Exemple #1
""" Initialize xylem model """
rs = pb.MappedRootSystem()
rs.readParameters(path + name + ".xml")
if not periodic:
    sdf = pb.SDF_PlantBox(0.99 * (max_b[0] - min_b[0]),
                          0.99 * (max_b[1] - min_b[1]), max_b[2] - min_b[2])
    sdf = pb.SDF_PlantBox(np.Inf, np.Inf, max_b[2] - min_b[2])
rs.simulate(rs_age, False)
r = XylemFluxPython(rs)
init_conductivities(r, age_dependent)
""" Coupling (map indices) """
picker = lambda x, y, z: s.pick([x, y, z])
r.rs.setSoilGrid(picker)  # maps segments
r.rs.setRectangularGrid(pb.Vector3d(min_b), pb.Vector3d(max_b),
                        pb.Vector3d(cell_number), True)
r.test()  # sanity checks
nodes = r.get_nodes()
cci = picker(nodes[0, 0], nodes[0, 1], nodes[0, 2])  # collar cell index
""" Numerical solution """
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
x_, y_ = [], []
sx = s.getSolutionHead()  # inital condition, solverbase.py
N = round(sim_time / dt)
t = 0.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
""" Parameters """
kz = 4.32e-2  # axial conductivity [cm^3/day]
kr = 1.728e-4  # radial conductivity [1/day]
p_s = -200  # static soil pressure [cm]
p0 = -500  # dircichlet bc at top
simtime = 14  # [day] for task b
""" root system """
rs = pb.MappedRootSystem()
path = "../../../modelparameter/rootsystem/"
name = "Anagallis_femina_Leitner_2010"  # Zea_mays_1_Leitner_2010
rs.readParameters(path + name + ".xml")
rs.simulate(simtime, False)
""" root problem """
r = XylemFluxPython(rs)
nodes = r.get_nodes()
soil_index = lambda x, y, z: 0
""" Numerical solution """
rx = r.solve_dirichlet(0., p0, p_s, [p_s], True)
fluxes = r.segFluxes(simtime, rx, -200 * np.ones(rx.shape), False)  # cm3/day
print("Transpiration", r.collar_flux(simtime, rx, [p_s]), "cm3/day")
""" plot results """
plt.plot(rx, nodes[:, 2], "r*")
plt.xlabel("Xylem pressure (cm)")
plt.ylabel("Depth (m)")
plt.title("Xylem matric potential (cm)")
Exemple #3
from xylem_flux import XylemFluxPython  # Python hybrid solver
import plantbox as pb
import rsml_reader as rsml
import vtk_plot as vp

from math import *
import numpy as np

def vector_3d(a):
    return pb.Vector3d(a[0], a[1], a[2])

""" root problem """
r = XylemFluxPython("RootSystem.rsml")  # returns a MappedSegments object
segs = r.rs.segments

nodes = r.rs.nodes
for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
    nodes[i] = vector_3d(np.array(nodes[i]) / 100.)
r.rs.nodes = nodes
""" Mixed plot """
ana = pb.SegmentAnalyser(r.rs)
pd = vp.segs_to_polydata(ana, 1.e-2, ["radius", "subType", "creationTime"])
print("Root system bounds", pd.GetBounds())
rootActor, rootCBar = vp.plot_roots(pd, "creationTime", False)

ug = vp.read_vtu("benchmark3d_2-00001.vtu")
print("Mesh bounds", ug.GetBounds())
meshActor, meshCBar = vp.plot_mesh(
Exemple #4
""" numerical solution of transpiration -1 cm3/day"""
for j in range(1, simtime):

    rs.simulate(1, False)

