Exemple #1
    def pingable(self):
        if not self.enabled():
            L.verbose("{} not enabled".format(self.name()))
            return False
        ips = self.ip_addresses()
        if not ips:
            L.verbose("{} has no IP address".format(self.name()))
            return False
        cmd = ['ping', '-n', '1', '-w', '2', '-S', ips[0].exploded, '']
            output = check_subprocess(cmd)[0]
            if 'Received = 1' in output:
                return True
                # Consider this a real error and propagate. It's likely a code issue.
                raise XVEx(
                    "Don't know how to parse ping output: {}".format(output))
        except XVProcessException as ex:
            if 'Lost = 1' in ex.stderr:
                L.debug("Couldn't ping on adapter {}".format(self))
                return False
            L.warning("Ping failed unexpectedly with error '{}'. "
                      "Assuming adapter {} un-pingable.".format(
                          ex.stderr, self))

            return False
Exemple #2
def _iter_package(package, restrict_platform=True, is_pkg=True):
    def ignore_package(package, ignore_substrings):
        # Don't import anything which doesn't belong on this OS
        for ignore in ignore_substrings:
            if ignore in package:
                return True
        return False

    if restrict_platform and ignore_package(package, other_oses()):

        L.debug("Importing {}".format(package))
        mod = importlib.import_module(package)
        package_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.split(mod.__file__)[0])
        yield mod
    except ImportError as ex:
        raise XVEx(
            "Can't import package '{}' ({}). Make sure the package directory is in your "
            "sys.path".format(package, ex))

    if not is_pkg:

    L.verbose("Walking package path {}".format(package_path))
    for _, module_name, is_pkg2 in pkgutil.walk_packages([package_path]):
        for mod in _iter_package("{}.{}".format(package, module_name),
                                 restrict_platform, is_pkg2):
            yield mod
Exemple #3
    def push(self, src, dst):

        # TODO: Can this do dirs?
        L.verbose("Pushing file/directory to remote machine: {} -> {}".format(
            src, dst))
        self._sftp_client.put(src, dst)
    def _rewrite_root_rules(rules):
        L.verbose("Writing new pfctl rules: {}".format(rules))
        rules_file = PFCtl._create_rules_file(rules)

        PFCtl._pfctl(['-f', rules_file])
        L.debug("Rewrote root pfctl rules")
Exemple #5
    def write_remote_file_from_contents(self, path, contents):
        dst_filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
        hfile, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp("_{}".format(dst_filename),
        with os.fdopen(hfile, "w") as file_:

        L.verbose("Writing remote file {}".format(path))
        self._device.connector().push(tmpfile, path)
 def _getinfo(self):
     cmd = ['networksetup', '-getinfo', self._name]
     lines = check_subprocess(cmd)[0].splitlines()
     L.verbose("{} returned:\n{}".format(' '.join(cmd), lines))
     info = {}
     for line in lines:
         match = NetworkService.PROG_INFO_LINE.match(line)
         if not match:
         info[match.group(1).strip()] = match.group(2).strip()
     return info
Exemple #7
    def execute_command(self, cmd, root=False):
        cmd = ConnectorHelper._sanitize_cmd(cmd)
        # Escape spaces in paths. First part of command must be the executable.
        cmd[0] = "\"{}\"".format(cmd[0])

        script = '''\
cd {}
{}'''.format(self._device.tools_root(), ' '.join(cmd))

        L.debug("Executing shell command: {}".format(' '.join(cmd)))
        L.verbose("Using bash wrapper script:\n{}".format(script))
        return self.execute_script_remotely(script, root)
def execute_subprocess(cmd):
    L.verbose("execute_subprocess: Executing command: {}".format(
        ' '.join(cmd)))
    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
    retcode = process.wait()
        return retcode, stdout.decode(), stderr.decode()
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return retcode, stdout.decode('cp1252'), stderr.decode('cp1252')
    def _pull_file_append(self, src, dst):
        L.verbose("Appending file from remote machine to local file: {} <- {}".format(dst, src))

        hfile, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(
            suffix="_{}".format(os.path.split(src)[1]), prefix='xv_leak_test_')

        self._sftp_client.get(src, temp_path)

