def createMenu(self, parent): """ Creates a new menu for the inputed parent item. :param parent | <QMenu> """ menu = QtGui.QMenu(parent) menu.setTitle('&View') act = menu.addAction('&Lock/Unlock Layout') act.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(projexui.resources.find('img/view/lock.png'))) act.triggered.connect(self.toggleLocked) menu.addSeparator() act = menu.addAction('&Export Layout as...') act.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon( projexui.resources.find('img/view/export.png'))) act.triggered.connect(self.exportProfile) act = menu.addAction('&Import Layout from...') act.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon( projexui.resources.find('img/view/import.png'))) act.triggered.connect(self.importProfile) menu.addSeparator() act = menu.addAction('&Clear Layout') act.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon( projexui.resources.find('img/view/remove.png'))) act.triggered.connect(self.resetForced) return menu
def initGroupStyle(self, useIcons=True, columnCount=None): """ Initialzes this item with a grouping style option. """ flags = self.flags() if flags & QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable: flags ^= QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable self.setFlags(flags) if useIcons: ico = QtGui.QIcon(resources.find('img/treeview/triangle_right.png')) expand_ico = QtGui.QIcon(resources.find('img/treeview/triangle_down.png')) self.setIcon(0, ico) self.setExpandedIcon(0, expand_ico) palette = QtGui.QApplication.palette() line_clr = palette.color(palette.Mid) base_clr = palette.color(palette.Button) text_clr = palette.color(palette.ButtonText) gradient = QtGui.QLinearGradient() gradient.setColorAt(0.00, line_clr) gradient.setColorAt(0.03, line_clr) gradient.setColorAt(0.04, base_clr.lighter(105)) gradient.setColorAt(0.25, base_clr) gradient.setColorAt(0.96, base_clr.darker(105)) gradient.setColorAt(0.97, line_clr) gradient.setColorAt(1.00, line_clr) h = self._fixedHeight if not h: h = self.sizeHint(0).height() if not h: h = 18 gradient.setStart(0.0, 0.0) gradient.setFinalStop(0.0, h) brush = QtGui.QBrush(gradient) tree = self.treeWidget() columnCount = columnCount or (tree.columnCount() if tree else self.columnCount()) for i in range(columnCount): self.setForeground(i, text_clr) self.setBackground(i, brush)
def _updateFrame(self): """ Updates the frame for the given sender. """ mov = if mov: self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(mov.currentPixmap()))
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(XOverlayWidget, self).__init__(parent) # define custom properties self._centralWidget = None self._result = None self._closable = True self._closeAlignment = QtCore.Qt.AlignTop | QtCore.Qt.AlignRight self._closeButton = XToolButton(self) self._closeButton.setShadowed(True) self._closeButton.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(resources.find('img/overlay/close.png'))) self._closeButton.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(24, 24)) self._closeButton.setToolTip('Close') # create the coloring for the overlay palette = self.palette() clr = QtGui.QColor('#222222') clr.setAlpha(210) palette.setColor(palette.Window, clr) self.setPalette(palette) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) # listen to the parents event filter parent.installEventFilter(self) # initialize the widget self.hide() self.move(0, 0) self.resize(parent.size()) self._closeButton.clicked.connect(self.reject)
def __init__(self, parent): super(XListGroupItem, self).__init__(parent) # define the text property self._text = '' self._expanded = True self._children = set() # define the widget for this item lwidget = self.listWidget() btn = QtGui.QToolButton(lwidget) btn.setAutoRaise(True) btn.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) btn.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred) ico = 'img/treeview/triangle_down.png' btn.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(resources.find(ico))) font = btn.font() font.setBold(True) btn.setFont(font) lwidget.setItemWidget(self, btn) # create connections btn.clicked.connect(self.toggle)
def setUnlockIcon(self, icon): """ Sets the unlock icon for this button. :param icon | <str> || <QtGui.QIcon> """ self._unlockIcon = QtGui.QIcon(icon)
