Exemple #1
def ComputeCandidatesInner_BeforeUnicode_test( completer, execute_command ):
  # Col 8 corresponds to cursor at log.Pr^int("Line 7 ...
  completer.ComputeCandidatesInner( BuildRequest( 7, 8 ) )
    [ DUMMY_BINARY, '-sock', 'tcp', '-addr', completer._gocode_host,
      '-f=json', 'autocomplete', PATH_TO_TEST_FILE, '119' ],
    contents = ToBytes( ReadFile( PATH_TO_TEST_FILE ) ) )
Exemple #2
def LineAndColumnNumbersClamped(line_num, column_num):
    line_num = max(min(line_num, len(vim.current.buffer)), 1)

    # Vim buffers are a list of Unicode objects on Python 3.
    max_column = len(ToBytes(vim.current.buffer[line_num - 1]))

    return line_num, min(column_num, max_column)
def _BuildGetDocResponse(doc_data):
    """Builds a "DetailedInfoResponse" for a GetDoc request. doc_data is a
  DocumentationData object returned from the ClangCompleter"""

    # Parse the XML, as this is the only way to get the declaration text out of
    # libclang. It seems quite wasteful, but while the contents of the XML
    # provide fully parsed doxygen documentation tree, we actually don't want to
    # ever lose any information from the comment, so we just want display
    # the stripped comment. Arguably we could skip all of this XML generation and
    # parsing, but having the raw declaration text is likely one of the most
    # useful pieces of documentation available to the developer. Perhaps in
    # future, we can use this XML for more interesting things.
        # Only python2 actually requires bytes here.
        # Doing the same on python3 makes the code simpler,
        # but introduces unnecessary, though quite acceptable overhead
        # (compared to XML processing).
        root = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(ToBytes(doc_data.comment_xml))
    except XmlParseError:
        raise ValueError(NO_DOCUMENTATION_MESSAGE)

    # Note: declaration is False-y if it has no child elements, hence the below
    # (wordy) if not declaration is None
    declaration = root.find("Declaration")

    return responses.BuildDetailedInfoResponse(
        '{0}\n{1}\nType: {2}\nName: {3}\n---\n{4}'.format(
            ToUnicode(declaration.text) if declaration is not None else "",
Exemple #4
def _CallExtraConfFlagsForFile(module, filename, client_data):
    # We want to ensure we pass a native py2 `str` on py2 and a native py3 `str`
    # (unicode) object on py3. That's the API we provide.
    # In a vacuum, always passing a unicode object (`unicode` on py2 and `str` on
    # py3) would be better, but we can't do that because that would break all the
    # ycm_extra_conf files already out there that expect a py2 `str` object on
    # Hindsight is 20/20.
    if PY2:
        filename = native(ToBytes(filename))
        filename = native(ToUnicode(filename))

    if hasattr(module, 'Settings'):
        results = module.Settings(language='cfamily',
    # For the sake of backwards compatibility, we need to first check whether the
    # FlagsForFile function in the extra conf module even allows keyword args.
    elif inspect.getargspec(module.FlagsForFile).keywords:
        results = module.FlagsForFile(filename, client_data=client_data)
        results = module.FlagsForFile(filename)

    if not isinstance(results, dict) or 'flags' not in results:
        return EMPTY_FLAGS

    results['flags'] = _MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(
        results['flags'], results.get('include_paths_relative_to_dir'))

    return results
Exemple #5
def ReplaceChunk_MultipleLinesToSingleLine_test():
  result_buffer = [ ToBytes( "aAa" ), ToBytes( "aBa" ), ToBytes( "aCaaaa" ) ]
  start, end = _BuildLocations( 2, 2, 3, 2 )
  ( line_offset, char_offset ) = vimsupport.ReplaceChunk( start, end, 'E',
                                                          0, 0, result_buffer )
  expected_buffer = [ ToBytes( "aAa" ), ToBytes( "aECaaaa" ) ]
  eq_( expected_buffer, result_buffer )
  eq_( line_offset, -1 )
  eq_( char_offset, 1 )

