Exemple #1
class OneIndexLine(ValueLine):
    """A line with ``format(1x,I5,3x,1P,E16.8,0P,3x,'#',1x,A)``."""

    _pattern = r"\s*" + cap(INT, "i") + SEP + cap(FLOAT, "value") + TAIL

    def __init__(self, i, value, comment=None):
        # type: (SInt, SValue, OS)->None
        super().__init__(int(i), value, comment)
Exemple #2
class ThreeIndexLine(ValueLine):
    """A line with ``format(1x,I2,1x,I2,1x,I2,3x,1P,E16.8,0P,3x,'#',1x,A)``."""

    _pattern = (r"\s*" + cap(INT, "i1") + SEP + cap(INT, "i2") + SEP +
                cap(INT, "i3") + SEP + cap(FLOAT, "value") + TAIL)

    def __init__(self, i1, i2, i3, value, comment=None):
        # type: (SInt, SInt, SInt, SValue, OS)->None
        super().__init__((int(i1), int(i2), int(i3)), value, comment)
Exemple #3
class BlockHeadLine(AbsLine):
    """Line for block header."""

    _pattern = ("Block" + SEP + cap(NAME, "name") +
                possible(SEP + r"Q=\s*" + cap(FLOAT, "q")) + TAIL)

    def __init__(self, name, q=None, comment=None):
        # type: (str, Optional[SFloat], OS)->None
        self.name = name
        self.q = None if q is None else _float(q)
        self.comment = comment or ""
        self.pre_comment = []

    def name(self) -> str:
        """Return name in upper case."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, value: str) -> None:
        self._name = value.upper()

    def _to_slha(self, opt: LineOutputOption) -> str:
        if self.q is None:
            name = " {:17}   ".format(self.name)
            name = " {} Q={}   ".format(self.name,
                                        self._num_to_str(opt, self.q))
        return (opt.block_str + name + self._format_comment(opt)).rstrip()

    def _dump(self) -> List[SFloat]:
        return [] if self.q is None else ["Q=", self.q]

    def _from_dump(cls: Type[LT], dump: Sequence[Any], **kw: Any) -> LT:
        name = str(kw.get("name"))
        if not name or len(kw) > 1:
            raise ValueError(kw)
        if len(dump) == 0:
            return cls(name=name)
        elif len(dump) == 2:
            if isinstance(dump[0], str) and dump[0].strip().upper() == "Q=":
                return cls(name=name, q=_float(dump[1]))
        raise ValueError(dump)

    def _dump_comment(self) -> List[List[SFloat]]:
        comments = [["pre", "HEAD", c]
                    for c in self.pre_comment]  # type: List[List[SFloat]]
        if self.comment:
            comments.append(["HEAD", self.comment])
        return comments
Exemple #4
class NoIndexLine(ValueLine):
    """A line with ``format(9x, 1P, E16.8, 0P, 3x, '#', 1x, A)``."""

    _pattern = r"\s*" + cap(FLOAT, "value") + TAIL

    def __init__(self, value, comment=None):
        # type: (SValue, OS)->None
        super().__init__(None, value, comment)
Exemple #5
class InfoLine(AbsLine):
    """Class for lines of INFO blocks.

    An info-block line is given by ``format(1x,I5,3x,A)``, which is not
    exclusive and matches other patterns. This class accept multi-lines, and
    thus values are List[str] and comments are multi-lined string, internally
    kept as List[str].

