import osgeo.osr  
      spatialReference = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference()
      spatialReference.ImportFromProj4('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')
      driver = osgeo.ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')

      #This is the database insert datetime.           
      datetime = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime() )
      #Parse the filename to get the data time.
      (directory,filetime) = os.path.split( xmrg.fileName )
      (filetime,ext) = os.path.splitext( filetime )
      #Check to see if any of the shapefile files exist, if so delete them otherwise
      #we can't create the shapefile.
      shapeFilename = '%s/%s.shp' %(self.shapefilePath,filetime)
      shapeData = driver.CreateDataSource(shapeFilename)
      if(shapeData == None):
        if(self.logger != None):
          self.logger.error("Unable to create shapefile: %s" %(shapeData))

      layer = shapeData.CreateLayer("xmrg", spatialReference, osgeo.ogr.wkbPolygon)
      # create a field for the precipitation value.
      fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('FID', osgeo.ogr.OFTInteger)
      # add the field to the shapefile
      # create a field for the precipitation value.
      fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('precip', osgeo.ogr.OFTReal)
      # add the field to the shapefile

      fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('latitude', osgeo.ogr.OFTReal)
      # add the field to the shapefile
      fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('longitude', osgeo.ogr.OFTReal)
      # add the field to the shapefile

      fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('HRAPX', osgeo.ogr.OFTInteger)
      # add the field to the shapefile
      fieldDefn = osgeo.ogr.FieldDefn('HRAPY', osgeo.ogr.OFTInteger)
      # add the field to the shapefile

      layerDefinition = layer.GetLayerDefn()
      filetime = xmrg.getCollectionDateFromFilename(filetime)

      #If we are using a bounding box, let's get the row/col in hrap coords.
      llHrap = None
      urHrap = None
      startCol = 0
      startRow = 0
      if( self.minLatLong != None and self.maxLatLong != None ):
        llHrap = xmrg.latLongToHRAP(self.minLatLong,True,True)
        urHrap = xmrg.latLongToHRAP(self.maxLatLong,True,True)
        startCol = llHrap.column
        startRow = llHrap.row
      recsAdded = 0
      featureId = 0
      for row in range(startRow,xmrg.MAXY):
        for col in range(startCol,xmrg.MAXX):
          val = xmrg.grid[row][col]
          #If there is no precipitation value, or the value is erroneous 
          if( val > 0 ):
            #In the binary file, the data is stored as hundreths of mm, if we want to write the data as 
            #inches , need to divide by 2540.
              val /= (25.4 * 100.0)
            #convert to mm
              val /= 100.0
          hrap = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col, xmrg.YOR + row )
          latlon = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrap )                                
          latlon.longitude *= -1
          insertRow = False
          if( self.minLatLong != None and self.maxLatLong != None ):
            if( xmrg.inBBOX( latlon, self.minLatLong, self.maxLatLong ) ):
              insertRow = True
            insertRow = True
          if( insertRow ):
            #Build polygon points. Each grid point represents a 4km square, so we want to create a polygon
            #that has each point in the grid for a given point.                  
            hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col, xmrg.YOR + row + 1)
            latlonUL = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
            latlonUL.longitude *= -1
            hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col + 1, xmrg.YOR + row)
            latlonBR = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
            latlonBR.longitude *= -1
            hrapNewPt = hrapCoord( xmrg.XOR + col + 1, xmrg.YOR + row + 1)
            latlonUR = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong( hrapNewPt )
            latlonUR.longitude *= -1
            # Create ring for polygon
            ring = osgeo.ogr.Geometry(osgeo.ogr.wkbLinearRing)
            polygon = osgeo.ogr.Geometry(osgeo.ogr.wkbPolygon)
            ring.AddPoint(latlon.longitude, latlon.latitude)
            ring.AddPoint(latlonUL.longitude, latlonUL.latitude)
            ring.AddPoint(latlonUR.longitude, latlonUR.latitude)
            ring.AddPoint(latlonBR.longitude, latlonBR.latitude)
            ring.AddPoint(latlonBR.longitude, latlonBR.latitude)

            # Create feature
            feature = osgeo.ogr.Feature(layerDefinition)
            feature.SetField('FID', featureId)
            feature.SetField('precip', val)
            feature.SetField('latitude', latlon.latitude)
            feature.SetField('longitude', latlon.longitude)
            feature.SetField('HRAPX', hrap.column)
            feature.SetField('HRAPY', hrap.row)

            # Save feature

            featureId += 1                            
    except Exception, E:
      self.lastErrorMsg = str(E)
      if(self.logger != None):
              start_row = llHrap.row
              start_col = llHrap.column
              end_row = urHrap.row
              end_col = urHrap.column

            recsAdded = 0
            results = xmrg_results()

            #trans_cursor = nexrad_db_conn.db_connection.cursor()
            add_db_rec_total_time = 0
            #for row in range(startRow,xmrg.MAXY):
            #  for col in range(startCol,xmrg.MAXX):
            for row in range(start_row, end_row):
              for col in range(start_col, end_col):
                hrap = hrapCoord(xmrg.XOR + col, xmrg.YOR + row)
                latlon = xmrg.hrapCoordToLatLong(hrap)
                latlon.longitude *= -1
                val = xmrg.grid[row][col]
                #If there is no precipitation value, or the value is erroneous
                if val <= 0:
                  if save_all_precip_vals:
                    val = 0
                  val /= dataConvert

                rainDataFound = True
                #Build polygon points. Each grid point represents a 4km square, so we want to create a polygon
                #that has each point in the grid for a given point.