def qsap_ss(qsap, **kwargs): """ Sherali-Smith Linear Formulation for the quadratic semi-assignment problem """ n = qsap.n m = qsap.m e = qsap.e c = qsap.c #create model and add variables mdl = xp.problem(name='qsap_ss') x = np.array([[xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for i in range(n)]for j in range(m)]) s = np.array([[xp.var(vartype=xp.continuous) for i in range(n)]for j in range(m)]) y = np.array([[xp.var(vartype=xp.continuous) for i in range(n)]for j in range(m)]) mdl.addVariable(x,s,y) mdl.addConstraint((sum(x[i,k] for k in range(n)) == 1) for i in range(m)) start = timer() U = np.zeros((m,n)) L = np.zeros((m,n)) bound_mdl = xp.problem(name='upper_bound_model') bound_mdl.setlogfile("xpress.log") bound_x = np.array([xp.var(vartype=xp.continuous, lb=0, ub=1) for i in range(m) for j in range(n)]).reshape(m,n) bound_mdl.addVariable(bound_x) bound_mdl.addConstraint((sum(bound_x[i,k] for k in range(n)) == 1) for i in range(m)) for i in range(m-1): for k in range(n): bound_mdl.setObjective(sum(sum(c[i,k,j,l]*bound_x[j,l] for l in range(n)) for j in range(i+1,m)), sense=xp.maximize) bound_mdl.solve() U[i,k] = bound_mdl.getObjVal() bound_mdl.setObjective(sum(sum(c[i,k,j,l]*bound_x[j,l] for l in range(n)) for j in range(i+1,m)), sense=xp.minimize) bound_mdl.solve() L[i,k] = bound_mdl.getObjVal() end = timer() setup_time = end-start #add auxiliary constraints for i in range(m-1): for k in range(n): mdl.addConstraint(sum(sum(c[i,k,j,l]*x[j,l] for j in range(i+1,m)) for l in range(n))-s[i,k]-L[i,k]==y[i,k]) mdl.addConstraint(y[i,k] <= (U[i,k]-L[i,k])*(1-x[i,k])) mdl.addConstraint(s[i,k] <= (U[i,k]-L[i,k])*x[i,k]) mdl.addConstraint(y[i,k] >= 0) mdl.addConstraint(s[i,k] >= 0) #set objective function linear_values = sum(sum(e[i,k]*x[i,k] for i in range(m)) for k in range(n)) mdl.setObjective(linear_values + sum(sum(s[i,k]+x[i,k]*(L[i,k]) for i in range(m-1)) for k in range(n)), sense=xp.maximize) #return model + setup time return [mdl, setup_time]
def bb(A, b): pb = xp.problem() x_lp = np.array([xp.var(vartype=xp.continuous) for _ in range(A.shape[1])]) pb.addVariable(x_lp) pb.addConstraint(xp.Dot(A, x_lp) <= b) pb.setObjective(xp.Dot(c, x_lp), sense=xp.maximize) lb_node = Node(xp.problem(), -1) root_node = Node(pb) is_integer, is_infeasible = root_node.solve() show_tree(root_node) if is_integer: return root_node.pb.getObjVal(), root_node.pb.getSolution() elif is_infeasible: return False, False l_node, r_node = root_node.make_sub_problems() active_nodes = [l_node, r_node] while True: show_tree(root_node) not_pruned_nodes = [] for node in active_nodes: is_integer, is_infeasible = node.solve() if is_integer: if node.objVal > lb_node.objVal: lb_node = node elif not is_infeasible and node.objVal > lb_node.objVal: not_pruned_nodes.append(node) else: node.is_pruned = True # # inp = input() if is_optimal(lb_node, not_pruned_nodes): lb_node.is_optimal = True show_tree(root_node) return lb_node.pb.getObjVal(), lb_node.pb.getSolution() active_nodes = [] for node in not_pruned_nodes: l_node, r_node = node.make_sub_problems() active_nodes.append(l_node) active_nodes.append(r_node)
def __init__(self, df_init, costFun: Union[Callable, List[Callable]], alpha=1, model_name="istop"): self.preference_function = lambda x, y: x * (y**alpha) self.offers = None super().__init__(df_init=df_init, costFun=costFun, airline_ctor=air.IstopAirline) airline: air.IstopAirline for airline in self.airlines: airline.set_preferences(self.preference_function) self.airlines_pairs = np.array(list(combinations(self.airlines, 2))) self.epsilon = sys.float_info.min self.m = xp.problem() self.x = None self.c = None # self.m.threads = -1 # self.m.verbose = 0 self.matches = [] self.couples = [] self.flights_in_matches = []
def no_linearization(quad, **kwargs): """ Solve a problem using the solver's default approach to quadratics (for cplex, this is the std linearization) """ start = timer() n = quad.n c = quad.c m = xp.problem(name='no_linearization') x = np.array([xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for i in range(n)]) m.addVariable(x) if type(quad) is Knapsack: #HSP and UQP don't have cap constraint #add capacity constraint(s) for k in range(quad.m): m.addConstraint(xp.Sum(x[i]*quad.a[k][i] for i in range(n)) <= quad.b[k]) #k_item constraint if necessary (if KQKP or HSP) if quad.num_items > 0: m.addConstraint(xp.Sum(x[i] for i in range(n)) == quad.num_items) #compute quadratic values contirbution to obj quadratic_values = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): quadratic_values = quadratic_values + (x[i]*x[j]*quad.C[i,j]) #set objective function linear_values = xp.Sum(x[i]*c[i] for i in range(n)) m.setObjective(linear_values + quadratic_values, sense=xp.maximize) end = timer() setup_time = end-start return [m, setup_time]
def subproblem(xhat): '''子问题求解 ''' # 初始化问题 r = xp.problem() # 定义变量 y = [xp.var() for i in range(n2)] z = [xp.var(lb=-xp.infinity) for i in range(n1)] epsilon = xp.var(lb=-xp.infinity) r.addVariable(y, z, epsilon) # 定义约束 dummy1 = [z[i] == xhat[i] for i in range(n1)] dummy2 = epsilon == 1 constr=[xp.Sum(A1[ii][jj]*z[jj] for jj in range(n1)) + \ xp.Sum(A2[ii][jj]*y[jj] for jj in range(n2)) \ - epsilon*b[ii]<=0 for ii in range(m)] r.addConstraint(constr, dummy1, dummy2) # 定义目标函数 r.setObjective(xp.Sum(c2[jj] * y[jj] for jj in range(n2)), sense=xp.minimize) r.setControl({"presolve": 0}) # 解该问题 r.setControl('outputlog', 0) r.solve() # 寻找切片 xind1 = [r.getIndex(dummy1[ii]) for ii in range(n1)] # 根据自问题的解的情况判断下一步 if r.getProbStatus() == xp.lp_optimal: # 获得了最优解 print("Optimal Subproblem") dualmult = r.getDual() lamb = [dualmult[ii] for ii in xind1] beta = r.getObjVal() return (lamb, beta, 'Optimal') elif r.getProbStatus() == xp.lp_infeas: # 子问题不可行 print("Infeasible Subproblem") if not r.hasdualray(): print("Could not retrieve a dual ray, return no good cut instead:") xhatones = set(ii for ii in range(n1) if xhat[ii] >= 0.5) lamb = [2 * xhat[ii] - 1 for ii in range(n1)] beta = -sum(xhat) + 1 else: # 求解对偶 dray = [] r.getdualray(dray) print("Dual Ray:", dray) lamb = [dray[ii] for ii in xind1] beta = dray[r.getIndex(dummy2)] return (lamb, beta, 'Infeasible') else: print("ERROR: Subproblem not optimal or infeasible. Terminating.") sys.exit()