  # make another modification applying offsets
  start, end = _BuildLocations( 3, 3, 3, 4 )
  ( new_line_offset, new_char_offset ) = vimsupport.ReplaceChunk(
                                                          result_buffer )

  line_offset += new_line_offset
  char_offset += new_char_offset

  eq_( [ ToBytes( "aAa" ),
         ToBytes( "aECccccaaa" ) ], result_buffer )
  eq_( line_offset, -1 )
  eq_( char_offset, 4 )

  # and another, for luck
  start, end = _BuildLocations( 3, 4, 3, 5 )
  ( new_line_offset, new_char_offset ) = vimsupport.ReplaceChunk(
                                                          result_buffer )

  line_offset += new_line_offset
  char_offset += new_char_offset

  eq_( [ ToBytes( "aAa" ),
         ToBytes( "aECccccdd" ),
         ToBytes( "ddaa" ) ],
       result_buffer )
  eq_( line_offset, 0 )
  eq_( char_offset, -2 )
Exemple #6
def ComputeCandidatesInner_AfterUnicode_test(completer, execute_command):
    # Col 9 corresponds to cursor at log.Pri^nt("Line 7 ...
    completer.ComputeCandidatesInner(BuildRequest(9, 9))
        DUMMY_BINARY, '-addr', completer._gocode_address, '-f=json',
        'autocomplete', PATH_TO_TEST_FILE, '212'
Exemple #7
def SetupOptions( options_file ):
  options = user_options_store.DefaultOptions()
  user_options = json.loads( ReadFile( options_file ) )
  options.update( user_options )
  utils.RemoveIfExists( options_file )
  hmac_secret = ToBytes( base64.b64decode( options[ 'hmac_secret' ] ) )
  del options[ 'hmac_secret' ]
  user_options_store.SetAll( options )
  return options, hmac_secret
    def _GetResponse(self, handler, request_data={}):
        """POST JSON data to JediHTTP server and return JSON response."""
        handler = ToBytes(handler)
        url = urljoin(self._jedihttp_host, handler)
        parameters = self._TranslateRequestForJediHTTP(request_data)
        body = ToBytes(json.dumps(parameters)) if parameters else bytes()
        extra_headers = self._ExtraHeaders(handler, body)

        self._logger.debug('Making JediHTTP request: %s %s %s %s', 'POST', url,
                           extra_headers, body)

        response = requests.request(native(bytes(b'POST')),

        return response.json()
Exemple #9
def ToBytesOnPY2(data):
    # To test the omnifunc, etc. returning strings, which can be of different
    # types depending on python version, we use ToBytes on PY2 and just the native
    # str on python3. This roughly matches what happens between py2 and py3
    # versions within Vim
    if PY2:
        return ToBytes(data)

    return data
Exemple #10
def ReplaceChunk(start, end, replacement_text, vim_buffer):
    # ycmd's results are all 1-based, but vim's/python's are all 0-based
    # (so we do -1 on all of the values)
    start_line = start['line_num'] - 1
    end_line = end['line_num'] - 1

    start_column = start['column_num'] - 1
    end_column = end['column_num'] - 1

    # When sending a request to the server, a newline is added to the buffer
    # contents to match what gets saved to disk. If the server generates a chunk
    # containing that newline, this chunk goes past the Vim buffer contents since
    # there is actually no new line. When this happens, recompute the end position
    # of where the chunk is applied and remove all trailing characters in the
    # chunk.
    if end_line >= len(vim_buffer):
        end_column = len(ToBytes(vim_buffer[-1]))
        end_line = len(vim_buffer) - 1
        replacement_text = replacement_text.rstrip()

    # NOTE: replacement_text is unicode, but all our offsets are byte offsets,
    # so we convert to bytes
    replacement_lines = SplitLines(ToBytes(replacement_text))

