def _joinpath(path): # convert our tuple representation back into a string representing a path if path is None: return '' elif len(path) == 0: return '' elif path == ('', ): return xt.get_sep() elif path[0] == '': return xt.get_sep() + _normpath(os.path.join(*path)) else: return _normpath(os.path.join(*path))
def _joinpath(path): # convert our tuple representation back into a string representing a path if path is None: return '' elif len(path) == 0: return '' elif path == ('',): return get_sep() elif path[0] == '': return get_sep() + _normpath(os.path.join(*path)) else: return _normpath(os.path.join(*path))
def _collapsed_pwd(): sep = get_sep() pwd = _replace_home_cwd().split(sep) l = len(pwd) leader = sep if l>0 and len(pwd[0])==0 else '' base = [i[0] if ix != l-1 else i for ix,i in enumerate(pwd) if len(i) > 0] return leader + sep.join(base)
def _splitpath_helper(path, sofar=()): folder, path = os.path.split(path) if path: sofar = sofar + (path, ) if not folder or folder == xt.get_sep(): return sofar[::-1] return _splitpath_helper(folder, sofar)
def _quote_paths(self, paths, start, end): out = set() space = ' ' backslash = '\\' double_backslash = '\\\\' slash = get_sep() orig_start = start orig_end = end for s in paths: start = orig_start end = orig_end if (start == '' and (any(i in s for i in CHARACTERS_NEED_QUOTES) or (backslash in s and slash != backslash))): start = end = self._quote_to_use(s) if os.path.isdir(expand_path(s)): _tail = slash elif end == '': _tail = space else: _tail = '' s = s + _tail if end != '': if "r" not in start.lower(): s = s.replace(backslash, double_backslash) elif s.endswith(backslash): s += backslash if end in s: s = s.replace(end, ''.join('\\%s' % i for i in end)) out.add(start + s + end) return out
def _change_working_directory(newdir, follow_symlinks=False): env = builtins.__xonsh_env__ old = env['PWD'] new = os.path.join(old, newdir) absnew = os.path.abspath(new) if follow_symlinks: absnew = os.path.realpath(absnew) try: os.chdir(absnew) except (OSError, FileNotFoundError): if new.endswith(get_sep()): new = new[:-1] if os.path.basename(new) == '..': env['PWD'] = new else: if old is not None: env['OLDPWD'] = old if new is not None: env['PWD'] = absnew # Fire event if the path actually changed if old != env['PWD']:, newdir=env['PWD'])
def _change_working_directory(newdir, follow_symlinks=False): env = XSH.env old = env["PWD"] new = os.path.join(old, newdir) if follow_symlinks: new = os.path.realpath(new) absnew = os.path.abspath(new) try: os.chdir(absnew) except OSError: if new.endswith(get_sep()): new = new[:-1] if os.path.basename(new) == "..": env["PWD"] = new else: if old is not None: env["OLDPWD"] = old if new is not None: env["PWD"] = absnew # Fire event if the path actually changed if old != env["PWD"]:, newdir=env["PWD"])
def _quote_paths(paths, start, end): expand_path = builtins.__xonsh_expand_path__ out = set() space = ' ' backslash = '\\' double_backslash = '\\\\' slash = xt.get_sep() orig_start = start orig_end = end for s in paths: start = orig_start end = orig_end if (start == '' and (any(i in s for i in CHARACTERS_NEED_QUOTES) or (backslash in s and slash != backslash))): start = end = _quote_to_use(s) if os.path.isdir(expand_path(s)): _tail = slash elif end == '': _tail = space else: _tail = '' if start != '' and 'r' not in start and backslash in s: start = 'r%s' % start s = s + _tail if end != '': if "r" not in start.lower(): s = s.replace(backslash, double_backslash) if s.endswith(backslash) and not s.endswith(double_backslash): s += backslash if end in s: s = s.replace(end, ''.join('\\%s' % i for i in end)) out.add(start + s + end) return out
def _quote_paths(paths, start, end): expand_path = builtins.__xonsh_expand_path__ out = set() space = ' ' backslash = '\\' double_backslash = '\\\\' slash = xt.get_sep() orig_start = start orig_end = end for s in paths: start = orig_start end = orig_end if (start == '' and (, s) is not None or (backslash in s and slash != backslash))): start = end = _quote_to_use(s) if os.path.isdir(expand_path(s)): _tail = slash elif end == '': _tail = space else: _tail = '' if start != '' and 'r' not in start and backslash in s: start = 'r%s' % start s = s + _tail if end != '': if "r" not in start.lower(): s = s.replace(backslash, double_backslash) if s.endswith(backslash) and not s.endswith(double_backslash): s += backslash if end in s: s = s.replace(end, ''.join('\\%s' % i for i in end)) out.add(start + s + end) return out