def run(self, num_iterations, df=None, training_start_iteration=100, train_t=200): xp_problem = xp.problem() for i in range(training_start_iteration): print(i) instance = instanceMaker.Instance(triples=False, df=df, xp_problem=xp_problem) schedule = instance.get_schedule_tensor() self.episode(schedule, instance, eps=1) print('Finished initial exploration') s = 10_000 for i in range(training_start_iteration, num_iterations): instance = instanceMaker.Instance(triples=False, df=df, xp_problem=xp_problem) schedule = instance.get_schedule_tensor() self.eps = self.epsFun(i, num_iterations) self.episode(schedule, instance, self.eps) print("{0} {1:2f} {2:2f}".format(i,, self.eps)) if i % train_t == 0: print("\n TEST") self.test_episode(schedule, instance, self.eps) print(instance.matches) instance.print_performance()
def bb(A, b): lb_node = Node(xp.problem()) root_node = Node(pb) is_integer, is_infeasible = root_node.solve() if is_integer: return root_node.pb.getObjVal(), root_node.pb.getSolution() elif is_infeasible: return False, False l_node, r_node = root_node.make_sub_problems() active_nodes = [l_node, r_node] while True: not_pruned_nodes = [] for node in active_nodes: is_integer, is_infeasible = node.solve() if is_integer: if node.objVal > lb_node.objVal: lb_node = node elif not is_infeasible: not_pruned_nodes.append(node) if is_optimal(lb_node, not_pruned_nodes): return lb_node.pb.getObjVal(), lb_node.pb.getSolution() active_nodes = [] for node in not_pruned_nodes: l_node, r_node = node.make_sub_problems() active_nodes.append(l_node) active_nodes.append(r_node)
def __init__(self, input_data, input_params): self.input_data = input_data self.input_params = input_params self.model = xp.problem('prod_planning') self._create_decision_variables() self._create_main_constraints() self._set_objective_function()
def __init__(self, num_flights=50, num_airlines=5, triples=True, reduction_factor=100, discretisation_size=50, custom_schedule=None, df=None, xp_problem=None): scheduleTypes = scheduleMaker.schedule_types(show=False) # init variables, schedule and cost function if custom_schedule is None and df is None: schedule_df = scheduleMaker.df_maker(num_flights, num_airlines, distribution=scheduleTypes[0]) else: if df is None: schedule_df = scheduleMaker.df_maker(custom=custom_schedule) else: schedule_df = df self.reductionFactor = reduction_factor self.costFun = CostFuns().costFun["realistic"] self.flightTypeDict = CostFuns().flightTypeDict self.discretisationSize = discretisation_size if xp_problem is None: self.xp_problem = xp.problem() else: self.xp_problem = xp_problem with HiddenPrints(): self.xp_problem.reset() # internal optimisation step udpp_model_xp = udppModel.UDPPmodel(schedule_df, self.costFun, self.xp_problem) with HiddenPrints(): self.xp_problem.reset() super().__init__(udpp_model_xp.get_new_df(), self.costFun, triples=triples, xp_problem=self.xp_problem) flights = [flight for flight in] for flight in flights[flight.slot.index] = flight = flights self.set_flights_input_net(self.discretisationSize) self.offerChecker = checkOffer.OfferChecker(self.scheduleMatrix) _, self.matches_vect = self.offerChecker.all_couples_check( self.airlines_pairs) self.reverseAirDict = dict( zip(list(self.airDict.keys()), list(self.airDict.values())))
def __init__(self, number_of_time_steps=24): # Create a new model self.model = xp.problem() # optimization horizon: self.time_steps = range(0, number_of_time_steps) self.time_steps_with_tomorrow = range(0, number_of_time_steps+1) self.buildings = {} self.batteries = {} self.generators = {}
def create(self): """ Returns a new empty optimisation problem. Returns ------- problem : xpress.problem """ return xp.problem()
def _set_instance(self, model, kwds={}): self._range_constraints = set() DirectOrPersistentSolver._set_instance(self, model, kwds) self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map = dict() self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map = ComponentMap() self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map = ComponentMap() self._solver_var_to_pyomo_var_map = ComponentMap() try: if is not None: self._solver_model = xpress.problem( else: self._solver_model = xpress.problem() except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] msg = ("Unable to create Xpress model. " "Have you installed the Python " "bindings for Xpress?\n\n\t" + "Error message: {0}".format(e)) raise Exception(msg) self._add_block(model)
def standard_linearization(quad, lhs_constraints=True, **kwargs): """ Apply the standard linearization to a QP and return resulting model param lhs_constraints: can choose to include optional lower bound constraints (or upper bound if mixed_sign) """ n = quad.n c = quad.c C = quad.C a = quad.a b = quad.b # create model and add variables m = xp.problem(name='standard_linearization') x = np.array([xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for i in range(n)]) w = np.array([[xp.var(vartype=xp.continuous) for i in range(n)] for i in range(n)]) m.addVariable(x,w) if type(quad) is Knapsack: # HSP and UQP don't have cap constraint # add capacity constraint(s) for k in range(quad.m): m.addConstraint(xp.Sum(x[i]*a[k][i] for i in range(n)) <= b[k]) #k_item constraint if necessary (if KQKP or HSP) if quad.num_items > 0: m.addConstraint(xp.Sum(x[i] for i in range(n)) == quad.num_items) # add auxiliary constraints for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): if lhs_constraints: if C[i,j]+C[j,i] > 0: m.addConstraint(w[i,j] <= x[i]) m.addConstraint(w[i,j] <= x[j]) else: m.addConstraint(x[i]+x[j]-1 <= w[i,j]) m.addConstraint(w[i,j] >= 0) else: m.addConstraint(w[i,j] <= x[i]) m.addConstraint(w[i,j] <= x[j]) m.addConstraint(x[i]+x[j]-1 <= w[i,j]) m.addConstraint(w[i,j] >= 0) #compute quadratic values contirbution to obj quadratic_values = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): quadratic_values = quadratic_values + (w[i, j]*(C[i, j]+C[j, i])) # set objective function linear_values = sum(x[i]*c[i] for i in range(n)) m.setObjective(linear_values + quadratic_values, sense=xp.maximize) # return model + setup time return [m, 0]
def __init__(self, df_init: pd.DataFrame, costFun: Union[Callable, List[Callable]], model_name="Max Benefit"): self.airlineConstructor = air.Airline self.flightConstructor = modFl.Flight super().__init__(df_init=df_init, costFun=costFun) self.m = xp.problem() self.x = None
