Exemple #1
def env_from_sourcing(file_to_source_path, include_unexported_variables=False):
    log = Logger("exec")
    cmd = shlex.split(file_to_source_path)
    filename = which(cmd[0])
    if not filename:
        log.error("Error: cannot find command '%s' to execute", cmd[0])
        log.error(" for sourcing '%s'", file_to_source_path)
        return {}
    if not os.path.isabs(filename):
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
    cmd[0] = filename
    #figure out if this is a script to source,
    #or if we're meant to execute it directly
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            first_line = f.readline()
    except OSError as e:
        log.error("Error: failed to read from '%s'", filename)
        log.error(" %s", e)
        first_line = b""
        log("first line of '%s': %r", filename, first_line)
    if first_line.startswith(b"\x7fELF") or b"\x00" in first_line:
        decode = decode_dict
        source = '%s. %s' % ("set -a && " if include_unexported_variables else "", filename)
        #ie: this is "python3.9 -c" on Posix
        #(but our 'Python_exec_cmd.exe' wrapper on MS Windows):
        python_cmd = " ".join(get_python_exec_command())
        dump = '%s "import os, json;print(json.dumps(dict(os.environ)))"' % (python_cmd)
        sh = which("bash") or "/bin/sh"
        cmd = [sh, '-c', '%s 1>&2 && %s' % (source, dump)]
        decode = decode_json
        log("env_from_sourcing%s cmd=%s", (filename, include_unexported_variables), cmd)
        proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        out, err = proc.communicate()
        if proc.returncode!=0:
            log.error("Error %i running source script '%s'", proc.returncode, filename)
    except OSError as e:
        log("env_from_sourcing%s", (filename, include_unexported_variables), exc_info=True)
        log(" stdout=%r (%s)", out, type(out))
        log.error("Error running source script '%s'", proc.returncode, file_to_source_path)
        log.error(" %s", e)
        return {}
    log("stdout(%s)=%r", filename, out)
    log("stderr(%s)=%r", filename, err)
    def proc_str(b, fdname="stdout"):
            return (b or b"").decode()
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            log.error("Error decoding %s from '%s'", fdname, filename, exc_info=True)
        return ""
    env = {}
    env.update(decode(proc_str(out, "stdout")))
    env.update(decode_dict(proc_str(err, "stderr")))
    log("env_from_sourcing%s=%s", (file_to_source_path, include_unexported_variables), env)
    return env
def get_pactl_bin():
    global pactl_bin
    if pactl_bin is None:
        if sys.platform.startswith("win") or sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
            pactl_bin = ""
            pactl_bin = which("pactl")
    return pactl_bin
def get_pactl_bin():
    global pactl_bin
    if pactl_bin is None:
        if WIN32 or OSX:
            pactl_bin = ""
            pactl_bin = which("pactl")
    return pactl_bin
def get_pactl_bin():
    global pactl_bin
    if pactl_bin is None:
        if WIN32 or OSX:
            pactl_bin = ""
            pactl_bin = which("pactl")
    return pactl_bin
def get_pactl_bin():
    global pactl_bin
    if pactl_bin is None:
        if sys.platform.startswith("win") or sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
            pactl_bin = ""
            pactl_bin = which("pactl")
    return pactl_bin
Exemple #6
 def run_command(self, *_args):
     name = self.desktop_combo.get_active_text()
     cmd = name
     if cmd in self.desktop_sessions:
         session = self.desktop_sessions.get(cmd)
         # session={
         #    'Type': '',
         #    'VersionString': '',
         #    'Name': 'Deepin',
         #    'GenericName': '',
         #    'NoDisplay': False,
         #    'Comment': 'Deepin Desktop Environment',
         #    'Icon': '',
         #    'Hidden': False,
         #    'OnlyShowIn': [],
         #    'NotShowIn': [],
         #    'Exec': '/usr/bin/startdde',
         #    'TryExec': '/usr/bin/startdde',
         #    'Path': '',
         #    'Terminal': False,
         #    'MimeTypes': [],
         #    'Categories': [],
         #    'StartupNotify': False,
         #    'StartupWMClass': '',
         #    'URL': '',
         #    'command': '/usr/bin/startdde',
         #    'IconData': b'<svg>...</svg>\n',
         #    'IconType': 'svg'
         #    }
         for k in ("command", "Exec", "TryExec"):
             cmd = session.get(k)
             if cmd:
     if cmd and not os.path.isabs(cmd):
         cmd = which(cmd)
     if not cmd:
         log.warn("no command found for '%s'", name)
     argv = [cmd]
     os.execv(cmd, argv)
Exemple #7
def get_pinentry_command(setting="yes"):
    log("get_pinentry_command(%s)", setting)
    if setting.lower() in FALSE_OPTIONS:
        return None