def _quote_paths(paths, start, end): expand_path = builtins.__xonsh_expand_path__ out = set() space = " " backslash = "\\" double_backslash = "\\\\" slash = get_sep() orig_start = start orig_end = end for s in paths: start = orig_start end = orig_end if start == "" and (any(i in s for i in CHARACTERS_NEED_QUOTES) or (backslash in s and slash != backslash)): start = end = _quote_to_use(s) if os.path.isdir(expand_path(s)): _tail = slash elif end == "": _tail = space else: _tail = "" if start != "" and "r" not in start and backslash in s: start = "r%s" % start s = s + _tail if end != "": if "r" not in start.lower(): s = s.replace(backslash, double_backslash) if s.endswith(backslash) and not s.endswith(double_backslash): s += backslash if end in s: s = s.replace(end, "".join("\\%s" % i for i in end)) out.add(start + s + end) return out
def _quote_paths(self, paths, start, end): out = set() space = ' ' backslash = '\\' double_backslash = '\\\\' slash = get_sep() for s in paths: if (start == '' and (space in s or (backslash in s and slash != backslash))): start = "'" end = "'" if os.path.isdir(expand_path(s)): _tail = slash elif end == '': _tail = space else: _tail = '' s = s + _tail if end != '': if "r" not in start.lower(): s = s.replace(backslash, double_backslash) elif s.endswith(backslash): s += backslash out.add(start + s + end) return out
def _splitpath_helper(path, sofar=()): folder, path = os.path.split(path) if path: sofar = sofar + (path, ) if (not folder or folder == xt.get_sep() or (xp.ON_WINDOWS and os.path.splitdrive(path)[0])): return sofar[::-1] return _splitpath_helper(folder, sofar)
def _splitpath(path): # convert a path into an intermediate tuple representation # if this tuple starts with '', it means that the path was an absolute path path = _normpath(path) if path.startswith(get_sep()): pre = ('', ) else: pre = () return pre + _splitpath_helper(path, ())
def _splitpath(path): # convert a path into an intermediate tuple representation # if this tuple starts with '', it means that the path was an absolute path path = _normpath(path) if path.startswith(xt.get_sep()): pre = ('', ) else: pre = () return pre + _splitpath_helper(path, ())
def _dots(prefix): slash = xt.get_sep() if slash == "\\": slash = "" if prefix in {"", "."}: return ("." + slash, ".." + slash) elif prefix == "..": return (".." + slash,) else: return ()
def _dots(prefix): slash = get_sep() if slash == '\\': slash = '' if prefix in {'', '.'}: return ('.'+slash, '..'+slash) elif prefix == '..': return ('..'+slash,) else: return ()
def _dots(prefix): slash = xt.get_sep() if slash == '\\': slash = '' if prefix in {'', '.'}: return ('.' + slash, '..' + slash) elif prefix == '..': return ('..' + slash, ) else: return ()
def completionwrap(s): """ Returns the repr of input string s if that string contains a 'problem' token that will confuse the xonsh parser """ space = ' ' slash = get_sep() return (_normpath(repr(s + (slash if os.path.isdir(s) else ''))) if COMPLETION_WRAP_TOKENS.intersection(s) else s + space if s[-1:].isalnum() else s)
def _collapsed_pwd(): sep = xt.get_sep() pwd = _replace_home_cwd().split(sep) size = len(pwd) leader = sep if size > 0 and len(pwd[0]) == 0 else "" base = [ i[0] if ix != size - 1 and i[0] != "." else i[0:2] if ix != size - 1 else i for ix, i in enumerate(pwd) if len(i) > 0 ] return leader + sep.join(base)
def _splitpath_helper(path, sofar=()): folder, path = os.path.split(path) if path: sofar = sofar + (path, ) if not folder or folder == xt.get_sep(): return sofar[::-1] elif xp.ON_WINDOWS and not path: return os.path.splitdrive(folder)[:1] + sofar[::-1] elif xp.ON_WINDOWS and os.path.splitdrive(path)[0]: return sofar[::-1] return _splitpath_helper(folder, sofar)
def _change_working_directory(newdir): env = builtins.__xonsh_env__ old = env['PWD'] new = os.path.join(old, newdir) try: os.chdir(os.path.abspath(new)) except (OSError, FileNotFoundError): if new.endswith(get_sep()): new = new[:-1] if os.path.basename(new) == '..': env['PWD'] = new return if old is not None: env['OLDPWD'] = old if new is not None: env['PWD'] = os.path.abspath(new)