def setMovie(self, column, movie): """ Sets the movie that will play for the given column. :param column | <int> movie | <QtGui.QMovie> || None """ curr = self._movies.get(column) if curr == movie: return True else: try: curr.frameChanged.disconnect(self._updateFrame) except StandardError: pass if movie is not None: self.requireCleanup() self._movies[column] = movie self.setIcon(column, QtGui.QIcon(movie.currentPixmap())) try: movie.frameChanged.connect(self._updateFrame, QtCore.Qt.UniqueConnection) except StandardError: pass else: self._movies.pop(column, None)
def setExpandedIcon( self, column, icon ): """ Sets the icon to be used when the item is expanded. :param column | <int> icon | <QtGui.QIcon> || None """ self._expandedIcon[column] = QtGui.QIcon(icon)
def setHoverIcon( self, column, icon ): """ Returns the icon to use when coloring when the user hovers over the item for the given column. :param column | <int> icon | <QtGui.QIcon) """ self._hoverIcon[column] = QtGui.QIcon(icon)
def setIconOverlay(self, column, icon): """ Sets the icon overlay for this item at the inputed column to the given icon. :param column | <int> icon | <str> || <QtGui.QIcon> """ self._iconOverlays[column] = QtGui.QIcon(icon)
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(XSearchEdit, self).__init__(parent) # setup default properties self.setHint('enter search') self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(resources.find('img/search.png'))) self.setCornerRadius(8) # setup custom properties self._cancelButton = XToolButton(self) self._cancelButton.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(resources.find('img/remove_dark.png'))) self._cancelButton.setToolTip('Clear Search Text') self._cancelButton.setShadowed(True) self._cancelButton.hide() self.addButton(self._cancelButton, QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) # create connections self._cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.clear) self.textChanged.connect(self.toggleCancelButton)
def updateUi(self): if self.uiRecordBTN.isChecked(): ico = resources.find('img/debug/break.png') clr = QtGui.QColor('red') self.uiRecordBTN.blink(True) else: ico = resources.find('img/debug/continue.png') clr = QtGui.QColor('blue') self.uiRecordBTN.blink(False) self.uiRecordBTN.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(ico)) palette = self.uiRecordBTN.palette() palette.setColor(palette.Shadow, clr) self.uiRecordBTN.setPalette(palette)
def addEntry(self, key='', value=''): """ Creates a new entry item for this widget. :param key | <str> value | <variant> """ img = resources.find('img/close.png') new_item = XTreeWidgetItem() new_item.setText(1, nativestring(key)) new_item.setText(2, nativestring(value)) new_item.setIcon(0, QtGui.QIcon(img)) new_item.setFixedHeight(22) self.insertTopLevelItem(self.topLevelItemCount() - 1, new_item) return new_item
def setMovie(self, movie): """ Sets the movie that will play for the given column. :param movie | <QtGui.QMovie> || None """ mov = if mov is not None: mov.frameChanged.disconnect(self._updateFrame) if movie is not None: self._movie = movie self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(movie.currentPixmap())) movie.frameChanged.connect(self._updateFrame) widget = self.listWidget() widget.destroyed.connect(self.cleanup) else: self._movie = None
def setExpanded(self, state): """ Expands this group item to the inputed state. :param state | <bool> """ if state == self._expanded: return self._expanded = state # update the button btn = self.widget() if btn: if state: ico = 'img/treeview/triangle_down.png' else: ico = 'img/treeview/triangle_right.png' btn.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(resources.find(ico))) # update the children for child in self.children(): child.setHidden(not state)