    # NOTE: Vim buffers are a list of byte objects on Python 2 but unicode
    # objects on Python 3.
    start_existing_text = ToBytes(vim_buffer[start_line])[:start_column]
    end_existing_text = ToBytes(vim_buffer[end_line])[end_column:]

    replacement_lines[0] = start_existing_text + replacement_lines[0]
    replacement_lines[-1] = replacement_lines[-1] + end_existing_text

    vim_buffer[start_line:end_line + 1] = replacement_lines[:]

    return {
        'bufnr': vim_buffer.number,
        'filename': vim_buffer.name,
        # line and column numbers are 1-based in qflist
        'lnum': start_line + 1,
        'col': start_column + 1,
        'text': replacement_text,
        'type': 'F',
Exemple #11
def GetUnsavedAndCurrentBufferData_EncodedUnicodeCharsInBuffers_test( *args ):
  mock_buffer = MagicMock()
  mock_buffer.name = os.path.realpath( 'filename' )
  mock_buffer.number = 1
  mock_buffer.__iter__.return_value = [ u'abc', ToBytes( u'fДa' ) ]

  with patch( 'vim.buffers', [ mock_buffer ] ):
    assert_that( vimsupport.GetUnsavedAndCurrentBufferData(),
                 has_entry( mock_buffer.name,
                            has_entry( u'contents', u'abc\nfДa\n' ) ) )
Exemple #12
def CanComplete():
    """Returns whether it's appropriate to provide any completion at the current
     line and column."""
        line, column = LineAndColumnAfterLastNonWhitespace()
    except TypeError:
        return False
    if (line, column) == CurrentLineAndColumn():
        return True
    return (ToBytes(vim.current.buffer[line][column - 1])
            in potential_hint_triggers)
Exemple #13
  def __init__( self, request, validate = True ):
    if validate:
      EnsureRequestValid( request )
    self._request = request

    # Maps the keys returned by this objects __getitem__ to a # tuple of
    # ( getter_method, setter_method ). Values computed by getter_method (or set
    # by setter_method) are cached in _cached_computed.  setter_method may be
    # None for read-only items.
    self._computed_key = {
      # Unicode string representation of the current line. If the line requested
      # is not in the file, returns ''.
      'line_value': ( self._CurrentLine, None ),

      # The calculated start column, as a codepoint offset into the
      # unicode string line_value
      'start_codepoint': ( self._GetCompletionStartCodepoint,
                           self._SetCompletionStartCodepoint ),

      # The 'column_num' as a unicode codepoint offset
      'column_codepoint': ( lambda: ByteOffsetToCodepointOffset(
                              self[ 'line_bytes' ],
                              self[ 'column_num' ] ),
                            None ),

      # Bytes string representation of the current line
      'line_bytes': ( lambda: ToBytes( self[ 'line_value' ] ),
                      None ),

      # The calculated start column, as a byte offset into the UTF-8 encoded
      # bytes returned by line_bytes
      'start_column': ( self._GetCompletionStartColumn,
                        self._SetCompletionStartColumn ),

      # Note: column_num is the byte offset into the UTF-8 encoded bytes
      # returned by line_bytes

      # unicode string representation of the 'query' after the beginning
      # of the identifier to be completed
      'query': ( self._Query, None ),

      # Unicode string representation of the line value up to the character
      # before the start of 'query'
      'prefix': ( self._Prefix, None ),

      'filetypes': ( self._Filetypes, None ),

      'first_filetype': ( self._FirstFiletype, None ),

      'force_semantic': ( self._GetForceSemantic, None ),

      'lines': ( self._CurrentLines, None )
    self._cached_computed = {}
def StartColumn_UnicodeNotIdentifier_test():
  contents = "var x = '†es†ing'."

