Exemple #1
def ln_posterior_population(x):
    """ Calculate the natural log of the posterior probability

    x : M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b
        10 model parameters
    args : M2_d, P_orb_obs, ecc_obs, ra, dec
        System observations

    lp : float
        Natural log of the posterior probability

    M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b = x

    # Call priors
    lp = ln_priors_population(x)
    if np.isinf(lp): return -np.inf

    ll = 0

    M1_b, M2_b, A_b = binary_evolve.func_MT_forward(M1, M2, A, ecc)
    A_c, v_sys, ecc_out = binary_evolve.func_SN_forward(M1_b, M2_b, A_b, v_k, theta, phi)
    M2_d_out, L_x_out, M_dot_out, A_d = binary_evolve.func_Lx_forward(M1, M2, M2_b, A_c, ecc_out, t_b)
    P_orb_d = A_to_P(c.M_NS, M2_d_out, A_d)

    # If system disrupted or no X-ray luminosity, return -infty
    if ecc_out < 0.0 or ecc_out > 1.0 or np.isnan(ecc) or L_x_out==0.0: return -np.inf

    if np.isnan(ll): return -np.inf

    return ll + lp
Exemple #2
def full_forward(M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, t_obs):
    """ Evolve a binary forward from its initial conditions

    M1 : float
        Initial primary mass (Msun)
    M2 : float
        Initial secondary mass (Msun)
    A : float
        Initial orbital separation (Rsun)
    ecc : float
        Initial orbital eccentricity (unitless)
    v_k : float
        SN kick velocity
    theta : float
        SN kick polar angle
    phi : float
        SN kick azimuthal angle
    t_obs : float
        observation time

    M_NS : float or ndarray
        Array of final primary masses (Currently set to the NS mass, c.M_NS)
    M_2 : float or ndarray
        Array of final secondary masses (Msun)
    L_x : float or ndarray
        X-ray luminosity (erg/s)
    v_sys : float or ndarray
        Systemic velocity (km/s)
    M2_dot : float or ndarray
        Mass accretion rate (Msun/yr)
    A : float or ndarray
        Orbital separation (Rsun)
    ecc : float or ndarray
        Orbital eccentricity (unitless)
    theta : float or ndarray
        Projected angular distance traveled from birth location (radians)
    k_type : int
        k-type of HMXB donor

    if load_sse.func_sse_mass is None:

    if isinstance(M1, np.ndarray):
        dtypes = [('M_NS','<f8'), \
                ('M_2','<f8'), \
                ('L_x','<f8'), \
                ('v_sys','<f8'), \
                ('M2_dot','<f8'), \
                ('A','<f8'), \
                ('ecc','<f8'), \
                ('theta','<f8'), \

        HMXB = np.recarray(len(M1), dtype=dtypes)

        for i in np.arange(len(M1)):

            if isinstance(t_obs, np.ndarray):
                if t_obs[i] < load_sse.func_sse_ms_time(M1[i]):
                    HMXB["M_NS"][i] = M1[i]
                    HMXB["M_2"][i] = M2[i]
                    HMXB["A"][i] = A[i]
                if t_obs < load_sse.func_sse_ms_time(M1[i]):
                    HMXB["M_NS"][i] = M1[i]
                    HMXB["M_2"][i] = M2[i]
                    HMXB["A"][i] = A[i]

            # First MT phase
            M_1_b, M_2_b, A_b = binary_evolve.func_MT_forward(M1[i], M2[i], A[i], ecc[i])

            if isinstance(t_obs, np.ndarray):
                if t_obs[i] < load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1[i]):
                    HMXB["M_NS"][i] = M_1_b
                    HMXB["M_2"][i] = M_2_b
                    HMXB["A"][i] = A_b
                if t_obs < load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1[i]):
                    HMXB["M_NS"][i] = M_1_b
                    HMXB["M_2"][i] = M_2_b
                    HMXB["A"][i] = A_b

