Exemple #1
    def resolve(self):
        If any of the nodes that are being concatenated are protected (because
        Yay knows they were loaded from .yay.gpg) then this will return an
        :py:class:`~yay.protected.ProtectedString` object.

        If none of the nodes  are then it will return a string.
        resolved = [x.resolve() for x in self.args]

        protected = False
        for x in resolved:
            if isinstance(x, ProtectedString):
                protected = True

        if protected:
            p = ProtectedString()
            for x in resolved:
            return p

        return "".join(str(x) for x in resolved)
Exemple #2
    def resolve(self):
        Boxed will do some simple and automatic processing of data when it

          * If it isn't a subclass of basestring it will be returned as is
          * `yes`, `true` and `on` will become python True
          * `no`, `false` and `off` will become python False
          * If it can be cast to an ``int`` it will be.
          * If it can be represented in ascii it will be
          * Otherwise a unicode string is returned
        value = self.value

        if not isinstance(value, basestring):
            return value

        if self.secret:
            p = ProtectedString()
            return p

        if value.lower() in ("yes", "true", "on"):
            return True
        if value.lower() in ("no", "false", "off"):
            return False

            return int(value)
        except ValueError:

        # FIXME: could still be a float or a timestamp

            return value.encode("ascii")
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            return value