  # † not considered an identifier character

  for i in range( 13, 15 ):
    print( ToBytes( contents )[ i - 1 : i ] )
    eq_( 13,
         RequestWrap( PrepareJson( column_num = i,
                                   contents = contents ) )[ 'start_column' ] )

  eq_( 13,
       RequestWrap( PrepareJson( column_num = 15,
                                 contents = contents ) )[ 'start_column' ] )

  for i in range( 18, 20 ):
    print( ToBytes( contents )[ i - 1 : i ] )
    eq_( 18,
         RequestWrap( PrepareJson( column_num = i,
                                   contents = contents ) )[ 'start_column' ] )
Exemple #15
    def _ExtraHeaders(self, method, handler, body):
        if not body:
            body = bytes()

        hmac = hmac_utils.CreateRequestHmac(method, handler, body,
        final_hmac_value = native(ToBytes(binascii.hexlify(hmac)))

        extra_headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
        extra_headers[RACERD_HMAC_HEADER] = final_hmac_value
        return extra_headers
Exemple #16
def SnappedLineAndColumn():
    """Will return CurrentLineAndColumn(), except when there's solely whitespace
     between caret and a potential hint trigger, where it "snaps to trigger",
     returning hint trigger's line and column instead."""
        line, column = LineAndColumnAfterLastNonWhitespace()
    except TypeError:
        return CurrentLineAndColumn()
    if (ToBytes(vim.current.buffer[line][column - 1])
            in potential_hint_triggers):
        return (line, column)
    return CurrentLineAndColumn()
def ConvertCompletionDataToVimData(completion_data):
    # see :h complete-items for a description of the dictionary fields
    vim_data = {
        'word': '',
        'dup': 1,
        'empty': 1,

    if ('extra_data' in completion_data
            and 'doc_string' in completion_data['extra_data']):
        doc_string = ToBytes(completion_data['extra_data']['doc_string'])
        doc_string = ""

    if 'insertion_text' in completion_data:
        vim_data['word'] = ToBytes(completion_data['insertion_text'])
    if 'menu_text' in completion_data:
        vim_data['abbr'] = ToBytes(completion_data['menu_text'])
    if 'extra_menu_info' in completion_data:
        vim_data['menu'] = ToBytes(completion_data['extra_menu_info'])
    if 'kind' in completion_data:
        kind = ToUnicode(completion_data['kind'])
        if kind:
            vim_data['kind'] = ToBytes(kind[0].lower())
    if 'detailed_info' in completion_data:
        vim_data['info'] = ToBytes(completion_data['detailed_info'])
        if doc_string:
            vim_data['info'] += '\n' + doc_string
    elif doc_string:
        vim_data['info'] = doc_string

    return vim_data
Exemple #18
    def _StartServer(self):
        with self._server_state_lock:
            port = utils.GetUnusedLocalhostPort()
            self._hmac_secret = self._CreateHmacSecret()

            # racerd will delete the secret_file after it's done reading it
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as secret_file:
                args = [
                    self._racerd, 'serve', '--port',
                    str(port), '-l', '--secret-file', secret_file.name

            # Enable logging of crashes
            env = os.environ.copy()
            SetEnviron(env, 'RUST_BACKTRACE', '1')

            if self._rust_source_path:
                args.extend(['--rust-src-path', self._rust_source_path])

            filename_format = p.join(utils.PathToCreatedTempDir(),

            self._server_stdout = filename_format.format(port=port,
            self._server_stderr = filename_format.format(port=port,

            with open(self._server_stderr, 'w') as fstderr:
                with open(self._server_stdout, 'w') as fstdout:
                    self._racerd_phandle = utils.SafePopen(args,

            self._racerd_host = ToBytes('{0}'.format(port))
            if not self.ServerIsRunning():
                raise RuntimeError('Failed to start racerd!')
            _logger.info(ToBytes(b'Racerd started on: ') + self._racerd_host)
Exemple #19
def ReplaceChunk_MultipleLinesToSameMultipleLines_test():
  result_buffer = [ ToBytes( "aAa" ),
                    ToBytes( "aBa" ),
                    ToBytes( "aCa" ),
                    ToBytes( "aDe" ) ]
  start, end = _BuildLocations( 2, 2, 3, 2 )
  ( line_offset, char_offset ) = vimsupport.ReplaceChunk( start, end, 'Eb\nbF',
                                                          0, 0, result_buffer )
  expected_buffer = [ ToBytes( "aAa" ),
                      ToBytes( "aEb" ),
                      ToBytes( "bFCa" ),
                      ToBytes( "aDe" ) ]
  eq_( expected_buffer, result_buffer )
  eq_( line_offset, 0 )
  eq_( char_offset, 1 )
Exemple #20
def ReplaceChunk(start,
    # ycmd's results are all 1-based, but vim's/python's are all 0-based
    # (so we do -1 on all of the values)
    start_line = start['line_num'] - 1 + line_delta
    end_line = end['line_num'] - 1 + line_delta