def paint(self, painter, opt, index): """ Overloads the paint method to draw the grid and other options for \ this delegate. :param painter | <QtGui.QPainter> opt | <QtGui.QStyleOptionItem> index | <QtGui.QModelIndex> """ # prepare the painter painter.resetTransform() # extract data from the tree tree = self.parent() column = index.column() item = tree.itemFromIndex(index) is_xtreeitem = isinstance(item, XTreeWidgetItem) hovered = False font = item.font(index.column()) opt.font = font palette = tree.palette() painter.translate(opt.rect.x(), opt.rect.y()) rect_w = opt.rect.width() rect_h = opt.rect.height() painter.setClipRect(0, 0, rect_w, rect_h) # grab the check information checkState = None size = opt.decorationSize value = unwrapVariant( if value is not None: checkState = item.checkState(index.column()) check_size = min(size.width(), size.height()) check_size = min(14, check_size) checkRect = QtCore.QRect(2, (rect_h - check_size) / 2.0, check_size, check_size) else: checkRect = QtCore.QRect() # determine hovering options if tree.hoverMode() != xtreewidget.XTreeWidget.HoverMode.NoHover and \ item.flags() & XTreeWidgetItem.ItemIsHoverable: # hover particular columns if tree.hoverMode() == xtreewidget.XTreeWidget.HoverMode.HoverItems and \ item == tree.hoveredItem() and \ column == tree.hoveredColumn(): hovered = True # hover particular items elif tree.hoverMode() == xtreewidget.XTreeWidget.HoverMode.HoverRows and \ id(item) == id(tree.hoveredItem()): hovered = True # setup the decoration information if item.isExpanded() and is_xtreeitem and item.expandedIcon(column): icon = item.expandedIcon(column) elif hovered and tree.hoveredColumn() == column and \ is_xtreeitem and \ item.hoverIcon(column): icon = item.hoverIcon(column) else: icon = item.icon(column) if icon and not icon.isNull(): size = icon.actualSize(opt.decorationSize) pixmap = icon.pixmap(size) if checkRect: x = checkRect.right() + 2 else: x = 0 y = 0 w = opt.decorationSize.width() h = opt.decorationSize.height() x += 2 y += (rect_h - size.height()) / 2.0 decorationRect = QtCore.QRect(x, y, w, h) else: pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap() overlay = QtGui.QIcon() decorationRect = QtCore.QRect() if is_xtreeitem: overlay = item.iconOverlay(column) dec_w = decorationRect.width() dec_h = decorationRect.height() over_w = int(dec_w / 1.7) over_h = int(dec_h / 1.7) overlayRect = QtCore.QRect(decorationRect.right() - over_w, decorationRect.bottom() - over_h, over_w, over_h) else: overlay = QtGui.QPixmap() overlayRect = QtCore.QRect() # setup the coloring information bg = None fg = None if self.showHighlights() and tree.selectionModel().isSelected(index): palette = tree.palette() bg = QtGui.QBrush(palette.color(palette.Highlight)) fg = QtGui.QBrush(palette.color(palette.HighlightedText)) elif hovered: bg = tree.hoverBackground() fg = tree.hoverForeground() if is_xtreeitem: bg = item.hoverBackground(column, bg) fg = item.hoverForeground(column, fg) if not bg: bg_role = unwrapVariant(, QtCore.Qt.BackgroundRole)) if bg_role is not None: bg = item.background(column) else: bg = self.background(column) if not fg: fg_role = unwrapVariant(, QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole)) if fg_role is not None: fg = item.foreground(column) else: fg = self.foreground(column) if not fg: fg = QtGui.QBrush(palette.color(palette.Text)) # draw custom text mapper = self.displayMapper(column) if mapper: text = mapper(unwrapVariant(, '')) # draw specific type text else: data = unwrapVariant(, None) # map the data to python if type(data) in (QtCore.QDate, QtCore.QDateTime, QtCore.QTime): data = data.toPython() # render a standard date format if type(data) == text = data.strftime(self.dateFormat()) # render a standard datetime format elif type(data) == datetime.time: text = data.strftime(self.timeFormat()) # render a standard datetime format elif type(data) == datetime.datetime: text = data.strftime(self.datetimeFormat()) # draw standard text else: text = unwrapVariant(, '') # display hint information if not text: hint = unwrapVariant( if hint: text = hint fg = QtGui.QBrush(palette.color(palette.Disabled, palette.Text)) opt.displayAlignment = QtCore.Qt.Alignment( item.textAlignment(index.column())) if not opt.displayAlignment & (QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter | \ QtCore.Qt.AlignTop | QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom): opt.displayAlignment |= QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter if decorationRect: x = decorationRect.right() + 5 elif checkRect: x = checkRect.right() + 5 else: x = 5 w = rect_w - x - 5 h = rect_h displayRect = QtCore.QRect(x, 0, w, h) # create the background rect backgroundRect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, opt.rect.width(), opt.rect.height()) # draw the item self.drawBackground(painter, opt, backgroundRect, bg) painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush) painter.setPen(fg.color()) self.drawCheck(painter, opt, checkRect, checkState) self.drawDecoration(painter, opt, decorationRect, pixmap) self.drawOverlay(painter, opt, overlayRect, overlay) self.drawDisplay(painter, opt, displayRect, text) self.drawGrid(painter, opt, backgroundRect, index) painter.restore()