        with open(temp_path) as f_src:
            contents = f_src.read()
            with open(dst, "a") as f_dst:
    def command_line_for_pid(self, pid):
        if self.is_cygwin():
            # The psutil module isn't supported on cygwin
            cmd = [
                "wmic", "process", "where", "ProcessID='{}'".format(pid),
                "get", "CommandLine"
            args = self._connector_helper.check_command(cmd)[0]
            L.verbose("Raw wmic command line was: {}".format(args))
            return WindowsDevice._fix_quotes(args)

        return self._connector_helper.execute_scriptlet(
            'command_line_for_pid.py', [pid])
Exemple #11
    def lookup(self, hostname, timeout, server=None):
        # dig doesn't like floats for timeout
        timeout = int(math.ceil(timeout))
        if server:
            cmd = [
                'dig', "+time={}".format(timeout), hostname,
            cmd = ['dig', "+time={}".format(timeout), hostname]

        stdout = self._execute(cmd)[0]
        L.verbose("dig output: {}".format(stdout))
        return Dig._parse_output(stdout)
Exemple #12
    def execute_python(self, cmd, root=False):
        cmd = ConnectorHelper._sanitize_cmd(cmd)
        # Escape spaces in paths. First part of command must (currently) be the script. Potentially
        # we might support flags to python I guess.
        cmd[0] = "\"{}\"".format(cmd[0])
        script = '''\
set -e
cd {}
source activate
set +e
python {}'''.format(self._device.tools_root(), ' '.join(cmd))

        L.debug("Executing python cmd: {}".format(' '.join(cmd)))
        L.verbose("Using python wrapper script:\n{}".format(script))
        return self.execute_script_remotely(script, root)
 def _build_all_components_for_device(self, device, configs):
     for component_name in self._component_factory.builder_names():
             device[component_name] = self._component_factory.build(
                 component_name, device, configs.get(component_name, {}))
             if device[component_name] is None:
                 raise XVEx(
                     "Component factory returned None for component type {} {}"
                     .format(device, component_name))
         except ComponentNotSupported as ex:
             # It's perfectly fine for building to fail. Some components can't be built on
             # certain devices. However, if any other form of exception occurs then propagate it
             # so we don't mask unexpected issues.
             L.verbose("Can't build component {} for device {}: {}".format(
                 component_name, device.device_id(), ex))
Exemple #14
def wmic_rows():
    rows = []
    nic_rows = parse_wmic_output(check_subprocess(['wmic', 'nic'])[0])
    nicconfig_rows = parse_wmic_output(
        check_subprocess(['wmic', 'nicconfig'])[0])
    # We're effectively performing a join on SettingID and GUID here.
    for nic_row in nic_rows:
        if nic_row['GUID'] == "":
            L.verbose("Network adapter '{}' has no GUID. Ignoring it!".format(
        for nicconfig_row in nicconfig_rows:
            if nicconfig_row['SettingID'] == nic_row['GUID']:
                rows.append(merge_two_dicts(nic_row, nicconfig_row))
    return rows
Exemple #15
    def execute_script_remotely(self, script_contents, root=False):
        # We generate a collision free (hopefully) name here as doing it on the remote device
        # means executing a script, so we get in a loop. We could do that by executing a
        # simpler script but this would likely mean it's not cross platform and/or we have
        # to worry about escape characters when we pass the script.
        hsh = hashlib.md5()
        remote_script_filename = "{}.sh".format(hsh.hexdigest())

        script_dst = os.path.join(self._device.temp_directory(),
        self.write_remote_file_from_contents(script_dst, script_contents)

        L.verbose("Executing remote script {}".format(script_dst))
        return self._device.connector().execute(['bash', script_dst],
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self, device, parameters):
     super().__init__(device, parameters)
     self._restrict_parameters(must_disrupt=True, must_restore=False)
     # TODO: Does this really exclude all adapters we don't want? Maybe exclude TAP somehow?
     adapters = self._device['network_tool'].adapters_in_priority_order()
     L.verbose("All adapters: {}".format(adapters))
     adapters = [adapter for adapter in adapters if adapter.pingable()]
     L.verbose("Pingable adapters: {}".format(adapters))
     if len(adapters) < 2:
         raise XVEx(
             "There must be at least 2 pingable adapters. All pingable adapters are {}"
     self._adapter1 = adapters[0]
     self._adapter2 = adapters[1]
     self._adapter1_original_metric = self._adapter1.interface_metric()
     self._adapter2_original_metric = self._adapter2.interface_metric()
    def _pull_dir(self, src, dst, append_duplicate=True):
        L.debug("Pulling directory from remote machine: {} <- {}".format(dst, src))