            # SN
            A_tmp, v_sys_tmp, e_tmp = binary_evolve.func_SN_forward(M_1_b, M_2_b, A_b, v_k[i], theta[i], phi[i])

            # XRB
            if isinstance(t_obs, np.ndarray):
                M_2_tmp, L_x_tmp, M2_dot_out, A_out = binary_evolve.func_Lx_forward(M1[i], M2[i], M_2_b, A_tmp, e_tmp, t_obs[i])
                theta_out = (t_obs[i] - load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1[i])) * v_sys_tmp / c.dist_SMC * c.yr_to_sec * 1.0e6 * np.sin(get_theta(1))
                tobs_eff = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1[i], M2[i], t_obs[i])
                M_2_tmp, L_x_tmp, M2_dot_out, A_out = binary_evolve.func_Lx_forward(M1[i], M2[i], M_2_b, A_tmp, e_tmp, t_obs)
                theta_out = (t_obs - load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1[i])) * v_sys_tmp / c.dist_SMC * c.yr_to_sec * 1.0e6 * np.sin(get_theta(1))
                tobs_eff = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1[i], M2[i], t_obs)

            # To get k-type of HMXB donor
            if M_2_b > c.max_mass:
                k_type = -999
                M_tmp, M_dot_tmp, R_tmp, k_type = load_sse.func_get_sse_star(M_2_b, tobs_eff)

            HMXB["M_NS"][i] = c.M_NS
            HMXB["M_2"][i] = M_2_tmp
            HMXB["L_x"][i] = L_x_tmp
            HMXB["v_sys"][i] = v_sys_tmp
            HMXB["M2_dot"][i] = M2_dot_out
            HMXB["A"][i] = A_out
            HMXB["ecc"][i] = e_tmp
            HMXB["theta"][i] = theta_out
            HMXB["k_type"][i] = int(k_type)

        return HMXB["M_NS"], HMXB["M_2"], HMXB["L_x"], HMXB["v_sys"], HMXB["M2_dot"], HMXB["A"], HMXB["ecc"], HMXB["theta"], HMXB["k_type"]


        # Star does not make it to MT phase
        if t_obs < load_sse.func_sse_ms_time(M1): return M1, M2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, A, ecc, 0.0

        # MT phase
        M_1_b, M_2_b, A_b = binary_evolve.func_MT_forward(M1, M2, A, ecc)

        # Star does not make it to SN
        if t_obs < load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1): return M_1_b, M_2_b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, A_b, ecc, 0.0

        # SN
        A_tmp, v_sys_tmp, e_tmp = binary_evolve.func_SN_forward(M_1_b, M_2_b, A_b, v_k, theta, phi)

        # XRB
        M_2_tmp, L_x_tmp, M2_dot_out, A_out = binary_evolve.func_Lx_forward(M1, M2, M_2_b, A_tmp, e_tmp, t_obs)

        theta_out = (t_obs - load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1)) * v_sys_tmp / c.dist_SMC * c.yr_to_sec * 1.0e6 * np.sin(get_theta(1))

        # To get k-type of HMXB donor
        tobs_eff = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1, M2, t_obs)
        M_tmp, M_dot_tmp, R_tmp, k_type = load_sse.func_get_sse_star(M_2_b, tobs_eff)

        return c.M_NS, M_2_tmp, L_x_tmp, v_sys_tmp, M2_dot_out, A_out, e_tmp, theta_out, int(k_type)
Exemple #3
def ln_posterior(x, args):
    """ Calculate the natural log of the posterior probability

    x : M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b
        10 model parameters
    args : M2_d, P_orb_obs, ecc_obs, ra, dec
        System observations

    lp : float
        Natural log of the posterior probability

    M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b = x
    M2_d, M2_d_err, P_orb_obs, P_orb_obs_err, ecc_obs, ecc_obs_err, ra, dec = args
    y = ra, dec, M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b

    # Call priors
    lp = ln_priors(y)
    if np.isinf(lp): return -np.inf

    ll = 0

    M1_b, M2_b, A_b = binary_evolve.func_MT_forward(M1, M2, A, ecc)
    A_c, v_sys, ecc_out = binary_evolve.func_SN_forward(M1_b, M2_b, A_b, v_k, theta, phi)
    M2_d_out, L_x_out, M_dot_out, A_d = binary_evolve.func_Lx_forward(M1, M2, M2_b, A_c, ecc_out, t_b)
    P_orb_d = A_to_P(c.M_NS, M2_d_out, A_d)

