Exemple #1
 def GetDoc(self, request_data):
         # Just pull `value` out of the textDocument/hover response
         return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(
     except language_server_completer.NoHoverInfoException:
         raise RuntimeError('No documentation available.')
Exemple #2
def _BuildGetDocResponse(doc_data):
    """Builds a "DetailedInfoResponse" for a GetDoc request. doc_data is a
  DocumentationData object returned from the ClangCompleter"""

    # Parse the XML, as this is the only way to get the declaration text out of
    # libclang. It seems quite wasteful, but while the contents of the XML
    # provide fully parsed doxygen documentation tree, we actually don't want to
    # ever lose any information from the comment, so we just want display
    # the stripped comment. Arguably we could skip all of this XML generation and
    # parsing, but having the raw declaration text is likely one of the most
    # useful pieces of documentation available to the developer. Perhaps in
    # future, we can use this XML for more interesting things.
        root = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(doc_data.comment_xml)
        raise ValueError(NO_DOCUMENTATION_MESSAGE)

    # Note: declaration is False-y if it has no child elements, hence the below
    # (wordy) if not declaration is None
    declaration = root.find("Declaration")

    return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(
        '{0}\n{1}\nType: {2}\nName: {3}\n---\n{4}'.format(
            declaration.text if declaration is not None else "",
            doc_data.brief_comment, doc_data.canonical_type,
            doc_data.display_name, _FormatRawComment(doc_data.raw_comment)))
 def _GetHover( self, request_data ):
   raw_hover = self.GetHoverResponse( request_data )
   if isinstance( raw_hover, dict ):
     # Both MarkedString and MarkupContent contain 'value' key.
     # MarkupContent is the only one not deprecated.
     return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( raw_hover[ 'value' ] )
   if isinstance( raw_hover, str ):
     # MarkedString might be just a string.
     return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( raw_hover )
   # If we got this far, this is a list of MarkedString objects.
   lines = []
   for marked_string in raw_hover:
     if isinstance( marked_string, str ):
       lines.append( marked_string )
       lines.append( marked_string[ 'value' ] )
   return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( '\n'.join( lines ) )
Exemple #4
 def _GetDoc( self, request_data ):
   with self._jedi_lock:
     definitions = self._GetJediScript( request_data ).goto_definitions()
     documentation = [ definition.docstring() for definition in definitions ]
   documentation = '\n---\n'.join( documentation )
   if documentation:
     return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( documentation )
   raise RuntimeError( 'No documentation available.' )
Exemple #5
 def GetDoc( self, request_data ):
   assert self._settings[ 'ls' ][ 'hoverKind' ] == 'Structured'
     result = json.loads( self.GetHoverResponse( request_data )[ 'value' ] )
     docs = result[ 'signature' ] + '\n' + result[ 'fullDocumentation' ]
     return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( docs.strip() )
   except language_server_completer.NoHoverInfoException:
     raise RuntimeError( 'No documentation available.' )
Exemple #6
    def _GetDoc(self, request_data):
            definition = self._GetResponse('/find_definition', request_data)

            docs = [definition['context'], definition['docs']]
            return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse('\n---\n'.join(docs))
        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError('Can\'t lookup docs.')
Exemple #7
  def _GetDoc( self, request_data ):
    self._Reload( request_data )
    info = self._SendRequest( 'quickinfo', {
      'file':   request_data[ 'filepath' ],
      'line':   request_data[ 'line_num' ],
      'offset': request_data[ 'column_codepoint' ]
    } )

    message = f'{ info[ "displayString" ] }\n\n{info[ "documentation" ]}'
    return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( message )
Exemple #8
  def _GetDoc( self, request_data ):
    request = self._DefaultParameters( request_data )
    request[ "IncludeDocumentation" ] = True

    result = self._GetResponse( '/typelookup', request )
    message = result[ "Type" ]
    if ( result[ "Documentation" ] ):
      message += "\n" + result[ "Documentation" ]

    return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( message )
Exemple #9
  def _GetDoc( self, request_data ):
    self._Reload( request_data )
    info = self._SendRequest( 'quickinfo', {
      'file':   request_data[ 'filepath' ],
      'line':   request_data[ 'line_num' ],
      'offset': request_data[ 'column_codepoint' ]
    } )

    message = '{0}\n\n{1}'.format( info[ 'displayString' ],
                                   info[ 'documentation' ] )
    return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( message )
Exemple #10
  def GetDoc( self, request_data ):
      hover_response = self.GetHoverResponse( request_data )
    except language_server_completer.NoHoverInfoException:
      raise RuntimeError( 'No documentation available.' )