    _pattern = r"\s*" + cap(INT, "key") + SEP + cap(INFO, "value") + TAIL

    def __init__(self, key, value, comment=None):
        # type: (InfoKeyType, InfoValueType, OS)->None
        self.key = int(key)  # type: InfoKeyType
        self.value = value.rstrip()  # type: InfoValueType
        self.comment = comment or ""
        self.pre_comment = []

    def _to_slha(self, opt: LineOutputOption) -> str:
        return " {:5d}   {:16}   {}".format(self.key, self.value,

    def _dump(self) -> List[SFloat]:
        return [self.key, self.value]

    def _from_dump(cls: Type["InfoLine"], dump: Sequence[Any],
                   **kw: Any) -> LT:
        if kw:
            raise ValueError(kw)
        if len(dump) == 2:
            return cast(LT, cls(int(dump[0]), value=str(dump[1])))
        raise ValueError(dump)

    def _dump_comment(self) -> List[List[SFloat]]:
        comments = [["pre", self.key, c]
                    for c in self.pre_comment]  # type: List[List[SFloat]]
        if self.comment:
            comments.append([self.key, self.comment])
        return comments
Exemple #6
class DecayHeadLine(AbsLine):
    """A line with format ``('DECAY',1x,I9,3x,1P,E16.8,0P,3x,'#',1x,A)``."""

    _pattern = "Decay" + SEP + cap(INT, "pid") + SEP + cap(FLOAT,
                                                           "width") + TAIL

    def __init__(self, pid: SInt, width: SFloat, comment: OS = None) -> None:
        self.pid = int(pid)
        self.width = _float(width)
        self.comment = comment or ""
        self.pre_comment = []

    def _to_slha(self, opt: LineOutputOption) -> str:
        return "{decay} {pid:>9}   {width}   {comment}".format(
            width=self._num_to_str(opt, self.width),

    def _dump(self) -> List[SFloat]:
        return [self.width]

    def _from_dump(cls: Type[LT], dump: Sequence[Any], **kw: Any) -> LT:
        pid = kw.get("pid")
        if not pid or len(kw) > 1:
            raise ValueError(kw)
        elif len(dump) == 1:
            return cls(pid=int(pid), width=_float(dump[0]))
        raise ValueError(dump)

    def _dump_comment(self) -> List[List[SFloat]]:
        comments = [["pre", "HEAD", c]
                    for c in self.pre_comment]  # type: List[List[SFloat]]
        if self.comment:
            comments.append(["HEAD", self.comment])
        return comments
Exemple #7
class DecayLine(ValueLine):
    """A decay line ``(3x,1P,E16.8,0P,3x,I2,3x,N (I9,1x),2x,'#',1x,A)``."""

    _pattern = (r"\s*" + cap(FLOAT, "br") + SEP + cap(INT, "nda") + SEP +
                cap(r"[0-9\s+-]+", "channel") + TAIL)

    def __init__(self, br, channel, nda=None, comment=None):
        # type: (Union[str, DecayValueType], Union[str, DecayKeyType], Any, OS)->None
        if isinstance(channel, str):
            self.key = tuple(int(p) for p in re.split(r"\s+", channel.strip()))
            self.key = channel  # type: DecayKeyType
        self.value = _float(br)  # type: DecayValueType

        self.comment = comment or ""
        self.pre_comment = []

    # provide synonym
    def br(self) -> DecayValueType:
        """Return the branching ratio."""
        return self.value

    def br(self, br: DecayValueType) -> None:
        self.value = br

    def _to_slha(self, opt: LineOutputOption) -> str:
        pids = "".join("{:9d} ".format(pid) for pid in self.key)
        return "   {}   {:2d}   {}  {}".format(
            self._num_to_str(opt, self.br),

    def _dump(self) -> List[SFloat]:
        result = [self.br, len(self.key)]  # type: List[SFloat]
        return result

    def _from_dump(cls: Type["DecayLine"], dump: Sequence[Any],
                   **kw: Any) -> LT2:
        if kw:
            raise ValueError(kw)
        if len(dump) >= 4:
            br, nda = _float(dump[0]), int(dump[1])
            pids = tuple(int(p) for p in dump[2:])
            if nda == len(pids):
                return cast(LT2, cls(br=br, channel=pids))
        raise ValueError(dump)

    def _dump_comment(self) -> List[List[SFloat]]:
        comments = [["pre", c]
                    for c in self.pre_comment]  # type: List[List[SFloat]]
        if self.comment:
        for c in comments:
        return comments