def _dots(prefix): complete_dots = builtins.__xonsh__.env.get("COMPLETE_DOTS", "matching").lower() if complete_dots == "never": return () slash = xt.get_sep() if slash == "\\": slash = "" prefixes = {"."} if complete_dots == "always": prefixes.add("") if prefix in prefixes: return ("." + slash, ".." + slash) elif prefix == "..": return (".." + slash,) else: return ()
def _dynamically_collapsed_pwd(): """Return the compact current working directory. It respects the environment variable DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH. """ original_path = _replace_home_cwd() target_width, units = builtins.__xonsh__.env["DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH"] elision_char = builtins.__xonsh__.env["DYNAMIC_CWD_ELISION_CHAR"] if target_width == float("inf"): return original_path if units == "%": cols, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size() target_width = (cols * target_width) // 100 sep = xt.get_sep() pwd = original_path.split(sep) last = pwd.pop() remaining_space = target_width - len(last) # Reserve space for separators remaining_space_for_text = remaining_space - len(pwd) parts = [] for i in range(len(pwd)): part = pwd[i] part_len = int( min(len(part), max(1, remaining_space_for_text // (len(pwd) - i)))) remaining_space_for_text -= part_len if len(part) > part_len: reduced_part = part[0:part_len - len(elision_char)] + elision_char parts.append(reduced_part) else: parts.append(part) parts.append(last) full = sep.join(parts) truncature_char = elision_char if elision_char else "..." # If even if displaying one letter per dir we are too long if len(full) > target_width: # We truncate the left most part full = truncature_char + full[int(-target_width) + len(truncature_char):] # if there is not even a single separator we still # want to display at least the beginning of the directory if full.find(sep) == -1: full = (truncature_char + sep + last)[0:int(target_width) - len(truncature_char)] + truncature_char return full
def _dynamically_collapsed_pwd(): """Return the compact current working directory. It respects the environment variable DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH. """ original_path = _replace_home_cwd() target_width, units = builtins.__xonsh__.env["DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH"] elision_char = builtins.__xonsh__.env["DYNAMIC_CWD_ELISION_CHAR"] if target_width == float("inf"): return original_path if units == "%": cols, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size() target_width = (cols * target_width) // 100 sep = xt.get_sep() pwd = original_path.split(sep) last = pwd.pop() remaining_space = target_width - len(last) # Reserve space for separators remaining_space_for_text = remaining_space - len(pwd) parts = [] for i in range(len(pwd)): part = pwd[i] part_len = int( min(len(part), max(1, remaining_space_for_text // (len(pwd) - i))) ) remaining_space_for_text -= part_len if len(part) > part_len: reduced_part = part[0 : part_len - len(elision_char)] + elision_char parts.append(reduced_part) else: parts.append(part) parts.append(last) full = sep.join(parts) truncature_char = elision_char if elision_char else "..." # If even if displaying one letter per dir we are too long if len(full) > target_width: # We truncate the left most part full = truncature_char + full[int(-target_width) + len(truncature_char) :] # if there is not even a single separator we still # want to display at least the beginning of the directory if full.find(sep) == -1: full = (truncature_char + sep + last)[ 0 : int(target_width) - len(truncature_char) ] + truncature_char return full
