def ssh_exec_connect_to(display_desc, opts=None, debug_cb=None, ssh_fail_cb=ssh_connect_failed): if not ssh_fail_cb: ssh_fail_cb = ssh_connect_failed sshpass_command = None try: cmd = list(display_desc["full_ssh"]) kwargs = {} env = display_desc.get("env") kwargs["stderr"] = sys.stderr if WIN32: from subprocess import CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, STARTUPINFO, STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo = STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = 0 #aka win32.con.SW_HIDE flags = CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE kwargs.update({ "startupinfo" : startupinfo, "creationflags" : flags, "stderr" : PIPE, }) elif not display_desc.get("exit_ssh", False) and not OSX: kwargs["start_new_session"] = True remote_xpra = display_desc["remote_xpra"] assert remote_xpra socket_dir = display_desc.get("socket_dir") proxy_command = display_desc["proxy_command"] #ie: "_proxy_start" display_as_args = display_desc["display_as_args"] #ie: "--start=xterm :10" remote_cmd = "" for x in remote_xpra: if not remote_cmd: check = "if" else: check = "elif" if x=="xpra": #no absolute path, so use "which" to check that the command exists: pc = ['%s which "%s" > /dev/null 2>&1; then' % (check, x)] else: pc = ['%s [ -x %s ]; then' % (check, x)] pc += [x] + proxy_command + [shellquote(x) for x in display_as_args] if socket_dir: pc.append("--socket-dir=%s" % socket_dir) remote_cmd += " ".join(pc)+";" remote_cmd += "else echo \"no run-xpra command found\"; exit 1; fi" if INITENV_COMMAND: remote_cmd = INITENV_COMMAND + ";" + remote_cmd #how many times we need to escape the remote command string #depends on how many times the ssh command is parsed nssh = sum(int(x=="ssh") for x in cmd) if nssh>=2 and MAGIC_QUOTES: for _ in range(nssh): remote_cmd = shlex.quote(remote_cmd) else: remote_cmd = "'%s'" % remote_cmd cmd.append("sh -c %s" % remote_cmd) if debug_cb: debug_cb("starting %s tunnel" % str(cmd[0])) #non-string arguments can make Popen choke, #instead of lazily converting everything to a string, we validate the command: for x in cmd: if not isinstance(x, str): raise InitException("argument is not a string: %s (%s), found in command: %s" % (x, type(x), cmd)) password = display_desc.get("password") if password and not display_desc.get("is_putty", False): from xpra.platform.paths import get_sshpass_command sshpass_command = get_sshpass_command() if sshpass_command: #sshpass -e ssh ... cmd.insert(0, sshpass_command) cmd.insert(1, "-e") if env is None: env = os.environ.copy() env["SSHPASS"] = password #the password will be used by ssh via sshpass, #don't try to authenticate again over the ssh-proxy connection, #which would trigger warnings if the server does not require #authentication over unix-domain-sockets: opts.password = None del display_desc["password"] if env: kwargs["env"] = env if is_debug_enabled("ssh"):"executing ssh command: %s" % (" ".join("\"%s\"" % x for x in cmd))) child = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, **kwargs) except OSError as e: raise InitExit(EXIT_SSH_FAILURE, "Error running ssh command '%s': %s" % (" ".join("\"%s\"" % x for x in cmd), e)) def abort_test(action): """ if ssh dies, we don't need to try to read/write from its sockets """ e = child.poll() if e is not None: had_connected = conn.input_bytecount>0 or conn.output_bytecount>0 if had_connected: error_message = "cannot %s using SSH" % action else: error_message = "SSH connection failure" sshpass_error = None if sshpass_command: sshpass_error = { 1 : "Invalid command line argument", 2 : "Conflicting arguments given", 3 : "General runtime error", 4 : "Unrecognized response from ssh (parse error)", 5 : "Invalid/incorrect password", 6 : "Host public key is unknown. sshpass exits without confirming the new key.", }.get(e) if sshpass_error: error_message += ": %s" % sshpass_error if debug_cb: debug_cb(error_message) if ssh_fail_cb: ssh_fail_cb(error_message) if "ssh_abort" not in display_desc: display_desc["ssh_abort"] = True if not had_connected: log.error("Error: SSH