    def find_pinentry_bin():
        if is_gnome():
            return which("pinentry-gnome3")
        if is_kde():
            return which("pinentry-qt")
        return None

    if setting.lower() in TRUE_OPTIONS:
        return find_pinentry_bin() or which("pinentry")
    if setting == "" or setting.lower() == "auto":
        #figure out if we should use it:
        if WIN32 or OSX:
            #not enabled by default on those platforms
            return None
        return find_pinentry_bin()
    return setting
Exemple #8
 def test_dbus_interface(self):
     if not POSIX or OSX:
     dbus_send = which("dbus-send")
     if not dbus_send:
         print("Warning: dbus test skipped, 'dbus-send' not found")
     display, xvfb, server = self.start_shadow_server("-d", "dbus")
     info = self.get_server_info(xvfb.display)
     assert info
     tinfo = typedict(info)
     idisplay = tinfo.strget("server.display")
     assert idisplay == display, "expected display '%s' in info, but got '%s'" % (
         display, idisplay)
     rd = tinfo.intget("refresh-delay", 0)
     assert rd == REFRESH_DELAY, "expected refresh-delay=%i, got %i" % (
         REFRESH_DELAY, rd)
     dstr = display.lstrip(":")
     new_delay = 2
     cmd = [
         dbus_send, "--session", "--type=method_call",
         "--dest=org.xpra.Server%s" % dstr, "/org/xpra/Server",
         "int32:%i" % new_delay
     env = self.get_run_env()
     env["DISPLAY"] = display
     self.run_command(cmd, env=env).wait(20)
     #check that the value has changed:
     info = self.get_server_info(display)
     assert info
     tinfo = typedict(info)
     assert tinfo.strget("server.display") == display
     rd = tinfo.intget("refresh-delay", 0)
     assert rd == new_delay, "expected refresh-delay=%i, got %i" % (
         new_delay, rd)
     self.stop_shadow_server(xvfb, server)
Exemple #9
	def test_dbus(self):
		dbus_send = which("dbus-send")
		if not dbus_send:
			print("Warning: dbus test skipped, 'dbus-send' not found")
		#make sure this is recorded,
		#so kill the xvfb *after* we exit
		display, xvfb, server = self.start_test_xvfb_and_server("--start=xterm", "--start=xterm", "-d", "dbus")	#2 windows
		info = self.get_server_info(display)
		assert info
		tinfo = typedict(info)
		dstr = display.lstrip(":")
		env = self.get_run_env()
		env["DISPLAY"] = display
		#use the dbus environment from the server:
		for k,v in tinfo.items():
			if k.startswith("env.DBUS_"):
				env[k[4:]] = v
		#unchecked calls:
		for args in (
			("org.xpra.Server.Focus", "int32:1"),
			#("org.xpra.Server.Suspend", ),		#hangs?
			("org.xpra.Server.Resume", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.Ungrab", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.Start", "string:xterm"),
			("org.xpra.Server.StartChild", "string:xterm"),
			("org.xpra.Server.EnableDebug", "string:keyboard"),
			("org.xpra.Server.KeyPress", "int32:36"),		#Return key with default layout?
			("org.xpra.Server.KeyRelease", "int32:36"),		#Return key
			("org.xpra.Server.ClearKeysPressed", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetKeyboardRepeat", "int32:200", "int32:50"),
			("org.xpra.Server.DisableDebug", "string:keyboard"),
			("org.xpra.Server.ListClients", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.DetachClient", "string:nomatch"),
			("org.xpra.Server.DetachAllClients", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.GetAllInfo", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.GetInfo", "string:keyboard"),
			("org.xpra.Server.ListWindows", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.LockBatchDelay", "int32:1", "int32:10"),
			("org.xpra.Server.UnlockBatchDelay", "int32:1"),
			("org.xpra.Server.MovePointer", "int32:1", "int32:100", "int32:100"),
			("org.xpra.Server.MouseClick", "int32:1", "boolean:true"),
			("org.xpra.Server.MouseClick", "int32:1", "boolean:false"),
			("org.xpra.Server.MoveWindowToWorkspace", "int32:1", "int32:2"),
			("org.xpra.Server.RefreshAllWindows", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.RefreshWindow", "int32:1"),
			("org.xpra.Server.RefreshWindows", "array:int32:1:2:3"),
			("org.xpra.Server.ResetVideoRegion", "int32:1"),
			("org.xpra.Server.ResetWindowFilters", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.ResetXSettings", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.SendNotification", "int32:1", "string:title", "string:message", "string:*"),
			("org.xpra.Server.CloseNotification", "int32:1", "string:*"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SendUIClientCommand", "array:string:test"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetClipboardProperties", "string:direction", "int32:1000", "int32:1000"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetIdleTimeout", "int32:100"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetLock", "string:true"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetLock", "string:false"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetLock", "string:auto"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetSharing", "string:no"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetScreenSize", "int32:1024", "int32:768"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetUIDriver", "string:invalid"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetVideoRegion", "int32:1", "int32:10", "int32:10", "int32:100", "int32:100"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetVideoRegionDetection", "int32:1", "boolean:true"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetVideoRegionDetection", "int32:1", "boolean:false"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetVideoRegionEnabled", "int32:1", "boolean:true"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetVideoRegionEnabled", "int32:1", "boolean:false"),
			#("org.xpra.Server.SetVideoRegionExclusionZones", ...
			("org.xpra.Server.SetWindowEncoding", "int32:1", "string:png"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetWindowScaling", "int32:1", "string:200%"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetWindowScalingControl", "int32:1", "string:auto"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetWindowScalingControl", "int32:1", "string:50"),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetWorkarea", "int32:10", "int32:10", "int32:1000", "int32:740"),
			("org.xpra.Server.ShowAllWindows", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.SyncXvfb", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.SetDPI", "int32:144", "int32:144"),
			("org.xpra.Server.ToggleFeature", "string:bell", "string:off"),
			#generic dbus server queries:
			("org.xpra.Server.Get", "string:session_name"),
			("org.xpra.Server.GetAll", ),
			("org.xpra.Server.Set", "string:session_name", "string:foo"),
			cmd = [dbus_send, "--session", "--type=method_call",
					"--dest=org.xpra.Server%s" % dstr, "/org/xpra/Server"] + list(args)
			proc = self.run_command(cmd, env=env)
			assert pollwait(proc, 20) is not None, "dbus-send is taking too long: %s" % (cmd,)
		#properties using interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties:
		for args in (
			("Get", "string:idle-timeout"),
			("Get", "string:does-not-exist"),
			("GetAll", ),
			("Set", "string:idle-timeout", "int32:20"),
			("Set", "string:does-not-exist", "string:irrelevant"),
			cmd = [dbus_send, "--session", "--type=method_call", "--print-reply",
					"--dest=org.xpra.Server%s" % dstr, "/org/xpra/Server",
					"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.%s" % args[0], "string:org.xpra.Server%s" % dstr
					] + list(args[1:])
			proc = self.run_command(cmd, env=env)
			assert pollwait(proc, 20) is not None, "dbus-send is taking too long: %s" % (cmd,)