    source_lines_count = end_line - start_line + 1
    start_column = start['column_num'] - 1 + char_delta
    end_column = end['column_num'] - 1
    if source_lines_count == 1:
        end_column += char_delta

    # NOTE: replacement_text is unicode, but all our offsets are byte offsets,
    # so we convert to bytes
    replacement_lines = ToBytes(replacement_text).splitlines(False)
    if not replacement_lines:
        replacement_lines = [bytes(b'')]
    replacement_lines_count = len(replacement_lines)

    end_existing_text = vim_buffer[end_line][end_column:]
    start_existing_text = vim_buffer[start_line][:start_column]

    new_char_delta = (len(replacement_lines[-1]) - (end_column - start_column))
    if replacement_lines_count > 1:
        new_char_delta -= start_column

    replacement_lines[0] = start_existing_text + replacement_lines[0]
    replacement_lines[-1] = replacement_lines[-1] + end_existing_text

    vim_buffer[start_line:end_line + 1] = replacement_lines[:]

    if locations is not None:
            'bufnr': vim_buffer.number,
            'filename': vim_buffer.name,
            # line and column numbers are 1-based in qflist
            'lnum': start_line + 1,
            'col': start_column + 1,
            'text': replacement_text,
            'type': 'F',

    new_line_delta = replacement_lines_count - source_lines_count
    return (new_line_delta, new_char_delta)
Exemple #21
 def _GetResponse( self, handler, parameters = {}, timeout = None ):
   """ Handle communication with server """
   target = urljoin( self._ServerLocation(), handler )
   LOGGER.debug( 'TX (%s): %s', handler, parameters )
     response = urllib.request.urlopen(
       data = ToBytes( json.dumps( parameters ) ),
       timeout = timeout )
     response = json.loads( response.read() )
   except urllib.error.HTTPError as response:
     response = json.loads( response.fp.read() )
   LOGGER.debug( 'RX: %s', response )
   return response
Exemple #22
def ComputeCandidatesInner_test( completer, execute_command ):
  # Col 40 corresponds to cursor at ..., log.Prefi^x ...
  result = completer.ComputeCandidatesInner( BuildRequest( 10, 40 ) )
    [ DUMMY_BINARY, '-sock', 'tcp', '-addr', completer._gocode_address,
      '-f=json', 'autocomplete', PATH_TO_TEST_FILE, '287' ],
    contents = ToBytes( ReadFile( PATH_TO_TEST_FILE ) ) )
  eq_( result, [ {
      'menu_text': u'Prefix',
      'insertion_text': u'Prefix',
      'extra_menu_info': u'func() string',
      'detailed_info': u'Prefix func() string func',
      'kind': u'func'
  } ] )
Exemple #23
def ToBytesOnPY2(data):
    # To test the omnifunc, etc. returning strings, which can be of different
    # types depending on python version, we use ToBytes on PY2 and just the native
    # str on python3. This roughly matches what happens between py2 and py3
    # versions within Vim.
    if not PY2:
        return data