connection to the xpra server failed") if sshpass_error: log.error(" %s", sshpass_error) else: log.error(" check your username, hostname, display number, firewall, etc") display_name = display_desc["display_name"] log.error(" for server: %s", display_name) else: log.error("The SSH process has terminated with exit code %s", e) cmd_info = " ".join(display_desc["full_ssh"]) log.error(" the command line used was:") log.error(" %s", cmd_info) raise ConnectionClosedException(error_message) from None def stop_tunnel(): if POSIX: #on posix, the tunnel may be shared with other processes #so don't kill it... which may leave it behind after use. #but at least make sure we close all the pipes: for name,fd in { "stdin" : child.stdin, "stdout" : child.stdout, "stderr" : child.stderr, }.items(): try: if fd: fd.close() except Exception as e: print("error closing ssh tunnel %s: %s" % (name, e)) if not display_desc.get("exit_ssh", False): #leave it running return try: if child.poll() is None: child.terminate() except Exception as e: print("error trying to stop ssh tunnel process: %s" % e) host = display_desc["host"] port = display_desc.get("ssh-port", 22) username = display_desc.get("username") display = display_desc.get("display") info = { "host" : host, "port" : port, } from import TwoFileConnection conn = TwoFileConnection(child.stdin, child.stdout, abort_test, target=(host, port), socktype="ssh", close_cb=stop_tunnel, info=info) conn.endpoint = host_target_string("ssh", username, host, port, display) conn.timeout = 0 #taken care of by abort_test conn.process = (child, "ssh", cmd) if kwargs.get("stderr")==PIPE: def stderr_reader(): errs = [] while child.poll() is None: try: v = child.stderr.readline() except OSError: log("stderr_reader()", exc_info=True) break if not v: log("SSH EOF on stderr of %s", cmd) break s = bytestostr(v.rstrip(b"\n\r")) if s: errs.append(s) if errs: log.warn("remote SSH stderr:") for e in errs: log.warn(" %s", e) start_thread(stderr_reader, "ssh-stderr-reader", daemon=True) return conn
def ssh_paramiko_connect_to(display_desc): #plain socket attributes: dtype = display_desc["type"] host = display_desc["host"] port = display_desc.get("ssh-port", 22) #ssh and command attributes: username = display_desc.get("username") or get_username() if "proxy_host" in display_desc: display_desc.setdefault("proxy_username", get_username()) password = display_desc.get("password") remote_xpra = display_desc["remote_xpra"] proxy_command = display_desc["proxy_command"] #ie: "_proxy_start" socket_dir = display_desc.get("socket_dir") display = display_desc.get("display") display_as_args = display_desc["display_as_args"] #ie: "--start=xterm :10" paramiko_config = display_desc.copy() paramiko_config.update(display_desc.get("paramiko-config", {})) socket_info = { "host" : host, "port" : port, } def get_keyfiles(host_config, config_name="key"): keyfiles = (host_config or {}).get("identityfile") or get_default_keyfiles() keyfile = paramiko_config.get(config_name) if keyfile: keyfiles.insert(0, keyfile) return keyfiles with nogssapi_context(): from paramiko import SSHConfig, ProxyCommand ssh_config = SSHConfig() user_config_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/config") sock = None host_config = None if os.path.exists(user_config_file): with open(user_config_file) as f: ssh_config.parse(f) log("parsed user config '%s': %i hosts found", user_config_file, len(ssh_config.get_hostnames())) host_config = ssh_config.lookup(host) if host_config: log("got host config for '%s': %s", host, host_config) chost = host_config.get("hostname", host) cusername = host_config.get("user", username) cport = host_config.get("port", port) try: port = int(cport) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise InitExit(EXIT_SSH_FAILURE, "invalid ssh port specified: '%s'" % cport) from None proxycommand = host_config.get("proxycommand") if proxycommand: log("found proxycommand='%s' for host '%s'", proxycommand, chost) sock = ProxyCommand(proxycommand) log("ProxyCommand(%s)=%s", proxycommand, sock) from xpra.child_reaper