Exemple #1
def get_workareas():
        workareas = []
        for m in EnumDisplayMonitors():
            mi = GetMonitorInfo(m)
            screenlog("get_workareas() GetMonitorInfo(%s)=%s", m, mi)
            #absolute workarea / monitor coordinates:
            wx1, wy1, wx2, wy2 = mi['Work']
            mx1, my1, mx2, my2 = mi['Monitor']
            assert mx1 < mx2 and my1 < my2, "invalid monitor coordinates"
            #clamp to monitor, and make it all relative to monitor:
            rx1 = max(0, min(mx2 - mx1, wx1 - mx1))
            ry1 = max(0, min(my2 - my1, wy1 - my1))
            rx2 = max(0, min(mx2 - mx1, wx2 - mx1))
            ry2 = max(0, min(my2 - my1, wy2 - my1))
            assert rx1 < rx2 and ry1 < ry2, "invalid relative workarea coordinates"
            geom = rx1, ry1, rx2 - rx1, ry2 - ry1
            #GTK will return the PRIMARY monitor first,
            #so we have to do the same thing:
            if mi['Flags'] & MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY:
                workareas.insert(0, geom)
        assert workareas
        screenlog("get_workareas()=%s", workareas)
        return workareas
    except Exception as e:
        screenlog.warn("failed to query workareas: %s", e)
        return []
Exemple #2
def get_workarea():
    #this is for x11 servers which can only use a single workarea,
    #calculate the total area:
        #first we need to find the absolute top-left and bottom-right corners
        #so we can make everything relative to 0,0
        monitors = []
        for m in EnumDisplayMonitors():
            mi = GetMonitorInfo(m)
            mx1, my1, mx2, my2 = mi['Monitor']
            monitors.append((mx1, my1, mx2, my2))
        minmx = min(x[0] for x in monitors)
        minmy = min(x[1] for x in monitors)
        maxmx = max(x[2] for x in monitors)
        maxmy = max(x[3] for x in monitors)
        screenlog("get_workarea() absolute total monitor area: %s",
                  (minmx, minmy, maxmx, maxmy))
        screenlog(" total monitor dimensions: %s",
                  (maxmx - minmx, maxmy - minmy))
        workareas = []
        for m in EnumDisplayMonitors():
            mi = GetMonitorInfo(m)
            #absolute workarea / monitor coordinates:
            wx1, wy1, wx2, wy2 = mi['Work']
            workareas.append((wx1, wy1, wx2, wy2))
        assert len(workareas) > 0
        minwx = min(w[0] for w in workareas)
        minwy = min(w[1] for w in workareas)
        maxwx = max(w[2] for w in workareas)
        maxwy = max(w[3] for w in workareas)
        #sanity checks:
        assert minwx >= minmx and minwy >= minmy and maxwx <= maxmx and maxwy <= maxmy, "workspace %s is outside monitor space %s" % (
            (minwx, minwy, maxwx, maxwy), (minmx, minmy, maxmx, maxmy))
        #now make it relative to the monitor space:
        wx1 = minwx - minmx
        wy1 = minwy - minmy
        wx2 = maxwx - minmx
        wy2 = maxwy - minmy
        assert wx1 < wx2 and wy1 < wy2, "invalid workarea coordinates: %s" % (
            (wx1, wy1, wx2, wy2), )
        return wx1, wy1, wx2 - wx1, wy2 - wy1
    except Exception as e:
        screenlog.warn("failed to query workareas: %s", e)
        return []
Exemple #3
 def get_geometry(self):
     #we can only use this if there is a single monitor
     #because multi-monitor coordinates may have offsets
     #we don't know about (done inside GTK)
     n = len(EnumDisplayMonitors())
     if n == 1:
         nii.cbSize = sizeof(NOTIFYICONIDENTIFIER)
         nii.hWnd = self.hwnd
         nii.uID = self.app_id
         #nii.guidItem = XPRA_GUID
         rect = RECT()
         if Shell_NotifyIconGetRect(byref(nii), byref(rect)) == 0:
             geom = (rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left,
                     rect.bottom - rect.top)
             geomlog("Shell_NotifyIconGetRect: %s", geom)
             return geom
     return None
Exemple #4
def get_monitors():
    monitors = []
    for m in EnumDisplayMonitors():
        mi = GetMonitorInfo(m)
    return monitors