def __init__(self, accs, intervals): self.accs = accs self.accsNum = len(accs) self.intervals = intervals self.intNum = len(intervals) self.matches = np.array(list(combinations(self.accs, 2))) self.p = xp.problem() self.x = np.array([[[xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for _ in intervals] for _ in accs] for _ in self.accs]) self.m = np.array([xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for _ in self.matches]) self.p.addVariable(self.x, self.m)
def extended_linear_formulation(quad, **kwargs): """ Apply the extended linear formulation to a QP and return resulting model """ start = timer() n = quad.n c = quad.c C = quad.C a = quad.a b = quad.b #create model and add variables m = xp.problem(name='extended_linear_formulation') x = np.array([xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for i in range(n)]) z = np.array([[[xp.var(vartype=xp.continuous, lb=-xp.infinity) for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] for k in range(n)]) m.addVariable(x,z) if type(quad) is Knapsack: #HSP and UQP don't have cap constraint #add capacity constraint(s) for k in range(quad.m): m.addConstraint(xp.Sum(x[i]*a[k][i] for i in range(n)) <= b[k]) #k_item constraint if necessary (if KQKP or HSP) if quad.num_items > 0: m.addConstraint(xp.Sum(x[i] for i in range(n)) == quad.num_items) #add auxiliary constraints for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): m.addConstraint(z[i,i,j]+z[j,i,j] <= 1) if C[i,j] < 0: m.addConstraint(x[i] + z[i,i,j] <= 1) m.addConstraint(x[j] + z[j,i,j] <= 1) elif C[i,j] > 0: m.addConstraint(x[i] + z[i,i,j] + z[j,i,j] >= 1) m.addConstraint(x[j] + z[i,i,j] + z[j,i,j] >= 1) #compute quadratic values contirbution to obj constant = 0 quadratic_values = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): constant = constant + C[i,j] quadratic_values = quadratic_values + (C[i,j]*(z[i,i,j]+z[j,i,j])) #set objective function linear_values = xp.Sum(x[i]*c[i] for i in range(n)) m.setObjective(linear_values + constant - quadratic_values, sense=xp.maximize) end = timer() setup_time = end-start #return model + setup time return [m, setup_time]
def qsap_standard(qsap, **kwargs): """ standard linearization for the quadratic semi-assignment problem """ n = qsap.n m = qsap.m e = qsap.e c = qsap.c #create model and add variables mdl = xp.problem(name='qsap_standard_linearization') x = np.array([[xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for i in range(n)]for j in range(m)]) w = np.array([[[[xp.var(vartype=xp.continuous) for i in range(n)]for j in range(m)] for k in range(n)]for l in range(m)]) mdl.addVariable(x,w) mdl.addConstraint((sum(x[i,k] for k in range(n)) == 1) for i in range(m)) #add auxiliary constraints for i in range(m-1): for k in range(n): for j in range(i+1,m): for l in range(n): if lhs_constraints: if c[i,k,j,l]+c[j,l,i,k] > 0: mdl.add_constraint(w[i,k,j,l] <= x[i,k]) mdl.add_constraint(w[i,k,j,l] <= x[j,l]) else: mdl.add_constraint(x[i,k] + x[j,l] - 1 <= w[i,k,j,l]) mdl.add_constraint(w[i,k,j,l] >= 0) else: mdl.add_constraint(w[i,k,j,l] <= x[i,k]) mdl.add_constraint(w[i,k,j,l] <= x[j,l]) mdl.add_constraint(x[i,k] + x[j,l] - 1 <= w[i,k,j,l]) mdl.add_constraint(w[i,k,j,l] >= 0) #compute quadratic values contirbution to obj quadratic_values = 0 for i in range(m-1): for j in range(i+1,m): for k in range(n): for l in range(n): quadratic_values = quadratic_values + (c[i,k,j,l]*(w[i,k,j,l])) linear_values = sum(x[i,k]*e[i,k] for k in range(n) for i in range(m)) mdl.setObjective(linear_values + quadratic_values, sense=xp.maximize) #return model. no setup time for std return [mdl, 0]
def prlt1_linearization(quad): # only called from within reformulate_glover (make inner func?) n = quad.n c = quad.c C = quad.C a = quad.a b = quad.b # create model and add variables m = xp.problem(name='PRLT-1_linearization') x = m.addVars(n, lb=0, ub=1, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) w = m.addVars(n, n, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS) if type(quad) is Knapsack: # HSP and UQP don't have cap constraint # add capacity constraint(s) for k in range(quad.m): m.addConstraint(xp.Sum(x[i]*a[k][i] for i in range(n)) <= b[k]) #k_item constraint if necessary (if KQKP or HSP) if quad.num_items > 0: m.addConstraint(xp.Sum(x[i] for i in range(n)) == quad.num_items) # add auxiliary constraints for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): m.addConstraint(w[i, j] == w[j, i], name='con16'+str(i)+str(j)) for k in range(quad.m): for j in range(n): m.addConstraint(xp.Sum(a[k][i]*w[i, j] for i in range(n) if i != j) <= (b[k]-a[k][j])*x[j]) for i in range(n): m.addConstraint(w[i, j] <= x[j]) # add objective function quadratic_values = 0 for j in range(n): for i in range(n): if(i == j): continue quadratic_values = quadratic_values + (C[i, j]*w[i, j]) m.setObjective(linear_values + quadratic_values, sense=xp.maximize) linear_values = xp.Sum(x[j]*c[j] for j in range(n)) # return model return m
def __init__(self, areas_list, periods): self._areasList = areas_list self._periods = periods self._matches = np.array(list(combinations(self._areasList, 2))) self.p = xp.problem() self.e = np.array([[xp.var(vartype=xp.integer) for _ in self._periods] for _ in areas_list]) self.y = np.array( [[[xp.var(vartype=xp.integer) for _ in self._periods] for _ in areas_list] for _ in areas_list]) self.m = np.array([xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for _ in self._matches]) self.p.addVariable(self.e, self.y, self.m) self.flow = None self.solutionMatches = None