    if isinstance(data, list):
        return [ToBytesOnPY2(item) for item in data]
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        for item in data:
            data[item] = ToBytesOnPY2(data[item])
        return data
    return ToBytes(data)
Exemple #24
def ReplaceChunk_SingleToMultipleLinesReplace_test():
  result_buffer = [ ToBytes( "aAa" ), ToBytes( "aBa" ), ToBytes( "aCa" ) ]
  start, end = _BuildLocations( 1, 2, 1, 4 )
  ( line_offset, char_offset ) = vimsupport.ReplaceChunk( start,
                                                          result_buffer )
  expected_buffer = [ ToBytes( "aEb" ),
                      ToBytes( "bFb" ),
                      ToBytes( "bGb" ),
                      ToBytes( "aBa" ),
                      ToBytes( "aCa" ) ]
  eq_( expected_buffer, result_buffer )
  eq_( line_offset, 2 )
  eq_( char_offset, 0 )
Exemple #25
    def wrapper( *args, **kwargs ):
      if not HostHeaderCorrect( request ):
        self._logger.info( 'Dropping request with bad Host header.' )
        abort( http.client.UNAUTHORIZED, 'Unauthorized, received bad Host header.' )

      body = ToBytes( request.body.read() )
      if not RequestAuthenticated( request.method, request.path, body,
                                   self._hmac_secret ):
        self._logger.info( 'Dropping request with bad HMAC.' )
        abort( http.client.UNAUTHORIZED, 'Unauthorized, received bad HMAC.' )
      body = callback( *args, **kwargs )
      SetHmacHeader( body, self._hmac_secret )
      return body
Exemple #26
def _ComputeOffset( contents, line, col ):
  contents = ToBytes( contents )
  curline = 1
  curcol = 1
  newline = bytes( b'\n' )[ 0 ]
  for i, byte in enumerate( contents ):
    if curline == line and curcol == col:
      return i
    curcol += 1
    if byte == newline:
      curline += 1
      curcol = 1
  _logger.error( 'GoCode completer - could not compute byte offset ' +
                 'corresponding to L%i C%i', line, col )
  return -1
Exemple #27
def LineAndColumnNumbersClamped(line_num, column_num):
    new_line_num = line_num
    new_column_num = column_num

    max_line = len(vim.current.buffer)
    if line_num and line_num > max_line:
        new_line_num = max_line

    # Vim buffers are a list of byte objects on Python 2 but Unicode objects on
    # Python 3.
    max_column = len(ToBytes(vim.current.buffer[new_line_num - 1]))
    if column_num and column_num > max_column:
        new_column_num = max_column

    return new_line_num, new_column_num
Exemple #28
def ReplaceChunk_SingleLineToMultipleLinesOffsetWorks_test():
  result_buffer = [ ToBytes( "aAa" ),
                    ToBytes( "aBa" ),
                    ToBytes( "aCa" ) ]
  start, end = _BuildLocations( 1, 1, 1, 2 )
  ( line_offset, char_offset ) = vimsupport.ReplaceChunk( start, end, 'Db\nE',
                                                          1, 1, result_buffer )
  expected_buffer = [ ToBytes( "aAa" ),
                      ToBytes( "aDb" ),
                      ToBytes( "Ea" ),
                      ToBytes( "aCa" ) ]
  eq_( expected_buffer, result_buffer )
  eq_( line_offset, 1 )
  eq_( char_offset, -1 )
Exemple #29
def _ComputeOffset(contents, line, column):
    """Compute the byte offset in the file given the line and column."""
    contents = ToBytes(contents)
    current_line = 1
    current_column = 1
    newline = bytes(b'\n')[0]
    for i, byte in enumerate(contents):
        if current_line == line and current_column == column:
            return i
        current_column += 1
        if byte == newline:
            current_line += 1
            current_column = 1
    message = COMPUTE_OFFSET_ERROR_MESSAGE.format(line=line, column=column)
    raise RuntimeError(message)
Exemple #30
    def wrapper( *args, **kwargs ):
      if not HostHeaderCorrect( request ):
        LOGGER.info( 'Dropping request with bad Host header' )
        abort( requests.codes.unauthorized,
               'Unauthorized, received bad Host header.' )

      body = ToBytes( request.body.read() )
      if not RequestAuthenticated( request.method, request.path, body,
                                   self._hmac_secret ):
        LOGGER.info( 'Dropping request with bad HMAC' )
        abort( requests.codes.unauthorized, 'Unauthorized, received bad HMAC.' )
      body = callback( *args, **kwargs )
      SetHmacHeader( body, self._hmac_secret )
      return body