Exemple #1
def get_url_of_image(query_string):
	'''gets an image from a yahoo image search of "query string", returns a url'''
	srch = ImageSearch(app_id="YahooDemo", query='%s'%query_string)
	srch.results = 1
	for each in srch.parse_results():
		url = str(each.Url)
	return url
Exemple #2
 def _run_query_fired(self):
     """ Queries Yahoo! image search for with the query string """
     # This is where we run the actual query once the user tells the GUI to 
     # do so. We're using the pYsearch module to do a Yahoo image search,
     # which basically exposes a list of image urls.
     srch = ImageSearch(app_id="YahooDemo", query=self.query_string)
     # Run the search and return the top 10 results
     srch.results = 10
     # We make a list of the top 10 image urls.
     imagrul_list = []
     for res in srch.parse_results():
     # We will try each image url in succession to download the image. We 
     # need to do this in a complicated control loop because not all image 
     # urls returned from the search still work. We need to try/except 
     # the urllib2 connection errors and check that the image url linked to 
     # a valid image we can download. If not, move on to the next url. If 
     # no image urls were returned in the search (for example, if the search
     # was too specific and returned no results), print an explanation 
     # in the GUI by writing it into the image_url string.
     final_imgurl = False
     for imgurl in imagrul_list:
         print "Connecting to", imgurl
         error_encountered = False
             response = urllib2.urlopen(imgurl)
             error_encountered = True
             print "Oh no, HTTP error encountered on " + imgurl
         if not error_encountered:
             final_imgurl = imgurl
     if final_imgurl:
         print "Successfully accessed", final_imgurl
         self.image_url = final_imgurl
         image_string = response.read()
         image_file = file("image.jpg", "w")
         image_file = file("image_original.jpg", "w")
         print "Retrieved image and saved it as image.jpg"
         print ("Failed to retrieve any image, no " + 
             "results found.")
         self.image_url = ("Failed to retrieve any image, " + 
             "no results found.")
Exemple #3
def getImage(q) :
    srch = ImageSearch(app_id="YahooDemo",query=q)
    # get one result in png format
    srch.results = 1
    srch.format = "png"
    for res in srch.parse_results():
        # the file-like object returned by
        # urllib doesn't implement some of the methods needed by imread. i
        # tried to read() the urllib object and convert that to a string
        # stream, but imread didn't like that, either. i knew creating
        # a file and reading it would work, so i did it.
        commands.getoutput("wget '"+res.Url+"' -O tmpfile")
        x = plt.imread("tmpfile")
        commands.getoutput("rm tmpfile")
        # images get reversed for some reason, reverse it back
        x = x[::-1]
        return (x, res.Url)
Exemple #4
    def getimage(self,query):
        Uses the yahoo module to run a Yahoo image search.  It reads the
        linked image as a hex string.  Then it saves it into a temporary file
        and reads it back using Image.open.  It then displays the image.
        srch = ImageSearch(app_id="YahooDemo", query=self.query,results=1)

        for a in srch.parse_results():
            url = a.Url
            imstring = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
            output = open('temp.jpg','wb')

        self.url = url
        self.im = Image.open('temp.jpg')
        self.im = self.im.rotate(180)