def __init__(self, df_init, costFun: Union[Callable, List[Callable]], alpha=1, triples=False, xp_problem=None): self.preference_function = lambda x, y: x * (y ** alpha) self.offers = None self.triples = triples self.xp_problem = xp_problem super().__init__(df_init=df_init, costFun=costFun, airline_ctor=air.IstopAirline) airline: air.IstopAirline for airline in self.airlines: airline.set_preferences(self.preference_function) self.airlines_pairs = np.array(list(combinations(self.airlines, 2))) self.airlines_triples = np.array(list(combinations(self.airlines, 3))) self.epsilon = sys.float_info.min self.offerChecker = OfferChecker(self.scheduleMatrix) if self.xp_problem is None: self.m = xp.problem() else: self.m = xp_problem # self.m.controls.presolve = 0 # self.m.controls.maxnode = 1 # self.m.mipoptimize('p') # # self.m.setControl('maxnode', 1) # self.m.setControl('cutstrategy', 0) # self.m.setControl('mippresolve', 0) # print(self.m.getControl('defaultalg')) # print(self.m.getControl('cutdepth')) # print("controllo ", self.m.controls.presolve) # # self.m.addcbnewnode(self.p, self.m, 1) self.x = None self.c = None self.matches = [] self.couples = [] self.flights_in_matches = [] self.offers_selected = [] self.preprocessed = False
def qsap_elf(qsap, **kwargs): """ extended linear formulation for the quadratic semi-assignment problem """ n = qsap.n m = qsap.m e = qsap.e c = qsap.c mdl = xp.problem(name='qsap_elf') x = np.array([[xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for i in range(n)]for j in range(m)]) z = np.array([[[[[[xp.var(vartype=xp.continuous, lb=-xp.infinity) for i in range(n)] for j in range(m)] for k in range(n)] for l in range(m)] for r in range(n)] for s in range(m)]) mdl.addVariable(x, z) cons = [xp.constraint(sum(x[i,k] for k in range(n)) == 1) for i in range(m)] mdl.addConstraint(cons) #add auxiliary constraints for i in range(m-1): for j in range(i+1,m): for k in range(n): for l in range(n): mdl.addConstraint(z[i,k,i,k,j,l] + z[j,l,i,k,j,l] <= 1) mdl.addConstraint(x[i,k] + z[i,k,i,k,j,l] <= 1) mdl.addConstraint(x[j,l] + z[j,l,i,k,j,l] <= 1) mdl.addConstraint(x[i,k] + z[i,k,i,k,j,l] + z[j,l,i,k,j,l] >= 1) mdl.addConstraint(x[j,l] + z[i,k,i,k,j,l] + z[j,l,i,k,j,l] >= 1) #compute quadratic values contirbution to obj constant = 0 quadratic_values = 0 for i in range(m-1): for j in range(i+1,m): for k in range(n): for l in range(n): constant = constant + c[i,k,j,l] quadratic_values = quadratic_values + (c[i,k,j,l]*(z[i,k,i,k,j,l]+z[j,l,i,k,j,l])) linear_values = sum(x[i,k]*e[i,k] for k in range(n) for i in range(m)) mdl.setObjective(linear_values + constant - quadratic_values, sense=xp.maximize) #return model + setup time return [mdl, 0]
def UDPPlocalOpt(airline: air.UDPPairline, slots: List[sl.Slot], xp_problem=None): if xp_problem is None: m = xp.problem() else: m = xp_problem x = np.array([[xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for j in slots] for i in]) m.addVariable(x) flight: fl.UDPPflight for k in range(airline.numFlights): #one x max for slot m.addConstraint( xp.Sum(x[flight.localNum, k] for flight in == 1) for flight in # flight assignment m.addConstraint( xp.Sum(x[flight.localNum, k] for k in range(eta_limit_slot(flight, airline.AUslots), airline.numFlights)) == 1) m.setObjective( xp.Sum( x[flight.localNum][k] * flight.costFun(flight, airline.AUslots[k]) for flight in for k in range(airline.numFlights))) m.solve() # print("airline ",airline) for flight in for k in range(airline.numFlights): if m.getSolution(x[flight.localNum, k]) > 0.5: flight.newSlot =[k].slot flight.priorityNumber = k flight.priorityValue = "N"
def __init__(self, **params): """ The class implement the Support Vector Data Description method for novelty detection as in paper The class make use of the solver FICO Express and it is composed by the following method: - solve: to model the svdd problem - select_support_vectors: method that randomply pick a point that can be considered as a good support vector candidate - outliers: returns the outliers of the dataset X - count_outliers: returns the number of outiers in X - kernel: define the kernel in the dual problem """ # DUAL PROBLEM self.p = xp.problem() self.C = params['C'] self.params = params #self.l = params['l'] self.opt = [] self.c0 = [] self.support_vectors = []
# every vertex i is at distance rho[i] from the center and at angle # theta[i]. We would certainly expect that the local optimum found has # all rho's are equal to 1. N = 9 Vertices = range(N) # Declare variables rho = [xp.var(name='rho_{}'.format(i), lb=1e-5, ub=1.0) for i in Vertices] theta = [ xp.var(name='theta_{}'.format(i), lb=-math.pi, ub=math.pi) for i in Vertices ] p = xp.problem() p.addVariable(rho, theta) # The objective function is the total area of the polygon. Considering # the segment S[i] joining the center to the i-th vertex and A(i,j) # the area of the triangle defined by the two segments S[i] and S[j], # the objective function is # # A[0,1] + A[1,2] + ... + A[N-1,0] # # Where A[i,i+1] is given by # # 1/2 * rho[i] * rho[i+1] * sin (theta[i+1] - theta[i]) p.setObjective(
def solve(self): ### Params ### self.n_plyrs_per_game = [ self.game_list[i][1] for i in range(len(self.game_list)) ] req_plyrs_per_round = sum([ct * 2 for ct in self.n_plyrs_per_game]) if self.trim_gms & (req_plyrs_per_round > self.n_plyrs): if self.debug: st.text("Removing games to fit the number of passed players") while req_plyrs_per_round > self.n_plyrs: self.game_list = self.game_list[:-1] self.n_plyrs_per_game = [ self.game_list[i][1] for i in range(len(self.game_list)) ] req_plyrs_per_round = sum( [ct * 2 for ct in self.n_plyrs_per_game]) print(req_plyrs_per_round, self.n_plyrs) # max number of times a player can play a given game self.max_gm_plays = max( 2, math.ceil(req_plyrs_per_round * self.n_rounds / self.n_plyrs)) st.text(f'Final game list: {self.game_list}') if not self.max_gm_plays_soft: st.text( f'Max times a player is allowed to play same game: {self.max_gm_plays}' ) self.n_games = len(self.game_list) ## Instantiate problem ## self.model = xp.problem() ################# ### Variables ### ################# # Player-game-round-team plyrs = {} for p in range(self.n_plyrs): plyrs[p] = {} for g in range(self.n_games): plyrs[p][g] = {} for r in range(self.n_rounds): plyr_var_list = [ xp.var(name=f"p{p}_g{g}_r{r}_t{t}", vartype=xp.binary) for t in range(self.n_tms) ] plyrs[p][g][r] = plyr_var_list self.model.addVariable(plyr_var_list) # Team assignments tms = {} for t in range(self.n_tms): tm_var_list = [ xp.var(name=f"p{p}_tm{t}", vartype=xp.binary) for p in range(self.n_plyrs) ] tms[t] = tm_var_list self.model.addVariable(tm_var_list) # Variable set greater_than/equal_to game_played count for all players for all games - this quantity is minimized max_gm_plays_global = xp.var(name='max_gm_plays_global', lb=0) self.model.addVariable(max_gm_plays_global) ################### ### Constraints ### ################### # Correct number of plyrs per game per team ## Why need both less/greater than and not equal to? for g in range(self.n_games): for r in range(self.n_rounds): for t in range(self.n_tms): suff_plyrs_tm_1 = xp.Sum(plyrs[p][g][r][t] for p in range( self.n_plyrs)) >= self.n_plyrs_per_game[g] suff_plyrs_tm_2 = xp.Sum(plyrs[p][g][r][t] for p in range( self.n_plyrs)) <= self.n_plyrs_per_game[g] self.model.addConstraint( xp.constraint(suff_plyrs_tm_1, name=f'gteq_plyrs_tm{t}_rnd{r}_gm{g}')) self.model.addConstraint( xp.constraint(suff_plyrs_tm_2, name=f'lteq_plyrs_tm{t}_rnd{r}_gm{g}')) # One game per time per player for p in range(self.n_plyrs): for r in range(self.n_rounds): for t in range(self.n_tms): one_game_per_round_per_plyr = xp.Sum( plyrs[p][g][r][t] for g in range(self.n_games)) <= 1 self.model.addConstraint( xp.constraint( one_game_per_round_per_plyr, name=f"one_gm_in_rnd{r}_for_plyr{p}_tm{t}")) # Team assignment constraints for p in range(self.n_plyrs): # One team per player tm_lb = xp.Sum(tms[t][p] for t in range(self.n_tms)) <= 1 tm_ub = xp.Sum(tms[t][p] for t in range(self.n_tms)) >= 1 self.model.addConstraint( xp.constraint(tm_lb, name=f'plyr{p}_lteq_1_tm')) self.model.addConstraint( xp.constraint(tm_ub, name=f'plyr{p}_gteq_1_tm')) for t in range(self.n_tms): # Forcing tm variables to be flipped when player selected tm_enforce = xp.Sum( plyrs[p][g][r][t] for g in range(self.n_games) for r in range(self.n_rounds)) <= tms[t][p] * self.n_rounds self.model.addConstraint( xp.constraint(tm_enforce, name=f'plyr{p}_tm{t}_enforce')) # Teams evenly split tms_even_1 = xp.Sum(tms[0][p] for p in range(self.n_plyrs)) - xp.Sum( tms[1][p] for p in range(self.n_plyrs)) <= 1 tms_even_2 = xp.Sum(tms[1][p] for p in range(self.n_plyrs)) - xp.Sum( tms[0][p] for p in range(self.n_plyrs)) <= 1 self.model.addConstraint(tms_even_1) self.model.addConstraint(tms_even_2) # Each player plays each game at most 'self.max_gm_plays' for p in range(self.n_plyrs): for g in range(self.n_games): for t in range(self.n_tms): max_rds_per_game_per_plyr = xp.Sum( plyrs[p][g][r][t] for r in range(self.n_rounds)) if not self.max_gm_plays_soft: self.model.addConstraint( xp.constraint( max_rds_per_game_per_plyr <= self.max_gm_plays, name= f"plyr{p}_plays_gm{g}_max_{self.max_gm_plays}_times_tm{t}" )) self.model.addConstraint( xp.constraint( max_gm_plays_global >= max_rds_per_game_per_plyr, name=f'max_gm_plays_global_gteq_p{p}_g{g}_t{t}')) # Each player plays at most once more than every other player for p1 in range(self.n_plyrs): n_plays = xp.Sum(plyrs[p1][g][r][t] for g in range(self.n_games) for r in range(self.n_rounds) for t in range(self.n_tms)) for p2 in range(p1 + 1, self.n_plyrs): n_plays_ = xp.Sum(plyrs[p2][g][r][t] for g in range(self.n_games) for r in range(self.n_rounds) for t in range(self.n_tms)) self.model.addConstraint( (n_plays - n_plays_) <= self.max_gm_gap) self.model.addConstraint( (n_plays_ - n_plays) <= self.max_gm_gap) # Objective self.model.setObjective(max_gm_plays_global, sense=xp.minimize) self.model.solve() self.check_model_feasibility() return plyrs, tms
def build_problem(): """ Build an xpress problem instance """ return xp.problem()
def solve(self, objective, constraints, cached_data, warm_start, verbose, solver_opts): """Returns the result of the call to the solver. Parameters ---------- objective : LinOp The canonicalized objective. constraints : list The list of canonicalized cosntraints. cached_data : dict A map of solver name to cached problem data. warm_start : bool Should the previous solver result be used to warm_start? verbose : bool Should the solver print output? solver_opts : dict Additional arguments for the solver. Returns ------- tuple (status, optimal value, primal, equality dual, inequality dual) """ import xpress verbose = True # Get problem data data = super(XPRESS, self).get_problem_data(objective, constraints, cached_data) origprob = None if 'original_problem' in solver_opts.keys(): origprob = solver_opts['original_problem'] if 'no_qp_reduction' in solver_opts.keys() and solver_opts['no_qp_reduction'] is True: self.translate_back_QP_ = True c = data[s.C] # objective coefficients dims = data[s.DIMS] # contains number of columns, rows, etc. nrowsEQ = dims[s.EQ_DIM] nrowsLEQ = dims[s.LEQ_DIM] nrows = nrowsEQ + nrowsLEQ # linear constraints b = data[s.B][:nrows] # right-hand side A = data[s.A][:nrows] # coefficient matrix n = c.shape[0] # number of variables solver_cache = cached_data[] ########################################################################################### # Allow warm start if all dimensions match, i.e., if the # modified problem has the same number of rows/column and the # same list of cone sizes. Failing that, we can just take the # standard route and build the problem from scratch. if warm_start and \ solver_cache.prev_result is not None and \ n == len(solver_cache.prev_result['obj']) and \ nrows == len(solver_cache.prev_result['rhs']) and \ data[s.DIMS][s.SOC_DIM] == solver_cache.prev_result['cone_ind']: # We are re-solving a problem that was previously solved # Initialize the problem as the same as the previous solve self.prob_ = solver_cache.prev_result['problem'] c0 = solver_cache.prev_result['obj'] A0 = solver_cache.prev_result['mat'] b0 = solver_cache.prev_result['rhs'] vartype0 = solver_cache.prev_result['vartype'] # If there is a parameter in the objective, it may have changed. if len(linutils.get_expr_params(objective)) > 0: dci = numpy.where(c != c0)[0] self.prob_.chgobj(dci, c[dci]) # Get equality and inequality constraints. sym_data = self.get_sym_data(objective, constraints, cached_data) all_constrs, _, _ = self.split_constr(sym_data.constr_map) # If there is a parameter in the constraints, # A or b may have changed. if any(len(linutils.get_expr_params(con.expr)) > 0 for con in constraints): dAi = (A != A0).tocoo() # retrieves row/col nonzeros as a tuple of two arrays dbi = numpy.where(b != b0)[0] if dAi.getnnz() > 0: self.prob_.chgmcoef(dAi.row, dAi.col, [A[i, j] for (i, j) in list(zip(dAi.row, dAi.col))]) if len(dbi) > 0: self.prob_.chgrhs(dbi, b[dbi]) vartype = [] self.prob_.getcoltype(vartype, 0, len(data[s.C]) - 