Exemple #1
def create_promo(promotion_request):
    :param promotion: (json object) promotion information as a JSON object
    db_promo = {
        "name": promotion_request['name'],
        "type": promotion_request["type"],
        "month": promotion_request["month"],
        "minimum": promotion_request["minimum"],
        "desc": promotion_request["desc"],
        "discount_percent": promotion_request["discount_percent"],
        "qr_code_id": promotion_request["qr_code_id"]
    categories = yelp.search(promotion_request["name"])
    categories = categories['categories']
    categories = [category["alias"] for category in categories]

    db_promo["categories"] = categories
    db_promo["curr_amount"] = 0
    db_promo["qualify"] = "false"

    # push to database
    result = promos.insert_one(db_promo)

    # return promotion_request
    return db_promo
Exemple #2
def trans_add_category(transaction):
    Populates the "categories" key in the transaction json and pushes to db
    # find name in yelp
    name = preprocess(transaction["name"])
    name = match(name)

    if name[1] < 90:
        # try again w/ autocomplete
        print("Confidence not high enough, trying again")
        autocomplete = yelp.autocomplete(name[0])
        if autocomplete != None:
            matches = [result["text"] for result in autocomplete]
            best = match(name[0], matchlist=matches)
            best = ("", 0)

    if name[1] < 90:
        print("No close matches for {}".format(name))
        return False
        name = name[0]

    categories = yelp.search(name)["businesses"][0]
    categories = categories['categories']
    categories = [category["alias"] for category in categories]

    transaction["categories"] = categories

    return transaction
Exemple #3
def do_restaurant_search():
    """Get search results using Yelp API."""

    search_term = request.args.get('term')
    username = request.args.get('username')
    user_location = get_user_location(username)
    city = user_location[0]
    state = user_location[1]
    search_location = city + ', ' + state

    results = search(search_term, search_location)
    business_results = results['businesses']

    results_dict = {'rests': []}

    for item in business_results:

    return jsonify(results_dict)
Exemple #4
def run_model():
    # Generate the list of restaurants in the community and return a list
    term = request.args.get('user_search_term')
    yelp_call = search(term=term, location='San Francisco')
    restaurants  = yelp_call['businesses']#[0]['id']
    name_id = [res['id'] for res in restaurants]
    business_ids = name_id

    # Generate basic restaurant statistics
    ratings = business_ratings[name_id[0]]
    votes = business_votes[name_id[0]]

    # Generate the network graph somehow...
    return jsonify(business_ids=business_ids, ratings=ratings, votes=votes)
Exemple #5
def yelp_search():
    # user_request = str(request.form['restaurant_id'])
    term = request.args.get('user_search_term')
    print term
    yelp_call = search(term=term, location='San Francisco')
    restaurants  = yelp_call['businesses']#[0]['id']
    name_id = [res['name'] for res in restaurants if res['review_count']>=500]
    img = [res['image_url'] for res in restaurants if res['review_count']>=500]
    url = [res['url'] for res in restaurants if res['review_count']>=500]
    rating = [res['rating'] for res in restaurants if res['review_count']>=500]
    lat = [res['location']['coordinate']['latitude'] for res in restaurants if res['review_count']>=500]
    log = [res['location']['coordinate']['longitude'] for res in restaurants if res['review_count']>=500]
    print name_id
    return jsonify(name_id=name_id, img=img, url=url, rating=rating, lat=lat, log=log)
def get_yelp_url(restaurant_name, location,
                 consumer_key, consumer_secret, token, token_secret):
    response = yelp_api.search(query=restaurant_name,

    # We assume that the 1st search result will be
    # the corresponding restaurant on Yelp
    if 'businesses' in response and response['businesses']:
        return response['businesses'][0]['url']
        return ''
Exemple #7
def match(name, matchlist=None):
    Matches given name to business name from Yelp search
    if name == None:
        return ("", 0)
        stores = yelp.search(name)
        if matchlist == None:
            matches = []
            for store in stores["businesses"]:

            return process.extractOne(name, matches)
            return process.extractOne(name, matchlist)
    except RuntimeError:
        return ("", 0)
Exemple #8
def add_transaction(transaction):
    Populates the "categories" key in the transaction json and pushes to db
    db_trans = {
        "name": transaction['name'],
        "amount": transaction['amount'],
        "month": transaction["month"],
        "day": transaction["day"],
    # find name in yelp
    name = preprocess(transaction["name"])
    name = match(name)

    if name[1] < 90:
        # try again w/ autocomplete
        # print("Confidence not high enough, trying again")
        autocomplete = yelp.autocomplete(name[0])
        if autocomplete != None:
            matches = [result["text"] for result in autocomplete]
            best = match(name[0], matchlist=matches)
            best = ("", 0)

    if name[1] < 90:
        # print("No close matches for {}".format(name))
        return False
        name = name[0]

    categories = yelp.search(name)["businesses"][0]
    categories = categories['categories']
    categories = [category["alias"] for category in categories]

    db_trans["categories"] = categories

    # push to database
    result = trans.insert_one(db_trans)

    return db_trans
# Get Access Token

access_token = obtain_access_token(API_HOST, TOKEN_PATH)

cat_dfs = []

# Loop over all categories and gather reviews

for cat in CATEGORIES:

	cat_businesses = []

	# Yelp API only returns ~20 businesses per search, so you need to search multiple times and offset the results
	for offset in np.arange(10):
		response = search(access_token, cat, DEFAULT_LOCATION, offset * SEARCH_LIMIT)
		print("{} found!".format(len(response['businesses'])))
	cat_reviews = []
	print("Found {0} results for {1}".format(len(cat_businesses), cat))

	count = 1
	start = time.time()

	# For all business IDs gathered for this category
	for b in cat_businesses:
		if count % 10 == 0:
			print("Scraping business {0} out of {1}".format(count, len(cat_businesses)))
			# Scrape the reviews from Yelp's site
from yelp_api import search

# Test search
test_results = search(
        'location': "Boston",
        'term': "bars"

# Print results
for business in test_results.businesses:
    print business.name