    t = np.array(rs.getParameter("type"))
    v = np.array(rs.getParameter(stype))
    segment = np.array(rs.getNumberOfSegments())
    v_[j] = np.sum(v)
    v1_[j] = np.sum(v[t == 1])
    v2_[j] = np.sum(v[t == 2])
    v3_[j] = np.sum(v[t == 3])
    v4_[j] = np.sum(v[t == 4])
    segment_[j] = np.sum(segment)
    """ set up xylem parameters """
    r = XylemFluxPython(rs)
        [kr0[:, 1], kr1[:, 1], kr2[:, 1], kr3[:, 1], kr4[:, 1], kr5[:, 1]],
        [kr0[:, 0], kr1[:, 0], kr2[:, 0], kr3[:, 0], kr4[:, 0], kr5[:, 0]])
        [kz0[:, 1], kz1[:, 1], kz2[:, 1], kz3[:, 1], kz4[:, 1], kz5[:, 1]],
        [kz0[:, 0], kz1[:, 0], kz2[:, 0], kz3[:, 0], kz4[:, 0], kz5[:, 0]])

    suf = r.get_suf(j)
    print("Sum of SUF", np.sum(suf), "from", np.min(suf), "to", np.max(suf),
          "summed positive", np.sum(suf[suf >= 0]))

    krs, jc = r.get_krs(j)
    print("Krs: ", krs)
    print("time: ", j)
Exemple #5
rs = pb.MappedRootSystem()
p_s = np.linspace(-200, -400,
                  2001)  # 2 meter down, from -200 to -400, resolution in mm
soil_index = lambda x, y, z: int(-10 * z
                                 )  # maps to p_s (hydrostatic equilibirum)

path = "../../../modelparameter/rootsystem/"
name = "Anagallis_femina_Leitner_2010"  # Zea_mays_1_Leitner_2010
rs.readParameters(path + name + ".xml")
rs.simulate(simtime, False)
p_s = np.linspace(-200, -400, 2001)  # 2 meter down, resolution in mm
""" set up xylem parameters """
r = XylemFluxPython(rs)
r.setKr([kr])  # or use setKrTables, see XylemFlux.h
""" numerical solution of transpiration -1 cm3/day"""
rx = r.solve_neumann(
    simtime, -1, p_s,
    True)  # True: matric potential given per cell (not per segment)

fluxes = r.segFluxes(simtime, rx, p_s, False,
                     True)  # cm3/day (double simTime,  rx,  sx,  approx, cells
print("Transpiration", r.collar_flux(simtime, rx, p_s), np.sum(fluxes),
suf = np.array(fluxes) / -1.  # [1]
""" Additional vtk plot """
ana = pb.SegmentAnalyser(r.rs)
Exemple #6
r_, k_ = [], []
for p in rs.getRootRandomParameter():
    p.dx = 0.1
kr1[2:, 0] = get_age(kr1[2:, 0], r_[1], k_[1])
kz1[:, 0] = get_age(kz1[:, 0], r_[1], k_[1])
kr2[2:, 0] = get_age(kr2[2:, 0], r_[2], k_[2])
kz2[:, 0] = get_age(kz2[:, 0], r_[2], k_[2])
kr3[2:, 0] = get_age(kr3[2:, 0], r_[3], k_[3])
kz3[:, 0] = get_age(kz3[:, 0], r_[3], k_[3])

rs.simulate(simtime, False)
""" set up xylem parameters """
r = XylemFluxPython(rs)
# defaults...
kr4 = kr1  # basal
kr5 = kr1  # shoot borne
kz4 = kz1
kz5 = kz1
    [kr0[:, 1], kr1[:, 1], kr2[:, 1], kr3[:, 1], kr4[:, 1], kr5[:, 1]],
    [kr0[:, 0], kr1[:, 0], kr2[:, 0], kr3[:, 0], kr4[:, 0], kr5[:, 0]])
    [kz0[:, 1], kz1[:, 1], kz2[:, 1], kz3[:, 1], kz4[:, 1], kz5[:, 1]],
    [kz0[:, 0], kz1[:, 0], kz2[:, 0], kz3[:, 0], kz4[:, 0], kz5[:, 0]])
""" for debugging """
shoot_segs = rs.getShootSegments()
Exemple #7
    kr3 = kr2
    """ root system """
    rs = pb.MappedRootSystem()
    rs.openFile(name, "")
    rs.setSeed(2)  # fix randomness
    set_all_sd(rs, 0)  # set all std to zero, and dx = 0.1 cm
    rs.getRootSystemParameter().seedPos.z = -3  # -0.01
        simtime, False
    )  # simulate all, then use age dependent conductivities for predefined growth