1) vti = (numpy.array(vartype) != numpy.array(vartype0)) if any(vti): self.prob_.chgcoltype(numpy.arange(len(c))[vti], vartype[vti]) ############################################################################################ else: # No warm start, create problem from scratch # Problem self.prob_ = xpress.problem() mstart = makeMstart(A, len(c), 1) varGroups = {} # If origprob is passed, used to tie IIS to original constraints transf2Orig = {} # Ties transformation constraints to originals via varGroups nOrigVar = len(c) # From a summary knowledge of origprob.constraints() and # the constraints list, the following seems to hold: # # 1) origprob.constraints is the list as generated by the # user. origprob.constraints[i].size returns the number # of actual rows in each constraint, while .constr_id # returns its id (not necessarily numbered from 0). # # 2) constraints is also a list whose every element # contains fields size and constr_id. These correspond # to the items in origprob.constraints, though the list # is in not in order of constr_id. Also, given that it # refers to the transformed problem, it contains extra # constraints deriving from the cone transformations, # all with a constr_id and a size. # # Given this information, attempt to set names in varnames # and linRownames so that they can be easily identified # Load linear part of the problem. if origprob is not None: # The original problem was passed, we can take a # better guess at the constraints and variable names. nOrigVar = 0 orig_id = [ for i in origprob.constraints] varnames = [] for v in origprob.variables(): nOrigVar += v.size[0] if v.size[0] == 1: varnames.append('{0}'. format(v.var_id)) else: varnames.extend(['{0}_{1:d}'. format(v.var_id, j) for j in range(v.size[0])]) varnames.extend(['aux_{0:d}'.format(i) for i in range(len(varnames), len(c))]) # Construct constraint name list by checking constr_id for each linRownames = [] for con in constraints: if con.constr_id in orig_id: prefix = '' if type(con.constr_id) == int: prefix = 'row_' if con.size[0] == 1: name = '{0}{1}'.format(prefix, con.constr_id) linRownames.append(name) transf2Orig[name] = con.constr_id else: names = ['{0}{1}_{2:d}'.format(prefix, con.constr_id, j) for j in range(con.size[0])] linRownames.extend(names) for i in names: transf2Orig[i] = con.constr_id # Tie auxiliary variables to constraints. Scan all # auxiliary variables in the objective function and in # the corresponding columns of A.indices iObjQuad = 0 # keeps track of quadratic quantities in the objective for i in range(nOrigVar, len(c)): if c[i] != 0: varGroups[varnames[i]] = 'objF_{0}'.format(iObjQuad) iObjQuad += 1 if len(A.indices[mstart[i]:mstart[i+1]]) > 0: varGroups[varnames[i]] = linRownames[min(A.indices[mstart[i]:mstart[i+1]])] else: # fall back to flat naming. Warning: this mixes # original with auxiliary variables. varnames = ['x_{0:05d}'. format(i) for i in range(len(c))] linRownames = ['lc_{0:05d}'.format(i) for i in range(len(b))] self.prob_.loadproblem("CVXproblem", ['E'] * nrowsEQ + ['L'] * nrowsLEQ, # qrtypes b, # rhs None, # range c, # obj coeff mstart, # mstart None, # mnel A.indices, # row indices, # coefficients [-xpress.infinity] * len(c), # lower bound [xpress.infinity] * len(c), # upper bound colnames=varnames, # column names rownames=linRownames) # row names x = numpy.array(self.prob_.getVariable()) # get whole variable vector # Set variable types for discrete variables self.prob_.chgcoltype(data[s.BOOL_IDX] + data[s.INT_IDX], 'B' * len(data[s.BOOL_IDX]) + 'I' * len(data[s.INT_IDX])) currow = nrows iCone = 0 auxVars = set(range(nOrigVar, len(c))) # Conic constraints # # Quadratic objective and constraints fall in this category, # as all quadratic stuff is converted into a cone via a linear transformation for k in dims[s.SOC_DIM]: # k is the size of the i-th cone, where i is the index # within dims [s.SOC_DIM]. The cone variables in # CVXOPT, apparently, are separate variables that are # marked as conic but not shown in a cone explicitly. A = data[s.A][currow: currow + k].tocsr() b = data[s.B][currow: currow + k] currow += k if self.translate_back_QP_: # Conic problem passed by CVXPY is translated back # into a QP problem. The problem is passed to us # as follows: # # min c'x # s.t. Ax <>= b # y[i] = P[i]' * x + b[i] # ||y[i][1:]||_2 <= y[i][0] # # where P[i] is a matrix, b[i] is a vector. Get # rid of the y variables by explicitly rewriting # the conic constraint as quadratic: # # y[i][1:]' * y[i][1:] <= y[i][0]^2 # # and hence # # (P[i][1:]' * x + b[i][1:])^2 <= (P[i][0]' * x + b[i][0])^2 Plhs = A[1:] Prhs = A[0] indRowL, indColL = Plhs.nonzero() indRowR, indColR = Prhs.nonzero() coeL = coeR = lhs = list(b[1:]) rhs = b[0] for i in range(len(coeL)): lhs[indRowL[i]] -= coeL[i] * x[indColL[i]] for i in range(len(coeR)): rhs -= coeR[i] * x[indColR[i]] self.prob_.addConstraint(xpress.Sum([lhs[i]**2 for i in range(len(lhs))]) <= rhs**2) else: # Create new (cone) variables and add them to the problem conevar = numpy.array([xpress.var(name='cX{0:d}_{1:d}'.format(iCone, i), lb=-xpress.infinity if i > 0 else 0) for i in range(k)]) self.prob_.addVariable(conevar) initrow = self.prob_.attributes.rows mstart = makeMstart(A, k, 0) trNames = ['linT_qc{0:d}_{1:d}'.format(iCone, i) for i in range(k)] # Linear transformation for cone variables <--> original variables self.prob_.addrows(['E'] * k, # qrtypes b, # rhs mstart, # mstart A.indices, # ind, # dmatval names=trNames) # row names self.prob_.chgmcoef([initrow + i for i in range(k)], conevar, [1] * k) conename = 'cone_qc{0:d}'.format(iCone) # Real cone on the cone variables (if k == 1 there's no # need for this constraint as y**2 >= 0 is redundant) if k > 1: self.prob_.addConstraint( xpress.constraint(constraint=xpress.Sum (conevar[i]**2 for i in range(1, k)) <= conevar[0] ** 2, name=conename)) auxInd = list(set(A.indices) & auxVars) if len(auxInd) > 0: group = varGroups[varnames[auxInd[0]]] for i in trNames: transf2Orig[i] = group transf2Orig[conename] = group iCone += 1 # Objective. Minimize is by default both here and in CVXOPT self.prob_.setObjective(xpress.Sum(c[i] * x[i] for i in range(len(c)))) # End of the conditional (warm-start vs. no warm-start) code, # set options, solve, and report. # Set options # # The parameter solver_opts is a dictionary that contains only # one key, 'solver_opt', and its value is a dictionary # {'control': value}, matching perfectly the format used by # the Xpress Python interface. if verbose: self.prob_.controls.miplog = 2 self.prob_.controls.lplog = 1 self.prob_.controls.outputlog = 1 else: self.prob_.controls.miplog = 0 self.prob_.controls.lplog = 0 self.prob_.controls.outputlog = 0 if 'solver_opts' in solver_opts.keys(): self.prob_.setControl(solver_opts['solver_opts']) self.prob_.setControl({i: solver_opts[i] for i in solver_opts.keys() if i in xpress.controls.