		self.check_stop_server(server, "exit", display)
def has_xclip():
    return which("xclip")
Exemple #11
 def find_pinentry_bin():
     if is_gnome():
         return which("pinentry-gnome3")
     if is_kde():
         return which("pinentry-qt")
     return None
Exemple #12
def env_from_sourcing(file_to_source_path, include_unexported_variables=False):
    import json
    import subprocess
    from xpra.log import Logger
    log = Logger("exec")
    cmd = shlex.split(file_to_source_path)
    filename = which(cmd[0])
    if not filename:
        log.error("Error: cannot find command '%s' to execute", cmd[0])
        log.error(" for sourcing '%s'", file_to_source_path)
        return {}
    if not os.path.isabs(filename):
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
    cmd[0] = filename
    #figure out if this is a script to source,
    #or if we're meant to execute it directly
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            first_line = f.readline()
    except OSError as e:
        log.error("Error: failed to read from '%s'", filename)
        log.error(" %s", e)
        first_line = b""
        log("first line of '%s': %r", filename, first_line)
    if first_line.startswith(b"\x7fELF") or b"\x00" in first_line:
        def decode(out):
            env = {}
            for line in out.splitlines():
                parts = line.split("=", 1)
                if len(parts)==2:
                    env[parts[0]] = parts[1]
            log("decode(%r)=%s", out, env)
            return env
        source = '%ssource %s' % ("set -a && " if include_unexported_variables else "", filename)
        dump = 'python%i.%i -c "import os, json;print(json.dumps(dict(os.environ)))"' % (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor)
        cmd = ['/bin/bash', '-c', '%s && %s' % (source, dump)]
        def decode(out):
                env = json.loads(out)
                log("json loads(%r)=%s", out, env)
                return env
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                log.error("Error decoding json output from sourcing script '%s'",
                          file_to_source_path, exc_info=True)
                return {}
        log("env_from_sourcing%s cmd=%s", (filename, include_unexported_variables), cmd)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        out = proc.communicate()[0]
        if proc.returncode!=0:
            log.error("Error %i running source script '%s'", proc.returncode, filename)
    except OSError as e:
        log("env_from_sourcing%s", (filename, include_unexported_variables), exc_info=True)
        log(" stdout=%r (%s)", out, type(out))
        log.error("Error running source script '%s'", proc.returncode, file_to_source_path)
        log.error(" %s", e)
        return {}
    log("stdout(%s)=%r", filename, out)
    if not out:
        return {}
        out = out.decode()
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        log.error("Error decoding output from '%s'", filename, exc_info=True)
        return {}
    return decode(out)
def has_xclip():
    return bool(which("xclip"))
Exemple #14
    def _test(self, subcommand, options):
        log("starting test server with options=%s", options)
        args = ["--%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in options.items()]
        tcp_port = None
        xvfb = None
        if WIN32 or OSX:
            display = ""
            connect_args = []
        elif self.display:
            display = self.display
            connect_args = [display]
            display = self.find_free_display()
            connect_args = [display]
            if subcommand == "shadow":
                xvfb = self.start_Xvfb(display)
        if TEST_RFB or WIN32:
            tcp_port = get_free_tcp_port()
            args += ["--bind-tcp=" % tcp_port]
            if WIN32:
                connect_args = ["tcp://" % tcp_port]
        server = None
        client = None
        rfb_client = None
        gui_client = None
            log("args=%s", " ".join("'%s'" % x for x in args))
            server = self.check_server(subcommand, display, *args)
            #we should always be able to get the version:
            client = self.run_xpra(["version"] + connect_args)
            assert pollwait(
                client, 5
            ) == 0, "version client failed to connect to server with args=%s" % args
            #run info query:
            cmd = ["info"] + connect_args
            client = self.run_xpra(cmd)
            r = pollwait(client, 20)
            assert r==0, "info client failed and returned %s: '%s' for server with args=%s" % \
                (r, EXIT_STR.get(r, r), args)