    # If system disrupted or no X-ray luminosity, return -infty
    if ecc_out < 0.0 or ecc_out > 1.0 or np.isnan(ecc) or L_x_out==0.0: return -np.inf

    # Observed secondary mass
    delta_M_err = M2_d_err # uncertainty is user input
    coeff_M = -0.5 * np.log( 2. * np.pi * delta_M_err**2 )
    argument_M = -( M2_d - M2_d_out ) * ( M2_d - M2_d_out ) / ( 2. * delta_M_err**2 )
    ll += coeff_M + argument_M

    # Observed X-ray luminosity
#    delta_ln_L_x_err = 0.2
#    coeff_ln_L_x = -0.5 * np.log( 2. * np.pi * delta_ln_L_x_err**2 )
#    argument_ln_L_x = -( np.log(L_x) - np.log(L_x_out) ) * ( np.log(L_x) - np.log(L_x_out) ) / ( 2. * delta_ln_L_x_err**2 )
#    ll += coeff_ln_L_x + argument_ln_L_x

    # Observed orbital period
    delta_P_orb_err = P_orb_obs_err # uncertainty is user input
    coeff_P_orb = -0.5 * np.log( 2. * np.pi * delta_P_orb_err**2)
    argument_P_orb = -( P_orb_obs - P_orb_d )**2 / ( 2. * delta_P_orb_err**2 )
    ll += coeff_P_orb + argument_P_orb

    # Observed eccentricity
    delta_ecc_err = ecc_obs_err # uncertainty is user input
    coeff_ecc = -0.5 * np.log( 2. * np.pi * delta_ecc_err**2)
    argument_ecc = -( ecc_obs - ecc_out )**2 / ( 2. * delta_ecc_err**2 )
    ll += coeff_ecc + argument_ecc

    ######## Under Construction #######
    theta_proj = get_theta_proj(c.deg_to_rad*ra, c.deg_to_rad*dec, c.deg_to_rad*ra_b, c.deg_to_rad*dec_b)  # Projected travel distance
    t_sn = (t_b - load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1)) * 1.0e6 * c.yr_to_sec  # The time since the primary's core collapse
    tmp = (v_sys * t_sn) / c.dist_SMC  # Unitless
    conds = [theta_proj>tmp, theta_proj<=tmp]  # Define conditional
    funcs = [lambda theta_proj: -np.inf, lambda theta_proj: np.log(np.tan(np.arcsin(theta_proj/tmp))/tmp)]
    J_coor = np.abs(get_J_coor(c.deg_to_rad*ra, c.deg_to_rad*dec, c.deg_to_rad*ra_b, c.deg_to_rad*dec_b)) # Jacobian for coordinate change
    P_omega = 1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi)
    ll += np.piecewise(theta_proj, conds, funcs) + np.log(P_omega) + np.log(J_coor)

#    print rad_to_dec(theta_proj)*3600.0, tmp, t_sn, v_sys, v_sys*t_sn, \
#        np.arcsin(theta_proj/tmp), np.tan(np.arcsin(theta_proj/tmp)), np.piecewise(theta_proj, conds, funcs), \
#        np.log(J_coor * P_omega)

    # Observed distance from the birth cluster
#    t_travel = (t_b - func_sse_tmax(M1)) * 1.0e6 * yr_to_sec
#    sin_theta = theta_proj * dist_LMC / (v_sys * t_travel)
#    if sin_theta < 0.0 or sin_theta > 1.0: return -np.inf  # sine must be bounded

#    cos_theta = np.sqrt(1.0 - sin_theta*sin_theta)
#    prob = sin_theta / cos_theta * v_sys * t_travel / dist_LMC
#    ll += np.log(prob)

    if np.isnan(ll): return -np.inf

    return ll + lp