    #     # Plot, using vtk
    #     vp.plot_roots(rs, "creationTime")
    """ set up xylem parameters """
    r = XylemFluxPython(rs)
    kr4 = kr1  # basal
    kr5 = kr1  # shoot borne
        [kr1[:, 1], kr1[:, 1], kr2[:, 1], kr3[:, 1], kr4[:, 1], kr5[:, 1]],
        [kr1[:, 0], kr1[:, 0], kr2[:, 0], kr3[:, 0], kr4[:, 0], kr5[:, 0]])
    r.setKx([kx, kx, kx, kx, kx, kx])

    #     """ for debugging """
    #     r.test()
    #     r.plot_conductivities()
    #     shoot_segs = rs.getShootSegments()
    #     print("Shoot segments", [str(s) for s in shoot_segs])
    #     print("Shoot type", rs.subTypes[0])
    """ numerical solution of transpiration -1 cm3/day"""
    krs_, l_, jc_ = [], [], []
Exemple #8
"""root system length over time"""
import sys
sys.path.append("../../.."); sys.path.append("../../../src/python_modules")
import plantbox as pb

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rsml_reader as rsml
import math
from xylem_flux import XylemFluxPython  # Python hybrid solver
import vtk_plot as vp

""" root problem """
r = XylemFluxPython("RootSystem.rsml")

polylines, props, funcs = rsml.read_rsml("RootSystem.rsml")
print(len(polylines), "roots")
# print(props["parent-poly"])
# print(props["parent-node"])
print("Tap root number of nodes", len(polylines[0]))
for i in range(1, len(polylines)):
    pp = int(props["parent-poly"][i])
    pn = int(props["parent-node"][i])
        n0 = polylines[pp][pn]
        n1 = polylines[i][0]
        print("root", i, np.linalg.norm(np.array(n1) - np.array(n0)))
        print("root", i, "index out of range", "parent-node", pn, "length", len(polylines[pp]))
import rsml_reader as rsml
import estimate_root_params as es
from xylem_flux import XylemFluxPython
import vtk_plot as vp
import plantbox as pb

time = range(1, 3)  # measurement times (not in the rsml)
name = ["RSML/m1/dicot/lupin/lupin_d{:g}.rsml".format(a) for a in range(1, 10)]

# time = range(1, 3)  # measurement times (not in the rsml)
# name = ["RSML/m1/monocot/maize/PL0{:g}_DAS0{:g}.rsml".format(1, a) for a in range(1, 8)]

# time = [75]  # measurement times (not in the rsml)
# name = ["RSML/Maize_Kutschera.rsml"]

rs = XylemFluxPython(
    name[0])  # parses rsml, XylemFluxPython.rs is of type MappedRootSegments
ana = pb.SegmentAnalyser(
    rs.rs)  # convert MappedRootSegments to a SegmentAnalyser

# radii = ana.data["radius"]  # DOES NOT WORK (why?)
# for i in range(0, len(radii)):
#     radii[i] /= 116.93
# ana.data["radius"] = radii

pd = vp.segs_to_polydata(
    ana, 1. /
    116.93)  # makes a vtkPolydata (to save as .vtp, or visualize with vtk)
vp.plot_roots(pd, "radius")  # plots vtkPolydata into an interactive window
Exemple #10
simtime = 20  # [day] for task b
""" root system """
rs = pb.MappedRootSystem()

path = "../../../CPlantBox//modelparameter/rootsystem/"
name = "Glycine_max"
rs.readParameters(path + name + ".xml")
rs.getRootSystemParameter().seedPos.z = -0.1
rs.simulate(simtime, False)

