Exemple #1
def XonshTerminal256Formatter():

    if (ptk_version_info() and ptk_version_info() > (2, 0)
            and pygments_version_info()
            and (2, 2, 0) <= pygments_version_info() < (2, 4, 0)):
        # Monky patch pygments' dict of console codes
        # with the new color names used by PTK2
        # Can be removed once pygment names get fixed.

    class XonshTerminal256FormatterProxy(terminal256.Terminal256Formatter):
        """Proxy class for xonsh terminal256 formatting that understands.
        xonsh color tokens.
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            # just keep the opening token for colors.
            color_names = set(map(str, Color.subtypes))
            for name, (opener, closer) in self.style_string.items():
                if name in color_names:
                    self.style_string[name] = (opener, "")
            # special case DEFAULT, because it is special.
            self.style_string["Token.Color.DEFAULT"] = ("\x1b[39m", "")

    return XonshTerminal256FormatterProxy
Exemple #2
def XonshTerminal256Formatter():

    if (
        and ptk_version_info() > (2, 0)
        and pygments_version_info()
        and (2, 2) <= pygments_version_info() < (2, 3)
        # Monky patch pygments' dict of console codes
        # with the new color names used by PTK2
        # Can be removed once pygment names get fixed.

    class XonshTerminal256FormatterProxy(terminal256.Terminal256Formatter):
        """Proxy class for xonsh terminal256 formatting that understands.
        xonsh color tokens.

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            # just keep the opening token for colors.
            color_names = set(map(str, Color.subtypes))
            for name, (opener, closer) in self.style_string.items():
                if name in color_names:
                    self.style_string[name] = (opener, "")
            # special case NO_COLOR, because it is special.
            self.style_string["Token.Color.NO_COLOR"] = ("\x1b[39m", "")

    return XonshTerminal256FormatterProxy
Exemple #3
 def style_name(self, value):
     if self._style_name == value:
     if value not in STYLES:
         try:  # loading style dynamically
         except Exception:
                 "Could not find style {0!r}, using default".format(value),
             value = "default"
             builtins.__xonsh__.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] = value
     cmap = STYLES[value]
     if value == "default":
         self._smap = XONSH_BASE_STYLE.copy()
             self._smap = get_style_by_name(value)().styles.copy()
         except (ImportError, pygments.util.ClassNotFound):
             self._smap = XONSH_BASE_STYLE.copy()
     compound = CompoundColorMap(
         ChainMap(self.trap, cmap, PTK_STYLE, self._smap))
     self.styles = ChainMap(self.trap, cmap, PTK_STYLE, self._smap,
     self._style_name = value
     # Convert new ansicolor names to old PTK1 names
     # Can be remvoed when PTK1 support is dropped.
     if (builtins.__xonsh__.shell.shell_type != "prompt_toolkit2"
             and pygments_version_info() and pygments_version_info() <
         (2, 4, 0)):
         for smap in [self.trap, cmap, PTK_STYLE, self._smap]:
     if ON_WINDOWS and "prompt_toolkit" in builtins.__xonsh__.shell.shell_type:
Exemple #4
def xonsh_style_proxy(styler):
    """Factory for a proxy class to a xonsh style."""
    # Monky patch pygments' list of known ansi colors
    # with the new ansi color names used by PTK2
    # Can be removed once pygment names get fixed.
    if pygments_version_info() and pygments_version_info() < (2, 4, 0):

    class XonshStyleProxy(Style):
        """Simple proxy class to fool prompt toolkit."""

        target = styler
        styles = styler.styles

        def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
            return cls.target

    return XonshStyleProxy
Exemple #5
def _monkey_patch_pygments_codes():
    """ Monky patch pygments' dict of console codes,
        with new color names
    if pygments_version_info() and pygments_version_info() >= (2, 4, 0):

    import pygments.console

    if "brightblack" in pygments.console.codes:
        # Assume that colors are already fixed in pygments
        # for example when using pygments from source

    if not getattr(pygments.console, "_xonsh_patched", False):
        patched_codes = {}
        for new, old in PTK_NEW_OLD_COLOR_MAP.items():
            if old in pygments.console.codes:
                patched_codes[new[1:]] = pygments.console.codes[old]
        pygments.console._xonsh_patched = True