    # Strips all empty lines and lines starting with "```" to make the hover
    # response look like plain text. For the format, see the comment in GetType.
    lines = hover_response[ 'value' ].split( '\n' )
    documentation = '\n'.join(
      line for line in lines if line and not line.startswith( '```' ) ).strip()
    return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( documentation )
Exemple #11
 def _GetDoc( self, request_data ):
   with self._jedi_lock:
     line = request_data[ 'line_num' ]
     # Jedi expects columns to start at 0, not 1, and for them to be Unicode
     # codepoint offsets.
     column = request_data[ 'start_codepoint' ] - 1
     definitions = self._GetJediScript( request_data ).goto( line, column )
     documentation = [ definition.docstring() for definition in definitions ]
   documentation = '\n---\n'.join( documentation )
   if documentation:
     return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse( documentation )
   raise RuntimeError( 'No documentation available.' )
Exemple #12
    def _GetDoc(self, request_data, args):
        query = self._GetQueryWord(request_data)
        if query in self._raw_names: 
            type = self._raw_names[query]
            ret = subprocess.run(
                    ['cmake', '--help-{}'.format(type), query],
            if ret.returncode == 0:
                msg = ret.stdout.decode()
                return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(str(request_data))

        msg = "Can't find doc for {}".format(query)
        return responses.BuildDisplayMessageResponse(msg)
Exemple #13
 def _GetDoc(self, request_data):
     col = request_data['column_num'] - 1
     keyword = ''
     for it in re.finditer(r'\b[\w\.]+\b', request_data['line_value']):
         if it.start() <= col and it.end() > col:
             keyword = it.group(0)
     doc = self.daemon.query(keyword)
     if doc:
         return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(doc)
         raise ValueError('No documentation available')
    def _GetDoc(self, request_data):
        request = self._DefaultParameters(request_data)
        request["IncludeDocumentation"] = True

        result = self._GetResponse('/typelookup', request)
        message = result.get('Type') or ''

        if (result["Documentation"]):
            message += "\n" + result["Documentation"]

        if not message:
            raise RuntimeError('No documentation available.')
        return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(message.strip())
Exemple #15
    def _GetDoc(self, request_data):
        # Note: we use the 'type' request because this is the best
        # way to get the name, type and doc string. The 'documentation' request
        # doesn't return the 'name' (strangely), wheras the 'type' request returns
        # the same docs with extra info.
        query = {'type': 'type', 'docFormat': 'full', 'types': True}

        response = self._GetResponse(query, request_data)

        doc_string = 'Name: {name}\nType: {type}\n\n{doc}'.format(
            name=response.get('name', 'Unknown'),
            type=response.get('type', 'Unknown'),
            doc=response.get('doc', 'No documentation available'))

        return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(doc_string)
Exemple #16
    def GetDoc(self, request_data):
        hover_response = self.GetHoverResponse(request_data)

        # RLS returns a list that may contain the following elements:
        # - a documentation string;
        # - a documentation url;
        # - [{language:rust, value:<type info>}].

        documentation = '\n'.join(
            [item.strip() for item in hover_response if isinstance(item, str)])

        if not documentation:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'No documentation available for current context.')

        return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(documentation)
Exemple #17
    def GetDoc(self, request_data):
        hover_response = self.GetHoverResponse(request_data)

        # The LSP defines the hover response as either:
        # - a string
        # - a list of strings
        # - an object with keys language, value
        # - a list of objects with keys language, value
        # - an object with keys kind, value

        # That's right. All of the above.
        documentation = hover_response.rstrip()

        if not documentation:
            raise RuntimeError(NO_DOCUMENTATION_MESSAGE)

        return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(documentation)
Exemple #18
    def GetDoc(self, request_data):
        hover_response = self.GetHoverResponse(request_data)

        # The LSP defines the hover response as either:
        # - a string
        # - a list of strings
        # - an object with keys language, value
        # - a list of objects with keys language, value
        # - an object with keys kind, value

        # That's right. All of the above.

        # However it would appear that jdt.ls only ever returns useful data when it
        # is a list of objects-with-keys-language-value, so we only handle that case
        # and throw any other time.

        # Strictly we seem to receive:
        # - ""
        #   when there really is no documentation or type info available
        # - {language:java, value:<type info>}
        #   when there only the type information is available
        # - [{language:java, value:<type info>},
        #    'doc line 1',
        #    'doc line 2',
        #    ...]
        #   when there is type and documentation information available.

        documentation = ''
        if isinstance(hover_response, list):
            for item in hover_response:
                if isinstance(item, str):
                    documentation += item + '\n'

        documentation = documentation.rstrip()

        if not documentation:
            raise RuntimeError(NO_DOCUMENTATION_MESSAGE)

        return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(documentation)
 def _BuildDetailedInfoResponse(self, definition_list):
     docs = [definition['docstring'] for definition in definition_list]
     return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse('\n---\n'.join(docs))