__dict__.keys()}) # Solve self.prob_.solve() results_dict = { 'problem': self.prob_, 'status': self.prob_.getProbStatus(), 'obj_value': self.prob_.getObjVal(), } status_map_lp, status_map_mip = self.get_status_maps() if self.is_mip(data): status = status_map_mip[results_dict['status']] else: status = status_map_lp[results_dict['status']] results_dict[s.XPRESS_TROW] = transf2Orig results_dict[s.XPRESS_IIS] = None # Return no IIS if problem is feasible if status in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT: results_dict['x'] = self.prob_.getSolution() if not self.is_mip(data): results_dict['y'] = self.prob_.getDual() elif status == s.INFEASIBLE: # Retrieve all IIS. For LPs there can be more than one, # but for QCQPs there is only support for one IIS. iisIndex = 0 self.prob_.iisfirst(0) # compute all IIS row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] self.prob_.getiisdata(0, row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols) origrow = [] for iRow in row: if in transf2Orig.keys(): name = transf2Orig[] else: name = if name not in origrow: origrow.append(name) results_dict[s.XPRESS_IIS] = [{'orig_row': origrow, 'row': row, 'col': col, 'rtype': rtype, 'btype': btype, 'duals': duals, 'redcost': rdcs, 'isolrow': isrows, 'isolcol': icols}] while self.prob_.iisnext() == 0: iisIndex += 1 self.prob_.getiisdata(iisIndex, row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols) results_dict[s.XPRESS_IIS].append(( row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols)) return self.format_results(results_dict, data, cached_data)
def solve_via_data(self, data, warm_start, verbose, solver_opts, solver_cache=None): import xpress if 'no_qp_reduction' in solver_opts.keys( ) and solver_opts['no_qp_reduction'] is True: self.translate_back_QP_ = True c = data[s.C] # objective coefficients dims = dims_to_solver_dict( data[s.DIMS]) # contains number of columns, rows, etc. nrowsEQ = dims[s.EQ_DIM] nrowsLEQ = dims[s.LEQ_DIM] nrows = nrowsEQ + nrowsLEQ # linear constraints b = data[s.B][:nrows] # right-hand side A = data[s.A][:nrows] # coefficient matrix # Problem self.prob_ = xpress.problem() mstart = makeMstart(A, len(c), 1) varGroups = { } # If origprob is passed, used to tie IIS to original constraints transf2Orig = { } # Ties transformation constraints to originals via varGroups nOrigVar = len(c) # Uses flat naming. Warning: this mixes # original with auxiliary variables. varnames = ['x_{0:05d}'.format(i) for i in range(len(c))] linRownames = ['lc_{0:05d}'.format(i) for i in range(len(b))] self.prob_.loadproblem( "CVXproblem", ['E'] * nrowsEQ + ['L'] * nrowsLEQ, # qrtypes None, # range c, # obj coeff mstart, # mstart None, # mnel A.indices, # row indices, # coefficients [-xpress.infinity] * len(c), # lower bound [xpress.infinity] * len(c), # upper bound colnames=varnames, # column names rownames=linRownames) # row names x = np.array(self.prob_.getVariable()) # get whole variable vector # Set variable types for discrete variables self.prob_.chgcoltype( data[s.BOOL_IDX] + data[s.INT_IDX], 'B' * len(data[s.BOOL_IDX]) + 'I' * len(data[s.INT_IDX])) currow = nrows iCone = 0 auxVars = set(range(nOrigVar, len(c))) # Conic constraints # # Quadratic objective and constraints fall in this category, # as all quadratic stuff is converted into a cone via a linear transformation for k in dims[s.SOC_DIM]: # k is the size of the i-th cone, where i is the index # within dims [s.SOC_DIM]. The cone variables in # CVXOPT, apparently, are separate variables that are # marked as conic but not shown in a cone explicitly. A = data[s.A][currow:currow + k].tocsr() b = data[s.B][currow:currow + k] currow += k if self.translate_back_QP_: # Conic problem passed by CVXPY is translated back # into a QP problem. The problem is passed to us # as follows: # # min c'x # s.t. Ax <>= b # y[i] = P[i]' * x + b[i] # ||y[i][1:]||_2 <= y[i][0] # # where P[i] is a matrix, b[i] is a vector. Get # rid of the y variables by explicitly rewriting # the conic constraint as quadratic: # # y[i][1:]' * y[i][1:] <= y[i][0]^2 # # and hence # # (P[i][1:]' * x + b[i][1:])^2 <= (P[i][0]' * x + b[i][0])^2 Plhs = A[1:] Prhs = A[0] indRowL, indColL = Plhs.nonzero() indRowR, indColR = Prhs.nonzero() coeL = coeR = lhs = list(b[1:]) rhs = b[0] for i in range(len(coeL)): lhs[indRowL[i]] -= coeL[i] * x[indColL[i]] for i in range(len(coeR)): rhs -= coeR[i] * x[indColR[i]] self.prob_.addConstraint( xpress.Sum([lhs[i]**2 for i in range(len(lhs))]) <= rhs**2) else: # Create new (cone) variables and add them to the problem conevar = np.array([ xpress.var(name='cX{0:d}_{1:d}'.format(iCone, i), lb=-xpress.infinity if i > 0 else 0) for i in range(k) ]) self.prob_.addVariable(conevar) initrow = self.prob_.attributes.rows mstart = makeMstart(A, k, 0) trNames = [ 'linT_qc{0:d}_{1:d}'.format(iCone, i) for i in range(k) ] # Linear transformation for cone variables <--> original variables self.prob_.addrows( ['E'] * k, # qrtypes b, # rhs mstart, # mstart A.indices, # ind, # dmatval names=trNames) # row names self.prob_.chgmcoef([initrow + i for i in range(k)], conevar, [1] * k) conename = 'cone_qc{0:d}'.format(iCone) # Real cone on the cone variables (if k == 1 there's no # need for this constraint as y**2 >= 0 is redundant) if k > 1: self.prob_.addConstraint( xpress.constraint(constraint=xpress.Sum( conevar[i]**2 for i in range(1, k)) <= conevar[0]**2, name=conename)) auxInd = list(set(A.indices) & auxVars) if len(auxInd) > 0: group = varGroups[varnames[auxInd[0]]] for i in trNames: transf2Orig[i] = group transf2Orig[conename] = group iCone += 1 # Objective. Minimize is by default both here and in CVXOPT self.prob_.setObjective(xpress.Sum(c[i] * x[i] for i in range(len(c)))) # End of the conditional (warm-start vs. no warm-start) code, # set options, solve, and report. # Set options # # The parameter solver_opts is a dictionary that contains only # one key, 'solver_opt', and its value is a dictionary # {'control': value}, matching perfectly the format used by # the Xpress Python interface. if verbose: self.prob_.controls.miplog = 2 self.prob_.controls.lplog = 1 self.prob_.controls.outputlog = 1 else: self.prob_.controls.miplog = 0 self.prob_.controls.lplog = 0 self.prob_.controls.outputlog = 0 if 'solver_opts' in solver_opts.keys(): self.prob_.setControl(solver_opts['solver_opts']) self.prob_.setControl({ i: solver_opts[i] for i in solver_opts.keys() if i in xpress.controls.