import getChildReaper cmd = getattr(sock, "cmd", []) def proxycommand_ended(proc): log("proxycommand_ended(%s) exit code=%s", proc, proc.poll()) getChildReaper().add_process(sock.process, "paramiko-ssh-client", cmd, True, True, callback=proxycommand_ended) proxy_keys = get_keyfiles(host_config, "proxy_key") log("proxy keys=%s", proxy_keys) from paramiko.client import SSHClient ssh_client = SSHClient() ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() log("ssh proxy command connect to %s", (chost, cport, sock)) ssh_client.connect(chost, cport, sock=sock) transport = ssh_client.get_transport() do_ssh_paramiko_connect_to(transport, chost, cusername, password, host_config or ssh_config.lookup("*"), proxy_keys, paramiko_config) chan = paramiko_run_remote_xpra(transport, proxy_command, remote_xpra, socket_dir, display_as_args) peername = (chost, cport) conn = SSHProxyCommandConnection(chan, peername, peername, socket_info) = host_target_string("ssh", cusername, chost, port, display) conn.timeout = SOCKET_TIMEOUT conn.start_stderr_reader() conn.process = (sock.process, "ssh", cmd) from import bytestreams from paramiko.ssh_exception import ProxyCommandFailure bytestreams.CLOSED_EXCEPTIONS = tuple(list(bytestreams.CLOSED_EXCEPTIONS)+[ProxyCommandFailure]) return conn keys = get_keyfiles(host_config) from xpra.scripts.main import socket_connect from paramiko.transport import Transport from paramiko import SSHException if "proxy_host" in display_desc: proxy_host = display_desc["proxy_host"] proxy_port = display_desc.get("proxy_port", 22) proxy_username = display_desc.get("proxy_username", username) proxy_password = display_desc.get("proxy_password", password) proxy_keys = get_keyfiles(host_config, "proxy_key") sock = socket_connect(dtype, proxy_host, proxy_port) middle_transport = Transport(sock) middle_transport.use_compression(False) try: middle_transport.start_client() except SSHException as e: log("start_client()", exc_info=True) raise InitExit(EXIT_SSH_FAILURE, "SSH negotiation failed: %s" % e) from None proxy_host_config = ssh_config.lookup(host) do_ssh_paramiko_connect_to(middle_transport, proxy_host, proxy_username, proxy_password, proxy_host_config or ssh_config.lookup("*"), proxy_keys, paramiko_config) log("Opening proxy channel") chan_to_middle = middle_transport.open_channel("direct-tcpip", (host, port), ('localhost', 0)) transport = Transport(chan_to_middle) transport.use_compression(False) try: transport.start_client() except SSHException as e: log("start_client()", exc_info=True) raise InitExit(EXIT_SSH_FAILURE, "SSH negotiation failed: %s" % e) do_ssh_paramiko_connect_to(transport, host, username, password, host_config or ssh_config.lookup("*"), keys, paramiko_config) chan = paramiko_run_remote_xpra(transport, proxy_command, remote_xpra, socket_dir, display_as_args) peername = (host, port) conn = SSHProxyCommandConnection(chan, peername, peername, socket_info) = "%s via %s" % ( host_target_string("ssh", username, host, port, display), host_target_string("ssh", proxy_username, proxy_host, proxy_port, None), ) conn.timeout = SOCKET_TIMEOUT conn.start_stderr_reader() return conn #plain TCP connection to the server, #we open it then give the socket to paramiko: sock = socket_connect(dtype, host, port) sockname = sock.getsockname() peername = sock.getpeername() log("paramiko socket_connect: sockname=%s, peername=%s", sockname, peername) transport = Transport(sock) transport.use_compression(False) try: transport.start_client() except SSHException as e: log("start_client()", exc_info=True) raise InitExit(EXIT_SSH_FAILURE, "SSH negotiation failed: %s" % e) from None do_ssh_paramiko_connect_to(transport, host, username, password, host_config or ssh_config.lookup("*"), keys, paramiko_config) chan = paramiko_run_remote_xpra(transport, proxy_command, remote_xpra, socket_dir, display_as_args) conn = SSHSocketConnection(chan, sock, sockname, peername, (host, port), socket_info) = host_target_string("ssh", username, host, port, display) conn.timeout = SOCKET_TIMEOUT conn.start_stderr_reader() return conn