def _quote_paths(paths, start, end, append_end=True, cdpath=False): expand_path = builtins.__xonsh__.expand_path out = set() space = " " backslash = "\\" double_backslash = "\\\\" slash = xt.get_sep() orig_start = start orig_end = end # quote on all or none, to make readline completes to max prefix need_quotes = any(, x) or ( backslash in x and slash != backslash) for x in paths) for s in paths: start = orig_start end = orig_end if start == "" and need_quotes: start = end = _quote_to_use(s) expanded = expand_path(s) if os.path.isdir(expanded) or (cdpath and _is_directory_in_cdpath(expanded)): _tail = slash elif end == "": _tail = space else: _tail = "" if start != "" and "r" not in start and backslash in s: start = "r%s" % start s = s + _tail if end != "": if "r" not in start.lower(): s = s.replace(backslash, double_backslash) if s.endswith(backslash) and not s.endswith(double_backslash): s += backslash if end in s: s = s.replace(end, "".join("\\%s" % i for i in end)) s = start + s + end if append_end else start + s out.add(s) return out, need_quotes
def _quote_paths(paths, start, end, append_end=True): expand_path = builtins.__xonsh_expand_path__ out = set() space = ' ' backslash = '\\' double_backslash = '\\\\' slash = xt.get_sep() orig_start = start orig_end = end # quote on all or none, to make readline completes to max prefix need_quotes = any(, x) or (backslash in x and slash != backslash) for x in paths) for s in paths: start = orig_start end = orig_end if start == '' and need_quotes: start = end = _quote_to_use(s) if os.path.isdir(expand_path(s)): _tail = slash elif end == '': _tail = space else: _tail = '' if start != '' and 'r' not in start and backslash in s: start = 'r%s' % start s = s + _tail if end != '': if "r" not in start.lower(): s = s.replace(backslash, double_backslash) if s.endswith(backslash) and not s.endswith(double_backslash): s += backslash if end in s: s = s.replace(end, ''.join('\\%s' % i for i in end)) s = start + s + end if append_end else start + s out.add(s) return out, need_quotes
def _dynamically_collapsed_pwd(): """Return the compact current working directory. It respects the environment variable DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH. """ originial_path = _replace_home_cwd() target_width, units = builtins.__xonsh_env__['DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH'] if target_width == float('inf'): return originial_path if (units == '%'): cols, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size() target_width = (cols * target_width) // 100 sep = xt.get_sep() pwd = originial_path.split(sep) last = pwd.pop() remaining_space = target_width - len(last) # Reserve space for separators remaining_space_for_text = remaining_space - len(pwd) parts = [] for i in range(len(pwd)): part = pwd[i] part_len = int( min(len(part), max(1, remaining_space_for_text // (len(pwd) - i)))) remaining_space_for_text -= part_len reduced_part = part[0:part_len] parts.append(reduced_part) parts.append(last) full = sep.join(parts) # If even if displaying one letter per dir we are too long if (len(full) > target_width): # We truncate the left most part full = "..." + full[int(-target_width) + 3:] # if there is not even a single separator we still # want to display at least the beginning of the directory if full.find(sep) == -1: full = ("..." + sep + last)[0:int(target_width)] return full
def _dynamically_collapsed_pwd(): """Return the compact current working directory. It respects the environment variable DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH. """ originial_path = _replace_home_cwd() target_width, units = builtins.__xonsh_env__['DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH'] if target_width == float('inf'): return originial_path if (units == '%'): cols, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size() target_width = (cols * target_width) // 100 sep = xt.get_sep() pwd = originial_path.split(sep) last = pwd.pop() remaining_space = target_width - len(last) # Reserve space for separators remaining_space_for_text = remaining_space - len(pwd) parts = [] for i in range(len(pwd)): part = pwd[i] part_len = int(min(len(part), max(1, remaining_space_for_text // (len(pwd) - i)))) remaining_space_for_text -= part_len reduced_part = part[0:part_len] parts.append(reduced_part) parts.append(last) full = sep.join(parts) # If even if displaying one letter per dir we are too long if (len(full) > target_width): # We truncate the left most part full = "..." + full[int(-target_width) + 3:] # if there is not even a single separator we still # want to display at least the beginning of the directory if full.find(sep) == -1: full = ("..." + sep + last)[0:int(target_width)] return full