print("Shoot segments: ", [str(s) for s in rs.getShootSegments()])
""" set up xylem parameters """
r = XylemFluxPython(rs)
r.setKr([kr])  # or use setKrTables, see XylemFlux.h
""" numerical solution of transpiration -1 cm3/day"""
suf = r.get_suf(0.)
print("Sum of SUF", np.sum(suf), "from", np.min(suf), "to", np.max(suf),
      "summed positive", np.sum(suf[suf >= 0]))
krs = r.get_krs(0.)
print("Krs: ", krs)
""" Additional vtk plot """
ana = pb.SegmentAnalyser(r.rs)
ana.addData("SUF", suf)  # cut off for vizualisation
vp.plot_roots(ana, "SUF", "Soil uptake fraction (cm3 day)")  # "fluxes"
Exemple #11
p0 = -500  # dircichlet bc at top
simtime = 14  # [day] for task b

""" root system """
rs = pb.MappedPlant() #pb.MappedRootSystem() #pb.MappedPlant()
path = "../../../modelparameter/plant/" #"../../../modelparameter/rootsystem/" 
name = "manyleaves" #"Anagallis_femina_Leitner_2010"  # Zea_mays_1_Leitner_2010
rs.readParameters(path + name + ".xml")
soil_index = lambda x, y, z : 0
rs.simulate(3, False)
#rs.simulate(simtime, False) #test to see if works in case of several simulate

r = XylemFluxPython(rs) 
nodes = r.get_nodes()
    we can give a kr/kx:
        constant across type: r.setKx([[kz]])
        by type: r.setKx([[kz], [kz2], [kz3]])
        by type and subtype: r.setKx([[kz, kz2], [kza, kzb], [kzd, kzf]])
    att: the bud (from which the leaf grows) has to have a kz
        one of the above + time dependant:
            constant across type: r.setKx([[kz1, kz2, kr3]], [[age1, age2, age3]])
            by type: r.setKxTables([[[kz1, kz2, kr3],[kza, kzb, krc]]], [[[age1, age2, age3], [agea, ageb, agec]]])
            by type and subtype: r.setKxTables([[[kz1, kz2, kr3],[kza, kzb, krc]],[[kz1, kz2, kr3],[kza, kzb, krc]]],
                    [[[age1, age2, age3], [agea, ageb, agec]],[[age1, age2, age3], [agea, ageb, agec]]])

Exemple #12
p_a = -100000  #static air pressure
#p0 = -500  # dircichlet bc at top
simtime = 14.0  # [day] for task b
k_soil = []
""" root system """
rs = pb.MappedPlant()  #pb.MappedRootSystem() #pb.MappedPlant()
path = "../../../modelparameter/plant/"  #"../../../modelparameter/rootsystem/"
name = "manyleaves"  #"Anagallis_femina_Leitner_2010"  # Zea_mays_1_Leitner_2010
rs.readParameters(path + name + ".xml")
soil_index = lambda x, y, z: 0
rs.simulate(3, False)
#rs.simulate(simtime, False) #test to see if works in case of several simulate

r = XylemFluxPython(rs)
nodes = r.get_nodes()
tiproots, tipstem, tipleaf = r.get_organ_nodes_tips(
)  #end node of end segment of each organ
node_tips = np.concatenate((tiproots, tipstem, tipleaf))
tiproots, tipstem, tipleaf = r.get_organ_segments_tips(
)  #end segment of each organ
seg_tips = np.concatenate((tiproots, tipstem, tipleaf))
    we can give a kr/kx:
        constant across type: r.setKx([[kz]])
        by type: r.setKx([[kz], [kz2], [kz3]])
        by type and subtype: r.setKx([[kz, kz2], [kza, kzb], [kzd, kzf]])
    att: the bud (from which the leaf grows) has to have a kz
        one of the above + time dependant:
            constant across type: r.setKx([[kz1, kz2, kr3]], [[age1, age2, age3]])