        for root, _, files in self._sftp_walk(src):
            subdir = os.path.join(dst, os.path.relpath(root, src))
            L.verbose("Creating subfolder {}".format(subdir))
            for file_ in files:
                src_file = os.path.join(root, file_).replace('\\', '/')
                dst_file = os.path.join(subdir, file_).replace('\\', '/')
                if append_duplicate and os.path.exists(dst_file):
                    self._pull_file_append(src_file, dst_file)
                    L.verbose("Pulling file from remote machine: {} <- {}".format(dst, src))
                    self._sftp_client.get(src_file, dst_file)
Exemple #18
    def push(self, src, dst):
        ret, stdout, stderr = execute_subprocess(['cp', '-rf', src, dst])

        if ret != 0:
            raise XVEx("Couldn't copy {} -> {}: stdout: {}, stderr: {}".format(
                src, dst, stdout, stderr))

        if os.geteuid() != 0:

        # When executing locally it's entirely likely we'll be running as root. We don't want to
        # have any files owned by root unless directly specified by the user - in which case they
        # should chown via a command for now (which I think is an unlikely use case).

        L.verbose("Removing root permissions from file {} ({})".format(
        os.chown(dst, tools_user()[0], -1)
    def known_servers(self):
        output = self._connector_helper.check_command([
            'wmic.exe', 'nicconfig', 'where', '"IPEnabled = True"', 'get',
            'DNSServerSearchOrder', '/format:rawxml'

        L.verbose("Got raw wmic output: {}".format(output))
        dns_servers = []
        for nic in fromstring(output).findall("./RESULTS/CIM/INSTANCE"):
            for prop in nic:
                if prop.tag != 'PROPERTY.ARRAY':
                for val in prop.findall("./VALUE.ARRAY/VALUE"):
                    ip = ipaddress.ip_address(val.text)

        return dns_servers
    def execute(self, cmd, root=False):

        if root and self._username.decode() != 'root' and self._platform() != 'cygwin':
            cmd = ['sudo', '-n'] + cmd

        cmd = ["[", "-f", ".source", "]", "&&", ".", ".source;"] + cmd

        L.verbose("SimpleSSHConnector: Executing remote command: '{}'".format(cmd))

        # TODO: This will block if stdin on the remote machine blocks. Can't ctrl-c. Consider a
        # custom wrapper with select and timeout
        # get_pty is required for accessing environment variables.
        output = self._ssh_client.exec_command(' '.join(cmd))
        return_code = output[1].channel.recv_exit_status()
        stdout = output[1].read().decode().strip()
        stderr = output[2].read().decode().strip()

        return return_code, stdout, stderr
Exemple #21
    def execute_scriptlet(self, scriptlet, args, root=False):
        '''A scriptlet is a specialised subprocess for executing python code. The code can only do
        one of two things: return a python object on success or throw an exception. A scriptlet
        must not do any outputting to stdout or stderr which it does not want to be un-pickled.
        The ideal use case is executing a python function remotely and getting its return value.
        cmd = [
            os.path.join(self._device.tools_root(), 'xv_leak_tools',
                         'scriptlets', scriptlet)
        ret, stdout, stderr = self.execute_python(cmd + args, root)
            "Scriptlet returned: ret: {}\nstdout: '{}'\nstderr: '{}'".format(
                ret, stdout, stderr))

        if ret != 0:
            raise pickle.loads(codecs.decode(stderr.encode(), "base64"))
            return pickle.loads(codecs.decode(stdout.encode(), "base64"))
Exemple #22
    def lookup(self, hostname, timeout, server=None):
        # dig doesn't like floats for timeout
        timeout = int(math.ceil(timeout))
        if server:
            cmd = [
                'dig', "+time={}".format(timeout), hostname,
            cmd = ['dig', "+time={}".format(timeout), hostname]

        # Prevent the output from being empty
        stdout = None
        while not stdout:
            stdout = self._execute(cmd)[0]
            if not stdout:
                L.verbose("dig output was empty; doing another lookup.")

