Exemple #1
def light_dark_nd_step(detectors, step, pos_cache):
    Inner loop of an N-dimensional step scan
    This is the default function for ``per_step`` param`` in ND plans.
    detectors : iterable
        devices to read
    step : dict
        mapping motors to positions in this step
    pos_cache : dict
        mapping motors to their last-set positions
    def move():
        yield Msg("checkpoint")
        grp = _short_uid("set")
        for motor, pos in step.items():
            if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
                # This step does not move this motor.
            yield Msg("set", motor, pos, group=grp)
            pos_cache[motor] = pos
        yield Msg("wait", None, group=grp)

    motors = step.keys()
    yield from close_shutter_stub()
    yield from move()
    for k, v in sub_sample_dict.items():
        if np.abs(sample_motor.get().user_readback - k) < 1.5:
            inner_dict = v
            inner_dict = {"exposure": .1, "wait": 1}
    yield from configure_area_det_expo(inner_dict["exposure"])

    # This is to make certain that the detector has properly configured the
    # exposure time, uncomment if waits don't work
    # yield from bps.sleep(10)

    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors) + [shutter],
    yield from open_shutter_stub()

    t0 = time.time()
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors) + [shutter])
    t1 = time.time()
    print("INFO: exposure time (plus minor message overhead) = {:.2f}".format(
        t1 - t0))

    yield from close_shutter_stub()
    yield from bps.sleep(inner_dict["wait"])
Exemple #2
def take_dark():
    """a plan for taking a single dark frame"""
    print("INFO: closing shutter...")
    yield from close_shutter_stub()
    print("INFO: taking dark frame....")
    # upto this stage, area_det has been configured to so exposure time is
    # correct
    area_det = xpd_configuration["area_det"]
    acq_time = area_det.cam.acquire_time.get()
    if hasattr(area_det, 'images_per_set'):
        num_frame = area_det.images_per_set.get()
        num_frame = 1
    computed_exposure = acq_time * num_frame
    # update md
    _md = {
        "sp_time_per_frame": acq_time,
        "sp_num_frames": num_frame,
        "sp_computed_exposure": computed_exposure,
        "sp_type": "ct",
        "sp_plan_name": "dark_{}".format(computed_exposure),
        "dark_frame": True,
    c = bp.count([area_det], md=_md)
    yield from bpp.subs_wrapper(c, {"stop": [_update_dark_dict_list]})
    # TODO: remove this, since it kinda depends on what happens next?
    print("opening shutter...")
 def per_step(detectors, step: dict, pos_cache: dict):
     _motors = step.keys()
     yield from my_move_per_step(step, pos_cache)
     yield from bps.sleep(wait_for_step)
     yield from open_shutter_stub()
     yield from bps.sleep(wait_for_shutter)
     yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(_motors))
     yield from close_shutter_stub()
def xpdacq_trigger_and_read(detectors: list,
                            name: str = "primary") -> typing.Generator:
    """Open shutter, wait, trigger and read detectors, close shutter."""
    yield from bps.checkpoint()
    yield from xb.open_shutter_stub()
    yield from bps.sleep(xb.glbl["shutter_sleep"])
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(detectors, name=name)
    yield from xb.close_shutter_stub()
Exemple #5
 def per_step(detectors, motor, step):
     """ customized step to ensure shutter is open before
     reading at each motor point and close shutter after reading
     yield from bps.checkpoint()
     yield from bps.abs_set(motor, step, wait=True)
     yield from bps.sleep(wait)
     yield from open_shutter_stub()
     yield from bps.sleep(glbl["shutter_sleep"])
     yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + [motor])
     yield from close_shutter_stub()
Exemple #6
def inner_shutter_control(msg):
    if msg.command == "trigger":

        def inner():
            yield from open_shutter_stub()
            yield msg

        return inner(), None
    elif msg.command == "save":
        return None, close_shutter_stub()
        return None, None