__dict__.keys() }) # Solve self.prob_.solve() results_dict = { 'problem': self.prob_, 'status': self.prob_.getProbStatus(), 'obj_value': self.prob_.getObjVal(), } status_map_lp, status_map_mip = self.get_status_maps() if self.is_mip(data): status = status_map_mip[results_dict['status']] else: status = status_map_lp[results_dict['status']] results_dict[s.XPRESS_TROW] = transf2Orig results_dict[ s.XPRESS_IIS] = None # Return no IIS if problem is feasible if status in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT: results_dict['x'] = self.prob_.getSolution() if not (data[s.BOOL_IDX] or data[s.INT_IDX]): results_dict['y'] = self.prob_.getDual() elif status == s.INFEASIBLE: # Retrieve all IIS. For LPs there can be more than one, # but for QCQPs there is only support for one IIS. iisIndex = 0 self.prob_.iisfirst(0) # compute all IIS row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] self.prob_.getiisdata(0, row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols) origrow = [] for iRow in row: if in transf2Orig.keys(): name = transf2Orig[] else: name = if name not in origrow: origrow.append(name) results_dict[s.XPRESS_IIS] = [{ 'orig_row': origrow, 'row': row, 'col': col, 'rtype': rtype, 'btype': btype, 'duals': duals, 'redcost': rdcs, 'isolrow': isrows, 'isolcol': icols }] while self.prob_.iisnext() == 0: iisIndex += 1 self.prob_.getiisdata(iisIndex, row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols) results_dict[s.XPRESS_IIS].append( (row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols)) # Generate solution. solution = {} if results_dict["status"] != s.SOLVER_ERROR: self.prob_ = results_dict['problem'] vartypes = [] self.prob_.getcoltype(vartypes, 0, len(data[s.C]) - 1) status_map_lp, status_map_mip = self.get_status_maps() if data[s.BOOL_IDX] or data[s.INT_IDX]: solution[s.STATUS] = status_map_mip[results_dict['status']] else: solution[s.STATUS] = status_map_lp[results_dict['status']] if solution[s.STATUS] in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT: solution[s.PRIMAL] = results_dict['x'] solution[s.VALUE] = results_dict['obj_value'] if not (data[s.BOOL_IDX] or data[s.INT_IDX]): solution[s.EQ_DUAL] = [-v for v in results_dict['y']] solution[s.XPRESS_IIS] = results_dict[s.XPRESS_IIS] solution[s.XPRESS_TROW] = results_dict[s.XPRESS_TROW] return solution
def max_flow(): global graph global vertices_no global vertices global weight thres = 0.4 # density of network thresdem = 0.8 # density of demand mesh dem = [] for i in range(vertices_no): for j in range(vertices_no): if i != j and np.random.random() < thresdem: dem.append((vertices[i], vertices[j], math.ceil(200 * np.random.random()))) print("This is a random demand for each node", dem) for i in range(vertices_no): for j in range(vertices_no): if graph[i][j] != 0: pair = vertices[i], vertices[j] print(pair) #*********************************************************************************************************************** #flow variables f = {(i, j, d): xp.var(name='f_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}'.format(i, j, dem[d][0], dem[d][1])) for (i, j) in pair for d in range(len(dem))} # capacity variables x = {(i, j): xp.var(vartype=xp.integer, name='cap_{0}_{1}'.format(i, j)) for (i, j) in pair} print("this is x", x) p = xp.problem('network flow') p.addVariable(f, x) def demand(i, d): if dem[d][0] == i: # source return 1 elif dem[d][1] == i: # destination return -1 else: return 0 # Flow conservation constraints: total flow balance at node i for each demand d # must be 0 if i is an intermediate node, 1 if i is the source of demand d, and # -1 if i is the destination. flow = {(i, d): xp.constraint( constraint=xp.Sum(f[vertices[i], vertices[j], d] for j in range(vertices_no) if (vertices[i], vertices[j]) in weight) - xp.Sum(f[vertices[j], vertices[i], d] for j in range(vertices_no) if (vertices[j], vertices[i]) in weight) == demand( vertices[i], d), name='cons_{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(i, dem[d][0], dem[d][1])) for d in range(len(dem)) for i in range(vertices_no)} # Capacity constraints: weighted sum of flow variables must be contained in the # total capacity installed on the arc (i, j) capacity = { (i, j): xp.constraint(constraint=xp.Sum( dem[d][2] * f[vertices[i], vertices[j], d] for d in range(len(dem))) <= x[vertices[i], vertices[j]], name='capacity_{0}_{1}'.format(vertices[i], vertices[j])) for (i, j) in weight } p.addConstraint(flow, capacity) p.setObjective(xp.Sum(x[i, j] for (i, j) in weight)) p.solve() p.getSolution()
def __init__(self): self.model = xp.problem("Doctor scheduling")
CV = np.array([5, 30, 120]) CR = np.array([10, 10, 10]) D = np.array([30, 60, 120]) RAMPMAX = np.array([100, 100, 100]) A = np.ones((NGen, NSce)) B = np.ones((NLin, NSce)) for i in numGen: A[i, i + 1] = 0 for i in range(NLin): B[i, NGen + i + 1] = 0 #Define problem model = xp.problem() #Variables p = np.array([[xp.var(lb=0, vartype=xp.continuous) for s in numSce] for g in numGen]) x = np.array([xp.var(vartype=xp.binary) for g in numGen]) f = np.array([[xp.var(lb=-xp.infinity, vartype=xp.continuous) for s in numSce] for l in numLin]) theta = np.array( [[xp.var(lb=-xp.infinity, vartype=xp.continuous) for s in numSce] for n in numBar]) rup = np.array([xp.var(lb=0, vartype=xp.continuous) for g in numGen]) rdown = np.array([xp.var(lb=0, vartype=xp.continuous) for g in numGen]) #Objective totalcost = xp.Sum(p[g, 0] * CV[g] + CR[g] * (rup[g] + rdown[g])