        L.verbose("dig output: {}".format(stdout))
        return Dig._parse_output(stdout)
Exemple #23
 def _wait_for_vm_power(vmx_path):
     # Hacky trick to make sure VM has power
     timeup = TimeUp(60)
     while not timeup:
             if VMWareDeviceDiscoverer._vm_state(vmx_path) != 'running':
             # If we manage to get the IP then we're powered on. This will be unlikely to happen
         except XVProcessException as ex:
             if 'The virtual machine is not powered on' in ex.stdout:
             # Any other exception means we're powered on
     if timeup:
         raise XVEx("VM never got power: {}".format(vmx_path))
     L.verbose('VM now has power')
Exemple #24
    def query(self, timeout=10):
        L.debug("IPResponder getting IPs for {}".format(self._token.decode()))
        timeup = TimeUp(timeout)
        first_time_around = True
        while not timeup:
                if not first_time_around:
                    L.verbose("Trying to querying IP responder server again")
                    L.verbose("Querying IP responder server")
                    first_time_around = False

                self._query_sock.sendto(self._token + b'?',
                return self._receive()
            except (OSError, XVEx) as ex:
                # OSError happens if sendto fails (which probably means no network)
                # XVEx happens if there's no response to receive.
                L.warning("IP responder query failed: {}".format(ex))

        raise XVEx("Couldn't query IP Responder server")
Exemple #25
    def execute(self, cmd, root=False):

        if root and self._username.decode() != 'root':
            cmd = ['sudo', '-n'] + cmd

            "SimpleSSHConnector: Executing remote command: '{}'".format(cmd))

        chan = self._ssh_client.get_transport().open_session()
        # TODO: This will block if stdin on the remote machine blocks. Can't ctrl-c. Consider a
        # custom wrapper with select and timeout
        chan.exec_command(' '.join(cmd))
        bufsize = -1
        # stdin = chan.makefile('wb', bufsize)
        stdout = chan.makefile('r', bufsize)
        stderr = chan.makefile_stderr('r', bufsize)

        retcode = chan.recv_exit_status()
        # paramiko splits output into a list AND keeps the newline. So joining like this puts it
        # back to how we'd "normally" expect output.
        return retcode, ''.join(stdout), ''.join(stderr)
    def _curl_url(self, url):
        L.debug("Curl-ing url {} to find ips".format(url))
        # TODO: Can't use pycurl on cygwin. Need to figure out how to compile cleanly.
        # try:
        #     L.debug("curl-ing {}".format(url))
        #     curl_instance = curl.Curl(url)
        #     curl_instance.set_option(pycurl.TIMEOUT, 5)
        #     response = curl_instance.get()
        #     print response
        # except pycurl.error as ex:
        #     errno, message = ex.args
        #     if errno == pycurl.E_COULDNT_CONNECT:
        #         L.warning(
        #             "pycurl couldn't connect to {}. Assuming no public IP available.".format(url))
        #         return None
        #     # Be cautious. Haven't assessed what other errors are acceptable so let's
        #     # just raise up
        #     # the error.
        #     raise


            cmd = ['curl', url, '--connect-timeout', '5']
            if self._max_time:
                cmd += ['-m', self._max_time]
            return self._execute(cmd)
        except XVProcessException as ex:
            for error in IPToolCurl.ACCEPTABLE_CURL_ERRORS:
                if error in ex.stderr:
                        "curl couldn't connect to {}. Assuming no public IP available."
                    return "", ""
            # Be cautious. Haven't assessed what other errors are acceptable so let's just raise up
            # the error.
    def stop(self):
        L.info('Stopping packet capture and getting packets')
        packets = []
        for capturer in self._capturers:
            packets += capturer.stop()

        # TODO: Fix these issues in the capturer itself?
        packets = [packet for packet in packets if packet['DestIP']]
        packets = [
            packet for packet in packets
            if not is_mac_address(packet['DestIP'])
        for packet in packets:
            packet['SourceIP'] = ipaddress.ip_address(packet['SourceIP'])
            packet['DestIP'] = ipaddress.ip_address(packet['DestIP'])

        if not packets:
                'No packets were captured. This is probably not what you want.'
            L.info('{} packets captured'.format(len(packets)))
            L.verbose("List of all packets:\n{}".format(Packets(packets)))
        return packets
Exemple #28
def import_all_from_package(package, restrict_platform=True):
    for mod in _iter_package(package, restrict_platform):
        L.verbose("Imported {}".format(mod.__file__))
def execute_subprocess(cmd):
    L.verbose("execute_subprocess: Executing command: {}".format(' '.join(cmd)))
    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
    retcode = process.wait()
    return retcode, stdout.decode('utf-8'), stderr.decode('utf-8')