def __init__(self, parent): super(XLoggerWidget, self).__init__(parent) # set standard properties self.setReadOnly(True) self.setLineWrapMode(XLoggerWidget.NoWrap) # define custom properties self._clearOnClose = True self._handler = XLoggerWidgetHandler(self) self._currentMode = 'standard' self._blankCache = '' self._mutex = QtCore.QMutex() self._loggers = set() self._configurable = True self._destroyed = False # define the popup button for congfiguration self._configButton = XPopupButton(self) self._configButton.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(resources.find('img/config.png'))) self._configButton.setShadowed(True) popup = self._configButton.popupWidget() popup.setShowTitleBar(False) popup.setResizable(False) bbox = popup.buttonBox() bbox.clear() bbox.addButton(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) # set to a monospace font font = QtGui.QFont('Courier New') font.setPointSize(9) self.setFont(font) metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font) self.setTabStopWidth(4 * metrics.width(' ')) self.setAcceptRichText(False) # determine whether or not to use the light or dark configuration palette = self.palette() base = palette.color(palette.Base) avg = ( + + / 3.0 if avg < 160: colorSet = XLoggerColorSet.darkScheme() else: colorSet = XLoggerColorSet.lightScheme() self._colorSet = colorSet palette.setColor(palette.Text, colorSet.color('Standard')) palette.setColor(palette.Base, colorSet.color('Background')) self.setPalette(palette) # create the logger tree widget controls = XLoggerControls(self) self._configButton.setCentralWidget(controls) self._configButton.setDefaultAnchor(popup.Anchor.TopRight) # create connections self._handler.dispatch().messageLogged.connect(self.log) self.destroyed.connect(self.markDestroyed)
def refresh(self): """ Reloads the contents for this box based on the parameters. :return <bool> """ self.setDirty(False) self.blockSignals(True) self.setUpdatesEnabled(False) self.clear() locales = self._availableLocales if not locales: locales = self.allLocales() if not self.showLanguage(): if self.isTranslated(): sorter = lambda x: x.get_territory_name(base) else: sorter = lambda x: x.get_territory_name() else: if self.isTranslated(): sorter = lambda x: x.get_language_name(base) else: sorter = lambda x: x.get_language_name() locales = sorted(locales, key=sorter) index = 0 for i, locale in enumerate(locales): babel_locale = babel.Locale.parse(locale) code = '{0}_{1}'.format(babel_locale.language, babel_locale.territory) keys = {} if self.isTranslated(): keys['lang'] = babel_locale.get_language_name(base) keys['territory'] = babel_locale.get_territory_name(base) keys['script'] = babel_locale.get_script_name(base) else: keys['lang'] = babel_locale.get_language_name() keys['territory'] = babel_locale.get_territory_name() keys['script'] = babel_locale.get_script_name() if self.showLanguage(): opts = '' if self.showScriptName() and keys['script']: opts += keys['script'] if self.showTerritory() and keys['territory']: if opts: opts += ', ' opts += keys['territory'] if opts: opts = ' (' + opts + ')' label = keys['lang'] + opts elif self.showTerritory(): label = keys['territory'] else: label = code self.addItem(label) self.setItemData(i, wrapVariant(str(code))) name = babel_locale.territory.lower() ico = 'img/flags/{0}.png'.format(name) flag = QtGui.QIcon(resources.find(ico)) if flag.isNull(): ico = 'img/flags/_United Nations.png' flag = QtGui.QIcon(resources.find(ico)) self.setItemIcon(i, flag) if code == self.baseLocale(): index = i self.setCurrentIndex(index) self.setUpdatesEnabled(True) self.blockSignals(False)
def _updateFrame(self): """ Updates the frame for the given sender. """ for col, mov in self._movies.items(): self.setIcon(col, QtGui.QIcon(mov.currentPixmap()))