            client_kwargs = {}
            if not (WIN32 or OSX):
                env = self.get_run_env()
                env["DISPLAY"] = self.client_display
                client_kwargs = {"env": env}

            if subcommand in ("shadow",
                              "start-desktop") and TEST_RFB and options.get(
                                  "windows", True):
                vncviewer = which("vncviewer")
                log("testing RFB clients with vncviewer '%s'", vncviewer)
                if vncviewer:
                    rfb_cmd = [vncviewer, "localhost::%i" % tcp_port]
                    rfb_client = self.run_command(rfb_cmd, **client_kwargs)
                    r = pollwait(rfb_client, 10)
                    if r is not None:
                            "rfb client terminated early and returned %i for server with args=%s"
                            % (r, args))

            #connect a gui client:
            if WIN32 or (self.client_display and self.client_xvfb):
                xpra_args = [
                    "--clipboard=no",  #could create loops
                    "--notifications=no",  #may get sent to the desktop session running the tests!
                ] + connect_args
                gui_client = self.run_xpra(xpra_args, **client_kwargs)
                r = pollwait(gui_client, 10)
                if r is not None:
                        "gui client terminated early and returned %i : '%s' for server with args=%s"
                        % (r, EXIT_STR.get(r, r), args))

            if self.display:
                self.stop_server(server, "exit", *connect_args)
                self.stop_server(server, "stop", *connect_args)
            if display:
                if display in self.dotxpra.displays():
                        "server socket for display %s should have been removed",

            if gui_client:
                r = pollwait(gui_client, 20)
                if r is None:
                    log.warn("client still connected!")
                    raise Exception("gui client should have been disconnected")
        except Exception:
            log.error("test error for '%s' subcommand with options=%s",
                      subcommand, options)
            for x in (xvfb, rfb_client, gui_client, server, client):
                    if x and x.poll() is None:
                except OSError:
                    log("%s.terminate()", exc_info=True)